On the Goiano - Sul Goiano

On the Goiano
Lagoa Santa
Sul Goiano - Location

On the Goiano it is a region of the state Brazilian of Goiás.

To know

Sul Goiano is the most prosperous, largest and most diverse region of the state of Goiás, both economically and touristically.

Territories and tourist destinations

It is divided into 6 micro-regions:

  • Catalão
  • Meia Ponte
  • Pires do Rio
  • Quirinópolis
  • Sudoeste de Goiás
  • Vale do Rio dos Bois

Urban centers

  • Buriti Alegre - Its main tourist attraction is the Brisas artificial lake.
  • Cachoeira Dourada - The region has hot salt water springs, a phenomenon unique in the country. This water is used for its renowned therapeutic qualities.
  • Caiapônia - The city is known for its numerous waterfalls as well as a crystal clear lake, perfect for swimming.
  • Caldas Novas - Hydrothermal resort with a very lively carnival. It has numerous places to practice sport fishing along its vast water network dominated by the Parnaíba River, a tributary of the Paraná.
  • Catalão - Despite its small size, it has a rather significant network of infrastructures and cultural production.
  • Corumbaíba - Hill town.
  • Itumbiara - Itumbiara's main attraction is its nautical tourism. The artificial lake of Itumbiara offers, in addition to its natural beauty, the possibility of practicing above-average fishing, without mentioning the various water sports.
  • Jataí - Hydrothermal resort of tourist interest.
  • Lagoa Santa - Great center of tourist interest for its hot springs.
  • Mineiros - There are over 100 waterfalls in the city and the das Emas national park offers a rich variety of fauna, flora, natural pools, caves and shelters.
  • Morrinhos - The Jatobá Centenário Ecological Park has a large tree inside that impresses visitors with its majestic beauty.
  • Paraúna - In the Serra do caiapó immense stone walls extend for several kilometers; some sculpted by atmospheric events and others adorned with rock art.
  • Rio Quente - The Rio Quente Resorts it attracts thousands of tourists all year round, having the largest artificial beach (with waves) and natural warm water in the world.
  • Rio Verde - Hill town founded in the mid-nineteenth century.
  • São Simão - The huge lake of the same name located nearby is used for fishing, swimming and water sports. The artificial beach on its shores attracts many tourists.
  • Três Ranchos - The Emborcação Reservoir is famous for its blue color and is known as Lago Azul.
  • Vianópolis - Citizen active on both the agricultural and industrial fronts.

How to get

By car

All the main routes of communication between the Federal District and the Southeast Brazil pass through the cities of Rio Verde is Catalão.

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table

Here the land for grazing cattle is not lacking, so the steaks in the churrascarie are on the agenda. In most tourist cities, especially Caldas Novas is Rio Quente, you might find the sushi, but it should not be taken for granted.


The military police of the state of Goiás and the Civil Police of the state of Goiás is present throughout the state. The Federal Police has units in Goiânia, Jataí, Itumbiara is Luziânia.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning On the Goiano
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