Westphalian Way of St. James 2 - Westfälischer Jakobsweg 2

The approx. 170 km long Westphalian Way of St. James 2 is part of the Westphalian Way of St. James) and leads from Corvey at the Weser over Paderborn and the Hellweg to Bochum.


General description of the routeThe path leads over 170 km from the former imperial abbey Corvey by Höxter above Ovenhausen - Bökendorf (Pilgrim cross) - Brakel - Bad Driburg - Dahl - Paderborn - Geseke - Erwitte - Soest - Werl - Unna - Dortmund to Bochum

The historical basis is questionable, but the route could well correspond to one or more medieval Way of St. James.

Route profile



  • yellow seashell on a blue background

accommodationThe accommodations and contact points are named at the regional association. Hotels and pensions: available in all larger towns.


In very few small towns along the way there are still grocery stores. In the larger towns, supermarkets are often outside the town center. There are restaurants in most places.


The entire route does not make any special demands on the reasonably fit pilgrim. We advise the untrained to take the steep ascent on the Iburg Allow for time. This is usually possible without any problems in all localities, as the area is well served by local public transport.

getting there

With the automobile: in Höxter the federal road 83 and federal road 64 branch off. The federal road 239 begins.

The train leads at the station Höxter town hall right at the beginning of the path.


The Lahntalbahn (Koblenz - Limburg - Gießen) enables easy division into daily stages. Each day's stage ends in a place with a rail connection. The trains run every 60 minutes, every 30 minutes at peak times, but only every 2 hours on weekends between Wetzlar and Limburg. The regional train is complemented by a train from the provider VEC, which runs up to 2 times an hour. All other places are also connected by buses, which sometimes only run in the early morning and late afternoon (rush hour). The website of the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund www.rmv.de makes planning easy for you (also for Rhineland-Palatinate).

Route description with stages


  • Ulrike Spichal / Horst Gerbaulet, Way of the St. James pilgrims in Westphalia. In 9 stages from Höxter via Paderborn and Soest to Dortmund; [with 36 cycling and hiking maps]. (Way of St. James, 8). 1st edition Cologne 2010

Web links

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