Village of Arquata - Borgo di Arquata

Village of Arquata
The town seen from the tower of the keep of the Arquata del Tronto fortress
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Village of Arquata

Village of Arquata is a fraction of the municipality of Arquata del Tronto, in the province of Ascoli Piceno, in the area Marche.

To know

It stretches its urban center, almost like an uninterrupted one continuum from that of Arquata. Always linked to the fate and history of the capital, it has been a settlement dedicated to trade. Its toponym derives from the Latin word "burgus, burgi", which means village or small inhabited site. Benedictine land, typical pecorino wine, chestnuts and chestnuts, pink apples, ruzze or rough apples.

Geographical notes

The town is located at 670 m asl, in the Alta Valle del Tronto area, on the SP89, the ancient seat of the Consolare Salaria which connected the Adriatic Sea with Rome at the time of the Regio V Picenum. Its geographical position allows you to easily reach many hamlets of the municipal area and the slopes of Mount Carrier.

When to go

The small town can be a destination for visits and stays in every season of the year, having accommodation facilities, sports facilities and a typical mid-mountain climate with pleasant temperatures in springs and summers and winters with some snowfall.


Documentary sources do not provide certain information on the origin of the first settlement. It was probably the seat of the Statio Surpicanum, represented on the Peutingerian Table of the military routes of the Roman Empire, indicated between the two Statio: Ad Martis is In Aquas (today: Tufo and Acquasanta Terme), along the Salaria. The study of this information has led historians to believe that Surpiacanum can be placed in the same position as the Piana di San Salvatore of the town.In the 1st century AD, the area of ​​the Alta Valle del Tronto and therefore also the territory of the town of Borgo belonged to the family of the Roman emperor Vespasian. The historical vicissitudes of this hamlet are confused with those of Arquata from which it was never separated.

How to orient yourself

Borgo di Arquata is crossed by the SP89 Valfluvione and the SP129. These are the two roads that reach most of the hamlets of the Arquatana municipality. Along the SP89 you get to: Piedilama, Pretare, at the pass of Fork of Presta and at the foot of Mount Carrier. Following the SP129 you can reach: Arquata, Vezzano, Pescara del Tronto, Tufo, Capodacqua and the pass of Forca Canapine. On the headquarters of the SP129 the small road opens up to the hamlet of Camartina.

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are:

By car


Ordinary viability:

  • SS4 Salaria

On the train

The nearest railway station is that of Ascoli Piceno.

By bus

How to get around

The most convenient means of transport for getting around the area are the car, the motorbike and the bicycle. Inside the town it is easy to move around on foot, the streets and alleys are in good condition and have comfortable slopes and modest climbs, also accessible to people with disabilities.

