Israeli National - Israelische National

Mitzpe RamonAvdatMasadaEn GediQumranCaesareaBanyasBet She'anGan hashloschaAshkelonCarmel MountainsIsrael location map Sights.PNG
About this picture

Israel has - like other countries - a larger number of Nature and national parks. These parks are spread across the country and are home to an abundance of ecological and historically significant attractions. Some parks are among the highlights of a visit to the holy land.

General information

Israeli parks can be roughly divided into nature and national parks. What is meant by “nature park” is easy to understand from the term: It is mostly a question of smaller, rarely larger areas of particular ecological beauty and / or importance that are under protection and at least in parts have been made accessible to tourists . It is not that easy with the so-called “national parks”. Here you would probably expect particularly large or magnificent nature parks due to the general usage of the language. In Israel, however, this term is usually used Not Nature parks, but also denotes places of national importance and therefore worthy of protection. Most national parks are correspondingly archaeological sites with excavations from different epochs, there are also sites that are of particular importance for modern Israel and are therefore national parks, e.g. the grave of the state founder Ben Gurion.

In practice, the outlined distinction between nature and national parks is of secondary importance. This goes as far as the organizational structure: While there used to be separate administrations for nature and national parks, the management of all parks has been with the since the end of the 1990s Israel Nature and Parks Authority (INPA) and thus in one hand, in addition, many places offer both natural and historical sights. Nevertheless you should have heard about the differentiation - simply to know what to expect in Israel in a nature or national park.

In total there are over 60 parks, some of which are in the occupied territories, i.e. on the Golan or in West Bank (but not in the now vacated Gaza Strip) lie. The map on the right shows some of the most important parks; most of them already have their own article on Wikivoyage. The color scheme shows the thematic focus of the park (blue: historical, green: nature).

Infrastructure and equipment

Small glossary of geographical terms
Nahal(dry) river bedHarmountain
BikavalleyRehes(Mountain) ridge
SdefieldShluha(Mountain) ridge, back
MishorlevelKatef(Mountain) shoulder
RamatPlateauHenyonPicnic area
GevWater pitMezadAway
A, EnsourceHurbatruin
boronWater holeBe'erFountain
BorotWater holesBetHouse, settlement

The equipment and infrastructure of the parks vary greatly with the importance of the respective site. As a rough rule of thumb, the more important and well-known a park or site is, the better equipped it is and the higher the entrance fees. Seldom visited and rather uninteresting places for normal foreign tourists are usually free of charge (and are sometimes even missing on the English pages of the park administration), but there is no infrastructure worth mentioning here, i.e. rather paths through the area instead of well-developed paths, and also no toilets or shopping. At the other end of the spectrum are those top destinations among the parks that are usually presented even on a one-week short tour through the country, e.g. Masada, En Gedi, Caesarea or Bet She'an. At these destinations there is a more or less large visitor center with toilets and a kiosk or restaurant, the sites are very well developed and are usually at least partially accessible for wheelchair users. Admission here for adults costs 20 to 25 NIS, sometimes more.

Most parks with a serviced ticket office have a small one Shop, where drinks, snacks and ice cream are available, in some cases there are larger souvenir shops with brochures and books. Binoculars for bird watching or snorkels in Eilat on the Red Sea are rented out wherever it makes sense.

For example, if you are restricted in your mobility and want to visit a site or want to combine the visit with lunch, you should check in advance in the article or on the park administration website whether the respective park allows this.

In some parks exist overnight staypossibilities: the as campsite The designated areas usually only consist of a more or less shaded area with a level surface, the toilet and sanitary infrastructure (some showers available) of the park can also be used in the evening during the closing times.

Fees & permits

Where the Capricorn flag flies, you have free access with the two-week pass

Some of the simple parks are accessible free of charge, in 2019 an entry fee of ₪ 25-45 for adults is to be paid, there are discounts for pensioners and students, as well as for larger groups.

For visits to several parks there is a discount card that is interesting for tourists, the so-called since 2019 Israel Passport, which was previously marketed as a “green card”. If you visit at least three parks within two weeks, the purchase is worthwhile. There is the variant Classic and Israel Pass & Ride, the transport card in the form of the Rav Nav includes.

