Landau on the Isar - Landau an der Isar

Landau on the Isar
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Landau on the Isar is a city in Lower Bavaria, is on Isar cycle path and has almost 13,000 inhabitants. The 1 Upper city, Old Town is 390 m above sea level on a mountain on the right bank of the Isar, while the 2 Lower city about 60 m lower on both sides of the Isar. Landau is located in an important vegetable growing area on the edge of the Gäubodens, the breadbasket of Bavaria.


Map of Landau an der Isar
360 ° panorama Landau a.d. Isar train station 360 ° panorama

According to more recent findings, the area around today's Landau has been permanently settled for around 5,000 years, i.e. as early as the Neolithic.

A village settlement called Country Au in the area of ​​the current 3 Lower town was first mentioned in a document in 1074.

Founding a city as Ampt Landau in the area of ​​the current Upper City took place in 1224 by the Wittelsbacher Duke Ludwig den Kelheimer as a border town to secure the sphere of influence of the Bavarian dukes against the power interests of the bishop of Passau. 1304 received the city from the dukes Otto III. and Stephan I. the securitization of the city's special rights.

As a result, the city of Landau quickly grew together with the village settlement at its feet, and an economic boom began, during which the Landau was always one of the most taxable units of the Bavarian dukes. The former wealth of the city can still be seen today in several splendidly furnished churches. The period of flourishing trade and industry ended abruptly with the town fire during the War of the Lower Bavarian Succession on June 29, 1504.

Landau was spared from the Thirty Years' War; in the last year of the war, 1648, the city was saved from destruction by paying 5,000 thalers to the Swedes. In 1713, the plague killed 80 residents within six weeks. During the War of the Austrian Succession, Landau was almost completely destroyed on May 17 and 18, 1743, first by French and then by Austrian troops. After the peace treaty, the Habsburg Maria Theresa gave the city 600 ducats for reconstruction in 1750.

In 1829 Landau had 1624 inhabitants and 300 houses.

In 1875 Landau received a railway connection to the Landshut – Plattling railway line, which was completed five years later and which is still in operation today and runs to the left of the Isar. In 1903 the now closed branch line Landau – Arnstorf was opened, which rose east of the city on the right Isarhangleite and brought Landau with the south station another railway stop.

At the end of the Second World War, Landau was defended against the advancing US troops and the bridges were blown up for this purpose. On April 30, 1945 artillery fire destroyed the town hall and parts of the old town, with a total of 22 dead on the German side. The new town hall could be handed over to its purpose in 1950. Around this time, i.e. only after the Second World War, the first industrial settlements came to Landau. Until then, Landau's economy was shaped by craftsmen, farmers, merchants and other traders.

Landau was a district town until the regional reform in Bavaria, but on July 1, 1972 it became part of the Untere Isar district, which was renamed the Dingolfing-Landau district on May 1, 1973. Landau thus largely lost its centuries-old status as an administrative center, but in return was able to record some incorporations and the relocation of some subordinate offices to Landau.

In the 1990s, the old town was redeveloped, creating a modern one 1 Marketplace was created.

getting there

Munich121 km
Dingolfing18 km
Straubing27 km
Deggendorf32 km
Landshut48 km
Passau67 km
regensburg69 km
Mühldorf am Inn63 km
Altoetting61 km
Salzburg128 km
Nuremberg178 km

By train

The 1 Landau train station (Bahnhofstrasse 31) is on the Landshut - Plattling railway line. Landau can be reached without changing trains from Munich, Landshut, Dingolfing, Plattling and Passau thanks to the Danube-Isar-Express, which was set up a few years ago and runs every hour.

In the street

Landau is on the A 92, opened in 1988, which is the state capital Munich With Deggendorf at the foot of the Bavarian Forest connects. This motorway replaced the now graduated B 11, which leads through the Landau district of Ganacker. Landau is also on the B 20 Furth in the forest - Straubing - Burghausen - Salzburg. The traffic is routed west of the city via a bypass road completed in 1991.

By bicycle

Landau lies on the 290 km long Isar cycle path approx. 35 km above the mouth of the Isar near Deggendorf. It is also the starting point of the Bockerlbahn cycle path to Parish churches.


