Serramanna - Serramanna

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Serramanna is a citizen of the Southern Sardinia, in the province of Southern Sardinia.

To know

Geographical notes

Serramanna is located in the historical region of Campidano of Cagliari and borders on Nuraminis, Samassi, Sanluri, Serrenti, Villacidro is Villasor.


- the parish church of San Leonardo

Pre-Nuragic period

The first settlements in the territory, documented above all thanks to the discovery of the village of Cuccuru Ambudu (Coordinates Gauss-Boaga merged West: E = 1495032 N = 4367798), date back to a period identifiable between the era of the Culture of Ozieri and the Culture of Monte Claro. Of considerable historical importance is the menhir Perda Fitta, a granite boulder representing the Mother Goddess (h. 1.45 m; just hewn with 10 flat caps made in negative relief to represent the breasts), found in the homonymous area (coordinates Gauss-Boaga West: E = 1488531 N = 4364920).

Nuragic period

The most significant find dating back to the nuragic age is the nuraghe found during the excavations for the restructuring of the sacristy of the rural church of Santa Maria. Of lesser interest are the nuraghi identified in the areas of Santa Luxeria (Gauss-Boaga coordinates West: E = 1491428 N = 4361588), Su Muntonali (Coordinates Gauss-Boaga West: E = 1491732 N = 4365184) and Bruncu Gattus (Coordinates Gauss - West Boaga: E = 1494726 N = 4368152).

Roman period

During the Roman domination also the territory of Serramanna was intensely inhabited, there were numerous villages and testimonies of their settlements are scattered everywhere in the territory. All the finds found are in the National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari. In Roman times the town was a center of considerable importance for agricultural production, and remained so even during the Byzantine domination of Sardinia.

Judicial and medieval period

Around the 11th century Sardinia was divided into 4 Giudicati in turn divided into Curators; Serramanna was part of the curatoria of Gippi (or Parte Ippis) of the Giudicato of Cagliari. In the medieval period Serramanna did not have a single inhabited nucleus but was divided into numerous villas; the main ones were Bangiuludu, Saboddus-San Pietro, Saboddus-Santa Giuliana, Saboddus-Santu Deus, Santa Maria di Monserrato (already in 1584 these villages had long been depopulated and they were moving towards a single inhabited center). In 1258 Serramanna was annexed to the Kingdom of Arborea to which it remained until 1297, when it was ceded to the Republic of Pisa. In 1323 with the landing of the troops of the Infante Alfonso in Palma di Sulcis, Serramanna also passed under the Aragonese dominion. In 1363 Peter IV of Aragon (known as "the Ceremonious") gave it as a fief to Giovanni Civiller. Later it passed to the De Besora family and in 1455 Aldonsa De Besora recognized liberty and franchises in the town. It was an act of exceptional importance that greatly anticipated the concessions that the lords granted to their subjects in the rest of Italy and France only in the eighteenth century. For the first time the rural people were defined as a people or inhabitant and not a vassal. In 1460 Aldonsa Siviller de Besora remained a widow and sold the fiefdom to Emanuele Ribelles. Emanuele Ribelles in turn sold the fief to Raimondo Boter in 1461. In 1465 Galcerando De Besora, with the dowry of his wife Angela Beltran, redeemed the fief. With the extinction of the De Gerp family, the fiefdom returned to the tax authorities with the Notarial Act of 14 January 1583 of the State Property of the Royal Crown. The tax authorities sold it for 100,000 Aragonese lire to Giovanni Gerolamo Brondo on 24 September 1594. Giovanni Gerolamo Brondo made a Knight] Hereditary on 27 May 1586 he became the first Feudal Lord of Villacidro and Serramanna, partly Hyppis, by investiture on 4 June 1594. The November 29, 1617, Antonio Brondo y de Ruecas, obtained the title of Count of Serramanna from King Philip III of Spain, thus becoming the Count of Serramanna (his emblem with silver-black stripes, is now reported in the coat of arms of the Municipality of Serramanna ). As of 2014 the holder of the noble title of Count of Serramanna is Luis Crespí de Valldaura y Cardenal.

