Stilo (Italy) - Stilo (Italia)

Stylus from above (August 2016)
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Stylus is a city of Calabria.

To know

It is part of the most beautiful villages in Italy.

Geographical notes

Stilo is located at the foot of Monte Consolino. In the vicinity of Ferdinandea, the Stilo wood extends, a typical example of the Calabrian greenhouse wood, with silver firs and beech trees and a rich undergrowth with a strong presence of heather and holly. As fauna there are the wild cat, the marten and numerous species of woodpeckers. It is about 150 km from Reggio Calabria and 75 km from Catanzaro. The territory extends, with a thin strip, to the sea in the locality of Caldarella (Caddareda, in the Stilese dialect).

When to go

Maximum (° C)131517192428313128242014
Minimum (° C)0591115182222191692
Precipitation (mm)635243311795529536359


The Catholic
Norman Castle of Stilo
Royal gate of the sixteenth century
Stylus from above 2016
Stylus from above 2 2016

The origins of Stilo are linked to the destruction during the Greek period by Dionysius of Syracuse of the city of Kaulon; according to Apollinare Agresta was built in 3 different places, the first time on the promontory of Cocinto, now Punta Stilo, in the Middle Ages always in this area on the right of the Assi stream and finally on Monte Consolino.

In the beginning it was a fortified city, a Magna Graecia oppidum called Consilinum or in Greek Kosilinon; in the period of the late Roman Empire it was considered the Italiot Kaulonia and subsequently changed its name to Stilida, which derives from the Stilaro stream, from the shape of the elongated promontory and from the column of the temple of Jupiter Omorius.

In 880 it was called "The columns", in Greek Steilai.

Stilida became part of the Byzantine Empire in the 6th century; it was located near Punta Stilo to the right of the Assi river. On 15 July 982 it suffered damage due to a battle between Otto II and the Arab-Byzantines.

It will be along the course of the Middle Ages that the inhabitants of the coast will go to live more and more inland, creating the medieval nuclei of the current villages of the Stilaro Valley, like the inhabitants of Stilida who will move to Monte Consolino and only in a third moment where Stilo is today. In the 9th century the Cattolica di Stilo was built.

With the Norman period Stilo becomes Regio Demanio; it will keep this privilege until the 14th century, when Charles V of Spain revokes it.

In 1260, under Charles I of Anjou, the city of Stilo was state property: its castle was equipped with a royal garrison, counting as one of the main fortresses of the province.

In 1540 Charles V of Habsburg sold Stilo to the Marquis Concublet of Arena, while in 1575 the king of Spain Philip II returned the state property and the county to Stilo.

In 1658, under the reign of Philip IV, the privileges of the Royal State were re-granted. In 1783 an earthquake damaged the village of Stilo.

Since 2000 the celebration of Palio of Ribusa, which takes place every first Sunday in August. Since 2009 the Norman Castle of Stilo has been undergoing restoration. In 2010 the Cattolica was restored. In September 2012 the Diving Center Punta Stilo discovered in Boario del Gran Bosco di Stilo boulders very similar to the Neolithic stones of Nardodipace with engraved signs and geometric shapes, an in-depth study of the University of Reggio Calabria.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

The nearest airport is that of Lamezia Terme.

On the train

The city is served by the RFI station Monasterace-Stilo, which is located in Monasterace and is served by regional trains for Reggio Calabria is Catanzaro (Catanzaro Lido) and Intercity for Taranto.

How to get around

What see

Religious architectures

Stilo in its history has counted 18 churches, many of which were lost after the earthquake of 1783.

Abbey of San Giovanni Theresti
Mother Church (Duomo)
Bring Stefanina
Piazza Carnovale, Church of San Francesco and monument to Tommaso Campanella
  • 1 Duomo (Master Church). Church of the fourteenth century, rebuilt after the earthquake of 1783 with the monumental altarpiece by Caracciolo inside. Built on an early Byzantine church.
  • 2 Abbey of San Giovanni Therestis. The entrance is characterized by a gray and pink granite door, above there is a balcony engraved with the name of the prior who had it built. It has a dome set on 4 pillars with 2 round arches and 2 pointed arches. Inside is a twelfth-century Swabian painting of the Madonna enthroned with her right hand on the shoulder of the blessing child. Here in 1600 the relics of St. John Therestis were brought from an old convent with the consent of Pope Alexander VIII through the letter Ad futuram Dei memoriam.
  • 3 The "Cattolica". Church of Byzantine architecture of the tenth century, finished renovating at the end of 1927. The Cattolica di Stilo, is a Byzantine architecture, similar to the typology of the Greek cross church inscribed in a square, typical of the Middle Byzantine period. Inside, four columns divide the space into nine parts, roughly equal in size. The central square and the corner ones are covered by domes on columns of equal diameter, the central dome is slightly higher and has a larger diameter. On one side there are three apses. Cattolica di Stilo on Wikipedia Cattolica di Stilo (Q747888) on Wikidata
  • 4 Church of San Domenico. 17th century church which is part of a Dominican convent of which only the ruins remain. Here the noble families of Stilesi had chapels where they buried their dead. Campanella wrote the tragedy Mary Queen of Scots, the theological treatise De preadestinatione et gratia contra Molinam pro Thomistis, Articuli prophaetales and the opera La Monarchia di Spagna. In 1783 due to an earthquake the convent collapsed to its foundations. In 1927 the church was partially rebuilt due to the collapse of the roof. It is a Latin cross church.
  • 5 Church of San Nicola da Tolentino.
  • 6 Church of San Francesco dei Minori. From the eighteenth century.
  • Church of Santa Caterina.
  • Church of San Nicola da Bari.
  • Church of Sant'Onofrio.
  • Church of San Biagio al Borgo. Here Tommaso Campanella was baptized.
  • Church of Santa Barbara.
  • Church of Santa Marina and Lucia.
  • 7 Church of the Madonna delle Grazie.
  • Church of the Badia.
  • Capuchin Church.
  • 8 Convent of the Poor Clares with the Church of Santa Chiara. Built in the 13th century, it was dedicated to Santa Maria di Ognissanti.
  • 9 Laura of the Shepherdess. It was a laura dedicated to Santa Maria di Tramontana (from an act of 1115), in 1906, Don Vincenzo Papaleo converted it into a rock church. Inside there is a painting by Antonio Chirilli from 1931 while behind the altar there is a small cavity, which is the original primitive cave.