The three variants, valid for 14 days from the date of purchase Classic-Passes cost in 2019: “blue:” 3 parks for 78 ₪, “green:” 6 parks for 110 ₪, “orange” any number of parks for 150 ₪. In terms of price, the Israel Pass & Ride no advantage, only the fee of 5 ₪ for the rechargeable local transport card is charged Rav Nav, which can be acquired separately elsewhere.

Parking rules

When visiting the park, the rules of conduct are posted, open fire and the picking of flowers and plants, respectively. catching and hunting animals is generally prohibited. Nothing may be taken from the parks, including stones, ancient fragments or even dead wood.

In the case of parks with longer footpaths, people are usually asked or asked. checked that you got the recommended amount Drinking water and has suitable footwear. In some parks you can eat, in others it is eat Bringing food forbidden (as leftover food attracts wild animals and endangers their nutrition); Eating is then only permitted in the picnic zone at the park entrance, which is pleasantly shaded in most cases.

It is similar with that Swimming: Numerous parks on watercourses have "wading pools", in the 50 - 80 cm deep water you can splash around without the risk of drowning; mostly there is no lifeguard.
In other parks, bathing is allowed at your own risk (only experienced swimmers, note the temperature difference on hot days). Any signposted prohibitions refer to "jumping into the water" - the relevant regulations must be observed.

In Israel great importance is attached to the safety of (paying) park visitors. the park rangers must be observed. The Closing times must be strictly observed, the posted last admission time about one hour before closing is also enforced. If you want to see more of the wildlife, you usually have to visit the park in the early morning, as staying until dusk is practically always prohibited. After sunset, it is no longer permitted to stay in the freely accessible park areas, except in the signposted camping areas.
In numerous nature parks, hikes are signposted and well marked with color markers. Some of them are provided with generous time indications, and others are given a brief "briefing" on which route is planned by the park supervisor. For longer routes they are latest departure times posted that you are not allowed to descend into a gorge after 2 p.m., for example, as you will not be back before the park closes.

Most parks have a brochure with an overview map in English Language given, sometimes the brochures are only in Hebrew. and rarely available in German.

getting there

For most of the parks, the easiest way to get there is if you are traveling with an organized trip or with a rental car. Only a few parks can be easily reached by public transport; for the larger part, traveling by train or bus is difficult or even impossible. Here, too, you should take into account the information in the respective article or on the park administration website.

Parks from A to Z

This section briefly introduces the national and natural parks that have their own article on Wikivoyage or that are described in detail in another article. When parks in one other article the name of the article in which the park is described is also shown in brackets in the box.

שער של מגדל העוז (דונגו'ן) שמשמש היום כתצפית לים. Jpg

The ruins of the crusader fortress Arsouf rise on a headland that has been inhabited since ancient times.

On a rocky promontory north of Herzliya traces of settlement were found from the time of the Persians and the Phoenicians. In ancient times the settlement was Apollonia called, later Sozousa; the crusaders built a fortress over the coast known as Arsouf ... go to Article
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Mount Arbel rises northwest of Tiberias over the Sea of ​​Galilee, (Lake genezareth)

From the Arbel mountain there is a magnificent view over the Lake genezarethOn the other hand, ruins of a fortress on the cliff and an ancient Jewish synagogue (near Moshav Arbel) can be seen ... go to Article
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In the southernmost city on Israel's Mediterranean coast, the city gate made of adobe bricks from the Canaanite period is worth seeing in addition to the magnificent view from the cliff to the beaches.

The Tel Ashkelon has been inhabited for thousands of years, next to the city gate from the Canaanite period (one of the world's oldest vaulted structures) there are evidence of Roman, Byzantine and Arab settlement ... go to Article
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The Nabataean city built on a hill was an important caravan station on the Weihrauchstrasse (Negev)

The ruins of the Nabataean city of Avdat lie on the ancient of Petra Incense Route leading to the Mediterranean Sea ... go to Article
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Natural park in the northern Golan Heights

At the foot of the Golan Heights, the banyas is one of the source rivers of the Jordan. Especially in summer, the jungle-like green along the river valley offers an impressive contrast to the dry and largely arid surroundings. Cold clear water, dense undergrowth and thundering waterfalls make a walk or a short hike in Banyas an experience ... go to Article
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One of the best preserved floor mosaics in the country in the Bet She'an Valley (Northern Israel)

