Route des Légendes - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Route des Légendes — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

For other places of the same name, see Route of Legends (disambiguation).
Route of Legends
PKW aus Zusatzzeichen 1048-10.svg
The "Bouillon de la Chaudière"

Tourist information office
50 ° 29 ′ 13 ″ N 5 ° 42 ′ 54 ″ E
(Modified GPX file)  
Official site
Touristic site

The "Route of Legends "Is a double loop in the tourist region of"Ourthe-Vesdre-Amblève »For motorists and motorcyclists with Remouchamps as a point of departure and arrival.


Directional sign for the “Route des Légendes”.

Created and managed by the Tourism Federation of the Province of Liège, this route takes you from Remouchamps, but can be started at any place where there is a beacon, from castles, in farms, in small villages having kept their character of yesteryear, in natural curiosities and enchanting landscapes before bring you back to your starting point after a motorized journey of 120 km. This distance can be increased by approximately 13 km motorized and approximately 10 km in a pedestrian way depending on the places of interest which you would like to explore further.

If, in principle, 120 km can be easily covered in a day, it would be preferable to plan at least one stopover where to sleep if you decide to explore all the possibilities of sight and activity. The center of Aywaille and Remouchamps, being in relation to the entire route positioned centrally, will be ideal places to stay. There you will find hotels, rural lodges and campsites.

The circuit can also be accomplished by seasoned cyclo-tourists, but it will then be necessary to plan one or two additional stages.


