Via Jutlandica - Via Jutlandica

The well-known Camino de Santiago with the aim of the Spanish Santiago de Compostela There are a number of ways to achieve this, which can be viewed as a kind of "feeder". For the Nordic area, this task is taken over by Via Jutlandica, which leads from Aalborg in Denmark via Haithabu to the Hamburg area in order to cross the Elbe there. Essentially, the course of the Via Jutlandica corresponds to the Ochsenweg.

The signs are made of yellow scallops on a blue background, whereby the signs are always oriented so that the way is in the direction Santiago de Compostela is gone. The Via Jutlandica follows the places Flensburg - Schleswig - Kropp - Rendsburg - Hohenwestedt - Hohenlockstedt - Itzehoe - Glückstadt.

Besides this main route there is one East routethat are at the height of Schleswig towards the Bay of Lübeck separates from the main path. It then goes over north of the Schlei Eckernförde, Kiel, Plön and after Lübeck. The Via Jutlandica meets the in Lübeck Via Baltica and the Via Scandinavica. If the Via Jutlandica is to be connected again from Lübeck, then the route must be continued via the Via Baltica, which in Hollenbek (Lower Saxony) meet. On the way there comes Reinfeld, Bad Oldesloe and Hamburg.

In autumn 2013 a section of the West route, also Dithmarscher Way of St. James called, from Friedrichstadt above pagan, the cathedral city Meldorf, Mountains of wind to Brunsbuettel opened. The connection to the main path then takes place again in Glückstadt. The course between Brunsbuettel and Glückstadt follow that Elbe cycle path.

A northern connection of the western route through the North Frisian area is in the planning phase.See also:Via Jutlandica / Gpx


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