Schluchtensteig - Schluchtensteig

The Schluchtensteig is a long distance hiking trail through the Southern Black Forest of Stühlingen to Weir. The 119-kilometer route is divided into six daily stages. The best time for hiking is from May to October; After heavy rainfalls and at the latest after the first snowfall in winter, it is no longer recommended, especially in the steep sections of the gorge.

The route runs from Stühlingen through the Wutach Gorge and over Lenzkirch to the Schluchsee. She passes the cathedral from St. Blasien, crosses the hilly plateaus of Badger Mountain and Ibach and finally writhes away Dead moss through the Wehratal to the destination in Weir opposite.

The Schluchtensteig is continuously marked with the Schluchtensteig - diamond of the Black Forest Association, which is then also attached to the sections between the crossroads. The Schluchtensteig received the "Quality Trail Wanderable Germany" award from the Association of German Mountain and Hiking Associations, and the hiking trails are signposted by the local groups of the Black Forest Association.


Map of Schluchtensteig

The Schluchtensteig was created as a cooperation project in which all communities along the hiking route, the Black Forest Association, the sponsoring association of the Southern Black Forest Nature Park, the district of Waldshut and the Schwarzwald Tourismus GmbH were involved. The hiking route was planned in 2006 and officially opened in 2008.

Particularly worth seeing are:

  • the nature reserve Wutach Gorge, which was identified as such in 1939,
  • the Stallegg river power plant as Baden's oldest power plant,
  • the Schluchsee, largest lake in the Black Forest,
  • the 1 Dom of St. Blasien,
  • the high valley and the raised bogs Ibach.


  • For tours lasting several days, the luggage has to be planned well due to the expected weather conditions, hiking boots (especially for the sections in the Wutach Gorge) and good rain protection are useful.
  • On the website of the Schluchtensteig there are corresponding timetable excerpts for the arrival / return journey, especially for the Wutach Gorge stages, it is worthwhile to consider using the Wutach Gorge hiking bus.
  • In the Black Forest, weather conditions can change quickly and thunderstorms can come in without you having seen the black - gray clouds in the sky long before, a weather app with rain radar for the Baden - Württemberg area is a good service.

getting there

  • Information on how to get here by public transport is available on the website of the Schluchtensteig or on the online trip planner of the Local transport from Baden-Württemberg
  • You can leave your private vehicle at practically all stage locations without any problems, but you have to worry about getting it back, which is not that easy given the relatively small number of timetables in the hiking region.

Here we go ...

1st stage: Stühlingen - Blumberg (19 km) Hiking-Sign-T2.png

Place / sightroute
(m above sea level)
additional Information
1 Stühlingen, Railway station0,0456Crossing with the East route Pforzheim – Schaffhausen
1 Wheat valley station4,0471Station of the as Sauschwänzlebahn designated the Wutach Valley Railway, which was still operated as a museum railway
Crossing with the East way
Gasthaus Wutachschlucht4,0501Lausheim-Blumegg stop Sauschwänzlebahn
Wutachfluchten lookout point4,0621
Ottilienhöhe3,0800Crossing with the Crossing Freiburg – Lake Constance
Blumberg3,0704Crossing with the Ostweg
Crossing with the Crossing Freiburg – Lake Constance


Wutachtalbahn: Stockhalde-Kreiskehrtunnel near Grimmelshofen

The Schluchtensteig begins at the train station in Stühlingen on the German-Swiss border. At the exit from Oberwiesen the path separates from the East route Pforzheim – Schaffhausenthat apart from the Wutach leads to the wheat station. The Schluchtensteig turns right and runs along the Wutach to the Wheat station, the valley station of the als Sauschwänzlebahn and today only used as a museum railway Wutach Valley Railway.

From the train station, the Schluchtensteig and the Ostweg run on the same route. At the Gasthaus Wutachschlucht at the former breakpoint of the Wutachtalbach Lausheim-Blumegg near the Stühlingen suburb of Grimmelshofen, the hike leads into the Wutachschlucht. In the 2 Railway bridge the Wutach is crossed. Then the path leads slowly uphill as a narrow path through the Wutachflüh nature reserve past the Mannheimer Felsen, the 3 Lintel and the 4 Bagpiper dobel to the lookout point 5 Anger flare, just before the Ostweg and the Schluchtensteig separate.

After rains it is used as Bad weather variant the lower Flühweg: Immediately after crossing the Wutach at the railway bridge, turn left onto the gravel forest road. There is no risk of slipping here, it leads further down in the Wutach Gorge parallel to the upper narrow footpath and 6 ends at the K5742 a little below the footpath. You follow the asphalt road a short distance up to the hiking car park and can continue on the normal route.