The Landau has been taking over city bus transport in the widely spread out urban area since 1986. The bus runs every hour.

In addition, there are sufficient parking spaces available for visitors in both the Upper and Lower City (some of which are subject to a charge).

Parking garages

  • 2 Parking garage Stadtgraben 198 parking spaces on four levels (an additional 33 outside parking spaces, including 2 disabled parking spaces), open 24 hours, first hour free, up to 2 hours € 1.00, every additional hour € 0.25, free on Sundays and public holidays, 3 minutes' walk to the central Marienplatz
  • 3 District garage Hauptstrasse 92 parking spaces on two levels, including 4 disabled parking spaces, open 24 hours, first hour free, up to 2 hours € 1.00, every additional hour € 0.25, direct connection to the city center (barrier-free)

Tourist Attractions


Churches in Landau
City parish church of the Assumption

The 2 City parish church of St. Mary of the Assumption (Patronage on August 15) is considered the most beautiful and largest baroque church building in the lower Isar valley. It was built from 1713 in place of a medieval complex under the parish priest Phillip Rappoldsberger by Dominikus Magazin while retaining the old tower and the Josefskapelle. The consecration took place in 1726. Its characteristic onion dome was placed on the medieval tower in 1774 and 1775. The church interior still shines today with its splendid furnishings. The mighty high altar, erected in 1725, with a four-column structure and rich acanthus work contains the altar painting of the Assumption by Johann Caspar Sing and figures of saints on the side. The eight side altars in the side chapels were largely made at the same time. The sebastian altar from 1723 has a depiction of the torture of St. Sebastian from 1656, the Catherine altar a picture from 1796. The classical choir stalls were made in 1803. From the late Gothic furnishings of the previous building from the 15th century, the choir arch crucifix, reliefs from the former high altar (now St. Joseph's Chapel) and the three carved figures of the crescent moon Madonna, St. Catherine over Emperor Maxentius and St. Barbara over her father Dioscuros on the southern pillars have been preserved. The church has stood next to the church since 1871 Peace Oak, a natural monument.

The 3 Hospital Church of the Holy Spirit on Spitalplatz was built between 1859 and 1861 in the neo-Gothic style. It is a brick building with a roof turret and a retracted choir.

The so-called 4 Steifelskirche (Pilgrimage Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary) is located at the eastern exit of Landau at the foot of the Stadtberg and was also built under the parish priest Phillip Rappoldsberger at the end of the 17th to the beginning of the 18th century. The consecration took place in 1716. The church To the three times great mother in the stone rock is a baroque hall building with furnishings, the altar was built around a sandstone rock. The church houses numerous votive tablets from the 17th and 18th centuries and is one of the most important pilgrimage churches in the Lower Isar Valley.

The is just 200 meters further out of town 5 Cemetery Church of the Holy Cross, the oldest surviving church in the city. Little is known about the history of its origins. Presumably it was built around 1590 in the late Gothic style. Under the parish priest Rappoldsberger, a baroque flat ceiling with paintings was put in and the tower was raised, and some Gothic elements were also removed. From 1998 to 2006 the church was thoroughly renovated inside and out and now shines in new old splendor.

The 6 Joseph Chapel was built with a lot of personal work in 1,300 working hours in 2000 east of the city of Landau near the hospital. The Sacred Heart Altar comes from the disbanded hospital chapel in Wolfratshausen. The chapel on the Bockerlbahnradweg, financed by donations, was built especially as a new home for this altar.


Marienbrunnen and town hall on Marienplatz

The 7 Marienplatz is the central square in the Upper City. Numerous shops, the former district office and the town hall are located here. Another important element is the Marienbrunnen, an octagonal stone basin with volutes, built in the middle of the 18th century. The 300 kilogram statue of the Virgin Mary, made by Martin Schwertl in 1892, sits enthroned on the fountain. The fountain was restored in the early 1970s. Since the originally gilded statue gradually lost its color after the restoration, the figure of the Virgin was gilded again in 2009.

The 8 Sebastianiplatz is an important place in the lower town on the right of the Isar. The square is surrounded by the historic Sebastianibrunnen with the gilded figure of St. Sebastian adorned.

