Samassi - Samassi

Church of San Gemiliano
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Samassi is a citizen of the Southern Sardinia in province of Southern Sardinia.

To know

Geographical notes

Samassi is located in Campidano of Cagliari and borders on Theft, Sanluri, Serramanna is Serrenti.


The first human settlements in Samassi date back to the recent Neolithic, around 3500 BC. In its territory artifacts dating back to the pre-Nuragic period have been found such as axes, mace heads, fuselages and obsidian objects useful for hunting and domestic activities. In fact, there are many random finds made especially in the Palaziu region belonging to the culture of Bonnannaro or to that of Monte Claro. Of particular resonance was the discovery, in the locality of Sa Mandara, of two idols depicting the Mother Goddess, probably belonging to the culture of Ozieri, now exhibited in the Archaeological Museum of Cagliari.

The locality Palamuras, according to the village tradition, would have been the seat of a vast settlement on the remains of an older pre-Nuragic civilization. In the Stani locality, the remains of a nuraghe are clearly visible on the ground, in which a copper dagger and a nuragic tower in white sandstone were found. Another nuraghe worthy of attention is the one still existing in the locality of Sa Uga. In fact, two rows of rough sandstone are evident, despite the fact that agricultural vehicles have considerably modified the surface structure of the soil.

In the localities of Palamuras, Stani, Staineddu, Palatziu, Sa Uga, Santa Maria, Perda Mois, numerous remains of villages and burial grounds have been found which amply document the passage of Roman civilization. Samassi then became in Roman times one of the rural communities of Campidano; the entire agricultural area of ​​Samassese made it possible to acquire large quantities of wheat and cereals.

In medieval times, the territory of Samassi was part of the Gippi curatoria, in the Giudicato of Cagliari. At the fall of the Giudicato (1258) it became part of the Pisan dominion, and from 1324 it passed under the Aragonese dominion. When the Aragonese held the first Sardinian parliament in Cagliari in 1355, Samassi sent his representatives there. Later it became a fief. In 1736 he formed a marquisate with Serrenti, and the first marquis was Antonio Simon Squinto. From the Simon the lordship passed to the Ricca di Castelvecchio, to whom it was redeemed in 1839 with the suppression of the feudal system.

Historical fact of particular importance is the flood of November 17, 1898 which remained in popular memory with the name "S'Annu 'e s'unda" (The year of the wave). The flooding caused very serious damage to the town, but did not cause any casualties among the inhabitants. This fact increased the San Geminiano devotion of the Samassesi, who on that date instituted a votive festival called "Santu Millaneddu".

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

From the following airports it is possible, thanks to several car rental companies present, to rent a car to reach Samassi.

By car

Take the SS 131 Carlo Felice and continue to the "Serrenti-Samassi" exit, then continue towards Samassi.

On boat

From the ports of Cagliari, Porto Torres, Olbia-Isola Bianca e Golfo Aranci.

On the train

Samassi station
  • 4 Samassi-Serrenti station. Samassi can be reached by train thanks to the Cagliari-Golfo Aranci line. The Samassi station is also at the service of Serrenti. Samassi-Serrenti station on Wikipedia Samassi-Serrenti station (Q3970776) on Wikidata

By bus

How to get around

What see


  • 1 Parish church of the Beata Vergine di Monserrato.
  • 2 Church of San Geminiano. Church of San Gemiliano (Samassi) on Wikipedia church of San Geminiano (Q3670209) on Wikidata
  • 3 Church of San Giuseppe Patriarca.
  • 4 Church of Santa Margherita.
  • 5 Church of Sant'Isidoro.


  • 6 Pittau house, Via Cagliari 15, 39 349 6234445. House museum.

