Rías Altas - Rías Altas

The Rías Altas(Upper Rías) form a coastal strip in the north of the Spanish province Galicia.

Rías Altas with river basins


Map of Rías Altas

A Ría is a sea bay that extends deep into the interior, it was created by the sunk mouth of a river and is more or less subject to the play of ebb and flow. The coastal shape of the Rías similar to those of fjords, but the bays are shallower.

Under Rías Altas this article covers the entire northwest coast of Galicia Roger that. It extends from Cabo Fisterra along the coast of the A Coruña Province and the Lugo Province to the border of the region Asturias. This coastline is often further subdivided

  • Costa de Morte or Costa de la Muerte is the western section, it extends from Cabo Fisterra to Malpica de Bergantiños. The name Coast of Death points to the dangerousness of this rocky section, which in the past was the undoing of many a ship.
  • Ría de Camariñas
  • Ría de Corme y Laxe
  • Costa Ártabra or Golfo Ártabro. Several rivers have their mouths in this 6 km wide bay:
  • Ría del Burgo (Ría de La Coruña)
  • Betanzos River
  • Ría de Ares
  • Ría de Ferrol
  • Ria de Cedeira
  • Rías Altas
  • Ría de Ortiguera
  • Ría del Barquero
  • Ría de Vivero
  • Ría de Foz
  • Ría de Ribadeo


  • 1 A Coruña - Capital of the region of the same name with approx. 250,000 inhabitants, an important port city since ancient times.
  • 2 Ferrol - Port city with around 80,000 inhabitants, naval base, birthplace of the dictator Franco
  • 3 Carballo
  • 4 Ribadeo

Other goals

  • 1 Cape Fisterra
  • 5 Santo André de Teixido, small place 12 km away from 6 Cedeira. It is still a place of pilgrimage among the Galicians with a tradition that probably has pre-Christian roots. The cliffs of San Andrés are up to 612 m high, making them the highest on the European continent.
  • 2 Cabo Touriñan westernmost point of mainland Spain.
  • 3 Punta Estaca de Bares, northernmost point of mainland Spain. The cape marks the border between the Atlantic and the Bay of Biscay.



getting there


Tourist Attractions







Web links

Article draftThe main parts of this article are still very short and many parts are still in the drafting phase. If you know anything on the subject be brave and edit and expand it so that it becomes a good article. If the article is currently being written to a large extent by other authors, don't be put off and just help.