First loop

  • 1 Remouchamps caves Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element rue de Louveigné, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3609070 Logo indicating timetables open all year except the 1D fortnight of December Mon.- Sun. : 10 h - 17 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs (2015) adult: 14 , senior (60 years old): 12 , child (3 to 11 years old): . – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobilityListed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia Magnificent limestone caves that were formed over a million years ago thanks to the action of an underground river, the Rubicon. Long 1,500 meters, the circuit of the visit which lasts approximately h 30 starts, on foot, over a distance of 800 meters dotted with no less than 400 steps and allows you to admire, among other things, the hall of ruins and its suspended block of around forty tons, the large drapery from a height of 7 meters and formed by rainwater turning into crystalline deposits, the room of the virgin and its stalagmite evoking the Virgin Mary carrying the baby Jesus, the large gallery and its calcite dams and finally the cathedral, high of 40 meters and deep of 100 meters. The route continues with a long underground navigation 700 meters during which you may be able to spot blind niphargus shrimp (Niphargus fontanus) and whose main attraction is the palm, a column formed by the junction of a stalactite and a stalagmite and whose curious position, in the middle of the Rubicon, is a unique phenomenon. The visit ends optionally with a small museum, the entrance to which is included in the price of the ticket, dedicated to the caves and the Vallon des chantoirs. Please note that animals are not allowed in the caves.
The caves of Remouchamps
The entrance to the caves.
The large drapery.
The pier.
  • Turn rightNOT633
  • Aywaille
  • Turn leftNOT30
  • Turn rightNOT86
  • Awan (Aywaille)
  • Turn right Awan-Goza
  • Turn slightly to the left Rue des Pansires
  • Turn right Route de Cwimont
  • Keep going straight Rue des Bruyères
  • Turn right Rue des Genets
  • Turn slightly to the left Aubépines Street
  • Turn left Rue des Sorbiers
  • Keep going straight Rue des Prunelliers, La Mohinette, AY7 (and yes! It's the name of a street)
  • Turn rightNOT633 (avenue Fernand Cornesse)
The keep of the castle of Amblève at the top of the cliff.
  • 1 Elven Brewery Logo indicating a link to the website Raborive 2 (left after the railway bridge), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2630717 Logo indicating timetables sea.- sat. : 10 h - 16 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs 10  (tasting visit) (duration: approximately h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility The visit includes a detailed explanation of the stages of the manufacturing process of their beers as well as a tasting of a selection of their products.
  • 2 Ruins of Amblève castle (Ruins of Emblève castle) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link (on the cliff above the Elvish brewery) – Built in one of the seven “seigneuries beyond the woods” dependent on the Duchy of Limbourg, the oldest parts date from the IXe century. It was mined in 1578 by Spanish troops during the Eighty Years' War. Two legends are attached to this castle. The first is that of the 4 sons Aymon and their horse Bayard who found refuge there during their flight from the troops of Emperor Charlemagne. The second tells that every two days before All Saints' Day, a ghost roams the ruins, dragging two corpses attached to the skirts of his dress; it is Blanche de Monfort, condemned to return to the theater of her crime of passion with the bodies of those whom she has united in death.
  • Aywaille
  • Turn left Rue de l'Yser
  • Turn right Avenue of the Centenary
  • Keep going straight Rivage Street
    • Two large free parking areas with no time limit to stop at Aywaille, have a drink or have a bite to eat.
  • Turn leftNOT30 (Grand Route)
  • Turn right Chera old street
  • Turn rightNOT30 (Grand Route)
  • Sprimont
  • Turn right (before the Saint-Martin church) Rue Chapuis
  • Turn right Damré Street
  • Turn leftNOT678 (rue Joseph Potier) or Turn right alternative route of 1.1 kilometers via the NOT678 (rue Joseph Potier). Course highlighted in sea ​​green on the map :
The stronghold of Damré.
  • Turn right Wolf Street
  • Turn left Vaçale Street
  • 2 CFS (Sprimont railway) Logo indicating a link to the website rue du Mierdy 2b, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3822029, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables open all year round by reservation or on days advertised on the website. Logo indicating tariffs (2015) adult: between and , children (3 to 12 years old): and 3,5  according to the thematic day. – Railway industrial archeology museum underway 60 cm, the material is presented in motion. Railway equipment rides along part of the old narrow gauge Poulseur-Sprimont-Trooz local line or in the old Parisian bus Renault TN6A.
  • Turn left Rue de la Chapelle
  • 3 Strong house rue de la Chapelle 4 Logo indicating timetables private house. – Built in XVe century in sandstone rubble and limestone, this imposing square building with hipped roof was owned by the abbey principality of Stavelot. If only two remain, originally each angle had its own watchtower on crows.
  • 4 Chapel of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart rue du Loup
  • Turn right Wolf Street
  • Turn leftNOT678 (rue Joseph Potier)
