Site of the battle of Waterloo - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Site de la bataille de Waterloo — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Site of the Battle of Waterloo
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The charge of the French cuirassiers represented in the Panorama of the Battle of Waterloo.
The charge of the cuirassiers French represented at Panorama of the Battle of Waterloo.

Tourist information office
50 ° 40 ′ 47 ″ N 4 ° 24 ′ 22 ″ E
(Modified GPX file)  (Edit card mask)
Touristic site

It is on the site of the battle of Waterloo that took place, the , the battle which decided the fate ofEurope between the Army of the North led by Emperor Napoleon Ier and that of the allies, commanded by the Duke of Wellington, composed of British, ofGermans and of Dutch supported by that of the Prussians, commanded by Marshal Blücher.


The battle

Arrangement of troops before battle.

The Battle of Waterloo is, after the Battle of Quatre-Bras de Baisy-Thy and that of Ligny which took place on the previous June 16 with the outcome of French victories, the last of the battles led by Napoleon Ier during the Campaign of 1815. At the same time as Waterloo, between June 18 and 19, the Battle of Wavre took place, which saw the French Marshal Emmanuel de Grouchy push back the Prussians of von Blücher. As for the last two battles fought by a body of the Napoleonic army, and therefore without the presence and command of Napoleon Ier, they took place on the 28th and , in Alsace along the Souffel with the victory of the Austrians and the 1er July 1815 in Rocquencourt which saw the victory of the French over the Prussians. A useless victory since the armistice was signed two days later.

Contrary to generally accepted belief, the fighting did not take place. Waterloo but a little further south, on the territory of the current municipalities of Lasne, Braine-l'Alleud and Genappe. In France, the battle is often called the “battle of Mont-Saint-Jean”, a more precise place in the town of Waterloo but just as inaccurate on the place of engagement. In Germany, it is called “Battle of the Belle Alliance” in connection with the place where, according to legend, Blucher and Wellington met on the evening of the battle. Its name of "Battle of Waterloo" comes from the writings of the Duke of Wellington, the great winner of this confrontation, who wrote from his staff located in Waterloo the dispatch announcing the victory of the allies.

The results of this battle that saw each other 86,000 French and 113,000 allies amounts to 7,000 dead or missing, 18,000 injured and 8,000 prisoners on the French side as well as 5,000 dead or missing and 17,000 injured on the side of the allies.

The site at present

Area protected by the law of (in dotted lines) and by the decree of (solid line).

In reaction to the proliferation of tourist-commercial buildings, such as the Panorama built in 1912, and to prevent further outrages from distorting the site, a "law for the preservation of the battlefield of Waterloo" was promulgated on . This protection measure granted to a site will remain, in Belgium, a unique case, anticipating the law for the conservation of monuments and sites of 1931. The perimeter defined by this law was subject to an easement of no ædificandi, that is to say a building ban, and contained an area of 535 hectares concerning only the Franco-English battlefield. It stretched, from north to south, from the Mont-Saint-Jean farm at the monument of The wounded eagle and, from west to east, from the Hougoumont farm at the Château de Fichermont.

the , a government decree of Wallonia classifies the site as an exceptional immovable heritage site and a decree of increases the protected area by including the Franco-Prussian confrontation zone until the Caillou farm and the Chantelet farm which brings the protected area to an area of 986 hectares.

The entire area remaining a vast necropolis, it is not exceptional that the farmers still unearth military objects or bones while plowing their fields. The complete skeleton of a Hanoverian soldier was also discovered on during work at the foot of the Lion's Mound.

  • RTBF (Belgian Radio-Television of the French Community) Logo indicating a link to the website – “The soldier found at the Waterloo site is said to be Hanoverian”.
Map of the hamlet of Lion and the Waterloo Memorial since May 2015.

The commemoration of the bicentenary of the battle resulted in a complete rehabilitation of the Lion Hamlet. Started in May 2012, this rehabilitation was inaugurated on and will have cost 40 million euros financed by the Walloon Region.

  • All neighboring buildings Lion's Mound, except Panorama and the urban block known as the “wax museum” were demolished. The latter is transformed into a brasserie, restaurant and reception halls while the museum's collections have been transferred to the new underground memorial.
  • All the existing parking areas were demolished and replaced by a single parking area on the edge of the motorway ring road. R0 and which is masked by a wooded strip making it invisible from the top of the Lion's Mound.
  • The portion of Route du Lion between the entrance to the new parking area and Chemin de la Haie Sainte has been made eco-mobile.
  • One "Memorial 1815 »Underground with an area of 5 880 m2 was built. This memorial hosts, in addition to the new visitor center and the collections of the old wax museum, seven multi-screen 4-D scenes reconstructing the most important moments of this historic day; the visitor is not in front of a screen but in the heart of the action.
  • A vast ramp connects, on a gentle slope, the “Memorial 1815” and the new parking area. This ramp is bordered by the “Wall of Memory” showing the names of all the regiments that took part in the battle.
  • the Panorama is connected by a tunnel to the “Memorial 1815” and by a staircase to the access ramp of the memorial.


A good plan for the visit of the site is to start it at one of its ends, that is to say either at Wellington museum either at the Caillou farm. In each it is possible to buy a Pass 1815 giving access to all museums and paid attractions.

