San Giorgio su Legnano - San Giorgio su Legnano

San Giorgio su Legnano
A glimpse of via Gerli in San Giorgio su Legnano
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San Giorgio su Legnano
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San Giorgio su Legnano is a municipality of the Lombardy belonging to metropolitan city of Milan.

To know

Geographical notes

The territory of San Giorgio su Legnano is located at the northern limit of the Po Valley, south of the Varesine pre-Alps. It rises in the area affected by morainic plateaus at the edge of the Olona Valley. The soil is mainly composed of pebbles, gravel, sand and clay. Originally it was covered by a thin layer of humus not very suitable for the growth of woods and subsequently for agricultural cultivation, so as to be largely groana.

When to go

Maximum (° C)6.18.613.117.021.325.528.627.624.
Minimum (° C)-4.4-
Precipitation (mm)67.577.199.7106.3132.093.366.897.573.2107.4106.354.6

The best time to go to San Giorgio su Legnano is the month of January, when a cross-country race of international appeal is organized at the local sports center, the Campaccio. Another optimal period to visit San Giorgio su Legnano is that of the third week of September, when the autumn fair takes place. In the previous week, events are organized in the parish center which culminate, on Sunday evening, with fireworks.

San Giorgio su Legnano has a continental climate with cold winters with many frosty days. The fog is widespread mainly on agricultural and wooded areas. Summers are hot, humid and moderately rainy.


The most ancient archaeological evidences found in San Giorgio su Legnano consist of Roman necropolis, whose dating corresponds to the first imperial age (1st century BC - 1st century AD). The most ancient tombs are strongly affected by Celtic influence, as the Romanization process is not yet complete. Overall, two Roman necropolises have been discovered in San Giorgio su Legnano.

The first documented mention that mentions the Sangiorgese community refers to an inscription carved on some bricks dated 1393 and found during the excavations for the construction of the church of the Holy Crucifix (1769), as evidenced by some notes from the parish archive. Apart from the aforementioned inscription on a brick, there is no written information of the medieval Sangiorgese community. In the register of churches of the Liber notitiae sanctorum Mediolani, which describes the religious context in medieval times, San Giorgio is not yet present. Until the 14th century, San Giorgio su Legnano was therefore a small group of houses that did not yet have a church of their own.

During the Middle Ages San Giorgio su Legnano was on the border between the counties of Seprio and Burgaria, two counties dependent on the March of Lombardy. At the time the community depended both for the civil and religious aspects from the Parabiago Parish. As early as the 16th century, San Giorgio su Legnano had a mayor, who was also a representative of the community at the time. The mayor was flanked by a chancellor whose functions were similar to those of today's municipal secretary. Among the various tasks, he kept the Municipal Archives in his own home. In 1558, as is clear from the Spanish land registry, it appears that the Municipality was made up of eleven courtyards. It was therefore still a small village.

One of the aspects characterizing the history of San Giorgio in the seventeenth century was the feudation. During this century the Spanish government auctioned off many lands where the buyer, who thus became a feudal lord, had the prerogative of claiming political, economic and social rights over the fief. The feudation took place on 10 November 1656 for a sum of 3,430 lire. The Sangiorgese community remained a fief of the Castelli until 1780, when, with the death of Cardinal Giuseppe Castelli, the last descendant of the family, the debt was extinguished.

For a more precise idea of ​​the size of the Municipality, it will be necessary to wait until the 18th century. Emperor Charles VI, who replaced the Spaniards in the government of the Duchy of Milan, issued a decree that set up a working group, whose task was to accurately survey the municipalities belonging to his Lombard domains. In the case of San Giorgio, the determination of the size of the territory began on November 20, 1721 thanks to a team of surveyors and designers led by the surveyor Benito Corradini. The inhabitants of San Giorgio su Legnano, as of March 16, 1730, were 777 and resided in 60 courtyards. The owners of real estate were 58, and the municipality owned an area of ​​land equal to 3,133 Milanese perches.

The nineteenth century was characterized by the profound transformation of the Sangiorgese production system. We passed from an agricultural to an industrial economy. Agricultural crops were very varied. The main crops were cereals (millet and wheat), vines and mulberry, which is the basis of the breeding of silkworms. In addition to the cultivation of cereals, the economy of San Giorgio su Legnano was also based on the breeding of livestock. The agricultural contract widespread in this period in the Upper Milanese was that of sharecropping. The economic structure of San Giorgio su Legnano changed completely into an industrial system at the end of the century.

The golden age of the Sangiorgese industry was at the turn of the fifties and sixties of the twentieth century. It was mainly due to the textile and mechanical industries. In the decades that followed, there was a slow decline caused by competition from textiles from developing countries. The crisis progressively worsened, damaging the economy, employment and the industrial fabric. Many companies closed, especially in textiles, clothing and footwear, and many others were involved in a downsizing process. San Giorgio su Legnano, with the surrounding area, is still today among the most developed and industrialized areas in Italy.

