Country sausages - Land Wursten

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Country sausages
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Country sausages lies in the Weser river Elbe-Weser triangle between Bremerhaven and Cuxhaven in Lower Saxony. It is considered a family-friendly tourist region on the UNESCO World Heritage Site Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park with many sporting, natural history and cultural offers. The name is derived from Low German Sausages (Wurtbewohner) or from Wurten off, so Land of the Wurt inhabitants or. Land of sausages.


With the exception of Nordholz, the localities belong to the 116.96 km² "Samtgemeinde Land Wursten"; their seat is Dorum.

Other goals

Bremerhaven and Cuxhaven are each around 30 kilometers from the Wurster North Sea coast. Day trips are also worthwhile Bremen (approx. 85 km), Hamburg (approx. 130 km) and on Germany's only offshore island Heligoland.


The land of Wursten is a landscape shaped and shaped by the sea. The Wadden Sea merges into the marshland. In some cases, parts of the higher-lying and sandy Geest can already be found further inland. The area is an old settlement and cultural area with numerous prehistoric settlement sites such as the Pipinsburg between Sievern and Holßel, the eponymous Wurten were heaped up, island-like settlement mounds that were supposed to protect their residents and houses from floods and storm surges. Until the first dykes were built in the Middle Ages, they were the only effective protection against the water. The artificial islands were first found in the 3rd century BC. Chr. Mention. The sausages have been preserved in many places.

see also w: History of Hadeln and Sausages


  • German and Low German. You greet with "Moin" (simple, not "Moin Moin")
  • Frisian is not common

getting there

Land route

The land of Wursten has good transport links. The A 27 motorway leads from the Walsrode motorway triangle Bremen and Bremerhaven to Cuxhaven. Local public transport connections of Deutsche Bahn exist from Bremerhaven to Cuxhaven with regional express trains. In Bremerhaven there is a direct connection to Bremen. There are rail connections via Cuxhaven Hamburg. Stop stations are Wremen and Dorum. Since the Dorum train station is six kilometers from Dorum-Neufeld, shared taxis drive to the destination.

Sea route

  • There are marinas in Spieka-Neufeld, Dorumer Neufeld and Wremer Tief, but these mooring options dry out at low tide. You can start off permanently Cuxhaven and Bremerhaven.
  • There are no navigable rivers in the Land of Wursten.



Little Prussia lighthouse

All places can be reached by bike relatively easily and in a reasonable time; Cuxhaven and Bremerhaven can also be reached on day trips. There are regular bus connections within and between the villages. The shared call taxi runs according to the timetable if you register by telephone at least 60 minutes before the start of the journey. Possible pick-up locations are the registered departure points.

Tourist Attractions


In the Land of Wursten you can easily understand the process of land reclamation and maintenance in earlier centuries and in the present. Here you can find various coastal landscapes in the mudflats, in the foreland of the dike, on the land side of the main dike.


  • Dorum-Neufeld fishing port: The port, located directly behind the dike, is home to the Dorum cutters, who return from their tour almost every day with fresh garnet. In many cases, the crabs are sold directly from the ship.
  • Wremen fishing port: The small port facility offers nine cutters a berth. From there they go fishing on the Outer Weser or in the German Bight.
  • "Little Prussia" lighthouse : The "Kleine Preuße" was built in 1906 on Wremer Deich and with its height of only ten meters offers a beautiful view of the surroundings.
  • Lighthouse Obereversand (Dorum-Neufeld): The "Oberfeuer Eversand" - built at the end of the 19th century - together with the Unterfeuer Eversand, directed shipping through the Wurster Arm of the Outer Weser until 1923. In 2003 it was moved to the Dorum harbor entrance, where it documents the former life and work of a lighthouse keeper. The 37.40 meter high viewing platform provides an impressive view of the Wadden Sea and the Dorum cutter port.