The Wellington Museum.
  • 1 Wellington Museum Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link Chaussée de Bruxelles 147, 1410 Waterloo, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 3572860, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables every day except the 1er January and December 25; from 1er April to September 30 from h 30 - 18 h and from 1er October to March 31 from 10 h - 17 h. Logo indicating tariffs (2015-2016) adults: 6,5 , students and seniors: 5,5 , under 18: , under 7 years old: free (Updated 1815 Pass). – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility When the Duke of Wellington established his headquarters there the day before the battle, it was a post house dating from 1706 and bearing the ensign Auberge Bodenghien. Today it is a museum, which has about ten rooms dedicated to the battle. In room 4, we can see the prosthesis of the commander of the British cavalry, Lord Uxbridge, who was hit in the right knee by a Biscaian and had his right leg amputated while in the small garden of the museum, the 'we can see the funerary slab of this leg. Originally, this slab was at n ° 214 of the Chaussée de Bruxelles, where Lord Uxbridge was amputated, and moved here in 1991. In this same garden, the tombstone of Colonel Henry Ellis which was placed there in 1975 during the destruction of the old Waterloo cemetery.
  • 2 Church of St. Joseph Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link Albert I squareer 1, 1410 Waterloo Logo indicating timetables every day of h - 17 h. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (three steps at the entrance from the sides of the porch). The royal chapel, that is to say the rotunda and the dome, dates from the end of the 17th century.e century while the neo-classical three-aisled vessel dates from 1858. In the rotunda, on the left, the monument to the British soldiers and, on the right, that to the soldiers of the Dutch army. On the walls of the narthex of the nave, around thirty commemorative plaques of different regiments or officers of the Allied army. In the days following the battle, the church served as a hospital.
  • Lion Hamlet Logo indicating tariffs Access to the 1815 Memorial, the Panorama, the Butte du Lion and the Haugoumont farm (2015-2016); adults: 16 , students, seniors and under 18: 13 , under 7 years old: free (Updated 1815 Pass).
  • 3 Memorial 1815 Logo indicating a link to the website route du Lion, 1420 Braine-l'Alleud, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 3851912 Logo indicating timetables Every day except the 1er January and December 25; from 1er April to October 31 from h 30 - 18 h 30 and from 1er November to March 31 from 10 h - 17 h. Logo indicating tariffs (2014) access to the memorial, the Lion's Mound and the Panorama: adult , child between 7 and 17 years old, student and senior , child under 7 and physically handicapped people free.. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Visitor center of the site of the battle where the visitor discovers seven scenes projected in 4 D on a screen of 26 m long over 165 degrees and reconstructing the most important moments of this historic day; the visitor is not in front of a screen but in the heart of the action. Presentation of various characters involved in the battle made by the artists of the Grévin museum in 1949 and transferred here from the old wax museum. Exhibition of various period uniforms and weapons. The memorial also has a bookshop-shop for the purchase of souvenirs.
  • 4 Panorama Logo indicating a wikipedia link route du Lion, 1420 Braine-l'Alleud Logo indicating timetables see the “Memorial 1815”. Logo indicating tariffs see the “Memorial 1815”. – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility Neoclassical style building housing the gigantic circular fresco of 110 meters long and 12 meters de haut realized by the French painter Louis Dumoulin in 1912 and which presents the battle under an angle of 180 degrees and accompanied by sound effects simulating the noises of battle.
  • 1 Lion's Mound Logo indicating a wikipedia link route du Lion, 1420 Braine-l'Alleud Logo indicating timetables see the “Memorial 1815”. Logo indicating tariffs see the “Memorial 1815”. – PanoramaInaccessible to people with reduced mobility This monument inaugurated on is located at the presumed place where Prince Frédéric of Orange-Nassau was wounded in the shoulder, it is also the most emblematic monument commemorating the last battle of Napoleon. Top of 41 meters away and accessible by a staircase of 226 steps, the earthen mound of 290,000 m3 is surmounted by a colossal cast iron lion weighing 28 tons and 4.45 meters placed on a stone plinth, the foundations of which, made up of a brick column, are buried deep in the mound. From the top of the upper terrace, the view embraces the entire site of the battlefield; an orientation table indicating the defended positions at the different stages of the battle and two long views complete the terrace. Every weekend in July and August, cannon fire as well as infantry and cavalry demonstrations are organized at the foot of the hill and access is included in the entry ticket to the "Memorial 1815".
View of the battlefield to the south from the top of the Lion's Mound.
During winter 2010.
Lion on its plinth.
The staircase to the hill with, on the left, the Panorama and, on the right, the old visitors' center (photo taken in 2012)
The Memorial 1815 inaugurated in 2015.
The gun used during demonstrations in July and August.
  • 5 The "sunken path" of Ohain route du Lion, 1410 Waterloo Logo indicating timetables permanently accessible. Logo indicating tariffs free. – The ravine of the "hollow path" described by Victor Hugo in Wretched and in which crowded French horses and riders is the last portion of 150 m of the Route du Lion before ending in the Chaussée de Charleroi. Even if the hollow was very real in 1815 (it was completely filled during the paving of the Route du Lion), the story of Victor Hugo is largely romanticized and improbable because no testimony of the time relates such a tragedy.
  • 6 Wellington's tree route du Lion, 1410 Waterloo Logo indicating timetables permanently accessible. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Wellington is said to have occupied his observation post here on several occasions. An elm rose in this spot. A British merchant had the idea of ​​buying the tree to make souvenirs. He even made two armchairs out of it, one to Queen Victoria and the other to the Duke of Wellington himself. Around 1980, a new tree was replanted in the same place for the enjoyment of tourists.
  • 7 Monument to the Belgians Logo indicating a wikipedia link Carrefour Chaussée de Charleroi and rue de la Croix, 1410 Waterloo Logo indicating timetables permanently accessible. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Four-meter-high commemorative monument, built in 1914, which perpetuates the memory of the Belgians who died in the battle and who belonged to both camps. On the pedestal is engraved "To the Belgians who died on June 18th MDCCCXV Fighting for the Defense of the Flag and the Honor of the Arms ».
  • 8 Stele to General Picton chemin du Dimont, 1380 Lasne Logo indicating timetables accessible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility This stele marks the spot where Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Picton was killed in the early afternoon by a French bullet in the head during the French’s first attempt to reach La Haie Sainte farm. Picton was the highest ranking Allied officer who died at the Battle of Waterloo. Two legends, without any historical basis, run about the general, one is that he fought at Waterloo in civilian clothes and wearing a top hat because his canteen had not arrived in time, l Another, internal to the Picton family, wants the general to fight in a nightgown and top hat because he slept too long and was killed by one of his own soldiers.
  • 9 Stele to the 27th Infantry Regiment (27th (Inniskilling) Regiment of Foot) chemin du Dimont, 1410 Waterloo Logo indicating timetables accessible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Inaugurated on by the Royal Irish Rangers regiment (the successor of the 27th (Inniskilling) Regiment of Foot), it marks the place where, between 18 h 30 and 19 h , 493 officers and soldiers out of a workforce of 747 were killed or wounded by the French artillery whose troops had just conquered the Haie Sainte farm.
  • 10 Gordon Monument Logo indicating a wikipedia link Chaussée de Charleroi, 1380 Lasne Logo indicating timetables permanently accessible. Logo indicating tariffs free. – About five meters high stele erected in 1817 in memory of Alexander Gordon, lieutenant-colonel of the Scots Guards and Wellington's aide-de-camp, who died at the age of 29 during the battle. The north face of the pedestal has a tribute, in English, to A. Gordon and the south face its translation into French.