  • 5 Stone museum Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link rue Joseph Potier 54 (entrance on the left of the road), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3822195, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h - 12 h and14 h - 17 h, Sun. : 14 h - 17 h. Logo indicating tariffs (2015) adult: , child: 1,5 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Located in the old power station of the neighboring quarry, this museum has a large collection of fossils discovered in local quarries. Also, presentation of all the Belgian construction stones currently in use and the tools used in the different stages of stone processing, from the rock to the finished product. At the end of the course, video projection relating to stonework as it is done today.
  • Turn leftNOT678 (rue Joseph Potier)
  • Turn slightly to the rightNOT30 (Fond Leval street)
  • Turn left Rue des Fosses
  • Turn left Rue du Brouckay
  • Turn slightly to the right Lileutige Street
  • Turn rightNOT678 (rue Mathieu Van Roggen)
  • Turn left Rue du Roi Pahaut
  • Turn slightly to the right Fair Street
  • Keep going straight Liberty Street
  • Keep going straight Rue de Focroulle
  • Keep going straight Rue Sart le Coq
  • Turn left Rabohaye Street
  • Turn right Rue du Houmier
  • Turn slightly to the left Hollu Street
  • Keep going straight bridge over the railway
  • Turn left Castle Street
  • Turn rightNOT633 (Halleux street)
  • Pont de Sçay (Comblain-au-Pont)
  • Turn left Rue de l'Aunaie
  • Oneux (Comblain-au-Pont)
  • Keep going straight Rue du Thier
  • Hoyemont (Comblain-au-Pont)
  • Keep going straight Route de Hoyemont
  • Turn rightNOT86 (route de Marche)
  • Turn left Route de Harzé (or Pironbœuf)
  • Keep going straight Xhoris Street
  • Harzé (Aywaille)
  • Turn rightNOT30 (rue de Bastogne)
  • Turn left Château de Harzé parking lot: pass under the porch and turn directly left following the sign PWhite left arrow.svg
  • 6 Harzé Castle Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element rue de Bastogne 1 Logo indicating timetables open all year. Logo indicating tariffs access to the lower courtyard and the upper courtyard are free, access to the castle is, in principle, reserved for clients and seminarians. – Erected from a fortified house dating from IXe Where Xe century (the right part on two levels), the castle and its outbuildings, as they stand today, were built in several phases between 1632 and 1753. It is a magnificent example of style. Renaissance mosane in ruled blue stone rubble. Starting from the lower courtyard (the front courtyard), the passage between the old fortified house and the museum gives access to the upper courtyard with a view of the old castle cemetery. The premises are currently the property of the province of Liège and serve as a setting for seminars as well as a restaurant with Liège and international cuisine and a hotel with 24 rooms, The p'tite AubergeAccess limited to people with reduced mobility. (8 steps to access the terrace). For the record, the castle was requisitioned by the American army during the Second World War to install the headquarters of the 18th Airborne Corps and saw pass, on December 24, 1944, the Field MarshallBernard Montgomery and, on December 28, 1944, General Dwight Eisenhower.
    • Museum of flour milling and bakery (in the outbuildings of the castle), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 86 212033 Logo indicating timetables from 1er May to October 31: Sun. and public holiday 14 h - 18 h, from 1er July to August 31: sat.- Sun. : 13 h - 18 h (also public holiday). Logo indicating tariffs (2015) adult: , child . – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (1 step at the entrance and no elevator for the first floor). This museum tells the story of bread and its journey from grain to bread. The route begins with the reconstruction of an authentic water mill. Hundreds of rare and unusual objects, an old workshop, kneaders and beaters that turn before your eyes, evoke the hard work of bakers. They reveal their little secrets to you and let you taste their production.
Harzé castle
The main facade.
The enclosure.
The entrance to the flour mill and bakery museum.
In the museum
A room in the museum.
  • Turn rightNOT30 (rue de Bastogne)
  • Turn right Pavillonchamps
  • alternative route of 1.1 kilometers, about 270 meters after the 2e lace on the left. The route is underlined in crimson on the map :
    • Turn sharply to the left Rue des Trixhes and follow the signs Animal cemeteryOcticons-arrow-right.svg
    • Turn left7 Animal cemetery Logo indicating a link to the website rue des Trixhes, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3845170 Logo indicating timetables sea., sat. and Sun. : h - 16 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Inaugurated in 1984, it is the first of five of its kind in Belgium (one in the Flemish Region and four in the Walloon Region). The land of about 5 000 m2 is a landscaped park with lots of trees, breathing calm and serenity. Unlike the animal cemetery of Cork which also accepts horses, here only pets are buried (dogs, cats, birds, rabbits).
    • Turn left Trixhes Street
    • Turn slightly to the left Pavillonchamps
  • Keep going straight Pavillonchamps
  • Turn right Pré au Fourneau Street
  • Turn slightly to the left Wayai Street
  • Turn right Pré de Lhoneux Street
  • Turn left path
  • Keep going straight Rue du Rixhon
  • Turn left Rue des Tilleuls
  • Houssolonge (Aywaille)
  • Turn rightNOT30 (Houssolonge)
  • Pouhon (Aywaille)
  • Alternative route of 1.3 kilometers round trip underlined in Brown on the map :
The Sainte-Anne des Pouhons chapel.
  • Turn right When entering the bend, take the street on the right and park your vehicle directly
  • Take the forest path Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility indicated by the sign Octicons-arrow-left.svgChapel of Ste AnneBelgian road sign S18.svg
