Göttingen - Gottinga

Detail of the fountain in the market square
Coat of arms and flag
Göttingen - Coat of arms
Göttingen - Flag
Federated state
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Germany
Tourism site
Institutional website

Göttingen (Göttingen) is a city in the south of the Lower Saxony, one of the sixteen federated states (Bundesländer) of the Germany.

To know

A historic city in Germany with a strong vocation as a university city (more than 25% of its inhabitants are students), Göttingen is able to fascinate from the first glance with its well-preserved historic center, its imposing churches that dominate the narrow streets of the downtown, theaters, parks and museums. The city's motto, visible upon arrival at the Gottingen station reads "Göttingen, Stadt die Wissen schaft" (literally "Gottingen, the city that produces knowledge. The motto is a play on words between Wissenschaft, science and Wissen schaffen, produce knowledge). Very few travelers leave this magnificent city disappointed or without the desire to return.

Geographical notes

Gottingen stands on a slightly hilly surface, easily visible for those who venture through its narrow streets that often have unexpected steep climbs or descents. In the heart of the city passes the Leine, a small river that originates in the Federated state of Thuringia and which, passing through Gottingen, continues throughout Lower Saxony.

When to go

Although summer is the period in which the city is colored thanks to the flowers scattered in its many parks and the shade of the centuries-old trees and long tree-lined avenues create an inviting atmosphere for those arriving in Göttingen, the best time remains that between October and June, the period in which university life proceeds at full speed. University students and the various cultural institutions connected to the university, in fact, are the real beating heart of Gottingen which during the university period enrich the city offer with a large number of events ranging from culture to theater, from music to sporting events. passing through small fairs and festivals.


We have news of Göttingen since the 7th century AD. when it was still called Gutingi. Much of its long and rich history can be followed by visiting some sites, squares and monuments all included in its urban territory. The ancient church of St. Albani, not far from the avenue of theaters, represents the original nucleus of the city, while the square of the Seven Gottingers (Platz der Göttinger Sieben), today dominated by the buildings of the university, recalls the protests of the seven professors of the new university that in the 17th century rebelled against the reactionary policies of the time. The zoological garden, as well as being interesting for the treasures it preserves, is an interesting testimony of an ancient building rebuilt after the American bombings of 1945 along with many others of the neighborhood adjacent to the modern central station.

How to orient yourself


Göttingen encloses in its historic center, the Innenstadt, much of its treasures and architectural attractions. This relatively small part of the city can be explored on foot within a day, and if you travel from the city center by bike or take one of the city buses you will come across the following neighborhoods:

  • Weststadt, west of the center was once the site of the village of Grone.
  • Südstadt south of the center, it is characterized by imposing buildings of fairly recent construction. Here is the town hall and some faculties (mathematics and physics) of the University.
  • Oststadt east of the center. This district is locally called the "Professors' Quarter" and is dominated by a series of refined houses close to the nearby forest, once the homes of university professors. Today the Institute of Pedagogy and the Max-Planck Institut, one of the most important and influential European research institutes, are located here.
  • Nordstadt North of the center, this neighborhood is entirely occupied by the central university campus, of enormous size, by libraries and student housing.

In addition to the neighborhoods of Gottingen, not far from the city there are some small villages such as Weende or Geismar, surrounded by lush nature and guardians of small surprises for the tourist who has a little more time to dedicate to this city and its surroundings.

How to get

By plane

  • Hanover, the capital of the federal state is home to the nearest airport, 140 km from Göttingen. The connections with the city are numerous and frequent.
  • Frankfurt am Main is the second option for those wishing to arrive in Göttingen by air. Frankfurt hosts one of the largest airports in Europe and despite the distance (about 200 km) the connections with Göttingen are many and often also cheap thanks to the frequency with which the bus companies or the German Railways offer special offers, tickets for groups and reduced rates for some age groups.