A rather unspectacular destination - if you compare it with the size and diversity of other national and natural parks in Israel. Nevertheless, it is worth at least a detour to the impressive floor mosaic by Bet Alfa, which is one and a half millennia old and still largely preserved ... go to Article

Ruins of a Roman-Hellenistic settlement formerly located on the north bank of the Sea of ​​Galilee, possibly the home of the fishermen under the apostles, (Lake genezareth)

The ruins of the settlement of Bethsaida from Roman - Hellenistic times indicate a fishing village near the Sea of ​​Galilee, which is the place of birth of Peter and other apostles. Finds of a city wall with a huge gate from the Iron Age suggest that the city is ancient Geschur could act ... go to Article

Nearby is the popular one for excursions Jordan River Park ("Park HaYarden", separate entry fee).
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Great excavations from Roman and Byzantine times in the Bet She'an Valley (Northern Israel)

An earthquake put an abrupt end to this city, which at times had tens of thousands of inhabitants. Perhaps good luck for posterity, because much of what you can discover in the park today has been preserved when you stroll along the old main streets, past theaters and bathhouses, to the Tel (settlement hill) ... go to Article
Catacomb no.20 - Cave of the Coffins - partially reconstructed.jpg

An ancient necropolis was uncovered on a hill south of the Carmel.

Of the city of Bet She'arim, which was built on a hill in Herodian times, it is not the ruins of the city but the numerous grave caves of the necropolis that are so remarkable that they have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List ... go to Article
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One of the most important archaeological sites in the country, on the shores of the Mediterranean in the Sharon plain (Central Israel)

The former capital of the Roman province impresses with extensive excavation areas. The visitor walks around between the bathhouses, the Roman theater and the fortifications of the crusaders and can finish off with a cappuccino at one of the cafés in the old port or visit the Roman aqueduct a little further north on the beach ... go to Article
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A promenade with a nature park was built at the biblical site of Capernaum, a Greek Orthodox church and the Roman Catholic church above the "House of Peter" are nearby, (Lake genezareth)

A beach promenade was built around the ship landing stage in Kapernaum, and a new footpath leads to the biblical sites. Next to a Greek Orthodox church was the ruins of the ancient settlement Capernaum A Roman Catholic church was built with the "House of Peter", right next to it an ancient Jewish synagogue was excavated (separate entrance fee, archaeological site owned by the Franciscans) ... go to Article
(see Carmel Mountains)

In the Tel Dan Nature Reserve, on the one hand, are the sources of the Dan, one of the source rivers of the Jordans, and on the other hand important archaeological sites, (Upper Galilee)

In the area of ​​the Tel Dan the second source river of the Jordan rises from a karst source, on the other hand the city gate of the city of Lachisch from the Canaanite period and the city gate of the city from the Solomonic period were found on the settlement hill; on a "height" was the place of worship where one of the silver calves was once worshiped ... go to Article

Part of the coral reef in the Red Sea has been placed under protection (Eilat)

A section of the coral reef of Eilat is managed by the INPA as a nature park, here even beginners can see lots of colorful fish ... go to Article

At the end of the deep canyon there is spring water even in summer (Negev)

Along a watercourse that does not completely dry up even in summer you come to a water basin and a grove of Mesopotamian poplars, vultures nest on the steep walls ... go to Article
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Natural park to the southwestern shores of Dead sea (South Israel)

The oasis of En Gedi is the Natural attraction on the west side of the Dead Sea with two deeply cut creek valleys (Nahal David and Nahal Arugot) that carry water all year round, lush vegetation in the middle of the desert, with waterfalls and various animals. Those who like to swim will get their money's worth in the park, in the Dead Sea or in En Gedi Spa ... go to Article
(the park is the main attraction of the nature park in Nahal Besor)

In the Gamla Nature Reserve are the ruins of the ancient city of Gamla and bird of prey nesting sites on the steep walls of the gorges, (Golan Heights)

The ruins of the city, conquered by Roman troops after a long siege, are considered the Galilean Massada. Numerous birds of prey nest on the steep slopes of Nahal Gamla and Nahal Daliyot, and there is also a breeding station in the nature park ... go to Article
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National Park in Bet She'an Valley (Northern Israel)

