Capodacqua (Arquata del Tronto) - Capodacqua (Arquata del Tronto)

Oratory of the Madonna del Sole
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy

Capodacqua is a fraction of the municipality of Arquata del Tronto in the province of Ascoli Piceno, in the region Marche.

To know

The town develops with an elongated urban layout, distributed on the sides of the municipal road that leads to the nearby hamlet of Tufo, among the thick mountain vegetation. The agglomeration is a dense and almost uninterrupted nucleus of houses, attached to each other, and has the characteristic of retaining many stone houses, the oldest dating back to the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. The buildings of the village were seriously damaged by the 1703 earthquake that hit the area. In many houses you can see wooden balconies, they are typical gafi of early medieval Lombard architecture, adopted in the mountainous areas of the central Apennines, (there are also some in Abruzzo), reproposed perhaps for continuity and building practice and because they are suitable for drying wool. In the local dialect they are picturesquely called «bbuffiri". They consist of chestnut beams and boards and occupy the entire length of the facade of the house. Scattered around the town there are also numerous fountains and drinking fountains, from various eras. The toponym finds meaning from the decomposition of the words head ed water, (that is: head of water) which lend themselves well to remembering the presence of the many springs that dot the territory and which provide a contribution of 73% (approximately) to the Pescara del Tronto aqueduct. The center is embellished with the Oratory dedicated to the Madonna del Sole, a real architectural gem, built in 1528, and set among the oldest houses.

Pietro Germi, at the end of the 60s, shot many scenes of the film Serafino, with Adriano Celentano and Ottavia Piccolo, inside the town of Capodacqua and some inhabitants participated as extras.

Geographical notes

Capodacqua is located at 880 m a.s.l., in the territory of the Monti Sibillini National Park, about 8 km from the capital Arquatano, in the territory of the Alta Valle del Tronto. Its district occupies the extreme offshoot of the Marche on the border with the regions of Umbria, (province of Perugia), and Lazio, (province of Rieti). It is completely surrounded by wooded areas and hills.

When to go

It can be visited in every season of the year having a typical mid-mountain climate with mild springs and summers and winters with some snowfall.


The residential origin of the site is lost over time. Reliable sources cite it as one of the border villages between the Papal State and the Kingdom of Naples, describing it intent on fighting with the nearby Norcia to defend the possession of the mountain lands and the rich pastures that represented the only resource for the livelihood of the residents. Ascoli Piceno, which has always been interested in the domain of the Upper Tronto valley area, having already started the construction of the Rocca Arquatana in 1251, he also became interested in the town of Capodacqua. With Amatrice and Castel Trione he stipulated, in 1255, an important treaty with Norcia, obtaining in cession the possessions of Accumoli, Arquata del Tronto, Tufo di Arquata, Rocchetta and Capodacqua. From 1429 the Arquatano area, therefore also Capodacqua, at the behest of Pope Martin V, expressed in the bull of 19 July of the same year, returned under the influence of the Nursino government. It remained subject to Norcia until 1554, and then belonged to the Government of Arquata. From the fifteenth to the seventeenth century the village of Capodacqua participated in the disputes for the control of the territory, always heated between Ascoli and Norcia that lasted for about three centuries and followed the fate of the capital until the unification of Italy.

Since 1986, following the enactment of the Decree of the Ministry of the Interior, signed by Fanfani, published in the Official Gazette of 21 June 1986, the parish of Capodacqua has been declared extinct and its territory aggregated to the parish of Pescara del Tronto. ( GU General Series n.27 of 02.03.1988)

How to orient yourself

The town is located between the hamlets of Tufo and Forca Canapine and is connected to:

  • Tuff both through the municipal road and the SP64.
  • Forca Canapine with the SP64 from which it is also possible to access the SS685 Tre Valli Umbre
  • Pescara del Tronto along the SP64
  • Arquata del Tronto with the SP64 continuing on the SP129

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are:

By car


Ordinary viability:

  • SS4 Salaria, branch SP129, SP 64 and follow the signs for the town.
  • SP477 Umbra, branch SP64.
  • SS685 Tre Valli Umbre, branch SP64.

How to get around

The most convenient means of transport for getting around the area are: cars, motorcycles and bicycles. Inside the inhabited center it is easy to move on foot, the streets and alleys are in good condition and take on moderate slopes and climbs, almost all accessible even to people with disabilities.