By car

The A7 heading north

Göttingen is easily accessible via the A7 which runs through Germany following the North-South axis. Highway 73, on the other hand, connects Gottingen with another important German center, Kassel. From 73 you can take the "Göttingen / Rosdorf" exit which will take you directly to the center or the "Göttingen Nord" exit which leads to the Kauf Park shopping center, north of Gottingen.

The B27 state road connects the Gottingen region to theHarz, passing through Waake is Gieboldehausen.

Finally, the A38 motorway connects Göttingen to South-East Germany and in particular with Leipzig.

On the train

There 1 Central Station it is very well connected with other German cities. In particular with the cities of Munich, Hamburg, Berlin is Hanover frequent connections are operated even several times a day.

By bus

Almost all bus companies active on the market operate in Göttingen; most of them carry out routes in the North-South direction (including abroad) but there are some that also offer convenient routes in the East-West direction. Active companies, timetables and prices vary from season to season, if not from day to day; a good search service for buses arriving or departing from Göttingen is offered by the site Busliniensuche where it is possible to compare the prices of buses with those of trains operating on the same route.

In Göttingen there is only one large stop for regional and international buses, the 2 central bus station, a stone's throw from the central train station.

By bike

The Leineradweg cycle path photographed in the city

Göttingen is a city with a long tradition of promoting cycling. The same arrival in Göttingen is possible by bike, thanks to two major national cycle routes:

  • The Leine-Heide-Radweg which follows the course of the Leine, the Gottingen River, from the South (Land of Thuringia) to Schwarmstedt. This route does not allow you to see much of the city, as the Leine flows mostly outside the city but it is always possible, once arrived in Göttingen, to leave the official route and deviate to the city center.
  • The Weser-Harz-Heide-Radweg, of great tourist importance, connects Gottingen to Duderstadt and then with Lüneburg, passing through the mountains Harz. Also in the case of this route, you will have to deviate to the city center, as the official route stands out in the green areas just outside the town.

How to get around

On foot

The core of Gottingen, as well as the most interesting part of the city, is quite small and can be easily and pleasantly visited on foot in a day. From the historic center to the central railway station it takes on average no more than 15 minutes on foot.

By public transport

Gottingen's public transport system consists of one Göttinger bus network, radically renovated in November 2014 and now being expanded. The nerve center of urban transport is the ring around the market square (3 Markt; in fact, almost all the buses in service stop here; less frequent and less comfortable connections with the suburbs, usually only one line with buses every 30-40 minutes.The main lines for those arriving in Gottingen and want to move around the city are:

  • 71/72 these two lines, which run almost the same route, cut the city diagonally and, starting from the outlying village of Elliehausen, pass through the center and continue to the Zietenterrassen, the hilly area of ​​Gottingen, near Geismar close to the forest.
  • 41/42, these lines connect Weende on the northern outskirts of Gottingen with Grone in the South-West, passing through the center and the university polyclinic.
  • 80 much shorter than the others, this line connects two hamlets of Göttingen: Leineberg and Klausberg. It can be useful to the visitor because it is one of the two lines (together with the 50) that passes through the Jugendherberge, the youth hostel, the main point of reference for those looking for a cheap overnight stay, not too far from the city center. Line 80 also passes through the National Theater and the Theater Square, which is itself a Gottingen attraction.
  • 31/32 these two short lines have the advantage of connecting Weende and the city center with Kauf Park west of Gottingen. This shopping center is the main starting point for excursions outside the city and meeting point for those traveling by hitchhiking and Mitfahrgelegenheit (the German correspondent of BlaBlaCar).

By taxi

  • Puk Minicar, 49 551 48 48 48. the cheapest taxi service in Gottingen, reservations possible only by phone in English or German.
  • 4 Zentrale Taxihaltestellen, Altes Rathaus. the largest taxi agency in town; has at least 4 large stations (old town hall, new town hall, station, west exit of the station) with taxis active 24 hours and always reachable.