One of the top destinations in the north and an insider tip for foreign tourists is Gan haSchloscha. Officially the park is a national park, but it impresses with what nature offers here: around pools with pleasantly warm water (28 ° C) all year round, there are sunbathing lawns in an extensive garden area. For a top-class bathing experience, even in the cooler seasons ... go to Article
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Coastal Natural Park on the northern Israeli Mediterranean coast

One of the last unspoilt stretches of beach is the one between HaBonim and Dor, which has been placed under nature protection. At the southern entrance to the park are the ruins of ancient Dor on the Tel Dor... go to Article
(see Carmel Mountains)
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Remains of the most important city of the Upper Galilee in the Canaanite-Israelite period were found on Tel Hazor (Upper Galilee)

On the settlement hill Tel Hazor existed in the Canaanite time a huge city, which also in the Israelite time up to the conquest by the Assyrians in the 8th century. B.C. A Bronze Age temple, the water supply system and the citadel have been preserved ... go to Article
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In the Susita National Park lie the ruins of the ancient city of Hippos, (Golan Heights)

On a hilltop above that Lake genezareth lie the ruins of the ancient Decapolis belonging city of Hippos ... go to Article

Lake Hula is an important migratory bird reserve, (Upper Galilee)

The last bodies of water of the previously largely drained, extensive marshland of the Hula Plain are now an important reserve for the migratory birds that migrate between Africa and Europe ... go to Article

In the area of ​​the Byzantine church at the place of the hostel of the Good Samaritan a mosaic museum was built (between Jerusalem & Jericho)

In the archaeological area of ​​the Byzantine church, which was built on the site of the hostel of the Good Samaritan, a Mosaic Museum erected, in which mosaics from synagogues and early Christian churches from the area are exhibited. The monasteries of Martyrius and Euthymius can only be visited by appointment ... go to Article
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Various national and nature parks in a small area (Northern Israel)

The Carmel Mountains offer a whole range of parks. While in Mount Carmel Park, the untouched landscape is in the foreground, the visitor encounters in Hai Bar Carmel Animals that have long since become extinct in Israel. In the caves of Nachal Me'arot you can follow in the footsteps of human ancestors from the Stone Age and on Nachal Taninim, where the last crocodile of Palestine was killed, admire nature ... go to Article
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A Jewish settlement with a synagogue (Upper Galilee)

The park includes the excavations of a Jewish settlement with a synagogue from the 3rd / 4th centuries. Century and lies on a hill or halfway through the Sea of ​​Galilee ... go to Article

Byzantine basilica at the place of healing of the possessed Gerasener (Lake genezareth)

The park includes the ruins of a Byzantine basilica and is in the hinterland of the Sea of ​​Galilee ... go to Article
Machtesh Ramon Visitors Center Israel.JPG

Natural wonders in the central Negev-Desert (southern Israel)

The Machtesch Ramon, the “Ramon Crater” near Mitzpe Ramon, is one of the highlights of a visit to the Negev. Over unimaginably long periods of time, the erosion created a crater several hundred meters deep and many square kilometers in area ... go to Article

One of the Nabataean cities on the Frankincense Route (Negev)

The ruins of the Nabataean city of Mamshit are close by Dimona on the ancient Weihrauchstrasse from Petra To the Mediterranean sea... go to Article

Underground cave city with cisterns, quarries and living rooms, right next door a Roman theater

On the (or more precisely below the) Tel Maresha is a cave city to visit: everything that has risen on the settlement hill has been razed to the ground, the underground structures have outlasted the centuries. In view of the heat, it was probably just as expensive to erect buildings underground than to extract stone blocks for the construction of aboveground dwellings ... go to Article

It is close by Bet Guvrin with a Roman amphitheater and ruins from the crusader era.