Other monuments

Church of San Francesco from above (2016)
  • Laura Sant'Angelo. Laura with frescoes of Byzantine origin, one representing the Redeemer who blesses the two saints Cosma and Damiano, another depicting San Sebastiano. It is mentioned by Tommaso Campanella in the sonnet Sovra il monte di Stilo.
  • 10 Fountain of the dolphins (Gebbia). Arab work that testifies to the alliance between Byzantines and Arabs, represented by two intertwined dolphins, to drive Otto II of Germany out of these lands. In fact, on July 13 of the year 982 the battle of Stilo took place with the defeat of the Saxon emperor.
  • 11 Norman castle of Roger II. The castle, built by Roger the Norman on Mount Consolino, dates back to the 11th century. Rectangular in shape and surrounded by defense works nowadays remain the ruins of the perimeter walls, towers and doors. It was destroyed by the French during the war with Charles V in the 16th century.
  • 12 Bring Stefanina. One of the ancient 5 entrances of Stilo, next to the Church of San Domenico, remodeled in the seventeenth century, was so called because it bordered the territory of the Convent of Santo Stefano del Bosco.
  • Museum of the territory and of industrial archeology.
  • 13 Bronze monument to the philosopher Campanella. From 1923.

Events and parties

  • Epiphany Fair. Simple icon time.svg5 - 6 January.
  • Holy Week. Simple icon time.svgFrom Holy Thursday to Easter. The rites of Stilo's Holy Week are the events that take place during the Easter period, from Thursday to Easter Sunday in Stilo, Calabria.
Thursday: The party starts from the Church of San Giovanni, from which some people carry heavy crosses on their backs and walk around the alleys of the town with bare feet.
Friday: The three hours of agony - From the Chiesa Matrice the statue of the sorrowful woman is carried in procession, and accompanied by songs for the Madonna reaches the Church of San Giovanni. In the church, in front of the crucifix placed on the high altar for the occasion, the Three Hours of Agony: Prayers and songs of unknown origin. finally the cross is laid down.
Saturday: The procession of the dead Christ - Guided by the archconfraternity, the procession of the Dead Christ takes place which starts from the Church of San Giovanni and crosses the whole town. The dead Christ is represented by a canopy adorned with veils and angelic figures called "Monumentu", many stylesi for the occasion as a sign of devotion carry on a cross made of cane "a guccedata", a bread made for the occasion in the shape of donut that was blessed on Thursday afternoon. In the evening, "U mortoriu", an amateur representation of the Passion and death of Christ, is staged by the people of Stilesi.
Sunday: A cunfrunta - On Sunday there is the procession dell'affrontata in which the Madonna meets the risen Christ, St. John goes in search of Jesus and once found, together they go to meet Our Lady of Sorrows, in the so-called "cunfrunta" which, seeing the son alive, removes the veil of mourning.
  • Feast of St. George. Simple icon time.svgApril 23.
  • Fair of San Giovanni. Simple icon time.svgJune 24.
  • Palio of Ribusa. Simple icon time.svgFirst Sunday in August. Named for the fair that took place in Stilo since 1600, it is the largest historical re-enactment in Calabria of the medieval-Renaissance times in which Stilo played the role of county, collecting the fiefs of Pazzano, Stignano, Guardavalle, Riace and Camini. .
  • Feast of the Assumption. Simple icon time.svgAugust 15. Party resumed in 2009 after 50 years. The statue of the assumption starts from the Church of San Francesco and reaches the Cattolica, Here a mass is celebrated and then returns to the church and ends with a fireworks display. The Catholic feast takes up the ancient feast of the Orthodox Dormitio Virginis of the Italian-Greek monks as also depicted inside the Cattolica.
  • Feast of San Rocco. Simple icon time.svgAugust 16.
  • Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Simple icon time.svgDecember 8.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 1 Post Office, Via Roma, 1, 39 0964 775237, fax: 39 0964 775237. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-13: 45, Sat 8: 20-12: 45. Present an ATM.



Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Stilo (Italy)
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Stilo (Italy)
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Stilo (Italy)
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