By bike

Station square in one day with "few" bikes

Göttingen is famous in Germany for being a bike-friendly city; everywhere in the city you will see hordes of cyclists dominating the streets and everywhere you will also see specialized shops for cyclists and even vending machines, in the middle of the streets, of useful tools for the cyclist (inner tubes for bicycles, sets for repairs, chains and lubricants ). Especially in the two districts where the university campuses are located (city center and Weende) there are wide and comfortable cycle paths. It is also possible to integrate bus transport with bicycle transport, since many public buses allow the transport of a bicycle without the need to pay an additional cost.

What see

Fountain with the Gänseliesel
Auditorium of the University
  • 1 Gänseliesel (The girl with the geese), Marktplatz (bus stop: Kornmarkt). Despite her 110 years, the girl holding the geese always remains "the most beautiful and most kissed girl in Gottingen" as you will hear from the locals. This fountain and the statue with the girl above it is linked to the most typical custom of Gottingen which once again underlines its character as a university city: recent graduates and in particular new doctorates usually pay homage to the sculpture of the girl by kissing her and offering her flowers. The ban on kissing, which had existed since 1926, was lifted in 2001 and was never respected. Today as in the past it is not so much the prohibition and the ancient fine to worry the students who wish to woo the much desired girl as the difficulty in reaching her: there are many attempts to kiss the statue that end, while climbing the fountain, in a fall in the icy water of the fountain but for the tourist who is content to photograph it and admire the splendid square surrounding this tradition remains a nice and unmissable spectacle.
Göttingen Library
  • 2 New library (SUB Göttingen), Platz der Göttinger Sieben (on the central campus). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat 08: 30-23: 00. The SUB in Göttinga, the state and university library, has been hosted for some years in the new headquarters at the entrance to the central Campus. In addition to being the largest library in the city with its 7.7 million books and magazines, the library itself is an architectural monument worth visiting.
  • 3 Auditorium, Weender Landstraße 2. Simple icon time.svgMon - Fri 09: 00-17: 30 (art exhibitions have specific opening hours from time to time). Auditorium and Aula Magna of the University of Gottingen, here are preserved some important manuscripts and cultural events and art exhibitions of incredible beauty are regularly held.

Religious architecture

Chapel of the monumental cemetery
St. Jakobi Bell Tower
Paulinerkirche university church

Only within the historic center of Gottingen stand seven beautiful churches, equally divided between the different religious confessions: Lutheran Protestants, Evangelicals and Catholics, to which is added a mosque:

  • 4 St. Albani, am Albaniplatz. Belonging to the Evangelicals, this beautiful monastery stands a few hundred meters from the city center, close to the city walls and near the Stadthalle, where once it must have been only countryside. Built in 953 AD. it is the oldest church in Göttingen, extended to three naves in the 15th century.
  • 5 St. Jacobi, Weender Straße. Ecb copyright.svgfree entry, visit to the tower: 2 €. Located on the main street and main street of the old town, St. Jakobi dominates the center with its tall bell tower, about seventy meters high and can be visited, from which you can enjoy a breathtaking view over the whole of Göttingen and its surroundings. Architecturally it is characterized by its Gothic style, the result of the most advanced techniques of the time (it was begun in 1361 and finished in 1433). In addition to its religious function, St. Jakobi is also often the venue for organ concerts and other cultural events. In addition to the official concerts, every Friday at 18:00 it is possible to attend free rehearsals by the organists preparing for the weekend religious services.
  • 6 St. Johannis (behind the old town hall). Also equipped with two towering towers but half-hidden in the heart of the historic center, the church of San Giovanni is an attraction more to "feel" than to see; (almost) every Saturday at 11:00 a concert takes place here, complete with organ and trumpets, and the restoration work in recent years has greatly improved the acoustics of the hall which today contributes to an unrivaled musical experience in Göttingen. Especially in the pre-Christmas period, when the square around the church is filled with markets, many musicals and concerts are organized here on an almost daily basis.
  • 7 St. Marien. On the western edge of the old town and already overlooking the Neustadt district (new town), the small 16th-century church has remained as it was designed half a millennium ago. The church held an important function as the seat of the Teutonic Order in Gottingen which is responsible for the beautiful altar from 1524. The organ, which today attracts many music lovers, was added in 1926.
  • 8 St. Michael, Kurze Straße. The only Catholic church in the city center, St. Michael is now run by the Jesuits and is also home to the Italian Catholic community of Gottingen and the surrounding area. Every Saturday at 12 noon a small organ concert takes place here and the church in general is practically always open until late in the evening, serving as the Citykirche "city church". Originally it was built in 1787, in a very simple style: a single large hall, without aisles, chapels or niches and only in 1892 the large bell tower (30 meters) was erected. Outside, on Kurze Straße, stands a statue of the Archangel Michael to whom the church is dedicated and which in that position symbolizes the saint's protection over the Catholic community and the city. The real life of the community takes place in the internal courtyard of the church; small parties and events are organized here, such as the recent reception project for Syrian refugees or during the Christmas period, nativity scenes and small Christmas concerts.
  • 9 St. Nikolai, Nikolaistraße. small gothic church, known as the university church, is characterized by the absence of a bell tower; the original one collapsed in 1777 and has not been rebuilt since. From the nineteenth century it became a university church, used for the needs of the thriving student community of Gottingen, after the Paulinenkirche was converted into a university library. At 11:30 every Sunday a university professor from the faculty of theology or a Lutheran pastor invited by the students gives a sermon here. In addition to that, the church is used for exhibitions, concerts and performances by the university choir.
  • 10 Paulinerkirche. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sat 11: 00-18: 00 (only during exhibitions). Formerly a university church, now deconsecrated and used as a section of the historic library of Göttingen, the Paulinenkirche is a beautiful historic building, usually open to visitors when there are exhibitions inside.
Synagogue seen from the walls
  • 11 Gottingen Synagogue (Synagoge), Angerstraße. The synagogue also stands, like other religious buildings, in the city center, close to the city walls in a courtyard on Angerstraße. The Gottingen synagogue was erected in 1825 in a style similar to normal city homes and miraculously survived the 1938 destruction of Jewish buildings during the Nazi era. Its being spared is due to the fact that since the previous year the Jews of Gottingen had sold it to private individuals who used it as a barn. In 2008 the building resumed its religious functions with the establishment of a new Jewish community in the city.
  • 12 Taqwa-Mosques, Königsstieg. The only mosque in the city, in recent years it has acquired an increasingly important role given the mass arrival of refugees from Arab countries of Muslim faith.
  • 13 City Cemetery (Stadtfriedhof). Ecb copyright.svgfree entry. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 08: 00-16: 00. Although macabre to say, the monumental cemetery of Gottingen is one of the most fascinating places in the city. The cemetery is surrounded by a large park, with both natural (floristic compositions and ancient trees) and artistic (such as the large central chapel) masterpieces. Inside are buried famous people who lived in Gottingen such as the physicists Max Planck and Max Born, the famous mathematician David Hilbert and the chemists Friedrich Wöhler and Otto Hahn and many years. Stadtfriedhof Göttingen (Q2327123) on Wikidata

Monuments and fountains

  • 14 Pfalz Grona (on the little hill near the Friedenskirche in Grone). Pfalz Grona literally means "Residence or palace of Grona"; what you see here today, however, is a commemorative stele of this aristocratic residence erected in 1024 but destroyed during a revolt in 1387 against the Ottoni dynasty. On the stele there is also a quote from Ovid: "jam seges crescit ubi Troia fuit" (The seed already grows, where Troy was) in memory of such a splendid residence as the palace of Grona must have been, which however is no longer can see why destroyed.
  • 15 Nymph statue, Hainholzweg (near the Schillerwiesen park). Erected at the end of the 19th century, in a small cave near a water source, the statue shows a female figure with a child in her arms. Beyond the aesthetic value of the sculpture, this statue is famous for the legend that every couple who want a child should leave a gift (typically a bouquet of flowers) to the nymph so that their wish is fulfilled.

