Giara di Gesturi - Giara di Gesturi

The Giara di Gesturi is a nature park in the south of Sardinia. On a plateau created by extinct volcanoes lies a plateau with a base of basalt-like rock and steep slopes. The area, which has been placed under protection, is known, among other things, for its population of wild horses Cavallini della Giarathat should be unique to Italy.

Giara di Gesturi


The plateau, consisting of basalt rock, is largely flat at the height and extends over approx. 12 x 5 km. The municipalities share an area of ​​4400 ha Gesturi (2000 ha), Genoni (1600 ha), Tulli (450 ha) and Set (250 ha).


The result is the Giara di Gesturi (Giara probably comes from the Latin word Glarea for gravel) through the deposition of sedimentary rock in the Miocene. 2.7 million years ago volcanic activity led to the formation of volcanic craters 1 Zepparedda (609 m) and 2 Zeppara Manna (580 m). The Sa Roja fold is up to 30 m deep and crosses the plateau. Steep slopes were formed at the ends by landslides. Furrows in it became the only natural accesses to the high plateau, the so-called Scalas.


The Giara di Gesturi carves itself out through the underground of basalt rock. Only a thin layer of humus was able to form above this, which forms an extraordinary habitat for special plants. In the winter months, the amounts of rainwater tend to remain on the plateau and shallow, swampy ponds, the so-called ones, form Pauliswhich almost dry out in summer, but attract the wild horses in all seasons. In these swamp lakes, crustaceans such as the Lepidurus apus and the crayfish Triops cancriformis have survived, which have probably been able to preserve their genetic makeup for millions of years.

In the time of Nuragic culture the massif was used as a natural fortress and secured with 27 nuraghi, there are also necropolises. In the Punic period, the Phoenicians probably built a fortress in the area of ​​Monte Sant'Antine near Genoni. A Byzantine church was later built here.

On the plateau there are simple round buildings, pinettas. These round shepherds' huts have a roof made of tree trunks and branches of rockrose and mastic bush.

Flora and fauna

The light forest on the Giara di Gesturi consists mainly of cork oaks, holm oaks and strawberry trees. In the maquis areas grow Montpellier rock roses (Cistus monspeliensis), the wild pistachio or mastic bush (Pistacia lentiscus), the common myrtle (Myrtus communis) (from which the myrtle liqueur Mirto can be obtained), the wild pear species Pyrus amygdaliformis - or blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) and the spicy-smelling Italian straw flower (Helichrysum italicum), a sunflower with yellow flowers.

Other common plants are the polei mint or flea herb (Mentha pulegium), the milkweed species Euphorbia cespugliosa and cupanii and the Asphodelus microcarpus, the small-fruited or branchy affodilla. Orchids can also be found in the area of ​​the wet areas of the Paulis in spring. In spring, wild cyclamen bloom, from January to April the small yellow blooming Morisia Monantha.

The Giara - Wild Horses (Cavallino della Giara, Equus caballus Jarae) are probably not an autochthonous breed, but the horse breed was probably introduced to the island by the Phoenicians in the Iron Age. Due to the isolation on the heights of the Giara, today's small wild horse breed developed, which reaches about the size of a pony with a shoulder height of 120 cm and which is available in red-brown and dark-brown colors. After the horses were no longer used for agriculture in the 1960s, many were slaughtered. Thanks to protective measures and funding, the population was able to recover from 120 to 600 animals of the rare breed.

Furthermore, one encounters wild and feral domestic pigs, the Sardinian fox (Vulpes vulpes ichnusae), wild cats (Felix libica) and martens, the rare dwarf keel lizard (Algyroides fitzingeri), the common frog and the green toad.

The gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) and the green iridescent pupa predator (Calosoma sycophanta) occur on insects, the blue jay (Garrulus glandarius), the migratory bee-eater (Merops apiaster) and the great spotted woodpecker occur on birds. Occasionally, storks, stilts (Himantopus himantopus), hawks, buzzards and peregrine falcons can be seen.


In the Mediterranean climate of southern Sardinia, the winters are mild, the springs are very fertile and flowery. In the summer months with little rainfall, the country dries up. In the shallow pools of the Paulis the water cannot seep away due to the basalt subsoil. Some water remains until the summer months. Moisture back.

getting there

By plane

The nearest international airport is the Aeroporto di Cagliari-ElmasAeroporto di Cagliari-Elmas in the Wikivoyage travel guide in another languageAeroporto di Cagliari-Elmas in the encyclopedia WikipediaAeroporto di Cagliari-Elmas in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsAeroporto di Cagliari-Elmas (Q139983) in the Wikidata database(IATA: CAG) on the northwestern arterial road of the island's capital Cagliari.

