Fischbach - Fischbach

The place name Fischbach Is not clear.

This can mean the following places:

There are some districts with this name:

  • Fischbach near Nuremberg, district of Nuremberg, Bavaria
  • Fischbach (Alsfeld), district of Alsfeld, Vogelsbergkreis, Hesse
  • Fischbach (Arnsdorf), part of the municipality Arnsdorf, Bautzen district, Saxony
  • Fischbach (Bad Schwalbach), district of Bad Schwalbach, Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis, Hesse
  • Fischbach (Buchbach), part of the market Buchbach, Mühldorf am Inn district, Bavaria
  • Fischbach (Ebern), part of the city Boars, Haßberge district, Bavaria
  • Fischbach (Eisenach), part of the city Eisenach, Thuringia
  • Fischbach (Waltershausen), part of the municipality Emsetal, District of Gotha, Thuringia
  • Fischbach (Schleusingen), part of the city Schleusingen, Hildburghausen district, Thuringia
  • Fischbach (Friedrichshafen), district of Friedrichshafen, Lake Constance district, Baden-Wuerttemberg
  • Fischbach (Lichtenau), district of the market Lichtenau, Ansbach district, Bavaria
  • Fischbach (Niedereschach), District of Niedereschach, Schwarzwald-Baar district, Baden-Wuerttemberg
  • Fischbach (Nittenau), part of the city Nittenau, Schwandorf district, Bavaria
  • Fischbach / Rhön, district of the city Kaltennordheim, Wartburgkreis, Thuringia
  • Fischbach (Rödental), district of the city Rödental, District of Coburg, Bavaria