Events and parties

Christmas Markets 2009
  • 5 Christmas markets (Weihnachtsmarkt), Town Hall Square (Rathaus Platz) (next to the statue of the girl with the geese). Simple icon time.svg10: 00-20: 30 from 25th December to 29th December every year. Gottingen also keeps alive the tradition - all German - of the Christmas markets. Every year from 25 November to 29 December the main street of the historic center (Weender Straße) and the town hall square is colored with a thousand lights and infinite scents coming from the market stalls. Here you can find objects of all kinds, from Christmas decorations to clothes, from sweets to the inevitable grilled Wurstel and Glühwein (hot flavored wine) but above all you will fully experience the typical German Christmas atmosphere in the colorful streets of the historic center.
  • Göttingen Literaturherbst (Literary autumn in Göttingen) (different locations), 49 551 - 507 669 72, @. Simple icon time.svg21 October - 30 October 2016. The Literaturherbst literary festival is an event that distinguishes a university city and as culturally active as Göttingen. Its preparation lasts the whole year, often with preparatory events open to the public in the months of April and May. In October the city is filled with passionate readers and renowned writers for meetings, live readings, debates and exhibitions. It will certainly not be the Buchmesse of Leipzig or Frankfurt but if you are around here in autumn, this is an event not to be missed.

What to do

One of the houses on the Gottingen Wall
A greenhouse in the Gottingen botanical garden
  • 1 Walk on the Wall. A favorite pastime for many inhabitants of Göttingen, even just to disconnect a little from daily chores, is to enjoy a walk on the Wall, or on the city walls. In fact, near what were once the walls of the center, there is now a pedestrian path that is perfectly suited both to those looking for a place to jog and to those who simply want to enjoy a relaxing walk surrounded by greenery with a splendid view of the city. . About 3.5 km long, the Wall is easily accessible from any point in the city and recognizable by its elevated position above the road surface.
  • 2 Visit to the botanical garden, several entrances, the main one is located next to the Auditorium. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Simple icon time.svg08:00-16:00.


The entire historic center of Gottingen is made up of many ancient and characteristic buildings, almost all of which are occupied by commercial activities. Apart from a couple of huge shopping malls outside the city (such as Kauf Park), most of the shops and malls are located within the confines of the city center (Göttingen Innenstadt), especially along Weende Straße and Groner Straße.

How to have fun

  • 1 Dots, Barfüßerstraße 12-13, 49 551 29 14 89 82. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 14: 00-01: 00, Sat 11: 00-03: 00, Sun 11: 00-18: 00. In the historic center, a stone's throw from the statue of the girl with the geese is the Dots, half hidden in an internal courtyard between Barfüßerstraße and Rotestraße. The place is much loved by the "alternative" young people of Göttingen; here you can listen to music, have a beer or a cocktail and often attend some small live event or concert (usually hip-hop) in the local cellar.

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Café Botanik, Untere Karspüle 1B, 49 551 2502858. Simple icon time.svg09:30-23:00. In the frame of the beautiful botanical garden of Gottingen, in the center, a stone's throw from the State University, is this place known among all the inhabitants of Göttingen. Run by an Iranian family, the real specialty of this place are the thousand different varieties of tea available to customers, typical of Persian culture. Of course, there is no shortage of small snacks and dishes to accompany a good cup of tea. Not suitable for lunch or dinner, the Café Botanik is still a unique place in Göttingen in which to meet friends and relax in the greenery of the garden while sipping tea in a Thousand and One Nights atmosphere.
  • 2 Maria Kaffee & Brot, Weender Str. 83 (bus stop: Weende Straße or Auditorium). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat 09: 00-18: 00. Delicious place on the main street of Gottingen, almost in front of the University Auditorium, here an excellent homemade bread is served every day that can be filled with dozens of savory and sweet creams, accompanied by what is perhaps the best coffee which can be found in Göttingen. Everything is served on characteristic wooden cutting boards in the comfortable dining room. It is certainly not a place to plan a great lunch but for a light break or a snack it will not disappoint.