  • 8 Sainte-Anne des Pouhons Chapel Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Built in 1524 in a place where many furnaces and forges were active in this region rich in iron, it is dedicated to Sainte-Anne and Saint-Remacle. It is the only vestige of the seigneury of Pouhons. The chapel, of which the nave is a single nave, is rectangular in shape with gables at an acute angle, built of sandstone rubble and covered, like the walls of the steeple, with slates from Lienne. Next to the chapel, a relaxation area including a barbecue allows you to picnic in peace. Every Sunday closest to November 11, a blessing of horses, teams and dogs takes place under the music of horn sounders.
  • To go back
  • Turn rightNOT30 (Grand'Route)
  • Turn right Pouhon
  • Keep going straight Faweux
  • Turn left Faweux (on the right, the road is called "La Levée")
  • Turn slightly to the right Ernonheid-Village
  • Ernonheid (Aywaille)
  • Keep going straight Rue du Doyard
  • Turn leftNOT66 (The Grand Trixhe)
  • Turn left September 7 Street
  • Turn right Heather Fagnette
  • Turn rightNOT30 (Aywaille road)
  • Werbomont (Ferrières)
  • Turn right Rivage Street
  • Turn leftNOT66 (Route de Stavelot)
  • Turn left Ufny
  • Oufny (Stoumont)
  • Turn leftNOT645 (Forges)
  • Les Forges (Stoumont)
  • Keep going straightNOT645 (Forges)
  • Keep going straightNOT645 (The Lienne)
  • Turn left Chession
  • Chession (Stoumont)
  • Turn right Chession (on the left, the road is also called "Chession")
  • Turn leftNOT645 (The Lienne)
  • Turn slightly to the leftNOT633 (Route de l'Amblève)
  • Quarreux (Aywaille)
  • Turn right Quarreux
  • Turn left Quarreux (on the right, the road is also called "Quarreux")
  • Turn left Quarreux (on the right, the road is still called "Quarreux")
  • Turn slightly to the rightNOT633 (Sedoz) or Turn sharply to the left alternative route via the NOT633 (Sedoz). The route is underlined in olive on the map :
The Quarreux funds.
    • Turn right leave the vehicle in the car park after the hotel-restaurant At the Devil's Mill
    • take the path "Excepté Camping" Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility indicated by the sign Quarreux backgroundWhite right arrow.svg. Round trip distance, on foot or by bike, between 1 and 2 kilometers as you wish.
    • 9 Quarreux Fund Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (Tag GR sign.svg (GR 571) or Cricket SA colour.svg(AY 18b)) – Access limited to people with reduced mobility.Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia A tumultuous part of the Amblève strewn with enormous quartzite blocks. The resistance of this type of rock explains that at the place of the Fonds de Quarreux the valley is deeply steeped. The erosion of the slopes during the Quaternary era caused landslides towards the bed of the river, causing boulders of all sizes. These materials were washed away by successive floods except, precisely, the blocks of quartzite because of their large size. Located in the municipalities of Stoumont and D'Aywaille, the most spectacular part is on the latter. Like all somewhat mysterious places, the place has its legend: in exchange for its soul, Hubert Chefneux, miller from the Fond de Quarreux, obtained from the devil the beautiful windmill he dreamed of. But, anxious to save this soul, the miller's wife was on the watch. She hid in the mill, clutching a medal of Our Lady of Dieupart in her hands and prayed all night. At sunrise, the wheels of the mill refused to turn and, mad with anger, Satan brought down the mill, the colossal blocks of which tumbled down the slope to the bed of the Amblève.
    • To go back return to the parking lot
    • Turn leftNOT633 (Sedoz)
  • Keep going straightNOT633 (Sedoz) or Turn right alternative route via the restaurant parking lot Ninglinspo (sign Ninglinspo ValleyWhite right arrow.svg). Round-trip distance, on foot, approximately 1.32 kilometers for the "Bath of Venus". The total length of the Ninglisnpo to its source at Vert-Buisson is 3 kilometers. The beginning of the course is underlined by light sea green on the map :
    • 10 Ninglinspo Valley (Chaudières valley) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (Tag GR sign.svg (GR 15) or Bild 2-Immaterial Farg.jpg(AY 21)) – Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia Valley of the Ninglinspo stream, a tributary of the Amblève, classified as an exceptional real estate heritage of the Wallonia. With a drop of 250 meters and an average slope of 7.5%, it is one of the fastest rivers in Belgium. It is also characterized by the presence of ten natural vats formed by the continuous action of torrential waters from the heights on the soft rocks and bearing the evocative names of “bath” or “broth”. In some of these tanks the water is deep enough to swim and the rock of the waterfall forming the tank smooth enough to be able to slide through the water without hurting yourself. There are two trails to follow the stream; the first Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility follows it as closely as possible and is not recommended when accompanied by young children, the second Access limited to people with reduced mobility. follows it at a greater distance but is much easier to cover. Along this second path, we can also see a 11 pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) whose dimensions in October 2013 were 3,75 m circumference at 1,50 m soil and 26,80 m from above.
The main tanks are, in the order of appearance along the route,:
The Ninglinspo Valley
In Sedoz
The Ninglinspo near its confluence at Sedoz.
Boiler broth
The Chaudière broth.
Hermes bath
The Hermès bath.
  • 12 Boiler broth
  • 13 Bath of the naiads
  • 14 Hermes bath
  • 15 Otter bath
  • 16 Deer bath
  • 17 Diane's bath
  • 18 Venus bath
  • To go back return to the parking lot
  • Turn rightNOT633 (Sedoz)
  • Remouchamps (Aywaille)