  • 11 Monument to the Hanoverians Logo indicating a wikipedia link Chaussée de Charleroi, 1380 Lasne Logo indicating timetables permanently accessible. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Monument erected in 1818 in memory of 42 officers of the Anglo-German legion of Hanoverians who died during the French attacks on the farm of the Holy hedge. The west face bears the mention « Dem Andenken Ihrer Waffen Gefahrten Welche In Der Ewig Denkwürdingen Schlacht Von 18 Juni 1815 Den Helden Tod Hier Starben » which can be translated as "In remembrance of your comrades in arms who in the forever memorable battle of died here as a hero. »And the south face the names, ranks and regiments of the 42 soldiers.
The monument to the Belgians.
The Gordon monument.
The monument to the Hanoverians.
  • 12 Mont-Saint-Jean farm Logo indicating a wikipedia link Chaussée de Charleroi 591, 1410 Waterloo Logo indicating timetables private property. – This farm, the oldest parts of which date from 1719, served as a military hospital for the English troops. The number of wounded to be treated was such that the doctors were still working there four days after the battle. It is also here that Prince Frédéric of Orange-Nassau, injured in the shoulder, was treated, among others. To the right of the portal, at the initiative of Royal Army Medical Corps, an inscription honors since the medical service of the British armies. Since September 2014, a micro-brewery with a capacity of 3,500 hL moved into buildings; she brews beer there Waterloo (Special, Double brunette and Triple Blonde)
The Papelotte farm seen from the south from where the French attacked it.
  • 13 Papelotte farm Logo indicating a wikipedia link chemin de la Papelotte, 1410 Waterloo Logo indicating timetables private property but the yard is accessible. – It is a typical example of a quadrilateral Brabant farm whose buildings are arranged around a central courtyard. Forming one of the three support points of Wellington's army, it was partially burnt down during its brief occupation by French troops. It was not rebuilt until 1857-1858, when the octagonal tower which surmounts the porch was erected. In the courtyard, one can see a series of six beautiful blue stone arches. The buildings are currently occupied by an equestrian club.
  • 14 Stele to Lieutenant Demulder Chemin des Vertes Bornes, 1420 Braine-l'Alleud Logo indicating timetables accessible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Inaugurated on by the Belgian Society for Napoleonic Studies and the Waterloo Committee, it bears the inscription "In memory of Lieutenant Augustin Demulder of the 5th Cuirassiers born in Nivelles in Brabant in 1785. Knight of the Legion of Honor. Wounded at Yelau in 1807, at Eesling in 1809, at Hanau in 1813, killed at Waterloo. And in memory of all the horsemen who charged with him the . ».
  • 15 Mercer Stele Chemin des Vertes Bornes, 1420 Braine-l'Alleud Logo indicating timetables accessible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Inaugurated in the early 1990s by the Waterloo Committee, it marks the last position of the G Troup of the Royal Horse Artillery commanded by Captain A. Cavalié Mercer and bears the inscription « This stone marks the last position of G Troup Royal Horse Artillery commanded by Captain A C Mercer during the battle of Waterloo 18 June 1815. From here the Troup took a conspicuous in defeating the attacks of the French Cavalery. » which means "This stone marks the last position of Battery G of the Royal Horse Artillery commanded by Captain A C Mercer during the Battle of Waterloo, the . From here, the battery took an important part in the defeat of the attacks of the French cavalry. ".
  • 16 Hougoumont farm Logo indicating a wikipedia link chemin du Goumont, 1420 Braine-l'Alleud Logo indicating timetables property of the Walloon Region undergoing restoration. Logo indicating tariffs included in the access ticket to Lion Hamlet. – Former castle-farm, the oldest parts of which date from the first half of the 17th centurye century. As it exists today, the domain of Hougoumont and its surroundings have changed considerably compared to what it was in 1815: the castle, the farm and the stable, burnt down during the fighting, have disappeared as well as the small wood which was located to the south and the garden of which only the south wall remains. In this old garden, you can see the monument to French soldiers OpenStreetMap dead during the fighting as well as the disused graves OpenStreetMap of Captain John Blackman and Sergeant-Major Edward Cotton, the remains having been transferred to the crypt of the British memorial To Evere. The premises have been restored and refurbished for the celebrations of the 200e anniversary of the battle in 2015 and serves as a permanent memorial to the British soldiers who fell in the battle. This fortified farm played a central role in the battle and was the setting for deadly fighting. An advanced position protecting the right wing of the allies, Napoleon launched the action there on June 18 at around 11:30 am. What was initially to be a diversionary maneuver became the most violent point of the battle. The French assaults there were terrible and in vain. The castle, the farm and the stable were set on fire around 3 p.m. by French howitzer fire. We fought fiercely until around 19 h . The orchard and the garden changed hands seven times while the buildings remained in the hands of the 1,210 soldiers of the coalition that made up the garrison at the start of the fighting.
The south portal in 2006.
The south wall of the garden in 2008.
The chapel of the castle in 1998.
Sergeant Major Cotton's original gravestone.
The monument to French soldiers.
Plan of the estate in 1815.
Site plan in 1815 (the buildings in blue have disappeared)
La Haie Sainte farm seen from the Chaussée de Charleroi from where the French attacked it.
  • 17 Haie Sainte farm Logo indicating a wikipedia link Chaussée de Charleroi, 1380 Lasne Logo indicating timetables private property. – The oldest parts of this typical Brabant farm date from the 17th century.e century and its name comes from the fact that it was surrounded by hedges and belonged to a congregation of Sisters of the Holy Family. During the battle, it constitutes the central point of support of the army of the Duke of Wellington and is defended by a battalion made up of approximately 600 Hanoverians of the King's German Legion. At around six o'clock, Marshal Ney led an attack which allowed the IIe French infantry corps to invest the buildings half an hour later and to make flee the 49 valid defenders remaining. The occupation was short-lived, however, because during their redeployment, and while Napoleon refused to send the reinforcements requested by Ney, the French were attacked by the British heavy cavalry which forced them to fall back. Currently, the farm is private property, access to which is prohibited; only the parts located along the Chaussée de Charleroi where four commemorative plaques have been affixed are visible.
  • 18 Large Battery Logo indicating a link to the website 1410 Waterloo and 1380 Lasne Logo indicating timetables permanently accessible. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility Site which was held by the Napoleonic "Grande Batterie" made up of 80 cannons aligned on 1 400 m from the Chaussée de Charleroi. The place is accessible by about twenty steps in front of n ° 17 of the chaussée de Charleroi and gives a good idea of ​​the view that the French had on their adversaries. The location occupied by this "Large Battery" is underlined in Royal blue on the dynamic map on Wikimedia
The "farm" of the Belle-Alliance.
  • 19 Belle-Alliance farm Logo indicating a wikipedia link Chaussée de Charleroi 1, 1380 Lasne Logo indicating timetables Private property but the exterior is visible at all times. – It seems that the building was built in 1765 to serve as a relay on the road between Brussels and Charleroi. Still, in 1815, it was a cabaret and, although located at the center of the French system, it was never defended or the scene of fighting. Two errors circulate about it: contrary to its current name, it has never been or is part of a farm and, contrary to what the plaque affixed to the facade indicates, Wellington and Blücher never put it there. feet together. Their meeting, between 22 h 30 and 22 h 45, on the evening of the battle really took place on a field between the place called "The King's House" and the Caillou farm. The fame gained by the place comes only from the fact that before the erection of the Lion's Mound in 1826, it was the rallying point of all tourists, including King George IV of England guided in 1821 by the Duke of Wellington in person, eager to visit the battlefield but also that this battle is known as name of "Victoire de la Belle-Alliance" (Belle-Alliance Sieg) in Germany. Currently, the building hosts a nightclub.