What see

The Shroud of Arquata
  • Shroud of Arquata - The Shroud of Arquata is on display inside the church of San Francesco. The cloth, found behind a niche of an altar in the seventeenth century, is an extracted representation of the sacred linen of Turin. It was compared with the original in the years 1655 and 1931. Perhaps, the ecclesiastical hierarchies wanted to entrust it to the custody of the friars of Borgo to have a "security copy" the other which was in the possession of the Royal House of Savoy.
Fresco of the Madonna with Saints, executed in 1527 and attributed to the school of Cola dell'Amatrice
Altar of the Madonna del Rosario with the representation of 15 mysteries
Interior of the church of San Francesco
  • 1 Church of San Francesco (Central area of ​​the town, along the SP89). Ecb copyright.svgFree entry. Built following characters and lines of the Romanesque style, it belonged to the homonymous convent complex dedicated to the saint of Assisi. Its interior is divided into two naves, richly furnished by wooden altars with reliquaries, a stucco altar, the pulpit supported by twisted columns, a choir leaning on a sandstone pillar, the wooden choir, to which is added a beautiful external portal, all datable between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Of particular interest is the coffered ceiling, from the Nursina school. At the end of the right aisle, in the space of the chapel, a copy of the Holy Shroud of Turin is permanently exhibited, enclosed in its protective case, next to the altar dedicated to St. Charles Borromeo.
  • 2 Convent of San Francesco (Central area of ​​the town, along the SP89, next to the church of San Francesco). Ecb copyright.svgFree entry. Probably founded in 1251, it belonged to the Benedictine Abbey of San Pietro di Borgo. This was the first building of the monastery to be built. Later, the completion of the church was added. The entire factory was restored over time until it was rebuilt in the Renaissance period. Among the major benefactors of the religious we remember the local Bucciarelli family who helped the community of friars through donations, payments for the necessary compensatory interventions and testamentary bequests. The monks, who could not possess material goods, believed they were in contravention of the rule of poverty dictated by Francis of Assisi. They therefore decided to give their monastery to the conventual friars of the Umbrian Province which also included the area of ​​the Arquatano. At the beginning of the nineteenth century the monastery had a consistency of two floors and a square cloister. The spaces were intended for the cells of the religious, for the meals and for the reception of visitors. The convent was closed and abandoned in the first half of the 1800s and entrusted by the bishop of Ascoli Giovanni Francesco Cappelletti to the Franciscan Province of the Marche governed by the religious Domenico di Montecosaro who commissioned fra Biagio da Castignano to reopen the monastery. In 1837 the Bucciarelli family intervened to support the expenditure for the expansion of the building and the municipality of d'Arquata undertook to pay 100 scudi, annually, for the needs of the friars. In 1854 the convent counted the presence of ten religious, Fr Ercole Saladini, parish priest of Borgo, reported that they were committed with great dedication to the community during the cholera epidemic that struck the territory in 1855. Only five years later, in 1860 , the monastery was suppressed when the Marche was occupied by Piedmontese troops. The friars remained in Borgo until 31 August 1861.
  • Church of San Salvatore, Plain of San Salvatore (Just outside the town, towards Trisungo). It was the parish church of d'Arquata until the twentieth century. It rises in the homonymous plain where it seems there was the ancient Surpicanum, indicated in the Peutingerian Table. The current building, in Lombard style, with brick cladding, finished rebuilding in 1929, occupies the same area where there was the church of Santa Maria del Piano (or della Pieve), destroyed by the earthquake of 1915. It was dedicated to the Savior in 1681, when the Arquatans brought back to their country the polychrome wooden crucifix of the thirteenth century, stolen from the Ascolans. Even before this church there was another religious building dating back to the early years of 300 AD, coeval with the preaching of Saint Emidio, bishop of Ascoli and who became patron of the provincial capital. The external aesthetics of the current church is enlivened by a portico on the left side. The interior shows two altars dedicated respectively to the Madonna del Carmine, to Saints Philip and James, while the main altar was dedicated to the exhibition of the Crucifix, now preserved in the church of the Santissima Annunziata di Arquata. It is closed throughout the year and open only for the anniversary of the Savior when the Crucifix is ​​transported here in a solemn procession and remains there for the whole night before being brought back to Arquata. To the right of the church building stood the hermitage, a two-storey rectory which housed the parish priest's lodgings.
  • Hospitale of Santo Spirito (Tall building next to the church of San Salvatore). It is a modest construction, elevated with square blocks of local sandstone. Its simple architecture is embellished by the pointed arched entrance portal surmounted by a single lancet window, both dating back to the 12th and 15th centuries respectively. The keystone of the arch is decorated with the figure of the Cross of Lorraine, symbol that identified the hospitales. It belonged to the religious of the Order of the Hospitallers, established at the end of the twelfth century by Guido of Montpellier. Following their rule, they offered assistance, refreshment and shelter to wayfarers and pilgrims. It was abandoned at the end of the sixteenth century, later its walls became a farm house until it was completely abandoned.
  • 3 Church of Saints Peter and Paul (Follow the SP89 towards Piedilama). Ecb copyright.svgFree entry. Built just outside the town, prior to the 12th century, it was a property of the Abbey of Sant'Eutizio di Norcia from 1115 to 1580. Restoration works, carried out in 1853, carried out following the project of the engineer Proclo Baldassarri and carried out by Nicola Trocchi, for a fee of 230 scudi, have restored the higher roof than the previous one, built once in bricks and masonry to close the lights of the windows. The interior, with a single nave, houses a 17th century ciborium, in gilded wood in the shape of a small temple with two rows of columns and small niches. There is one on the walls Pity, (oil on panel), cut in a lunette, attributed to Cola dell'Amatrice and a representation of the Enthroned Madonna with Child from the 17th century by an unknown artist. On the sail of the bell tower there are two bronze bells respectively cast in 1632 and 1700.