Great excavations on the southwestern shores of Dead sea (South Israel)

Probably one of the most famous parks of all: Masada - Herod's rock fortress on a barely accessible table mountain in the middle of the desert. Masada - great excavations and still impressive ruins of palace complexes. Masada - site of the legendary suicide of a Jewish insurgent group that was able to defend the fortress for a long time against a Roman overwhelming force. Masada - definitely worth a visit ... go to Article

The settlement hill Tel Megiddo on the edge of the Jezreel plain was settled thousands of years ago and according to biblical tradition it will be the scene of the last battle in the end times (Jezreel plain)

On the strategically located hill on the edge of the Jezreel plain, traces of settlement were found from various epochs, the round altar in the sacred area and the "water system" with the long tunnel carved into the rock to the source at the edge of the city wall ... go to Article
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Meshushim Pool, a pond surrounded by hexagonal basalt columns, (Upper Galilee)

The Meshushin the pool is part of the Yehudiya-National parks, but is reached from an entrance further west. The hexagonal columns made of dark basalt rock also give the part its name Hexagon pool given ... go to Article
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The Nahal Amud Nature Reserve extends along the river valley with caves and the rock pillar "Pillar", (Upper Galilee)

The Nahal Amud can be hiked from different approaches, in the north are those Sekhvi pools worth seeing, in the south the Shovakh Cave and the "pillar" ... go to Article
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The Eshkol National Park As part of the Nahal Besor river valley, it is a popular recreational area with an extensive park area.

While families gather to picnic and splash around in Eshkol National Park, you can hike and cycle along the Nahal Besor river valley ... go to Article

Nahal Iyon or Nahal Ayyon Reserve with the Tanur falls or "Oven Falls", (Upper Galilee)

A beautiful footpath leads along the Nahal Iyon in Metula along the northern border between Israel and Lebanon, especially when the water level is good in spring, the three waterfalls are impressive ... go to Article

Nachal Me'arot Nature Reserve with the caves with signs of prehistoric settlement, Carmel region

In the caves at the foot of the Carmel Mountains, signs of prehistoric settlement were found with bones from Neanderthals ... go to Article
(see Carmel Mountains)
Qumran Caves WV.JPG

Archaeological site in the Judean desert (West Bank)

The Qumran finds caused a sensation and gave rise to conspiracy theories: ancient scrolls were found here, including biblical manuscripts that were hundreds of years older than the oldest known. The thesis that the Vatican withheld scrolls in its archives attracted additional attention ... go to Article

Senir Stream or Hatzbani - the third source river of the Jordan, (Upper Galilee)

The park is along the Senir Stream created, the third source river of the Jordan is also known as Hatzbani designated... go to Article

The westernmost of the Nabataean cities on the Frankincense Route (Negev)

The ruins of the Nabataean city of Shivta lie on the ancient of Petra to Gaza Incense Route leading to the Mediterranean Sea ... go to Article

Ruins of a Canaanite city were found on Tel Arad and ruins from the Israelite era on the citadel (Negev)

The ruins of the Canaanite Arad were much more extensive as the lower town than those of the Israelite city on the fortress hill with the citadel. The temple complex from the time of the Judean kings with the sanctuary is exceptional ... go to Article

On the Tel Be'er Scheva ruins of a provincial town from the time of the Judean Kingdom were discovered (Negev)

The ruins on the Tel Be'er Scheva bear witness to the settlement of the strategically important elevation for thousands of years ... go to Article

Ruins of a synagogue with a zodiac sign - mosaic floor and hot spring water (Lake genezareth)

In the ruins of the synagogue built in 286/337, which was the seat of the Sanhedrin, a mosaic floor with a zodiac motif has been preserved. In the "Hamat Tverya Park" warm thermal water runs into a "wading pool", here you can splash around comfortably even on cool days ... go to Article
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The Yehudiya Nature Reserve includes several deeply carved river valleys with deep canyons and waterfalls, (Golan Heights)

The Yehudiya Reserve comprises several river valleys in the southern Golan, some routes have to be waded through watercourses, other pools invite you to swim, the most demanding routes can only be completed by experienced mountaineers and lead via abseiling routes ... go to Article

The archaeological site of Zippori (or Tzippori) includes the ruins of the Roman - Jewish city Sepphoris (Lower Galilee)

The ruins of ancient Sepphoris date from the Roman - Byzantine period, when a large number of Jewish and Roman (later Byzantine) inhabitants lived here in coexistence in the administrative city of Galilee. The mosaics are worth seeing, especially the "Mona Lisa von Zippori" ... go to Article

Web links

Park administration homepage

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