  • 20 Victor Hugo column Logo indicating a wikipedia link Chaussée de Charleroi, 1380 Lasne Logo indicating timetables permanently accessible. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Commemorative monument erected in 1911-1912 to commemorate the 50e anniversary of Victor Hugo's stay in Waterloo. The pedestal bears the mention « A Day Will Come When There Will Be No More Battlefields Than Markets Open To Trade And Minds Open To Ideas. Paris August 22, 1849. Speech to the Peace Congress ».
The monument The wounded eagle.
  • 21 The wounded eagle Logo indicating a wikipedia link Chaussée de Charleroi, 1380 Lasne Logo indicating timetables permanently accessible. Logo indicating tariffs free. – The monument, inaugurated in 1904, in honor of the last square of the Old Guard represents a wounded bronze eagle, raising a wing pierced by grape-shot, holding a flag in a greenhouse, the other erected in a movement of defense as much what a challenge. The pedestal bears the mention « To the Last Fighters of the Grand Army ». According to most historians, it is in this place that the last four battalions of the Guard were located, arranged in squares and commanded by General Cambronne at the time when, according to legend, the latter would have delivered his famous answer to General English Charles Colville. At the foot of the monument is a horizontal stele inaugurated in 1990 by the Polish armed forces in memory of the members of the Polish Grand Army squadron who died on . It bears the mention, in French, « To the officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Polish squadron who fell at Mont-Saint-Jean on June 18, 1815 ».
  • 22 De Coster House Logo indicating a link to the website Chaussée de Charleroi 9, 1380 Lasne Logo indicating timetables Private dwelling. – This is where Jean-Baptiste De Coster, the local guide of Napoleon I, throughout the battle as well as during his flight to Charleroi. There are very few elements of the building as it was in 1815 and a first floor was added in 1947.
Attack of Plancenoit by the Prussians (oil painting on canvas by Adolf Northern).
  • 23 Plancenoit Logo indicating a wikipedia link 1380 Lasne – Apart from the four commemorative plaques, three on the outside and one on the inside, of the Sainte-Catherine church and the three monuments scattered around Plancenoit, there are no material memories of the fierce and terribly bloody battles between the Imperial Guard and Blücher's troops. These fights, which lasted between 16 h and 20 h 30, have had as a result approximately 6,000 French and 6,350 Prussians killed or missing and the almost complete destruction of the village.
    • 24 Stele of the Young Guard Logo indicating a wikipedia link crossing of Chemin du Lanternier and Chemin de Camuselle, 1380 Lasne (Plancenoit) Logo indicating timetables permanently accessible. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Blue stone stele erected in 1991 at the place where the Young Guard, under the orders of General Duhesme, opposed the Prussians of General Bülow the To h evening during the fights of Plancenoit. It bears the mention « In this place June 18, 1815 At 5 o'clock in the evening The Young Guard of the Emperor Napoleon under the orders of General Count Duhesme Gloriously opposed the Prussians of General Bülow ».
    • 25 Prussian monument (Schinkel pyramid) Logo indicating a wikipedia link chemin de Camuselle, 1380 Lasne (Plancenoit) Logo indicating timetables permanently accessible. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Monument erected in 1818, by the Prussian architect Karl Schinkel, in honor of the troops of Marshal Blücher and consisting of a plinth and a blue stone pedestal bearing a neo-Gothic style arrow surmounted by a cross representing the decoration of the Iron Cross instituted in 1813 by King Frederick William III of Prussia. The south face bears the mention « Die gefallenen Helden ehrt dank-bar König und Vaterland. Sie ruhn in Frieden. Belle-Alliance den 18. Juni 1815 » which can be translated as “To the fallen heroes, the King and the Fatherland grateful. They rest in peace. Belle-Alliance, ". According to tradition this monument would have been established on a small height where a French battery caused heavy losses to the Prussian troops.
    • 26 Stele to the 5th line infantry regiment Logo indicating a wikipedia link rue d'Anogrune, 1380 Lasne (Plancenoit) Logo indicating timetables permanently accessible. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Blue stone stele erected in 1193 at the place where the 5e line infantry regiment of the Simmer division, under the leadership of Colonel Roussille, opposed the Prussians of General Bülow the . The stele bears the mention « In this place June 18, 1815 The 5e Colonel Roussille's Line Infantry Regiment Simmer Division Heroically Opposed General Von Bülow's Prussian Corps ».
  • 27 Monument to Count von Schwerin Logo indicating a wikipedia link trail n ° 65 (known as the Prussian Monument), 1380 Lasne Logo indicating timetables permanently accessible. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Monument consisting of a blue stone column erected in 1817 by the widow of Count von Schwerin on the spot where her husband was killed by a cannonball. The pedestal bears the mention « Wilhelm Graf von Schwerin Koenigl. Preus. Obrist und Ritter Gefallen Dem Siege am Juni 1815 In der Fremde Für die Heimath » which can be translated as “William, Count of Schwerin, Colonel and Knight of the King of Prussia. Fallen in the June 1815 victory abroad for the Fatherland. ".
The stele at the Young Guard.
Schinkel's pyramid.
The stele at 5e line infantry regiment.
The monument to Count von Schwerin.
  • 28 Ronssomme Chaussée de Charleroi, 1380 Lasne (Plancenoit) – Land at an altitude of 143 m which was Napoleon's observation post at the start of the battle. In June 1815, the Ronssomme farm was built there. Destroyed in 1895 by fire, it was demolished and never rebuilt.
  • 29 Caillou farm Logo indicating a wikipedia link Chaussée de Bruxelles 66, 1472 Genappe Logo indicating timetables every day except the 1er January and December 25; from 1er April to September 30 from h 30 - 18 h and from 1er October to March 31 from 10 h - 17 h. Logo indicating tariffs (2015-2016); adults: , students and seniors: , under 18: , under 7 years old: free (Updated 1815 Pass). – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility It was on this farm built in 1757 that the Emperor Napoleon Ier, his suite and part of his staff and spent the night of June 17-18 and establish their battle plan. June 19, around h In the morning, the Prussians set fire to the barns destroying the right side of the Caillou, the barns and the laundry room, but the fire died on the roof thus sparing the entire left wing, the one occupied by Napoleon. Since 1951, the farm has become the Caillou museum in which the collections are spread over five rooms which present weapons, furniture and objects of the time, archival documents and slideshows that retrace the Belgian countryside of 1815. The aide-de-camp room, the dining room and the Emperor's bedroom recreate the atmosphere of the time. During the visit, the visitor is immersed in the sound atmosphere of the time; namely the driving rain, the hum of the bivouac, the passage of troops nearby. The adjoining orchard houses a small brick ossuary, built in 1912, to collect bones found in the neighboring fields during works and excavations as well as a stele at 1er battalion of the 1er regiment of hunters on foot which bivouacked in the orchard during the night of June 17 to 18. On the right side of the farm, on the edge of the parking area, the Knights of Amalfi erected, in 2001, a bronze statue of Napoleon bearing, on its plinth, the words “Gift of the Knights of Amalfi In Memory of the Italian and Polish Soldiers who fought for the Freedom of their Homeland and Democracy under the Eagles of EMPEROR NAPOLEON I ».
The Caillou museum.
The ossuary.
Detail of the statue of Napoleon.
  • 30 Chantelet farm Logo indicating a wikipedia link Chantelet, 1472 Genappe Logo indicating timetables Private property but the yard is accessible. – Farm whose first written quotation dates from 1312. To the right of the entrance porch, the baroque chapel of Chantelet built in 1661 and magnificently restored in 2011. It is in this farm that Marshal Ney spent the night from 17 to .

