Bibione - Bibione

Parish Church of Santa Maria Assunta in Bibione
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Bibione is a seaside resort of the Venetian coast.

To know

Bibione was born as a tourist resort around the 1950s when, following important reclamation works, the area began to be populated with hotels and tourist facilities. From 1960 onwards the tourist development of the area has always been in constant growth and today Bibione is the second beach in Italy and the first in Veneto in terms of number of presences (about 6,000,000 in 2011).

Bibione has a coastline that extends for 11.5 km with an average depth of 400 meters, characterized by fine and soft sand and dominated by modern and well-equipped bathing establishments.

Geographical notes

Bibione is an island, surrounded by the Tagliamento river to the east, the Lugugnana canal to the north and the Litoranea Veneta to the west, and overlooking the Adriatic Sea. At the northern end we find the Val Grande Natural Park, a lagoon area of ​​low salinity waters where the extensive breeding of some species of fish such as eel, sea bream and sea bass is practiced. To the east, at the Punta Tagliamento lighthouse, we find the mouth of the Tagliamento river, and a vast area of ​​woods and prairies among the dunes. To the west we find Porto Baseleghe, on the Lovi Lagoon.

When to go

The season begins with the month of April and continues until the end of September. These are the months in which the greatest number of events and demonstrations are concentrated. The months of July and August are those in which the concentration of tourists is highest, while in June and September it is possible to enjoy all the best of the resort away from the masses.

Bibione is also an important spa center and the spas are open all year round as well as many hotels that allow you to enjoy a wellness stay even in low season or winter.


Although it is a young town, Bibione has a history that begins in the first centuries AD. when the Romans began the first reclamation works in the area. With the decline of the Roman Empire and the affirmation of Christianity, Bibione first passed under the influence of the bishops of Concordia Sagittaria and then under the dominion of the "Serenissima". Right under the Venetian rule, Bibione experienced a period of abandonment and neglect and its lands returned to fishermen and wild animals.

Between the end of the 1700s and the early 1800s, Bibione changed hands between the French and the Austrians, until it became part of the Lombard-Veneto Kingdom constituted byAustria with the treaty of Vienna to then join, from 1866, to the neighboring Kingdom of Italy.

Precisely with the annexation to the Kingdom ofItaly the reclamation works that will bring Bibione, at the dawn of 1950, to establish itself as a holiday and tourism destination resume.

How to orient yourself

Bibione is characterized by 4 main areas (from east to west): Bibione Lido dei Pini, Bibione Spiaggia, Bibione Lido del Sole and Bibione Pineda.

Bibione Lido dei Pini is the most characteristic area in which tourism development has gone hand in hand with the protection of an environment in which the pine forest is still the undisputed queen and its vegetation in some areas extends to the beach and the sea. An excellent example of eco-tourism.

Bibione Spiaggia is what can be considered as the center of Bibione with shops, restaurants and clubs. Bibione Lido del Sole is the spa area, quieter and less crowded, while Bibione Pineda is the area dominated by campsites and villages and where lovers of boat holidays can find the dock.

How to get

By plane

Bibione can be reached through national and international connections from the airports of Venice, Treviso and Ronchi dei Legionari.

To reach Bibione from the airports of Venice is Treviso: By Coach: The ATVO bus company offers a connection service between Venice and Treviso airports with Bibione beach. The distance from Venice and Bibione airport is about 95 km.By Train: from the Venice airport there is a shuttle bus service to the railway station of Mestre - Venice and from there reach Bibione by train. The most convenient arrival stations are Portogruaro or Latisana.Anche from Treviso airport there is also a shuttle bus service or line bus service to the Treviso railway station. The recommended arrival stations are Portogruaro or Latisana. The distance from Treviso and Bibione airport is about 90 km.

From Ronchi dei Legionari airport (Trieste): By Coach: The SAF Società Autoservizi Friuli Venezia Giulia guarantees a connection service between the Ronchi dei Legionari airport and Latisana. The distance from the Ronchi dei Legionari and Bibione airport is approximately 65 km. By train: from the Ronchi dei Legionari airport there is a scheduled bus service to the Gorizia or Monfalcone railway station. From here the recommended stations to reach Bibione are Portogruaro or Latisana.

By car

Coming from the west - Driving along the A4 motorway on the route VeniceTrieste;

Recommended exit: Portogruaro toll booth: Bibione is about 35 km away. Leaving the toll booth, follow the signs for Trieste.

Coming from the east - Driving along the A23 motorway on the route TarvisioUdine.

Recommended exit: Latisana toll booth: Bibione is about 25 km away. Once out of the toll booth, turn right immediately; pass the town of Latisana and continue following the signs for Venice.

On boat

To get to Bibione by boat you can follow the coordinates Longitude 45 ° 38 '10 "N - Latitude 12 ° 59' 83" E.

Once on site you can take advantage of the transit docks of the Porto Baseleghe dock to moor your boat (docks for boats up to 18 meters are available).

On the train

The most convenient railway stations to reach Bibione are:

By bus

Bibione can be reached directly by bus from the bus stations of Venice, Treviso, Belluno or Udine with the service operated by the public transport company ATVO (for timetables and lines you can consult the website of the ATVO company). Arriving in Bibione by bus you will arrive at the Piazzale Keplero bus station.

How to get around

What see

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay


How to keep in touch



Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Bibione
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Bibione
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