Average prices

  • 3 Anatolian Lehmofen (Turkish-Anatolian cuisine), Angerstraße 8 (near the "Gröner Tor" bus stop), 49 551 48864777, @. Ecb copyright.svg17-20 € for a full meal (2018). Simple icon time.svgTue - Sun 11: 30-14: 30, 17: 00-23: 00. Excellent, if not the best, Turkish-Anatolian restaurant in town. Here at relatively low prices, in the center, you can enjoy excellent Anatolian cuisine. Lamb dishes are particularly popular. Relaxing atmosphere.
  • 4 Sambesi, Wendenstraße 8 (near the church of St. Albani), @. Ecb copyright.svg20-25 € full meal (January 2018). Simple icon time.svgMon - Thu 17:00 - 23:00, Fri - Sun 12:00 - 00:00. Renowned African restaurant. Here you can taste (and taste is just the right verb) dishes based on zebra, crocodile or other exotic animals. As an aperitif, homemade cold teas in various shapes and flavors (coconut, berries, jasmine, etc.) are particularly popular.

High prices

  • 5 Restaurant - Pizzeria Boccadoro, Albanikirchhof 5/6 (next to the St. Albani church), 49 551 79 778 545, @. Ecb copyright.svgpizzas around € 10, chef's dishes and wines up to € 100. Simple icon time.svg12: 00-15: 00, 18: 00-21: 30, closed on Mondays. Located at the end of one of Göttingen's shopping streets, Lang-Geismar Straße, next to the imposing church of St. Albani, Boccadoro is an Italian restaurant serving a very high quality Italian menu with both meat and seafood dishes. fish and a vast, refined choice of wines. Absolutely recommended if you want to take a break for lunch or dinner during your stay to discover this beautiful city.

Where stay

Moderate prices


Göttingen is a typical student city, here the crime rate is practically zero and the city boasts of being one of the safest in the Lower SaxonyThe only point to pay attention to is the political attitude of many inhabitants of Göttingen: here there are many left-oriented clarification centers (from the most democratic to the radical-anarchist). From time to time, marches and political demonstrations organized by these groups take place in the city, which however remain peaceful in all cases. The only exceptions occurred when members of far-right groups or even nationalists / populists from other cities tried to organize some kind of demonstration in Göttingen. On these occasions, left-wing groups have been active in strong protests, not infrequently blocking the access roads to the city (eg the central station) and even going so far as to clashes with the police.

A much less worrying risk factor is theft, especially of bicycles. Very few in Göttingen own a car and almost all of them travel by bike. Leaving a bike unattended here is almost an invitation to be able to steal it.

For any need you can contact the police station:

  • 6 Polizeidirektion Göttingen, Groner Landstraße 51, 49 551 4910.

How to keep in touch


Seeburg Lake
  • Seeburg Lake - just a quarter of an hour by car or bus (170 from the polyclinic) away from Gottingen, this magnificent lake stands out; to attract many Gottinghesi here is the presence of numerous hiking trails organized in the middle of a luxuriant natural landscape. By the lake there is also a good cheap restaurant where you can refresh yourself after a nice walk.
  • Duderstadt - Catholic enclave in an otherwise Protestant region, Duderstadt retains a respectable historic center, crowned by the 1300s sandstone town hall and beautiful tree-lined square, ideal for a stroll on a warm summer morning.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Göttingen
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Göttingen
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).