How to orient yourself

The main landmarks of San Giorgio su Legnano are two road axes that cut perpendicularly to a traffic light system. The two routes are via Legnano / Rome / Magenta, which crosses the town in an east-west direction, and via Milano / Pasubio / XX Settembre, which cuts across the territory in a north-south direction. The first road system mentioned connects San Giorgio su Legnano with Canegrate and Legnano, while the second connects the town with the provincial road SP12 Legnano-Inveruno.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - bianco.svgSan Giorgio su Legnano does not have airports but is about 25 km from Milan-Malpensa, which is the second Italian hub after Rome Fiumicino. To reach San Giorgio su Legnano from the airport it is necessary to take the SS336 state road (which passes through the aforementioned hub) and continue to the entrance to the A8 motorway (Busto Arsizio junction). After taking the latter, and having passed the Castellanza exit, you need to exit at the Legnano junction. After exiting the motorway, at the first roundabout, turn right and continue straight ahead until you find the road signs for San Giorgio su Legnano.

By car

State and provincial roads

  • There Strada Statale 33 Italia.svg state road 33 of the Sempione connects Legnano with Milan.
  • There Provincial road exSS527 Italia.svg provincial road ex SS 527 Bustese connects Legnano with Monza in one direction and Oleggio in the other.
  • There Provincial Road 12 Italia.svg provincial road connects Legnano with Inveruno.


  • Highway A8 Italia.svg Milan-Varese motorway, Legnano exit.
  • Highway A26 Italy.svg Genoa-Gravellona Toce motorway, exit for the A8 motorway.
  • Highway A9 Italy.svg Lainate-Como-Chiasso motorway, exit Saronno - State road 527 Bustese.
  • A4 motorway Italy.svg Turin-Trieste motorway, exit Marcallo-Mesero.

On boat

It is not possible to reach San Giorgio su Legnano through waterways.

On the train

Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon San Giorgio su Legnano is crossed by the Domodossola-Milan railway but does not have a station. The two closest to the town are those of Legnano and Canegrate.

By bus

Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg The public transport service that connects San Giorgio su Legnano with the other municipalities is managed by the company MOVIBUS. There are 5 extra-urban lines that cross San Giorgio su Legnano:

  • Z643: Vittuone - Arluno - Ossona - Casorezzo - Parabiago
  • Z605: San Giorgio su Legnano - Canegrate - Parabiago - Milan MM Dorino
  • Z611: Legnano - Canegrate - Parabiago
  • Z627: Chestnut Primo - Cuggiono - Buscate - Arconate - Bust Garolfo - Villa Cortese - Legnano
  • Z642: Magenta - Corbetta - Santo Stefano Ticino - Arluno - Busto Garolfo - Legnano

What see

- the church of the Beata Vergine Assunta
  • 1 Church of the Beata Vergine Assunta, via Roma. It is the parish church of San Giorgio su Legnano. The building has an octagonal plan with a domed roof and was consecrated in 1935. The style is Neo-Renaissance derived from Bramante. Church of the Beata Vergine Assunta (San Giorgio su Legnano) on Wikipedia church of the Blessed Virgin of the Assumption (Q3668838) on Wikidata
  • 2 Church of the Crucifix, via Milan. It is dedicated to St. George and the consecration dates back to 1703. In its basic lines the building has not undergone many changes. On the façade, closing the central window, three mosaics have been applied depicting Saint George ruler of the dragon in the center and two angels on the sides. Church of the Holy Crucifix on Wikipedia church of the Holy Crucifix (Q3668685) on Wikidata
  • 3 Villa Parravicini, via Gerli. The building retains the character of a late 18th century rustic villa. It has an English park which is bound by the Superintendence of Environmental and Architectural Heritage together with the house. The exact year of construction is unknown, and the oldest document in which this building is mentioned is dated 1584. Villa Parravicini on Wikipedia Villa Parravicini (Q4012397) on Wikidata
  • 4 Palazzo Lucini Arborio Mella, Mazzini square. The year of construction is not known, but we know from written notes that in the eighteenth century it belonged to the noble family of Lucini Passalacqua, who at the time were the most important landowners in the municipality. In the last decades of the twentieth century the building was subjected to building abuses followed then, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, by important architectural recoveries. Palazzo Lucini Arborio Mella on Wikipedia Palazzo Lucini Arborio Mella (Q3890365) on Wikidata

Events and parties

  • 1 Campaccio, Angelo Alberti municipal sports center, via del Campaccio, 10. It is an annual cross-country race organized by the Sangiorgese Sports Union at the beginning of January. The event is attended by internationally renowned athletes, including Olympic and world champions. It is one of the most important events of its kind in Italy, and is included in the Permit international circuit of the European Athletics Association. The name of the race comes from Campasc, which in the local dialect means "uncultivated field". In fact, in the first editions the route of the race wound through the local roads of the agricultural area of ​​the municipality. Today there is a dispute over an area that is used as a public park. Campaccio on Wikipedia Campaccio (Q533780) on Wikidata

What to do


The streets of the town are home to many shops and some bars.