  • Curious shell museum, Village square, Wremen. Tel.: (0)4705-210. Not only the imaginative names, but also the many colors, shapes and patterns of the more than 3,000 shell and snail shells on display encourage visitors to think and smile.
  • Wadden fishing museum, Wremen. Information and anecdotes about the Wadden Sea as a habitat for humans and animals are vividly conveyed in the Museum for Wadden Fisheries. Once a year, on Crab Day, visitors can have traditionally prepared sea delicacies served.
  • Lower Saxony dike museum, Dorum. The history of dyke construction and coastal protection on the Lower Saxony coast. With its numerous original exhibits, models and historical documents, the museum is unique in Europe.


  • Old Midlum Mill: The mill, built in 1857 based on the model of the Dutch windmill, was operated with wind power until it was closed in 1955. You can visit them for free on the mill days.


  • National Park House in Dorum-Neufeld: An exhibition on the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park, the North Sea and the Wadden Sea. As a highlight, animals from the North Sea can be observed in the 3,000 liter aquarium. The National Park House offers mudflat walks, themed tours and tours for children and adults.


  • Aeronauticum in Nordholz: On 771.3 m² of exhibition space and 36,000 m² of open-air space, the Aeronauticum - the largest naval airship site during the First World War - shows the historical and technical development of airship, sea and naval aviation.
  • Arp Schnitger organ in Cappel: This organ was built in Hamburg in 1680 by one of the most famous organ builders of the 17th century, Arp Schnitger, and moved to Cappel in 1816. It is considered the best preserved Schnitger organ and is known worldwide. Even today, devotions with organ performances by international musicians take place predominantly in July and August.



  • Harbor bus route: On this tour, the port bus leaves from Dorum-Neufeld and Wremen from in the Easter and autumn holidays as well as during the summer months to the Bremerhaven container port.
  • Day trip to Heligoland: Of Dorum-Neufeld and Wremen can do day tours after Heligoland Companies. The "Cuxliner" sails from April to September Cuxhaven, from there the sea service ship "Atlantis" starts to Heligoland.
  • 1  Zoo in the Wingst, Am Olymp 1, 21789 Wingst. Tel.: 49 (0)4778 255, Email: . Zoo in the Wingst in the encyclopedia WikipediaZoo in the Wingst in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsZoo in der Wingst (Q220127) in the Wikidata databaseZoo in the Wingst on Facebook.The zoo in Wingst is a small, cute zoo with an eventful past, which is constantly changing in terms of species-appropriate animal husbandry with wolf and bear forests, accessible marmoset and kangaroo enclosures, as well as rare and exotic animal species. But lions, tigers and co. Are not missing either. There is a family-friendly environment with playgrounds, petting zoo, handcart rental, cheap snacks and free parking spaces.Features: free parking, no dogs.Open: all year round: end of October-mid-February: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., mid-February to end of March: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., end of March to end of October: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.Price: adults € 8.00 / children (3-17 years) € 5.00, families (2 2) € 24.00.
  • 1  Osten-Hemmoor transporter bridge. Tel.: 49 (0)172 661 84 67, Email: . Osten-Hemmoor transporter bridge in the Wikipedia encyclopediaOsten-Hemmoor transporter bridge in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsOsten-Hemmoor transporter bridge (Q429344) in the Wikidata databaseOsten-Hemmoor transporter on Facebook.Osten has the oldest transporter ferry in Germany, which has been a connection across the Oste River since 1909. Its construction, with a clearance height of 21 m above sea level, enables even larger sailing ships to pass through. At the time of its construction, the Oste was still an important trade route with heavy shipping traffic. Today it is only used for tourist purposes. The 30 m high, green-painted construction, which is protected as a technical monument, towers over the small town East Visible from afar, while the ferry itself is trundling close to the surface of the water. Pedestrians, cyclists and vintage cars are allowed to use the ferry.Open: April Oct .: 12: 00-16: 00; May Sept .: 11: 00-17: 00 every hour on the hour. June-Aug. 10: 00-18: 00 every half hour. From November to March crossings only on request.Price: adults € 2.00, children (6-16 years). 1.50 €. Bicycle € 0.50.
  • 2  Rusch brickworks, Ritscher Außenendeich 2, 21706 Drochtersen. Tel.: 49 (0)4148 61 01 30, Fax: 49 (0)4148 61 01 33, Email: . Klinkerwerk Rusch in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsKlinkerwerk Rusch (Q47507757) in the Wikidata database.Klinkerwerk Rusch is a brickworks with a hand-fired coal furnace. Last brick factory still in production in Kehdinger Land (sightseeing only by appointment).
  • 1  Natureum, Neuenhof 8, 21730 Balje. Tel.: 49 (0)4753 84 21 10, Fax: 49 (0)4753 84 21 84, Email: . Natureum in the encyclopedia WikipediaNatureum in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNatureum (Q1970276) in the Wikidata databaseNatureum on FacebookNatureum on YouTube.The Natureum Niederelbe is not just a museum with a bird watching station, it also offers a lot of variety with the coastal wave, the Elbe coastal park and the coastal zoo. Visitors will find a paradise here to explore, understand and preserve this unique coastal nature with its typical flora and fauna. Small and large special exhibitions take place regularly. The Natureum Niederelbe is a non-profit foundation.Open: Tue-Sun: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (July-August also on Mondays).