The 9 Dr.-Schlögl-Platz in the lower town on the left of the Isar is named after the CSU politician Alois Schlögl, who was Bavarian State Minister for Food, Agriculture and Forests from 1948 to 1954 and who has close ties to the region. Today the square represents an important traffic junction in Landau and has been developed into a roundabout. There is a large fountain in the central island, which is surrounded by blooming flowers in spring and summer. On the large square are, among other things, the Lower Bavarian Office for Rural Development, the modern St. Johannes Church (parish church of the Lower City) and - a little set back - the new double gym of the Realschule Landau.


Kastenhof Landau - the museum for the Stone Age and the present
  • 10 Kastenhof Landau - the museum for the Stone Age and the present The New Stone Age themed museum, which opened in 2019, is the municipal-run successor to the Lower Bavarian Archaeological Museum, a branch of the Munich State Archaeological Collection. It is located in the so-called Kastenhof, the former ducal box, i.e. an administrative and storage location primarily for the natural donations of the population. The exhibition develops around the lifelike figure of the Neolithic woman "Lisar". It comes from the workshop of the renowned paleo artists Adrie and Alfons Kennis. The original archaeological finds are explained through replicas, hands-on stations, modern technology and elaborate pictures. The constant reference to the daily life of the visitors through modern everyday objects represents a groundbreaking approach for an archeology museum. More details can be found on the Homepage of the museum.
  • 11 Local history museum The Landau local history museum has been located in the so-called Weißgerberhaus, one of the oldest still preserved craftsmen's houses in town, since 1958. The museum was extensively renovated in the 1990s. The two house floors are separated into different large areas. On the ground floor, the subjects of "rural living culture" and "faith and piety" are shown, on the upper floor the "town history of Landau", "bourgeois living and self-expression" and "handicrafts in the city". The main focus of the museum is in the 19th century.
  • 12 Brewery Museum The museum opened in May 1997 in the former box malt house on the second floor of the Krieger brewery. A large part of the exhibits comes from a brewery that was closed in 1978 and is supplemented by other old equipment. The entire process of malt and beer production is shown to the visitor as it was fifty to a hundred years ago.
  • 13 Konrad Auwärter Museum: In the Landau industrial area, a museum with buses from the years 1928 to 2001 and exhibits from the company's past was set up in a former hall for municipal vehicles. All buses on display are roadworthy and each one has its own story. The museum is operated by Konrad Auwärter, the son of the family entrepreneur Gottlob Auwärter. The company built omnibuses under the brand name NEOPLAN in Pilsting (neighboring municipality of Landau). Recently, more and more cars from the area have been exhibited, including from glass friends from Pilsting and Dingolfing. See also on the Landau website


  • Market Sundays: Twice a year (April and September) there is a market in Landau - each time in connection with a Sunday shopping.
  • Landau carnival market: Always on Shrove Sunday takes place on the 14 Marienplatz a carnival market takes place under a changing motto. On the entire Marienplatz, visitors are offered a variety of amusement stands for young and old as well as a large selection of culinary specialties and drinks.
  • Landau Wine Festival: Every year on Ascension Day and the following weekend there is an original Palatinate wine festival on the 15 Marienplatz, which has its roots in the friendship with the city of the same name Landau in the Palatinate Has.
  • Riding and jumping tournament: Hundreds of riders come to the end of May / beginning of June every year 16 Volksfestplatz / Exhibition Grounds on Harburger Strasse in Landau to compete in show jumping and other equestrian sports. The tournament attracts equestrians almost all over Bavaria.
  • Landau fair: Every year in late June / early July takes place on the 17 Volksfestplatz / Messegelände on Harburger Straße (at the western exit of the town, second exit from the B 20 after the junction A 92) the Landau fair with around 30 showmen takes place. There are enough guarded parking spaces for visitors directly on the fairgrounds / fairgrounds.
  • New Landau trade fair: Also at the end of June / beginning of July, cross-sector Landau trade fair at the 18 Volksfestplatz / Exhibition Grounds on Harburger Strasse. The folk festival that takes place at the same time brings a relatively large number of visitors. There is also free entry and special exhibitions that change every year.
  • International swim sprinters meeting: During the festival weekend in the Landau outdoor pool (opposite 19 Volksfestplatz / Messegelände on Harburger Straße) an international swimming competition takes place on the sprint distance. Several thousand athletes of all skill levels and ages come to Landau every year. The family atmosphere and the possibility to spend the night in tents in the outdoor pool are special.
  • Christmas market: The second weekend in Advent takes place around the 1 City parish church of the Assumption and in the 20 Stadthalle Landau the Christlkindlmarkt with an extensive range of music and many stalls with Christmas gifts and mulled wine / punch takes place. Craftsmen and artists exhibit in the town hall.