Second loop

  • Turn rightNOT697 (Rue de Spa)
  • Keep going straightNOT697 (Route de Remouchamps). 660 meters after the sign "Ardenne bleue", 1 rest area on the left with tables and benches for picnicking. Please note that the entrance is at the end of the rest area.
  • Hautregard (Theux)
  • Turn leftNOT606 (Route du Ménobu) or Turn right alternative route via the NOT606 (Jehoster Street) (4.8 kilometers return trip by car plus maximum 1,146 meters on foot to the arbor). The course (including the arbor) is underlined in dark purple on the map :
    • Jehoster (Theux)
    • Keep going straightNOT606 (Jehoster Street)
    • Turn slightly to the right Rue des Hauts Marais
    • Turn left Autumn Fog Alley
    • Turn right First path on the right
    • Turn left The Veque
The arbor of Haut-Marais.
  • 19 Charmille du Haut-Marais Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Logo indicating timetables open 7 days a week, 24 h /24. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Planted for the most part in 1885 and long 573 meters in a straight line, it is one of the longest walks of this type in Europe. This real plant tunnel is made up of 4,700 plants common charms (Carpinus betulus).
  • To go back do the reverse route to Hautregard
  • Keep going straightNOT606 (Route du Ménobu)
  • Turn slightly to the leftNOT606 (Route du Ménobu)
  • Keep going straightNOT606 (Rue Croix Colette)
  • Turn slightly to the right Fond Marie Street
  • Turn right3 Forestia Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata elementLogo indicating a facebook link Rue Fond Marie 563, Becco, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 541075, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables open all year round except Mondays and Tuesdays from mid-November to mid-March from h 30 - 18 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs (2015) depending on the activities chosen (animals, adventure, climbing) adults, seniors and children over 12 years old: from 13  To 30 , children between 8 and 11 years old: from 11  To 21 , children from 3 to 7 years old: from To 14 , under 3 years old: free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (only the animal park). Animal park centered on animals, in semi-freedom, living or having lived in the Ardennes and adventure park with nine courses including 1 from the age of 2 years as well as a climbing wall of 12 m. Restaurant (The Forest Bar).
  • Turn right Fond Marie Street
  • Turn sharply to the left Fagne Saint-Remacle
  • Turn rightNOT606 (Route du Grand Pierreux)
  • Turn leftNOT62 (Rue de Theux)
  • Turn right Chaityfontaine
  • Turn leftNOT666 (Avenue Paola)
  • Turn left20 Banneux (Sprimont) (Banneux Notre-Dame) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Banneux is a place of Marian pilgrimage with a so-called miraculous water source. The Virgin would have appeared there eight times at the place of the current 21 Chapel of the Apparitions (inaugurated on Assumption Day 1933) at Mariette Becco, then aged 12, between January 15 and March 2, 1933 as she looked out of her window. 22 House . During the apparition of January 18, the "beautiful radiant lady" leads Mariette to a place by the side of the road, and invites her to dig the ground with her hands, which has the effect of making the 23 miraculous source . The "reality of the facts" was officially recognized by the Catholic Church in 1952 and the monumental complex of the "Source" was inaugurated in 1958. Currently, the sanctuary also has a hospice for sick pilgrims (Hospitality Banneux Notre-Dame) with 300 beds and a 1 emergency . During the pilgrimage season between May and October, there are daily blessings from the sick and several masses for pilgrims as well as organized activities for children and young people. The site is visited annually by around 700,000 visitors or pilgrims, some 10,000 of whom are sick. Every August 15 is also the occasion of a great pilgrimage for the Roma. Rue de l'Esplanade, which is a pedestrianized street, you will find many food places and shops selling religious objects and souvenirs. In the car park, at the edge of the street, you will also find a fenced playground with wooden furniture.
The sanctuary of Banneux
The miraculous source.
The esplanade of prayers.
The altar in the prayer square.
Becco House
The house of Mariette Becco.
Ex-votos on the Beco house.
Virgin of the poor
The statue of the Virgin of the poor.
Chapel and bell tower
The Saint-Michel chapel and the campanille.
THE'Hospitality Banneux Notre-Dame
Église de Chine
One of the many memorials (here that of the Church of China).
Zone commerciale
The rue de l'Esplanade and the shopping area.
  • Tourner à gaucheNOT666 (Avenue Paola)
  • Tourner à gauche Mihet Street
  • Tourner légèrement à droite Village square
  • 24 Saint-Léonard Church village square – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (4 steps at the entrance). The building built at the end of XIXe century in limestone rubble and in neo-Romanesque style is composed of three naves extended by a choir. Inside, the marble baptismal font dates from the XVIIIe century. This is where Mariette Beco went to the office all her life.