Past a hikers' car park, the route briefly runs along county road 5742 under the railway line and then turns left away from the road up to the 7 Ottilienhöhe where the way to the Crossing Freiburg – Lake Constance meets. Then it goes uphill to the summit of the 8 Buchbergs (open refuge). From there, the hike initially leads steeply downhill 1 Blumberg, the stage destination is reached via Friedhofstrasse.

  • 1  Gasthaus zur Wutachschlucht, In Weiler 1, 79780 Stühlingen. Tel.: 49 7744 379.
  • 2 Bus stop Blumberg, Hauptstrasse

2nd stage: Blumberg - Schattenmühle (20 km) Hiking-Sign-T1.png

Place / sightroute
(m above sea level)
additional Information
Achdorf2,5540Place belongs to the community Blumberg, Crossing with that East way and with that Crossing Freiburg – Lake Constance
Wutach Bridge0,5540
Gauchach estuary1,0580
Wutach seepage4,0600
Schurhammerhütte1,0610The open refuge is named after Hermann Schurhammer, the initiator of the Wutach Gorge nature reserve
Former Bad Boll3,0620
Dietfurt Bridge1,0634
Shadow mill3,0659Inn


Schleifenbach near Blumberg

In Blumberg, the stage begins at the intersection of Hauptstrasse / Friedhofstrasse. The path initially leads partly over stairs and ladders through the small gorge of the Schleifenbach (9 Schleifenbachklamm) with its waterfall and then back to the Wutach, which is reached again shortly before Achdorf.

In 2 Achdorf the path crosses again with the East way and the Crossing Freiburg – Lake Constance. The valley is wide from Achdorf to Wutachmühle. From Achdorf to 3 Aselfingen The Schluchtensteig runs to the right of the Wutach (first follows the Deichweg and then crosses the K5743 road, while the crossroad to the left of the Wutach is signposted. Shortly after Aselfingen at the 10 Wutach Bridge Aselfingen Both paths come together again and then run together to the left of the Wutach.

The 11 Wutachmühle, which is reached after about four kilometers, is now just a sawmill. The former inn is not managed; at the 3 Parking lot for hikers on the other side of the Wutach, however, there is one kiosk.

From the Wutachmühle, the valley becomes narrow and gorge-like again. The path leads past the 12 Gauchach estuary, where the river can be crossed on the "Kanadiersteg", a covered wooden bridge.

The Schluchtensteig initially remains to the left of the Wutach, but changes after the 13 Wutach exit to the right bank of the river (seen in the direction of march, the designation of the left bank of the river would be correct in the direction of flow), before coming on 14 Rümmelesteg changes back to the other side of the river.
After 15 Anger seepage (Here part of the water of the Wutach seeps away, only to emerge three kilometers downriver when it emerges from the Wutach) the path continues partly on narrow ledges through the narrow gorge and then past the 16 Schurhammerhütte on to the former spa hotel 17 Bad Bollwhich was demolished in 1992. The former chapel is still there.

Since the Schluchtensteig on the south bank was destroyed by a landslide, 18 crosses one here on the other side of the river and continues on the Münzlochweg. At the former Dietfurt-Hof and the 19 Dietfurt Bridge stay on the north side of the Wutach and pass the 20 Veil fall at the Schelmenhalde to the shadow mill.

  • Wutachmühle hiking car park, Bus stop of the hiking bus
  • 4 Bad Boll hiking car park with entry into the Wutach Gorge near the former Bad Boll
  • 5 Shadowmühle hikers' car park, Bus stop of the hiking bus
  • 2  Gasthaus Schattenmühle, Schattenmühle 1, 79843 Loeffingen. Tel.: 49 7654 1705, Fax: 49 7654 921454, Email: . Guest house with restaurant and guest rooms.Open: Closed Wed.

3rd stage: Schattenmühle - Oberfischbach (18 km) Hiking-Sign-T2.png

Confluence of the Haslach Gutach
Computing rock
Place / sightroute
(m above sea level)
additional Information
Shadow mill0,00.659
Entrance to Lotenbachklamm0,00.660
Robber's Castle2,50.720
Stallegg river power station2,00.702
Rötenbach estuary1,00.715
Haslach estuary1,50.720The confluence of the Haslach and Gutach rivers, which then become the Wutach
Computing rock1,50.
former Kappel-Grünwald train station1,50.807Former station of the Haslachtalbahn, which was closed in 1976
Crossing with the crossroad Freiburg – Bodensee
Lenzkirch4,00.808Crossing with the Mittelweg Pforzheim – Waldshut
Fischbacher Höhe4,51.110
Oberfischbach0,51.045Part of Schluchsee


In the Shadow mill is the 21 Entrance to the Lotenbachklamm at a hiking car park.