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Moderate prices


Up you can view the days and opening hours of the pharmacies of the neighboring municipalities.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 4 Italian post, via Mella, 1, 39 0331 411598. The post office is only open in the morning.


Cultivated fields near Villapia, fraction of Parabiago
The Gajo-Lampugnani mill a Parabiago
  • The Roccolo Parkinstitutional site. It is a local park of supra-municipal interest which includes wooded and agricultural areas of the municipalities of Arluno, Bust Garolfo, Canegrate, Casorezzo (where the park is located), Nerviano is Parabiago. It has an area of ​​approximately 16 km². It was established in 1991 to safeguard the natural elements of the area and to enhance agriculture, which engages about 80% of the park's surface with the cultivation of corn, wheat, wheat, oats, barley, soy and forage. Of the remaining territorial area, 9% is characterized by woods, while 1% by roads, quarries and the Villoresi canal with its network of secondary irrigation canals. Another feature of the park is the presence of numerous farmhouses scattered throughout its territory, witnesses of the agricultural tradition of the area.
  • The Local park of the wood of Legnano (Also known as Castle park). It is a municipal park that develops around the Olona river. It has an area of ​​about 25 hectares and extends over the territory of the municipality of Legnano. It extends around the castle of Legnano. Established in 1976 as a local park of supra-municipal interest, since 2008 it has been part of the Parco dei mulini, a park of supra-municipal interest that covers about 500 hectares. Since 1981, a wetland of about half a hectare has been created which is fed by groundwater with the aim of providing a favorable environment for the life of fish and waterfowl. Among the fish there are pike and carp, as well as numerous other fish species.
  • The Park of the mills. It is a local park of supra-municipal interest recognized by the Province of Milan on 10 March 2008 which develops around the Olona and the Villoresi Canal. The park is characterized by the presence of waterways in a densely urbanized and industrialized area. It includes the Castello di Legnano park, the agricultural areas along the Olona river up to the former Olivetano Monastery in Nerviano and the Villoresi canal up to the border with Lainate. The presence of wooded areas outside the Castello park is rare. In the park there are very important historical testimonies such as the castle of Legnano, the former Visconti di Modrone factory (now used as a residential center) and six mills, the last to testify to the ancient milling tradition of the area. The Parco dei Mulini can be visited by bicycle. A cycle path already funded by the Lombardy Region is being designed which will connect the urban park of Castello di Legnano to Nerviano. Already now it is possible to cross the Park on dirt or asphalted roads suitable for cyclists with the exception of the stretch affected by a busy road between the small island of San Lorenzo di Parabiago and the Villoresi Canal.


A stretch of the cycle path that runs along the Valmorea railway near Fagnano Olona, Balzarine locality
  • There Valmorea railway. It was a railway that once connected Castellanza, in the province of Varese, a Mendrisio, in Canton Ticino. In 2008 the northernmost route was reactivated for tourism purposes. From Olgiate Olona to Castiglione Olona there is a cycle path that runs along the Olona river and passes by various sites of interest such as old disused industrial plants and floodplains. The railway passes through the Medio Olona Park. (up Wikipedia)
  • The Alto Milanese Park. It is a Local Park of Supra-municipal Interest (PLIS) and affects the metropolitan city of Milan in the municipality of Legnano and the province of Varese in the municipalities of Busto Arsizio and Castellanza. It was recognized by the Council of the Lombardy Region with a resolution of 27 October 1987 on the proposal of the three municipalities concerned. The area covers approximately 360 hectares, of which approximately 178 are in the Municipality of Legnano, 126 in the Municipality of Busto Arsizio and 53 hectares in the Municipality of Castellanza. The boundaries are delimited by the peripheries of the three municipalities and include a large area with a mainly agricultural vocation. The Alto Milanese Park is located in an area where the passage from the high dry plain to the low one rich in waters and springs is visible. Thanks to the presence of traditional agricultural areas and rural buildings such as farmhouses and stables, the park is inhabited by the owl, the swallow, the black redstart, the bat and other species that would not find a place elsewhere. The presence, in constant increase, of the blackbird and the turtledove is also signaled. The presence, on the other hand, of oaks is the ideal habitat for the great spotted woodpecker and squirrel, as well as for all those species, such as bats, which need large cavities in the trunks for reproduction or wintering. The border hedges along the cultivated fields also provide an important living environment for many animals.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning San Giorgio su Legnano
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on San Giorgio su Legnano
3-4 star.svgGuide : the article respects the characteristics of a usable article but in addition it contains a lot of information and allows a visit to the city without problems. The article contains an adequate number of images, a fair number of listings. There are no style errors.