What see

Bas-reliefs of the sun and the moon
Interior fresco
Interior fresco
  • 1 Oratory of the Madonna del Sole (Inside the town). Ecb copyright.svgfree entry. Almost hidden from the houses, inside the small center of Capodacqua, is the octagonal building, dedicated to the Virgin. It was built in the year 1528 on commission by the inhabitants. Due to its stylistic connotations it represents a unicum which stands out from all the other buildings in the Apennine area of ​​central Italy. This temple was originally attributed to the creative genius of the artist Cola dell'Amatrice, active and working in the area during the Renaissance. The choice of architectural lines allows a dense symbolic, spiritual and devotional reading with evident references to Christian doctrine. In the shape of the perimeter, from which the walls develop, there is the figure of the octagon, a polygon that recalls the rite of baptism described by St. Peter in his first letter (3,20-21) when he says: «(…) God's patience was waiting for the ark to be built, where a few, that is, eight souls, were saved over the water. To which figure corresponds now the baptism that saves you (...) " and again, the possible approach to the eight-sided shape that mediates between the square and the circle, the first is the symbol of the Earth and the second of Heaven, from which the salvation that Our Lady, through Jesus, can ensure to the people could arrive. of devotees. On the outside, the façade shows inscriptions and stylizations of the sun and the moon on a stone block walled up below the opening of the oculus. In the bas-relief the sun is represented by two concentric circles, outside the external circle the rays depart. In the central space you can read the inscription IHS and a small Cross placed on the H. The sun expresses the eternity of God, while the moon indicates the temporariness of human existence. The representation of the phases of the moon can be interpreted as the birth and evolution of life until death. The interior of the liturgical hall is richly frescoed, of particular interest is the painting placed on the wall of the main altar, dedicated to the "Madonna in the clouds" . The work illustrates the miraculous event that took place in the town during one of the many battles fought with Norcia to determine the boundaries of the territory. The numerous and frequent recourse to arms had exhausted both contenders who decided to stop the fight at the first fallen. Shortly after starting the fight, a thick fog fell that prevented the opposing forces from seeing each other and continuing the dispute. It appeared to the nursini as an impenetrable thickening, while from the side of the capodacquari the Madonna del Carmelo was seen enthroned with the Child in her arms. An unknown defender of the land of Capodacqua, taking advantage of the amazement and bewilderment that had been created, hit a butcher who fell lifeless and put an end to the dispute. The story of this event, in popular tradition, is temporally placed in medieval times, but in the painting there are portraits of fighters with firearms, probably so represented by the author that he moved the story to his time to facilitate understanding. In memory of the Virgin's intervention, the patronal feast is held every year in July. The walls of the temple hall are richly adorned with frescoes of the sixteenth century, attributed to various artists. Among the most popular is "The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin"in Renaissance style. On the bell gable a bell bears the date 1558.
  • Church of Sant'Antonio. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Former parish church of Capodacqua dating back to the 17th century. Built with unworked irregular stones bound by mortar, it has a solid and massive appearance and follows the canons of Romanesque architecture. The austere façade is opened by the passage of the entrance, outlined by simple jambs and elevations. A lunette with frescoed traces concludes the composition. At the top of the façade there is the bell gable which houses a bell. Since 1986 the town belongs to the parish of Pescara del Tronto.
  • Church of San Pietro Apostolo. Ecb copyright.svgfree. The religious building was built during the nineteenth century and raised a short distance from the town. It has a modern stylistic and architectural physiognomy.

Events and parties

Patronal feast of the Madonna del Carmelo. half July

What to do

The town offers the possibility to move to the nearby towns and urban centers of the hamlets with easy road connections. There are also footpaths that, crossing the mountain territory, allow long walks among the green of the luxuriant vegetation that surrounds the town, which can also be practiced with mountain bikes and bicycles.


There are no commercial activities in the country, the closest are located in Pescara del Tronto, Village, Trisungo, Acquasanta Terme, Accumoli and Amatrice.

How to have fun

In the summer season there are many opportunities for recreation throughout the territory of the municipality with the programming of numerous events related to historical re-enactments and patronal festivals that entertain visitors with musical evenings or outdoor festivals.

Where to eat

The country does not offer dining options. The nearest hamlets where to find them are: Arquata del Tronto, Village of Arquata, Forca Canapine is Trisungo.

Where stay

Moderate prices


List of telephone numbers that can be useful during a stay:

The Ascoli Piceno Alpine Rescue can be contacted via the single national health emergency number 118.

How to keep in touch


From Capodacqua it is easy to reach many well-known localities in the area, including:

Fortress of Arquata
Forca Canapine, panorama on the Norcia side
Castelluccio of Norcia
Fork of Presta
  • Forca Canapine - Along the Provincial Road 64 in the direction of Forca Canapine, go up in altitude and arrive at the pass that divides the Arquatano area from the municipality of Norcia. The town is the starting point for other excursions. From the pass you can go down towards the Piani di Castelluccio, Castelluccio and Norcia. Or you can choose to travel by car (or other means of transport) or to walk through the paths that lead to Fork of Presta.
Castel di Luco
  • Acquasanta Terme - Thermal center about 22 km from Capodacqua. It can be reached by proceeding towards Ascoli Piceno from the SP64 and then from the SP129 to reach the SS4. Or from the SP64 take the SS685 and follow the direction Ascoli. Inside the historic center there are houses from the 1500s and the church of Santa Maria Maddalena. A few kilometers from Acquasanta, still in the direction of Ascoli, is Castel di Luco, a fortified medieval castle built on the crest of a travertine spur. From its position it observes the panorama of the Salaria and the Tronto river.

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