By train / by bus

The railway line from Cagliari to the north runs east of Sanluri past. The train is hardly suitable for traveling by public transport.

A bus route runs between Cagliari and Sanluri. From there one drives over the ARST bus line Barumini to Gesturi and further after Isili.

In the street

From the national expressway SS131 between Cagliari and Oristano one branches off at the exit Symbol: ASGiba Samassi and takes it SS197 in the direction Laconi. She leads over Barumini to Gesturi.

From here the 1 Via Giara as an access road to the Giari up.

By boat

Several ferry connections operate between Cagliari and Civitavecchia and Naples. Travelers from German-speaking countries usually use the ferry connections that run in the north of the island in Olbia to land.

Fees / permits

3  Parco della Giara. Tel.: 39 070 9364277 - 3482924983. Excursions can be booked on site or electronically accompanied by rangers. Details on the website. Starting time usually 10:00 a.m. and in the afternoon, depending on the season, 2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.Open: 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.Price: Free access.

Free access; Orientation in the plateau with only a few paths is difficult and it is strongly recommended that you bring a hiking navigation device or a corresponding map.

Next to the driveway over the Via Giara across Gesturi you can also access the plateau via a driveway 4 about Tuili or the steep driveway 5 about Setzu to reach.


The entire Giara plateau is closed to motor traffic. One moves on foot.

Tourist Attractions

Cavallini di Gesturi
Cavallini di Gesturi
Blossom of the water buttercup in spring on the Paulis
Cabrili Becciu
Nuraghe Tutturuddu

From the parking lot at the Driveway from Gesturi out

  • The 6 Protonuraghe Bruncu Madugui can be reached via a road leading to the south. They are round buildings. Inside there are corridors and chambers, but they do not (yet) follow the typical nuraghe plan with a central tholosg vault and stairs leading up to the left. Remnants of the 7 Nuraghi Bruncu Madugui stand over the cliff on the southeast slope.

At the end of Driveway via Tuili there is a parking lot and a café bar:

  • To 8 Chiesetta Santa Luisa, a small church from which there is a great panoramic view over the Marmilla, leads a short gravel road.
  • A footpath leads towards the pond 9 Pauli Majori. On the way there you pass one 1 Botanical Gardenin which the giara plants bloom in spring. A short detour takes you to the 10 Nuraghe Tutturuddu.
  • From there the path leads in a northerly direction past rock graves and the round shepherd's hut 11 Cabrili Becciu, and then turns in a north-westerly direction towards the Pauli Majori swamp pond.

Over the steep Driveway via Setzu you come to a dirt road that turns to the north and later to the east and allows access to the north-western Giara.

  • On the access road is with the rock grave 12 Casa dell’Orco or Sardinian Sa domu‘e s’Orku a rock chamber tomb from the pre-Nuragic period can still be seen.
  • At the 13 Pauli Salamengianu there is a good chance of seeing the Giara wild horses.


  • Hiking and animal observation in the nature reserve, individually or on excursions led by rangers.

Shopping / kitchen

  • There are no shops on the Giara and, apart from cafè bars at the information points of the park administration, there are no places to stop for a break. There are numerous picnic areas. All drinks and food must be brought with you and the site must be left cleanly cleared (take your rubbish with you!)


  • There are no accommodation options on the Giara itself. There is a wide variety of offers in the surrounding villages.


  • There is a considerable risk of getting lost on the sparsely signposted network of trails. A hiking map and a hiking GPS are required.
  • In summer, sufficient amounts of drinking water for the daily requirement must be taken with you in hot weather.


  • To 1 Genoni on the north flank of the Giara, from where there is also a 14 Driveway on the Giara there.
  • 15  Museo del Cavallino della Giara, Via Chiesa 7, 09054 Genoni. Tel.: 39 339 1676 863, Email: . Small museum on the theme of the Giari horses, housed in a historic farm building.Open: Summer: Wed-Sun 16: 00-20: 00, plus Fri, Sat, Sun 10: 00-13: 00; Winter: Wed-Sun 3.30 p.m.-7.00 p.m. plus Fri, Sat, Sun 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • Here is also the archaeological site on the 16 Monte Santu Antine worth a visit.
  • Who has not yet visited it: The UNESCOWorld heritage counting Su Nuraxi Nuragic Complex at Barumini can be clearly seen from the heights of the Giara and is well worth a visit.


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