The region has many beaches, including in Wremen and Dorum-Neufeld. Dorum-Neufeld offers an extra dog beach for dog owners.


  • Dwarsloeper culinary festival: Since 2009 "Dwarsloeper - the culinary days of the Wurster North Sea coast" has presented its visitors with a program full of culinary delights and events. Restaurateurs offer specialties of the local cuisine. The festival is named after a beach crab whose striking sideways movement has earned it the Low German nickname Dwarslöper (cross-runner).
  • Summer night on the "Little Prussia" : Every year in June there is a summer night under the Wremer lighthouse with a campfire, Low German music and traditional food.
  • Beach party: Annually on the first weekend in August in Dorum-Neufeld right behind the dike. For three days there will be a mudflat baptism, a flea market and parties in the marquee.
  • Easter fire: On Easter Sunday and Easter Sunday, the small fishing and farming villages along the coast form a glowing chain of Easter bonfires. This custom was originally intended to drive away winter.

Cutter trips

Excursion with the fishing cutter

There are daily information and educational trips with the "Nordstern" from the Dorum cutter port to the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park offered.

To go biking

Surfing & kiting

In designated areas can be found on the beaches of Dorum and Wremen be surfed or kited.

Mudflat walks

To visit the Wadden Sea, which has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site since June 2009, there are regular mudflat hikes from Dorum-Neufeld, Wremen and Cuxhaven from offered. People with walking disabilities can use the Wattmobil - a special wheelchair - to experience the Watts without barriers.


Business life is limited to local supplies. If you want to shop extensively, you have to go to Cuxhaven or Bremerhaven drive.


Due to their coastal location, marine animals are the region's culinary specialty. Freshly caught fish is offered at the cutter harbor and in the restaurants. The regional specialties also include bacon and Klüten, caraway cabbage, flour pudding, Wurster Kringel, Wurster pepper nuts, fresh garnet with mares (white bread) and butter. Another specialty is the cabbage. This grass-like plant species, which looks similar to chives, is traditionally only picked by locals and guests may only be prepared by Björn Wolters, the owner of the Wremer restaurant “Zur Börse”.


The landlords in the state of Wursten provide their guests with a large number of private rooms, holiday apartments and houses. The hotel offer ranges from family businesses to 4-star hotels. There are also a large number of camping and mobile home sites in the region. Information about suitable accommodation can be obtained from the Kurverwaltung Land Wursten, Am Kutterhafen 3, 27632 Dorum, phone: (0 47 41) 96 00, fax: (0 47 41) 96 01 41, email [email protected].


The climate on the North Sea coast is considered to be health-promoting due to the favorable interplay of air, water, wind and sun. It stimulates the immune system and the circulation and has a positive effect on the skin and respiratory tract. Land Wursten is the preferred contact point for preventive, hardening and recovery cures as well as for the treatment of general, allergic skin and respiratory diseases and circulatory disorders due to its healing, stimulating climate. The lowest temperatures averaging 1 ° C in winter and 22 ° C in summer.


When swimming and surfing in the sea, the ocean currents and tides should be observed.

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