Pescara del Tronto - Pescara del Tronto

Travel Notice!ATTENTION:THE earthquakes that on 24 August, 26 and 30 October 2016 they hit the area of ​​Central Italy and caused damage or collapses to many buildings.

Pescara del Tronto
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Pescara del Tronto

Pescara del Tronto is a fraction of the municipality of Arquata del Tronto, in the province of Ascoli Piceno, of the region Marche.

To know

Its oldest urban layout was built between the course of the Tronto river and the building of the church of Santa Croce and then widened, over time, and came to skirt the old headquarters of the Consolare Salaria.

In the local dialect the toponym of the village is Pescara . The etymology of the name derives from the word "weir"which identifies a stretch of a river or a watercourse barred or closed by stones where you can fish. The historian from Ascoli Giuseppe Marinelli hypothesizes that near the town, in past times, the Tronto river may have been circumscribed by a barrier useful to facilitate the capture of fish.

Geographical notes

Pescara is located in the Alta Valle de Tronto, at 743 m a.s.l., between the capital of Arquatano and the hamlet of Tufo. It extends its territory between two protected natural areas: the Monti Sibillini National Park and the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park. Its urban layout develops on the heights to the left of the river Tronto, mainly surrounded by wooded areas and areas used for grazing.

When to go

It can be visited in every season of the year having a typical mid-mountain climate with mild springs and summers and winters with some snowfall.


The housing origin of the first settlement can be traced back to the movement of small communities from the areas of the Riviera who, to escape the raids of the looters, went up the waterways including the river Tronto, and settled in the mountains, choosing areas that guaranteed greater safety. The history of the town assumed relevance with the passage of the Consolare Salaria which gave life to the commercial channel for the transport of salt. The presence of the road also caused the arrival of new dangers and it was then that the people of Pescara protected their small village with surrounding walls. Access to the interior of the village was regulated by a door, which was open during the day and closed at night. Of this passage only the memory of the name of via del Portone. A further historical reading of the small town is highlighted among the alleys of the encased, where on some architraves of the oldest houses you can see chiseled coats of arms and dates. In one, circular in shape, a pair of scissors placed in the center of the date 1410 can be seen carved in bas-relief, probably the small building was the workshop of a tailor or a sheep shearer. Another architrave shows the date 1550 and yet another an inscription in dialect with an unknown meaning.The oldest coat of arms is certainly the christogram that bears the medieval initials IHS, grapheme of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, chiseled in the center of a circle. This is the trigram of St. Bernardino of Siena, spread by the same friar belonging to the order of the Franciscan Friars Minor, in the fifteenth century, which also passed through this place.

Plaque commemorating the inauguration of the Pescara di Arquata aqueduct

The fraction gave its name to the consortium aqueduct of Pescara di Arquata del Tronto inaugurated on 16 October 1955 in the presence of the President of the Italian Republic Giovanni Gronchi.

How to orient yourself

The town is located between the capital of Arquatano and the hamlet of CapodacquaIt is linked to:

  • Arquata del Tronto with the SP129.
  • Tuff with the SP129.
  • Capodacqua along the SP129 and then continue on the SP64.
  • Forca Canapine with the SP64 from which it is also possible to access the SS685 Tre Valli Umbre.

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are:

By car


Ordinary viability:

  • SS4 Salaria

On the train

The nearest railway station is that of Ascoli Piceno.

How to get around

The most comfortable means of transport for getting around the area are: cars, motorcycles and bicycles. Inside the inhabited center it is easy to get around on foot, the streets and alleys are in good condition and take on moderate slopes and climbs, all accessible even to people with disabilities.