Guided tours

THE'ASBL of the “Guides 1815” organizes, by appointment made via their website, guided tours of the Waterloo battlefield site as well as those of Quatre-Bras by Baisy-Thy and of Ligny. These tours can be taken on foot, by bike, on horseback, or aboard the all-terrain truck that travels the battle ridge lines. Visits for visually impaired and the seniors are also organized.

  • Guides 1815 Logo indicating a link to the website route du Lion, 1420 Braine-l'Alleud (to Memorial 1815), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 3851912 Logo indicating timetables Every day except the 1er January and December 25; from 1er April to October 31 from h 30 and from 1er November to March 31 from 10 h. Logo indicating tariffs (2015) ordinary visit for a guide (group of maximum 25 people): one hour: 60 , two o'clock : 80 , three hours : 100  à augmenter du prix des attractions payantes et des musées / pour déficients visuels par personne et pour deux guides (groupe de maximum de 6 déficients visuels) : 80  y compris l'entrée des attractions payantes et des musées ainsi que celle de l'accompagnateur du déficient visuel / pour seniors et pour un guide (groupe maximum de 25 personnes) : 210  pour le groupe y compris l'entrée au Panorama et une boisson (tarifs complets actualisés).

Manifestations annuelles

Chaque année, depuis 1999 et le week-end le plus proche du 18 juin, se déroulent des bivouacs napoléoniens. Ceux-ci accueillent les participants dès la matinée du jeudi et sont ouverts au public le samedi et le dimanche de h - 18 h. Les Français prennent leur cantonnement dans le verger de la ferme du Caillou et dans les environs ; les « Alliés » à la ferme d'Hougoumont. Le clou du spectacle se déroule le samedi entre 20 h and 22 h avec la reconstitution de la bataille au pied de la butte du Lion et à laquelle participent près d'un millier de participants en uniforme, à pied et à cheval.