Events and parties

  • Fair of Forgiveness. It is held on August 2nd each year

What to do

The town offers the possibility to move to nearby locations and to the urban centers of the hamlets with easy road connections. There are also footpaths that, crossing the mountain territory, allow long walks among the green of the luxuriant vegetation that surrounds the town, which can also be practiced with mountain bikes and bicycles. It is also possible to practice sports thanks to the presence of a football field, two tennis courts and a sports hall, designed as a multipurpose facility where you can play soccer, basketball and volleyball. There are also green spaces set up as a playground for the little ones.


  • 1 Vapoforno Cappelli s.n.c., Via Salaria, 2 (Along the SP129 at the crossroads for Camartina), 39 0736 809147. Family-run artisan bakery. Among the different types of bread of daily production, it also offers other baked goods such as: white pizza and stuffed pizza by the slice. Pastry preparations: biscuits, milk biscuits, pies, donuts, sponge cake and more.

How to have fun

During the days of the summer season there are many leisure opportunities linked to the initiatives of the Park Guides who organize excursions. Mostly in summer, throughout the territory of the municipality, many events related to historical re-enactments and patronal festivals are scheduled that entertain visitors with musical evenings or outdoor festivals.

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Moderate prices

  • 1 B & B - Center of the Two Parks "Country House", Borgo hamlet, 9 (Along the SP129), 39 0736 803915, fax: 39 0736 809921. Receptive structure in a wooded park, reserved and quiet, equipped with systems that make it usable even for people with disabilities. It has 23 rooms, (including double, twin and triple), all equipped with bathroom and served by a lift to the floor. There is a bookshop, an information point with proposals for naturalistic tourism, school, trekking, a breakfast room with bar and wood stove, equipped (video projector, maxi screen, amplification system, DVD player, DVD and VHS) with a capacity of about 70 seats. And again a multipurpose room for play, relaxation and educational workshops. Outside there is a nature trail with panels, educational charcoal pit, barbecue, playground, sport climbing wall of 9.5 meters at three levels of difficulty, private parking.
  • Bed and Breakfast "Da Corrado", 39 3477039844, @. Ecb copyright.svg€ 25.00 bed and breakfast per person (July 2015). The accommodation was set up in a house built in 1725, recently restored, consisting of two floors. On one floor there are: a double bedroom, a bathroom and a new kitchen, equipped with a fireplace, on the other three double bedrooms and two bathrooms. It is also possible to rent a single room with bathroom and kitchen.

Average prices


List of telephone numbers that can be useful during a stay:

The Ascoli Piceno Alpine Rescue can be contacted via the single national health emergency number 118.

How to keep in touch


From the town you can reach many of the most famous places and tourist destinations, including:

  • Arquata del Tronto - Seat of the municipal capital is the center closest to the hamlet of Borgo, easily reachable on foot. In its urban fabric there are the church of the Santissima Annunziata hosting the 13th century polychrome wooden crucifix. Of particular interest is the fortified complex of the Fortress of Arquata. Defense work of medieval times that can be seen isolated in the area north of the inhabited center, observes with its towers the upper Valle del Tronto and the Salaria. Conceived as a military garrison to guard the territory, it has arrived in a good state of conservation up to the present day. The recent restoration has made it open to visitors in all its rooms. Built several times between the 11th and 15th centuries, this stronghold is also known by the name of Queen Giovanna Castle.
  • Fork of Presta - Along the Provincial Road 89 Valfluvione you go up in altitude and cross the urban centers of the hamlets of Piedilama, Pretare and you reach the Forca di Presta pass, which divides the Arquatano area from the municipality of Norcia. The town is the starting point for other excursions. From the pass you can go to the lake of Pilate and on top of the mount Vector. Or you can choose to walk among the paths that lead to Forca Canapine from where you can see the view over the Castelluccio plains
  • Acquasanta Terme - Thermal center about 14 km from Arquata, following the SS4 towards Ascoli Piceno. Inside the historic center there are houses from the 1500s and the church of Santa Maria Maddalena. A few kilometers from Acquasanta, in the direction of Ascoli, is the Castel di Luco, a fortified medieval castle built on the crest of a travertine spur. From its position it observes the panorama of the Salaria and the Tronto river.

Useful information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Village of Arquata
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Village of Arquata
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).