The city of Landau has published a very good list of all restaurants on its website:


The city of Landau also has an accommodation directory on its website:


  • Dräxlmaier Group
  • Einhell Germany AG
  • Rebl painting company
  • Josef Steiner
  • Fleischmann steel and mechanical engineering
  • Erl GmbH welding cutting
  • ISC GmbH
  • Start-up


  • 1  Police station Landau a. d. Isar, Fleischgasse 16, 94405 Landau =. Tel.: 49(0)9951 9834-0, Fax: (0)9951 9834-40.


Practical advice

  • Landau an der Isar town hall, Oberer Stadtplatz 1, 94405 Landau. Tel.: 49(0)9951 941-0, Fax: 49(0)9951 941-210, Email: . Open: Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-12 p.m., Mon-Thu 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
  • The prefix for Landau is 09951. From abroad, dial 49 9951 as the area code.
  • The Post Code for Landau is 94405.
  • There is no longer a pure post office in Landau. However, post offices are on site in retail: Im 3 Post stationery papyrus (Steinfelsstrasse 2, 94405 Landau) there is a very wide range of postal services; at 2 Post Aktivmarkt Leeb (Hochstrasse 7, 94405 Landau) and im 3 Post stationery Wegmann (Oberer Stadtplatz 17, 94405 Landau) there is a slimmed-down offer.


Landgasthof Apfelbeck in Mamming

A few kilometers up the Isar is Mamming, one of the neighboring communities of Landau. The big one and well-known far beyond the district boundaries 1 Landgasthof Apfelbeck (Hochgarten 2, 94437 Mamming) is directly on the Isar cycle path.

Usterling and Zulling

The Landau districts of Usterling and Zulling are on the way from Landau to Mamming.

Usterling is known for the unique in all of southern Germany 21 Johannisfelsen (so-called. Growing rock), which was created over the millennia. A stream running down the Isarhangleite, with its highly calcareous water, forms a bizarre, wall-like rock 50 meters long and up to 3 meters high. At the top of the rock is the baroque St. John's Chapel.

In Usterling there is also the late Gothic one 22 Filial church St. Johannes with an important winged altar from the environment of Hans Leinberger, one of the most important sculptors of the late Gothic period, worth seeing. The building consists of bright brick masonry and has a saddle tower. The church was probably built at the beginning of the 16th century.

The church in Zulling is also worth seeing: The 23 Filial church of the Conception of Mary was laid out in the Romanesque core and completed in the second half of the 15th century in the late Gothic style. The massive saddle tower on the west side of the church was also built in the Gothic style. The main altar contains a life-size figure of Our Lady surrounded by four female saints on a gold background. Behind the church, on the north side, you can find the Devil's kick from Zulling, two grass-free footprints in the lawn. These go back to a medieval legend. After that, particularly wealthy knights lived in a castle on the Isar. A valuable church was part of their property. According to legend, this was robbed. While jumping out of the north window of the church, the robber and the stolen goods were struck by lightning. Since then, no more grass has grown in the footsteps that were left behind.

Also is the water pumping system 24 Aries interesting at the entrance to the Isar cycle path.


The 4 Bockerlbahnradweg was created at the end of the 1990s on the former Landau-Aufhausen-Simbach-Arnstorf railway line. You cross the varied hilly landscape between the Isar, Vils and Kollbachtal valleys without any major incline. The starting point is at Landau train station (Bahnhofstrasse 31, 94405 Landau), the length is 46 kilometers.

Web links - Official website of Landau an der Isar

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