However, the Schluchtensteig runs along the northern bank of the Wutach and climbs up after the road bridge 22 Stairs steeply up the slope and then follows a gravel road far above the impassable Wutach Gorge, only at the Glockenhalde leads 23 path down to the water. Take one below the former Göschweiler swimming pool 24 Footpath to the 25 Robber's CastleNeu-Blumegg Castle, a rock high above the Wutach, was located in the 14th century, and there are still few ruins to prove it. Shortly before that, a footpath allows you to cross the Wutach and reach Gündelwangen.

The footpath continues high above the impassable Wutach Gorge and then climbs to the 26 Bridge from Stallegg from. You do not cross this, but continue on the north side of the river on a gravel road and reach the barrage of the 27 Stallegg river power station.
This power plant is the oldest river power plant in Baden. It produced electricity from 1889 to 1979 and is currently being renovated. The footpath continues above the dammed Wutach, a gravel road leads to 28 Mouth of the Rötenbach, here a nice picnic area right on the water.
Cross the Rötenbach on a footbridge and immediately turn left, a footpath continues along the Wutach and after approx. 1.5 km you reach the 29 Mouth of the Haslach. From the mouth of the Haslach onwards, the Wutach is called Appraisal designated.

You cross the Wutach (Gutach) on a bridge and turn right, the path leaves the Wutach valley and continues into the Haslachklamm. (If you cross the Haslach over the second bridge, you can go to Felling reach).
Past the 30 Computing rock (here a bypass is signaled due to earth rushes, which meets the original route again at the Rechenfelsen) and the 31 Höllochfelsen the path reaches the route of the former Haslachtalbahn, which was closed in 1976, on which it continues towards Lenzkirch goes.

Below Chapel behind the former 32 Kappel-Grünwald train station the Schluchtensteig separates from the Crossing Freiburg – Lake Constance. The Schluchtensteig crosses the former railway line behind the station building and leads along the Mühlenbach through an underpass below the railway line back down to the Haslach. Then it goes up again, the former railway line is crossed again, to the Lochmühle and on to 4 Lenzkirch. From Lenzkirch, the Schluchtensteig runs through the Geopark for a short distance on the same route as the Mittelweg Pforzheim – Waldshut. Then the hike goes below the 33 Stöcklebergs and on through the Schwendetal past the 34 Cyriak Chapel about the 35 Fischbacher Höhe to the hamlet 5 Oberfischbachwho is already on the parish Schluchsee belongs.

4th stage: Oberfischbach - St. Blasien (20 km) Hiking-Sign-T1.png

Wind mountain waterfall
Place / sightroute
(m above sea level)
additional Information
Oberfischbach0,01.045Part of Schluchsee
Bildstein3,01.134Lookout point
Aha1,50.936Part of Schluchsee
Former chain saw2,01.065
Muchenland1,00.Part of Schluchsee
Blasiwald-Old hut1,51.088Crossing with the Mittelweg Pforzheim – Waldshut, Part of Schluchsee, St. Pantaleonskapelle
Sand pit1,01.080
36 Windberghütte1,50.850
Windberg waterfall0,50,835
St. Blasien1,50.770


View from the Bildstein to the Schluchsee

In Oberfischbach, the asphalted Bildsteinweg leads from the guest house up to the edge of the forest and then on through the forest over the Kohlplatz to the 1134 m high 37 Bildstein. From there it goes down in a zigzag to the Schluchseewho at 6 Aha is achieved. There, the path first crosses the Dreiseenbahn railway line and then the 500 federal road before it reaches the shore of the lake. The path turns right and leads along the lakeshore to 38 Unterkrummenhof on the other side of the lake.

Then the route leads through the forest on the Muchenländerweg over the former scimitar saw, past the 39 Crooked Cross (1,148 m, highest point of the tour) and between the Upper and Lower Habsberg through 40 Muchenland. Just before the 41 Wittemlehütte bends the 42 path left to the rest area 43 Pfaffenbrünnle and leads down on a forest management path and over alpine meadows 7 Old hut. Caution is advised on these alpine meadows, as the alpine pastures are surrounded by electric fences, the Schluchtensteig is led through the fences with the help of narrow, wooden fords. In Althütte, the trail meets the Mittelweg again and follows the same route for about a kilometer.

It continues downhill past the sand pit, then the path forks into a long, slightly less steep and a short but very steep path, the Old Blasiwälder Weg, downhill to the 44 Windberg Gorge, from there it goes into the valley of the Alb to the city 8 St. Blasien, which can be reached via Friedrichstrasse and Albstrasse.