What see

  • Church of the Holy Cross. Ecb copyright.svgfree entry. In the oldest and highest part of the small village there is the parish church dedicated to the Cross which was built after 313 AD, the year in which the emperor Constantine granted freedom of worship. The reason for the dedication to the Christian cross arises because, inside, there is a small relic brought back by an unknown inhabitant who participated in the Crusades and, returning home, wanted to give the name "of the Cross" to the existing church. The religious building shows an architecture of essential simplicity. Its external facade, finished with plaster, is preceded by a staircase and a small space in front. The façade is shown open by the access door and by a glass window placed under the top of the sloping roof. On the outer wall, to the right of the entrance, there are two tombstones that bear the names of the inhabitants of Pescara who fell in the first and second world wars. Along the left side stands the bell tower made of stone blocks, with a square base and a cusp at the end, which houses the bells and a clock. The internal space is made up of a single room with a rectangular plan. Leaning against the longitudinal walls there are columns, with a square base, erected using square ashlars of local stone. In the portions of the intercolumns there are niches where statues of saints are placed. In the period between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the church was also used as a cemetery, allocating the underlying area of ​​the pavement to the burial of corpses. These were lowered into special holes predestined to accommodate separately: males, females, children and strangers. The so-called purging took place every five years. The bones of the exhumed dead, closed inside sacks, were again buried in the space in front of the church. Some families, on the other hand, enjoyed the privilege of being buried in the church of the Oratory. In the years between 1853 and 1854 an epidemic spread and the high number of corpses imposed the need to find a place far from the inhabited center for burials. This place was identified in the locality Cimetta di Vento, a hillock located just outside the town, where the cemetery which still exists today was built in 1889.
  • Processional cross from the 13th century, At the Church of Santa Croce. Ecb copyright.svgfree entry. Inside the church, in a hole made in the right-hand area of ​​the back wall, contained and protected in a wooden case with glass, the processional cross belonging to the parish's sacred equipment is exhibited. The artifact is considered among the metal crosses that have reached our days in the best state of conservation of the Marche region. It was cataloged in 1963 as an Umbrian-Sabine work made in the thirteenth century. The most recent literature classifies it, with greater precision, as an object of sacred art coming from the Abruzzo goldsmith school of Sulmona, built in the second half of the 13th century. Similar and belonging to the same production there are also the astile crosses of Abetito and Castro, of the fifteenth century, kept in the Diocesan Museum of Ascoli Piceno. The liturgical object is characterized by connotations of "extreme archaicityAnd it appears devoid of elements that embellish its composition. The cross is made up of a wooden armor covered with a thin sheet of gilded copper, worked with the mold technique and measures 47 by 38 cm developing a very modest thickness. Used during the processions, fixed to a long pole of about two meters, it was carried by the cruciferous that preceded the priest and opened the religious procession that crossed the streets of the town. The structure of this cross rises from the upright which slightly crosses the crossbar. The decoration presents in the center the image of the figure of the crucified Christ attributable to the canons of Byzantine iconography, therefore a Christus triumphans, portrait standing and with open eyes, triumphing over death. The central composition is slightly raised by the overhang of the cross, on which Jesus is nailed, decorated with rhomboid patterns also re-proposed in that of Fagnano or of the other preserved in the Civic Art Gallery of Ascoli Piceno. The four ends of its arms are trefoil and welcome the symbols of the mourners: the Madonna, on the left, and St. John the apostle and evangelist, on the right, holding the palm of martyrdom. At the top there is an angel with open wings and at the base of the upright the representation of Mount Calvary with the skull of Adam in the center. In this representation we find the reference to the story also reported in the Golden Legend according to which in the place where the cross of Christ was planted Adam was buried who with his death redeemed himself from original sin. The verse of the cross is decorated by the presence of Christ blessing, seated on a simple throne surrounded by a tetramorph of the four evangelists: above the eagle of Saint John, on the right the lion of Saint Mark, below the angel of Saint Matthew and on the left the ox of St. Luke the Evangelist.
  • Fresco of the Madonna del Soccorso, At the Church of Santa Croce. Ecb copyright.svgfree entry. Inside the parish church, to the right of the main altar, in the transept area there is the fresco dedicated to the Madonna del Soccorso executed before the fifteenth century, with the technique of painting on plaster and recently restored. The theme of the painting illustrates the story of the miracle that the Virgin kindly granted to the inhabitants of the town. According to tradition, the Madonna, following the invocations of the people of Pescara, stopped the detachment of a landslide from the mountain overlooking the village after a period of long and incessant rains that would have created the danger of subsidence and the consequent fall of the earth and the rock would have destroyed the country. The hand of an unknown painter illustrated this event by depicting the Madonna del Soccorso, with the Child in her arms, towering in the centrality of the representation, while welcoming the inhabitants under her open mantle, portraying men on one side and women on the other. . Around 1400 a wall was erected around the fresco and, in the following period, around 1600, a small church 6 paces wide and 13 paces long was built, called the Oratory, entitled, in fact, to the Madonna del Soccorso.