  • Tourner franchement à gauche Rue des Fusillé
  • Turn rightNOT666 (Avenue Paola)
  • Turn rightNOT62 (Rue du Perréon)
  • Louveigné (Sprimont)
  • Tourner à gauche Gendarmerie Street
  • Keep going straight Rue de la Gendarmerie or Turn right alternative route via rue du Gravier (500 meters to return to the starting point of the alternative route). The route to the tithe tower is underlined in cyan on the map :
    • 25 Tithe Tower rue du Gravier 7 (at the end of the courtyard of the old fortified farm.) – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Old fortified tower surrounded on two sides by a moat, but formerly completely surrounded, whose presence is already attested in 1540. Built of sandstone and limestone rubble, it once marked the border between the principality of Stavelot, of which Louveigné was part. , and the Duchy of Limbourg. It cannot be visited but is visible from the courtyard of the old farm.
    • Keep going straight Rue du Gravier (do not turn around, it's a one-way street)
    • Turn rightNOT62 (Rue du Perréon)
    • Turn right Gendarmerie Street
The chapel of Trôleu.
The chapel of Blindef.
  • Keep going straight Rue de la Gendarmerie or Tourner à gauche alternative route via rue Trôleu (320 meters round trip by car). Course highlighted in denim blue on the map :
    • 26 Chapel of Notre-Dame de Bon Secours du Trôleu rue Trôleu – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Built in 1708 in whitewashed rubble with original lighting of the wooden openings, the chapel, the neighboring land and the two lime trees, planted during the construction of the sanctuary, which shade it are classified as part of the real estate heritage of the Wallonia. Note the tree on the right, completely hollowed out and yet in good health. Four adults can easily stand in the cavity.
    • To go back Rue Trôleu
    • Tourner à gauche Gendarmerie Street
  • Turn right Rue de la China
  • Blindef (Sprimont)
  • Turn right Blindef
  • 27 Sint-Hubert and Holy Virgin Chapel Blindef Logo indicating timetables every Friday at 18 h for the office. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (3 steps at the entrance). Built in 1762, it is in limestone and was restored in 2007. The interior is sober with the exposed rubble walls while the choir has two stained glass windows of modern inspiration placed after the Second World War at the expense of the parish priest. era. The chapel is classified as part of the real estate heritage of the Wallonia.
  • Keep going straight Sendrogne Street
  • Sendrogne (Sprimont)
  • Tourner légèrement à droite Sendrogne Street
  • Homay-Ogné (Sprimont)
  • Tourner franchement à gauche Rue Cléchêne
  • Tourner légèrement à gauche Rue de Histreux
  • Tourner à gauche Stapelette Street
  • Turn rightunnamed path
  • Tourner à gauche Rue des Spinettes
  • Tourner légèrement à droiteNOT678 (Rue de la Gendarmerie)
  • Turn rightNOT666 (Rue de Remouchamps). This portion of the NOT666 to the Amblève valley, take the Vallon des chantoirs because of the 70 listed singers whose waters form the Rubicon River which flows in the Remouchamps caves.
  • Deigné (Aywaille)
  • Keep going straightNOT666 (Deigné Fund) or Tourner à gauche alternative route via Fange de Deigné to the huge advertising panel "Wild World" (1.5 kilometers by car to the parking lot). The route is underlined in spring green on the map :
    • 4 Wild World Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Mire of Deigné, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3609070 Logo indicating timetables from mid-March to mid-October Mon.- Sun. : 10 h - 18 h (later during school holidays). Logo indicating tariffs (2015) adult: 19 , senior (60 years old): 17 , child (3 to 11 years old): 15 , supplement for a visit with the little train: , car park : . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityNo Bancontact terminal Animal park presenting fauna from all over the world in a natural setting. Part of the park is traveled by car (neither by motorbike nor by bicycle) or with the small road train and part is traveled on foot. Shows of sea lions, parrots and raptor flight (included in the price of the entrance ticket). Self-service restaurant with African and brasserie cuisine, bar with terrace, playground.
    • To go back reverse route via Fange de Deigné
    • Tourner à gaucheNOT666 (Deigné background)
  • Keep going straightNOT666 (Sècheval)
  • Keep going straightNOT666 (Rue de Louveigné)
  • Arrival Ourthe-Amblève Tourist Office (rue de Louveigné 3)

To go

Although the route can be started at any point where there is a directional sign Exemple de panneau directionnel de la « Route des Légendes » specific to this one, the ideal is despite everything to start it at the Ourthe-Amblève Tourist Office. If only to get tourist brochures or to follow this article from the beginning.