Contemporary age

In 1839, with the abolition of the feudal system, the town became a municipality, administered by a mayor and a municipal council, and was redeemed by the Bon Crespi di Valldaura, the last feudal lords. In the nineteenth century the economy was concentrated almost exclusively on agricultural activity, except for the attempt to industrialize the town with the construction of the Cantina Sociale del Campidano di Serramanna (which until 1988, when it was closed, produced excellent wines and was one of the largest wineries in Europe) and of the CASAR (canning industry), still active despite having had considerable problems in the past.

Coat of arms and banner

The coat of arms was designed by the Serramannese artist Flaviano Ortu after a research work by the historian Stefano Pira.

It has on the left the bell tower of the church of San Leonardo, of particular interest as it has an octagonal rather than a square barrel as in the whole Campidano and in the whole territory of southern Sardinia;

on the upper right side, the heraldic coat of arms (black background with three silver poles) of Aldonsa de Besora, who with the reliefs of 1455 granted numerous privileges to the Serramannesi;

on the lower right side the coat of arms of I Count of Serramanna, Antonio Brondo de Ruecas (the coat of arms of the Brondo has a tree flanked by two Moor's heads with a bandage on the forehead as a heraldic symbol; for technical reasons President of the republic only the Moor's heads appear).

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

From the following airports it is possible, thanks to several car rental companies present, to rent a car to reach Serramanna.

By car

Take the SS 131 and exit at "Nuraminis-Serramanna".

On boat

From the ports of Cagliari, Porto Torres, Olbia-Isola Bianca e Golfo Aranci.

On the train

  • 4 Serramanna-Nuraminis station. The station, located along the Cagliari-Golfo Aranci line, is at the service of the municipalities of Serramanna e Nuraminis. Serramanna-Nuraminis station on Wikipedia Serramanna-Nuraminis station (Q3970950) on Wikidata

By bus

You can reach Serramanna from Cagliari with the ARST line 114.

How to get around

What see

- the church of Sant'Ignazio
- the church of Santa Maria
- the church of San Sebastiano
- the church of Sant'Angelo


  • 1 Parish Church of San Leonardo. Church of San Leonardo (Serramanna) on Wikipedia church of San Leonardo (Q3670781) on Wikidata
  • 2 Church of Sant'Ignazio.
  • 3 Church of Santa Maria.
  • 4 Church of Sant'Angelo.
  • 5 Church of San Sebastiano.


Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Jo Burger, Via della Rinascita 26, 39 070 9131067. Fast food.
  • 2 About Forru, Way of the Rebirth 15, 39 070 9130501. Pizzeria.
  • 3 Pizzataxi, Way of the Rebirth 9, 39 070 9130342. Pizzeria.
  • 4 The Dragon, Viale Sant'Ignazio, 39 070 9130151. Gastronomy, rotisserie, pizzeria and sandwich shop.
  • 5 Port 1918, Matteotti Square 5, 39 329 2770812, @. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 7: 00-17: 00; Sat-Sun 10: 00-17: 00. Pizzeria bakery.
  • 6 The island of taste, Viale Sant'Ignazio 27, 39 070 7538669. Simple icon time.svgFri-Wed 18: 30-24: 00. Pizzeria.
  • 7 Sa Farra, Via Roma 42, 39 070 9130312. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 18: 00-22: 30. Pizzeria.
  • 8 Pole Position, Martyrs Square 3, 39 070 9138969. Simple icon time.svgWed-Mon 17: 00-24: 00. Pizzeria.
  • 9 The Garden 2, Via Angioletto 9, 39 331 2319129. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 18: 00-24: 00. Pizzeria.
  • 10 Yoddu, Matteotti Square 10, 39 348 6572905. Simple icon time.svgWed-Mon 9: 00-12: 00 and 17: 00-22: 30. Yogurt.

Average prices

  • 11 Sa SerraManna, Via Cagliari 21, 39 324 8407447. Restaurant.

Where stay

Moderate prices


Useful numbers

  • 5 Carabinieri, Corso Repubblica 12, 39 070 9139022.
  • 6 Hygiene and public health outpatient clinic, Corso Europa, 39 070 9139214.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 7 Post Office, Via XXV Aprile 1, 39 070 9139043, fax: 39 070 9130178. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-13: 35; Sat 8: 20-12: 35.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Serramanna
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Serramanna
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