  • Bivouacs napoléoniens route du Lion, 1420 Braine-l'Alleud (to Mémorial 1815), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 3851912 Logo indicating tariffs (2013 par jour) Bivouacs - adultes : in presale or sur place, enfants entre 7 et 17 ans in presale or sur place, groupes (par personne) : en prévente et sur place, moins de 7 ans : gratuit / Bivouacs hameau du Lion - adultes : 12,5  in presale or 18  sur place, enfants entre 7 et 17 ans 8,5  in presale or 12  sur place, groupes (par personne) : 10,5  in presale or 12  sur place, moins de 7 ans : gratuit / Reconstitution de la bataille - gratuit.
Bivouac à la ferme du Caillou (2004).
Vue générale (2010).
Vue générale (2010).
Le dernier carré (2010).
Rassemblement à Plancenoit (2012).

Pour ceux et celles qui voudraient devenir figurant lors des reconstitutions, non seulement de la bataille de Waterloo mais également de toutes les grandes batailles napoléoniennes, il existe plusieurs sociétés qui peuvent vous « engager ». C'est aussi une autre forme de tourisme.

  • Société royale belge d'Études napoléoniennes Logo indicating a link to the website chaussée de Bruxelles 66, 1472 Genappe (Belgique), e-mail :
  • Le Souvenir napoléonien Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link 82 rue de Monceau, 75008 Paris (France) - Bonheidensteenweeg 25, 2812 Malines (Belgique) - Château de Morges case n°16, 1110 Morges (Suisse), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 1 45223732 (France), 32 475 747047 (Belgium), 41 21 8099100 (Suisse), 1 514 2961641 (Québec) – courriel : [email protected] (France) - [email protected] (Belgique) - [email protected] (Suisse) - [email protected] (Québec)
  • Le 2e régiment de Dragons Logo indicating a link to the website (Belgique), e-mail :  – Reconstitutions de charges de cavalerie, il est donc impératif de savoir monter à cheval mais en posséder un n'est pas nécessaire.
  • Les Grenadiers d'Ile-de-France Logo indicating a link to the website (France), e-mail :
  • Les voltigeurs du 3ème régiment suisse Logo indicating a link to the website Route Champ de la Pierre 15, 1966 Botyre (Suisse), e-mail :
  • La 9ème Légère (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg), e-mail :
  • Les Artilleurs de la Citadelle de Namur Logo indicating a link to the website (Belgique), e-mail :
  • 7éme régiment d'artillerie à pied de la ligne Logo indicating a link to the website Trieu Raspelote 71, 7740 Pecq (Belgique), e-mail :
  • Batterie des Grognards de Haute-Alsace Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link 26 rue des fabriques, 68700 Cernay (France), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 3 89 398389 – La connaissance du jeu d'un instrument n'est pas obligatoire. L'association donne des cours.

Pour savoir s'il existe une société de reconstitutions près de chez-vous :

L'édition 2015 qui prit place entre le 12 juin et le 5 juillet et commémorant le bicentenaire des batailles de Waterloo, de Ligny et de Wavre furent exceptionnelles. With 5 000 figurants, 300 chevaux et 100 canons, celle de Waterloo, étalée sur deux jours, fût la plus grande reconstitution jamais réalisée en Europe.

To go

By train

Aller visiter le site de la bataille en train n'est pas chose aisée. Que ce soit depuis la gare de Braine-l'Alleud ou depuis celle de Waterloo, il vous faudra continuer votre route en bus, à moins que vous n'ayez emporté votre vélo avec vous. En bus, seule la ligne n° 365A des TEC possède plusieurs arrêts disséminés sur le site de la bataille. La voiture est la solution la plus aisée. Chaque lieu d'intérêt décrit dans ce guide possède au moins une aire de stationnement gratuite.

  • 1 Gare de Braine-l'Alleud Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link place de la Gare 1, 1420 Braine-l'Alleud Logo indicating timetables Les guichets sont ouverts tous les jours de h 30 - 18 h 30.. – Aire de stationnement, parc pour vélos. La gare est desservie par les trains InterCity (IC), InterRegion (IR), Omnibus (L) et Heure de pointe (P) de la ligne 124 entre Brussels and Charleroi.
  • 2 Gare de Waterloo Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link place de la Gare, 1410 Waterloo Logo indicating timetables Distributeur de titre de transport avec Bancontact/carte de crédit/Proton/fonctionnalités Mobib.. – Aire de stationnement, parc pour vélos. La gare est desservie par les trains InterCity (IC), InterRegion (IR), Omnibus (L) et Heure de pointe (P) de la ligne 124 entre Brussels and Charleroi.

By bus

Au départ de Bruxelles ou de Charleroi

Line TEC n° 365A Brussels (Midnight station) ↔ Charleroi (Jumet-Madeleine)

Au départ de la gare SNCB de Braine-l'Alleud

Line TEC n° 3 WaterlooLouvain-la-Neuve
Line TEC n° 57 Braine-l'AlleudLa Hulpe
Line TEC n° 58 Braine-l'AlleudGenval

Au départ de la gare SNCB de Waterloo

Line TEC n° 122 Rhode-Saint-Genèse → Waterloo

By car

Signal routier indiquant la direction vers la Butte du Lion.

Au départ de Bruxelles

Prendre la E411 jusqu'à la ceinture périphérique autoroutière R0. Prendre, à droite, la direction « Waterloo » :

  • for the musée Wellington and theéglise Saint-joseph : take the exit 28 (Waterloo Nord) puis prendre à droite l'avenue Reine Astrid jusqu'à son tenant avec la chaussée de Bruxelles ;
  • for the hameau du Lion depuis la ceinture périphérique autoroutière R0 :
    • venant du nord : prendre la sortie 25 (Genappe, Braine-l'Alleud, Butte du Lion) puis à gauche la chaussée de Nivelles (NOT27) et, au premier carrefour, à gauche la route du Lion jusqu'au parking :
    • venant du sud : prendre la sortie 25 (Lasne, Braine-l'Alleud, Butte du Lion) puis à droite jusqu'au parking.
  • for the ferme du Caillou depuis la ceinture périphérique autoroutière R0 :
    • venant du nord : prendre la sortie 26 (Mont-St-Jean) puis à droite la chaussée de Louvain (NOT253) jusqu'au deuxième rond-point. Là, prendre à gauche la chaussée de Charleroi (NOT5) pendant 5 km ;
    • venant du sud : prendre la sortie 26 (Genappe) puis à droite la chaussée de Charleroi (NOT5) pendant 4,6 km.