Archaeological sites

  • 7 Samassi Necropolis. Samassi Necropolis on Wikipedia Samassi necropolis (Q3874161) on Wikidata

Events and parties

  • Sant'Antonio Abate. Simple icon time.svgJanuary 16. A procession winds through the streets of the town then mass is held upon returning to the parish, and at the end of it, after the bells ring in each district, the traditional bonfires are lit, with music and dancing until late at night.
  • Samassese Carnival. Simple icon time.svgIn February or March.
  • S'Incontru. Simple icon time.svgEaster Sunday in March or April. The ceremony kicks off around 10:30 with two processions that run through the town separately, each bearing one of the two statues. At 11 the two processions converge in the main square of the town and stop at a distance for a few minutes. The wait wants to remember the astonishment of the Virgin to recognize her Son.

The statue of the Virgin, wearing a black lace veil, is lowered three times to represent a bow. The third time the black veil is replaced with a white one to represent the passage from death to life.

It is the climax of S'Incontru, celebrated by the explosion of a barrage of grenades in the sky. The two statues are then placed side by side and the two processions reunited into one, which starts slowly in the direction of the Parish Church where the party will end with the Easter Mass.

  • Artichoke Festival. Simple icon time.svgIn March.
  • Sant'Isidoro. Simple icon time.svgFirst weekend of May. It is the feast of the farmers, who paraded through the streets of the town in procession - once with the wagons pulled by oxen and today with modern tractors - to attract the benevolence of the saint on the upcoming harvests. In 2000 a new polychrome statue faithful to the original was rebuilt, and the celebrations end in the Oasis of S.Isidoro. In the square of the new church, religious rituals, tasting of typical dishes, entertainment with traditional dances and music alternate and flank.
  • Santa Margherita. Simple icon time.svgJuly 19-21. During the celebrations in his honor, which culminate on July 20, the date of the end of the harvest, it was traditional to color the neighborhood with flags. Those streets, which today only the faithful who go to masses walk through during the feast days, were then animated by stalls, among the aromatic fragrance of basil which is still offered to the saint in numerous clumps.
  • San Geminiano (Sa party manna). San Geminiano Martire, in Campidanese Santu Millanu he is the patron saint of Samassi, whose feast is the most heartfelt in the country. San Geminiano is celebrated three times a year:
  • Two Sundays after Easter, with the name of Santu Millaneddu de su Beranu
  • On September 16, for the patronal celebration, which includes four days of celebration (from 14 to 17, the feast of religious rites begins on 8 and lasts 10 days). Novenas are celebrated in honor of the saint from 8 to 16, with various masses and the holy rosary every day. On the 14th a procession winds through the town, from the parish to the ancient church, carrying the saint's relics in procession. On the 15th the saint is carried in procession from the church towards the parish greeted by is arrepicus from the millenary bells and from is fuettus, and, for one day, the San Geminiano district remains the "orphan" of its saint. On the 16th is the climax of the party, the San Geminiano district wakes up early in the morning to decorate the square, the streets and the centuries-old church with flags, antique carpets and flowers.

In the evening, the saint leaves the parish greeted by the sound of bells, passing through the streets of the town and cannot miss the passage near the Mannu river to continue towards the church. Arriving at the church, the saint is greeted by the ancient bells that ring in celebration, by fireworks, by a carpet of flowers sa ramadura in the whole square, by the inhabitants of the district, by the whole town, by folk groups and by the musical band. This is how the district is revived with the return of its saint who remains in his church for 365 days a year. For the Samassesi this is called sa party manna (the big feast), in which in the past it was the only feast day of the agricultural year, all the farmers rested enjoying the feast, participating in religious and civil rites, to start the day after the new agricultural year with the hard working in the fields and wishing each other a good harvest.

  • November 17 under the name of Santu Millaneddu de s'ann 'è s'unda.

What to do


How to have fun


Night clubs

  • 2 Biggest, Via Guglielmo Marconi 1, 39 070 9388292. Dance club.

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 The Piazzetta, Via Roma 11, 39 070 9389538. Pizzeria.

Average prices

Where stay


Useful numbers

  • 5 Carabinieri, Via Salvo d'Acquisto 84, 39 070 910022.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 6 Post Office, Via Risorgimento 62, 39 070 9388014, fax: 39 070 9388014. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-13: 35; Sat 8: 20-12: 35.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Samassi
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Samassi
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