Events and parties

  • Feast of the Madonna del Soccorso. Simple icon time.svgmid-July each year. Patronal feast

What to do

The town offers the possibility to move to the nearby towns and urban centers of the hamlets with easy road connections. There are also hiking trails that, crossing the mountain territory, allow long walks among the green of the luxuriant vegetation that surrounds the town, which can also be practiced with mountain bikes and bicycles.

  • Excursions. During the hottest periods it is possible to follow paths and hiking trails to be tackled by bike, mountain bike or on foot, to be chosen from different degrees of difficulty. During the winter it is possible to go skiing in the nearby hamlet of Forca Canapine.


  • 1 Filotei Group, Via Salaria snc - Pescara del Tronto Industrial Area (From Rome: Via Salaria, near Rieti, turn right - SS675 / SR675, continue on the SS4 until the industrial area of ​​Pescara del Tronto. From San Benedetto del Tronto: take the Ascoli Mare motorway junction towards Ascoli Piceno, near Ascoli Piceno, take the SS4 towards Rome, continue on the SS4 up to the Pescara del Tronto industrial area.), 39 0736 808117, 39 0736 808502, fax: 39 0736 808600, @. Simple icon time.svgfrom 08:00 to 13:00 and from 14:30 to 19:00 also open on Saturday and Sunday. Filotei Group srl, is one of the best known and oldest food companies in the province of Ascoli Piceno, dedicated to the processing and packaging of typical food products, especially mushrooms and truffles.
  • 2 Filotei Lino of Filotei Nando and Sestina snc, Via Salaria 1D Fraction Pescara del Tronto (Provincial Road 129), 39 073 6808145. Company shop of one of the oldest food companies in the province of Ascoli. It produces and packages in its laboratories typical food products of the area and in particular mushrooms, truffles and lentils to which it adds the processing and preservation of fruit and vegetables.

How to have fun

In the summer season there are many opportunities for recreation throughout the territory of the municipality with the programming of numerous events related to historical reenactments and patronal festivals that entertain visitors with musical evenings or outdoor festivals.

Where to eat

The country does not offer dining options. The nearest hamlets where to find them are: Arquata del Tronto, Village of Arquata, Forca Canapine is Trisungo.

Where stay

The nearest hamlets where to find accommodation facilities are: Village of Arquata, Arquata del Tronto, Capodacqua is Forca Canapine.


List of telephone numbers that can be useful during a stay:

The Ascoli Piceno Alpine Rescue can be contacted via the single national health emergency number 118.

How to keep in touch


From Pescara del Tronto it is easy to reach many well-known localities in the area, including:

Fortress of Arquata
Oratory of the Madonna della Sole
  • Arquata del Tronto - Seat of the municipal capital where there are: the church of the Santissima Annunziata, which welcomes the 13th century polychrome wooden crucifix and the Fortress of Arquata, also known as Queen Giovanna Castle, is a fortified complex of medieval times, which can be visited in all its rooms.
  • Capodacqua - The hamlet is a few km from the Pescara city center, and can be reached by taking the Provincial Road 64 towards Forca Canapine. Inside the town there is to visit the Oratory of the Madonna del Sole, a small, richly frescoed octagonal building dedicated to the Virgin, built in 1528 and originally attributed to the creative genius of Cola dell'Amatrice. Due to its stylistic features it represents a unicum which stands out from all the other buildings in the Apennine area of ​​central Italy.
Forca Canapine, panorama on the Norcia side
Castelluccio of Norcia
  • Forca Canapine - Along the Provincial Road 64 in the direction of Forca Canapine, go up in altitude and arrive at the pass that divides the Arquatano area from the municipality of Norcia. The town is the starting point for other excursions. From the pass you can go down towards the Piani di Castelluccio, Castelluccio and Norcia. Or you can choose to travel by car (or other means of transport) or to walk through the paths that lead to Fork of Presta.
Castel di Luco
  • Acquasanta Terme - Thermal center about 15 km from Pescara del Tronto. It can be reached by proceeding towards Ascoli Piceno from the SP64 and then from the SP129 to reach the SS4. Or from the SP64 take the SS685 and follow the direction Ascoli. Inside the historic center there are houses from the 1500s and the church of Santa Maria Maddalena. A few kilometers from Acquasanta, still in the direction of Ascoli, is Castel di Luco, a fortified medieval castle built on the crest of a travertine spur. From its position it observes the panorama of the Salaria and the Tronto river.

Useful information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Pescara del Tronto
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Pescara del Tronto
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).