Sont cités ici uniquement les lieux de restauration localisés sur le site de la bataille.

  • 1 Mémorial 1815 route du Lion, 1410 Waterloo – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Cuisine de brasserie, jardin/terrasse.
  • 2 Les Deux Sil Logo indicating a link to the website route du Lion 377, 1410 Waterloo, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 3840918 Logo indicating timetables lundi, mardi, jeudi et dimanche : de 12 h - 14 h 30 and18 h 30 - 22 h, samedi : de 18 h 30 - 22 h. Logo indicating tariffs map. – Cuisine italienne, jardin/terrasse.
  • 3 La Saline Logo indicating a link to the website chaussée de Charleroi 16, 1380 Lasne (Plancenoit), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 3843963, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs map. – French cuisine. Terrasse-jardin, aire de stationnement privée.
  • 4 Kaiyou Logo indicating a link to the website chaussée de Charleroi 38, 1380 Lasne (Plancenoit), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 3871132, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables every day of 12 h - 14 h and19 h - 22 h 30, fermé le samedi midi. Logo indicating tariffs map. – Cuisine asiatique. Take away food. Aire de stationnement privée.
  • 5 Piccola Bruschetta Logo indicating a link to the website chemin de la Maison du Roi 26C, 1380 Lasne (Plancenoit), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 3874200, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables mardi, mercredi et jeudi : de 12 h - 14 h and18 h - 22 h, vendredi et samedi : de 12 h - 14 h and18 h - 22 h 15. Logo indicating tariffs map. – Italian food. Specialty of pizzas. Take away food. Aire de stationnement.
  • 6 Le Gros Vélo Logo indicating a link to the website place de Plancenoit 22, 1380 Lasne (Plancenoit), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 6331746, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables fermé le lundi soir, le mardi et le samedi midi. Logo indicating tariffs map. – French cuisine. Terrace. Aire de stationnement.
  • 7 Le Vert d'Eau Logo indicating a link to the website rue de la Bachée 131, 1380 Lasne (Plancenoit), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 6335452, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables fermé le lundi soir, le mardi et le samedi midi. Logo indicating tariffs map. – Cuisine française basée sur les produits de saison. Terrasse-jardin.
  • 8 La Ferme du Hameau du Roy Logo indicating a link to the website chaussée de Bruxelles 70, 1470 Genappe (Vieux-Genappe), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 3871515 Logo indicating timetables from Tuesday to Sunday from h - 19 h. Logo indicating tariffs map. – Salon de dégustation. spécialités de quiches et de tartines garnies. Production de pains artisanaux. Aire de stationnement privée.

Pour les autres lieux de restauration situés à Waterloo, Braine-l'Alleud, Lasne and Genappe, voir la section « Manger » des articles dédiés à ces communes.

Have a drink / Go out

Sont cités ici uniquement les lieux où boire un verre ou sortir localisés sur le site de la bataille.

  • Le Rétro chaussée de Charleroi 1, 1380 Lasne (Plancenoit) (in the ferme de la Belle-Alliance), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 3846943 Logo indicating timetables vendredi et samedi de 22 h - h le lendemain. – Nightclub.

Pour les autres lieux où boire un verre ou sortir situés à Waterloo, Braine-l'Alleud, Lasne and Genappe, voir la section « Boire un verre / Sortir » des articles dédiés à ces communes.


Sont cités ici uniquement les lieux où se loger localisés sur le site de la bataille.

  • 1 Le 1815 Logo indicating a link to the website route du Lion 367-369, 1410 Waterloo, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 3870160, e-mail :  – Wireless payant. (10 /24 h). 15 chambres, animaux de compagnie admis (15 /nuitée). Parking privé, jardin-terrasse, salle de conférence/banquet, restaurant.

Pour les autres lieux où se loger situés à Waterloo, Braine-l'Alleud, Lasne and Genappe, voir la section « Se loger » des articles dédiés à ces communes.


Travel warningEmergency telephone number:
All emergency services:112

Le seul problème de sécurité concerne les cyclistes qui empruntent la route NOT5 (chaussée de Charleroi ou chaussée de Bruxelles selon que l'on soit à Lasne ou à Genappe). C'est une route, sans éclairage public, à forte densité de circulation où, bien que la vitesse y soit limitée à 70 km / h, les véhicules circulent à vitesse élevée. Elle est longée par une piste cyclable étroite, en mauvais état, aussi empruntée par les piétons et qui, en plus, n'est pas toujours séparée physiquement de la chaussée.


Cette section cite les destinations liées directement aux batailles de Waterloo, de Ligny, des Quatre-Bras de Baisy-Thy et de Wavre.

À Fleurus

  • 1 Municipal administration  – Ancien château dit « impérial » ou logeât Napoléon la nuit du 15 au (la chambre du 1er étage a été reconstituée) et où il réunit son état-major avant la bataille de Ligny (la salle du rez-de-chaussée est visible).
  • 2 Moulin Naveau  – Cet ancien moulin à vent constituât le poste d'observation de Napoléon lors de la bataille de Ligny du .

