Leste Goiano - Leste Goiano

Leste Goiano
Leste Goiano - Location

Leste Goiano it is a region of the state Brazilian of Goiás.

To know

Known as the region of gold, it gathers the cities that arise around the Federal District. It was the first region to prosper economically, to have sacred works as well as to be the first to have a cinema and a library. Its colonial buildings and the traditions of yesteryear are still quite evident in the architecture of the city. The cobbled streets give a tone of romance and charm to its cities.

Territories and tourist destinations

It is divided into 2 micro-regions:

  • Vão do Paranã
  • Entorno do Distrito Federal

Urban centers

The "stone hat for the sun" a few kilometers from the center of Crystalline
  • Cocalzinho de Goiás - Located on high hills and founded during the gold rush.
  • Corumbá de Goiás - Nature is the tourist attraction of the city. The region is full of waterfalls, caves and rivers. Salto do Corumbá is known throughout the region and attracts many tourists from Brasília is Goiânia.
  • Crystalline - Visited by thousands of tourists for its stones and mineral-based crafts.
  • Formosa - The main tourist attraction is the Itiquira Falls, however the surrounding area is full of caves, waterfalls and rushing rivers.
  • Luziânia - The church of Our Lady of the Rosary is reminiscent of the 18th century.
  • Father Bernardo - City close to the Federal District of strong religious origin.
  • Pirenópolis - Historic city 100 km from Brasilia.
  • May - The eastern part of the municipality is crossed by the Rio Paraná and its tributaries.
  • São Domingos - It is located near the mountains of the Serra Geral.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Leste Goiano
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