Coming from the west

Follow the national road NOT633 which crosses this part of the Amblève valley as far as the Sougné-Remouchamps bridge which spans this river, continue straight on the NOT666 in the direction of Louveigné. The Tourist house is on the left, 100 meters after crossing the bridge.

Coming from any other direction

Join the European route E25, exit 46Turn right Remouchamps. Take the national road NOT633d Then NOT633 following the signs White left arrow.svgRemouchamps Arrived at the Sougné-Remouchamps bridge which spans the Amblève, continue straight on the NOT666 in the direction of Louveigné. The Tourist house is on the left, 100 meters after crossing the bridge.


Whether by car or bicycle, you should have no difficulty in getting around or finding a parking space, even in large tourist centers. Be careful, however, that some small roads are quite narrow and winding and that you should be extra careful if you are traveling in an imposing motorhome. The sections of the route between Pré de Lhoneux street and rue du Rixhon in Harzé as well as between the exit of the village of Chession and the national road NOT645 have no floor covering but are easily walkable.

To buy

“Elfique Ambrée” beer produced in Raborive.


You will have no difficulty finding a place to eat along your route. The highest concentrations of this type of place are in the center of Aywaille, in Remouchamps and in Banneux. Leisure parks Forestia and Wild World are also equipped with one or more places to eat. For those who prefer a picnic, the sections on the small roads along the woods or forests should allow you to find a place that suits you without forgetting the general safety instructions. However, the Sainte-Anne des Pouhons chapel is a calm and bucolic place that should delight you, especially as the place is equipped with a barbecue.

Have a drink / Go out

As for dining, you will have no difficulty finding a place, especially in the center ofAywaille, To Remouchamps and to Banneux, where to quench your thirst (and, perhaps, taste, in moderation, one of the local beers).


In forest areas, it is best not to drive on temporarily closed paths, during the hunting season for example (be careful that hunting when approaching and on the lookout for wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa) is authorized all year round), and informed by a reasoned opinion and provided with a pictogram on a red background. Camping and the production of fire is prohibited everywhere in the forest and traffic outside the paths is strongly discouraged. Always obey the instructions and orders of the agents of the DNF. Also note that they are empowered to draw up an offense report in the areas of air, water and soil pollution, noise damage and waste abandonment. Therefore, if you are picnicking, take great care not to light a fire outside clearly authorized areas, to take your trash and to make the place look like it did before you arrived.

Regarding flora, there is no ban on collecting mushrooms that you are sure to recognize as non-toxic. The same goes for wild fruits or apples and pears in old unfenced orchards. The only defense is the use of a blueberry comb.

  • 2 Department of Nature and Forests (Aywaille DNF cantonment) rue du Halage 47, 4920 Sougné-Remouchamps (after and behind the no 45), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2479991, 32 477 781206 (cellphone)
  • 3 Liège zone 5 Playe 50, 4920 Aywaille, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3846835 – Firefighters and ambulances. Emergencies: free phone 112.


  • Vieuxville (Ferrières)
    • 1 Vieuxville Chapel Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (1 very high step at the entrance) Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia (murals). Romanesque chapel of XIe Where XIIe century.
    • 2 Logne Castle Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. Ruins of a medieval castle IXe century.
  • 3 Museum December 44 Logo indicating a link to the website (Stoumont) – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. Museum dedicated to the Battle of the Bulge.
  • 4 Coo Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (Stavelot) – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Known for its waterfalls, the most important in the country, and its leisure park.
  • 5 Franchimont Castle Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (Theux) – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (in part only) Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia Medieval castle IXe century.
Distance and time table from Remouchamps
(center to center)
by the roadgreat circleby car
Brussels122 km104,3 kmh 20
Durbuy27,3 km23 km30 min
Cork25,7 km19,4 km20 min
Spa14,1 km10,9 km15 min
Verviers21,7 km16,5 km25 min
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The article on this route is a guide. It contains detailed information covering the entire route. Expand it and make it a star article!
Complete list of other articles from the region: Ourthe-Vesdre-Amblève