À Genappe

L'ancienne auberge du Roy d'Espagne.
  • 3 Auberge du Roy d'Espagne Logo indicating a wikipedia link – the , le duc de Wellington vint y loger, au soir de la bataille de Quatre-Bras de Baisy-Thy et le , le prince Jérôme Bonaparte y passa la nuit alors que son frère logeait à la Caillou farm. Le général Guillaume Philibert Duhesme, commandant de la Jeune Garde, gravement blessé à la tête lors des combats de Plancenoit, fut fait prisonnier par les Prussiens et transporté à l'auberge où il mourut le 20 juin suivant la bataille. L'auberge est devenue une maison d'habitation et l'intérieur n'est donc pas visitable.
  • 4 Duhesme mausoleum Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Monument funéraire du général Guillaume Philibert Duhesme mort à l'auberge du Roy d'Espagne le , des suites de ses blessures. Le général Duhesme est un des rares militaires à avoir sa sépulture à proximité du champ de bataille.
  • Site de la bataille des Quatre-Bras de Baisy-Thy Logo indicating a wikipedia link –
    • 5 Monument to British and Hanoverian troops Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Monument inauguré le par le duc de Wellington, huitième descendant du vainqueur de Napoléon Ier et constitué d'un parallélépipède en granit d'Écosse de 10 tonnes, à sommet pyramidal, d'environ 2 mètres from above. Il glorifie les officiers et soldats britanniques et hanovriens ayant combattu lors de cette bataille.
    • 6 Monument to the Dutch cavalry Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Monument, érigé en 1990 et précédé d'un escalier de six marches, constitué d'un socle en béton recouvert de gravier blanc portant un glaive très stylisé réalisé en béton blanc et en bronze. Il honore la mémoire des soldats de la cavalerie néerlandaise ayant combattu les 16 et .
    • 7 Monument to the Belgians Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Stèle commémorative de style éclectique en pierre bleue d'environ trois mètres de haut dressée sur un socle horizontal. Il commémore la mémoire des Belges morts lors de la bataille des Quatre-Bras et ayant appartenu aux deux camps. Hormis la date, ici le , la mention gravée est similaire à celle du monument aux Belges de Waterloo.
    • 8 Brunswick Monument Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Monument constitué d'un lion en bronze regardant en direction de la France, la patte posée sur un bouclier. Le lion est posé sur un piédestal en pierre bleue, lui-même posé sur un socle à degrés. Sur le piédestal, un médaillon en bronze figurant le portrait du duc de Brunswick, entouré de feuilles de laurier ainsi que la mention « Friedrich Wilhelm Herzog Zum Braunschweig Und Luneburg Kämpfte Und Fiel Unweit Dieser Stätte An Der Spitze Seiner Truppen Am XVI Juni MDCCCXV. » ce qui signifie « Frédéric-Guillaume, duc de Brunswick et de Lunebourg, combattit et tomba à proximité de cet endroit à la tête de ses troupes le . ».

À Sombreffe

Figurants du 1er régiment de la Garde Impériale quittant le Centre général Gérard en 2007.
  • 9 Centre général Gérard Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link – Ancienne ferme datant du XIXe siècle au départ des ruines d'une ferme plus ancienne du XVIIe siècle et transformée en musée napoléonien ainsi qu'hébergeant le syndicat d'initiative de Ligny et un restaurant. Il est plausible que sa grange ait été réquisitionnée pour abriter des blessés lors de la bataille de Ligny du . Chaque année, en juin, le centre accueille des « bivouacs napoléoniens ».

À Wavre

  • 10 Monument au général Gérard Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Stèle en pierre bleue d'environ deux mètres de haut, reposant sur un socle fait du même matériau et érigée à l'endroit exact où le général Étienne Maurice Gérard fut grièvement blessé lors de la bataille de Wavre du . La face tournée vers le nord-ouest porte la mention « En Ces Lieux Fut Blessé Le 18 juin 1815 Le Général Gérard Héros de l'Empire et Défenseur de Notre Indépendance Nationale ». La partie « Défenseur de Notre Indépendance Nationale » de cette mention rappelle que le général Gérard, alors au service de la jeune Nation belge, mit le siège devant la citadelle d'Antwerp et força les troupes néerlandaises à capituler le .

À Evere

Le cimetière de Bruxelles à Evere contient plusieurs tombes et un mémorial en rapport direct avec la bataille de Waterloo.

  • Brussels cemetery Logo indicating a wikipedia link avenue du Cimetière de Bruxelles, 1140 Evere Logo indicating timetables from Tuesday to Sunday from h 30 - 16 h. Logo indicating tariffs free. – accessible Wi-Fi networkAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
Le mémorial britannique du cimetière de Bruxelles.
  • 11 Mémorial britannique Logo indicating a link to the website (2e avenue) – Inauguré le et œuvre du sculpteur Jacques de Lalaing, cet imposant mémorial est surmonté d'une sculpture en bronze représentant une Britannia en tristesse gardée par trois lions couchés. Sous l'entrée, à l'arrière du mémorial se trouve une crypte accessible où sont inhumés seize officiers britanniques tués sur le champ de bataille ainsi que le sergent-major Edward Cotton qui, après avoir participé aux combats, s’installa définitivement à Waterloo et devint le premier guide touristique du champ de bataille ainsi que le créateur du premier musée, l'ex musée de cire, consacré à cette bataille.
  • Tombe du lieutenant-colonel John Miller Logo indicating a link to the website (15e chemin, concession n° 859) – Mortellement blessé le 16 juin lors de la bataille des Quatre-Bras, il décède le 19 et est enterré au cimetière du Quartier Léopold à Schaerbeek avant d'être transféré ici lors de la désaffection de celui-ci.
  • 12 Tombe de Marie Caroline Julie Élisabeth Joséphine Napoléone de Montholon Logo indicating a link to the website (12e avenue, concession n° 1041) – Née à Sainte-Hélène le et décédée à Bruxelles le , elle est, officiellement, la filleule de Napoléon Ier mais serait, en fait, sa fille qu'il aurait eue avec la comtesse Albine de Montholon. Enterrée dans un premier temps au cimetière du Quartier Léopold, son corps fut transféré ici lors de la désaffection de ce cimetière.

À Bruxelles

La « Pelouse des Anglais » avec, sur la droite, le chêne commémoratif.
  • 13 Pelouse des Anglais  – Endroit situé dans le wood of the Cambre où, la veille de la bataille de Waterloo, des soldats anglais jouèrent une partie de cricket. Depuis 1965, une stèle et un chêne marquent l'endroit et commémorent ce fait sportif historique.
Routes via Site de la bataille de Waterloo
EtterbeekWaterlooNOT BE-N5.svg S GenappeCouvin
Tabliczka E19.svgTabliczka E40.svgTabliczka E411.svgNOT BE-R0.svg E Tabliczka E19.svgBE-N28.svg
EndBE-N5.svgNOT BE-N27.svg S NivellesBE-N90.svg
Logo representing 2 gold stars and 1 gray star
The article on this route is a guide. It contains detailed information covering the entire route. Expand it and make it a star article!
Complete list of other articles in the region: Province of Walloon Brabant