5th stage: St. Blasien - Todtmoos (19 km) Hiking-Sign-T2.png

Ibacher Cross
Place / sightroute
(m above sea level)
additional Information
St. Blasien0,00.770
Feudal head1,51.039Observation tower
Rüttewies1,51.010Part of Badger Mountain
Horbach1,50.990Part of Dachsberg
Monastery pond0,50.950Inn
Wehra spring9,01.060
Ibacher Cross1,01.055
Hochwehra Gorge0,5820–1.030
Dead moss0,50.802


Cathedral of St. Blasien

St. Blasien is left through the spa garden. From there the hike leads to 45 Lusthausfelsen. At the 9 Schwandbrünnele the path turns left and continues to the observation tower on the 46 Feudal head. From there the route leads over 47 Rüttewies, where the county road 6527 is crossed, and 48 Horbach to the 49 Monastery pond.

From Gasthof Klosterweiher it goes uphill to 50 Friedrich-August-Grube, which is now used as a play mine and nature reserve. after the 51 District road 6525 has been crossed, it goes on the 52 Panorama path continue on Oberibach past.

Soon afterwards the path reaches the 53 State road 150. After the path has left the road again at the junction of the 6525 district road, the route runs past a memorial stone for the forest land consolidation and along the 54 Wehra spring over, which is a bit off the road to the 55 Ibacher Cross. There the state road 150 is crossed and the hike continues through the 56 Hochwehra Gorge and the valley of the Wehra downhill after 10 Dead moss, which can be reached via St.-Blasier-Straße.

6th stage: Todtmoos - Wehr (23 km) Hiking-Sign-T2.png

Place / sightroute
(m above sea level)
additional Information
Dead moss0,0802
Schwarzenbach4,0860Part of Todtmoos
To the basement saw2,5695Sawmill
57 Au1,0690Part of Todtmoos
58 Wehratal Bridge6,0593
Wehra reservoir6,0420Crossing with the Hotzenwald-Querweg
Weir (Baden)3,5366Crossing with the Hochrhein-Querweg



From Todtmoos, the Schluchtensteig leads past the Wehrawald Clinic over the Weiherweg to the suburb 59 Schwarzenbach. From there the route runs down the old Hornweg to 60 To the basement saw. There the state road 148 is crossed and the Schluchtensteig meets the again Wehra and unites with the Wehratalweg. Shortly thereafter, the path turns first left and then immediately right again and leads on a natural path past a game reserve to Todtmoos-Au.

After Au, the route turns left into Schwandhaldenweg. The valley becomes narrow and gorge-like here. The route initially goes uphill outside the gorge to a 61 Hairpin and then downhill again on a narrow path above the Wehra along the mountainside. A natural path leads along the course of the Hagenmattgraben creek steeply down to state road 148. There the Wehra pass over an old stone one Bridge as well as crosses the street.

The path then climbs steeply up on the other side. The path continues through the forest far above the Wehra 62 View of the rock hut on the other side of the gorge before going back down to the 63 Wehra reservoir leads. Before the reservoir comes the path with the Hotzenwald-Querweg together. It crosses the dam and continues along the river to after 11 Weir (Baden).


  • In the Wutach Gorge, the path runs in several places on ledges above the river bed, always secured, but caution is still required. After days of heavy rain and especially after the first snowfall until the snow melts, the gorge stages are impassable and dangerous.
  • Cell phone reception is often poor at the bottom of the gorge, if you have to call for help in an emergency, you have to climb to an elevated position. For this reason, caution is advised with purely online hiking apps, OSM-And can display a previously downloaded open street map offline, the GPS function of the telephone sometimes has a bit of orientation difficulties at the gorge bottom. You drive a lot better with a hiking avi and topographic maps downloaded for offline use.
  • The Schluchtensteig in the Wutach area is in Rescue sectors divided, these are also posted on the signposts and serve to inform rescue workers ("we are in the rescue sector N") so that they can be brought to the scene more easily.

Go on

  • in the field of Wutach Gorge The Lotenbachklamm and the Drei Schluchten - Weg are also worth recommending.


  • Schluchtensteig Black Forest, Stühlingen - Wehr: Leporello hiking map 1: 25,000, approx. 12 €; ISBN 978-3-89920-447-6
  • Schluchtensteig hiking guide: Across the Southern Black Forest Nature Park, 1: 35,000; Hikeline hiking guide; approx. € 12; ISBN 978-3850007795
  • Schluchtensteig (outdoor manual), Michael Hennemann; about 10 €; ISBN 978-3866864467
  • KOMPASS hiking guide Schluchtensteig, with Hotzenwaldquerweg, Hochrhein-Höhenweg and Ostweg; Tickets 1: 50,000, approx. € 15; ISBN 978-3990442210

Web links

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