Moldova - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Moldavie — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Lake Raionul Orhei.jpg
Flag of Moldova.svg
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47 ° 0 ′ 0 ″ N 28 ° 55 ′ 1 ″ E
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The Moldova (or Moldavian Republic) is a country located in Eastern Europe bordering with the Romania separated by the Prut and theUkraine.



The Republic of Moldova is part of the ancient area of ​​Dacia, Romanized and partially occupied by the Roman Empire, there is 2,000 years. The western half (west of Prut) of medieval Moldavia joined Wallachia and, in 1859, formed the Romania modern. The eastern half (east of Prut, referred to from here as Bessarabia) is occupied by the Russia in 1812, declares its union with Romania in 1918 (March 27), but is invaded by the Red Army in 1940 and again in 1944, then divided between two "Soviet republics", Ukraine (1/3 of the territory) and Moldova (2/3 of the territory).

The Republic of Moldova also includes part of the left bank of the Nistru (Dniester) (4000 km2), known as Transnistria and controlled, since 1992, by the XIVe Russian army.

In the South, a few dozen towns and villages populated mainly by Gagauzes form Gagauzia on 2,000 km2 about.


Landlocked, Moldavia is a steppe that slopes progressively south towards the Black Sea. The relief culminates at 430 m (peak of Miron in the hills of Bălănești, in the center of the country, to the north-west of Chișinău and northeast ofUngheni) and descends to Dniester (2 m). The center and north of the country, raised since the Pliocene, form the Codru plateau and the hilly plain of Bălți, while to the south is the plain of Bessarabia or Bugeac. The vast majority of rivers have carved out wide valleys trending north-west / south-east, and a few, such as the Răut, as well as the Nistru river in its upper reaches, are embedded in canyons due to the Pliocene uplift. Apart from these canyons, there are no steep reliefs in Moldova, no cuestas or other folds, and most of the shapes are gentle. In its lower course, the Nistru develops swamps. Arable land represents 53% of the surface, where good quality soils (chernozoms) alternate with poor podzols.

In the central part is the Codru (pronounced Codrou), a wooded region culminating at 430 m. Erosion processes and landslides have led to the formation of amphitheater-shaped ravines in which rural settlements are located. The picturesque landscape of Codru is reminiscent of certain regions swiss. This area plays an important role as a biodiversity sanctuary and the country's “water tower”. In Moldova there is the Orhei National Park and five Scientific Nature Reserves with a total area of ​​19,400 ha (that of Codru is the oldest of them).


The country's climate is temperate continental, similar to that ofWestern Europe, with long and relatively cold winters (the average being −10 ° C in January) and long and hot summers (average of 30 ° C in July). The annual average temperature is 10 ° C.


Map of Moldova
Part of Moldova controlled by the Moldovan government
One of the last Soviet dictatorships; country de facto separate from Moldova, but claimed by the Moldovan government as an integral part of Moldova.
DisclaimerThe Transnistria is dealt with in a separate article. Although the legitimacy of the government of Transnistria is not recognized by any member of the UN, this government has control de facto region (separate visas, laws, currency, etc.). This can in no way be considered as political support for one of the parties to the conflict relating to its sovereignty.


  • 1 Chișinău ((ru) Kisinev) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – the capital, on the Bâc, a small tributary of the Nistru (Dniestr). The city of Chișinău has 750,000 inhabitants, of which 55% Romanians (Moldovans), then Ukrainians, Russians, Gagauzes, Jews, etc. Chișinău is by far the most important political, industrial and cultural center of the country. Airport. The surroundings are covered with vineyards. Most of the working population has gone abroad to work, especially in Russia and the EU (Italy, Spain, Romania, France, Germany ...)
  • 2 Bălți Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Worth a visit as well as the capital. Nice pedestrian area around the central square. Stroll through the old town.
  • 3 Soroca Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – known to be the 'Roma (Gypsy) capital of Moldova. The hill on the west side of town has many heavily decorated Roma houses. You can also see the Soroca fort built by Stefan cel Mare in 1499.
  • 4 Ungheni Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Ungheni is also one of the most beautiful towns in Moldova.
  • 5 Comrat Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Capital of Gagouzie in the wine-growing area in the south of the country.
  • 6 Cahul Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Historic site of many battles, now known for its thermal baths
  • 7 Orhei Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Fortified town since the 6th century BC, it is also known for its monastery

Other destinations


1 Orheiul Vechi Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Moldova's best-known curiosity is a 13th-century cave monastery about half an hour's drive from Chișinău. Just up the road is a tourist center with a small museum, restaurant and hotel. In the vicinity are enormous cliffs containing six other interlocking cave complexes. It is strongly advised to explore them with an experienced guide. The remains of a Turkish bath house are also right next to the river.

2 Căpriana Monastery Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element – One of the most important monasteries in Moldova 40 km from Chișinău. Buses run every hour in the morning from Calea Ieşilor, in the Sculeni district of Chișinău.

3 Tipova Monastery Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Monastery located near the Nistru river in east-central Moldova.

4 Saharna Monastery Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element

To go


Citizens of Canada, CIS countries,European Union, of Japan, of the Norway, of the Swiss and United States don't need Visa to enter Moldova and can stay in the country for up to 90 days in six months without being registered. Citizens of other countries must either obtain a visa at the nearest Moldovan embassy or obtain a visa upon arrival at Chișinău airport and at certain land border crossings, provided that they obtain a letter in advance. officially confirmed invitation from Moldova.

Entering Moldova via theUkraine, you might cross the Transnistria. Some buses fromOdessa go through Tiraspol, while others make a detour to avoid the two border crossing points. Transnistria is an unrecognized state located in eastern Moldova, on the border with Ukraine, which split from the country after a war in 1992. Westerners generally have little difficulty crossing transnational borders in buses, although foreign travelers have experienced problems in the past. There is, however, a low probability that foreign tourists will be forced to pay bribes, although the bus drivers that connect Ukraine, Transdniestria and the rest of Moldova generally handle border negotiations well, collecting passports and negotiating with Transdniestrian authorities. Also, there is no check at the Moldovan border between Transnistria and the rest of Moldova, as Moldova does not recognize Transnistria as a state, so you might have some explanations to make when trying to leave Moldova without an entry stamp.

  •      Moldova
  •      Exemption from Visa
  •      Visa can be obtained with invitation letter

By plane

The main airport is located Chișinău.

On a boat

Although the country is landlocked, a ferry service connects the towns of Giurgiulesti in Moldova at Istanbul, in Turkey, connecting the Black Sea by the Danube. They leave Giurgiulesti every Monday and arrive in Istanbul the following Wednesday. It is not certain that this ferry service is limited to the high season.

By train

The cheapest way to enter the country is probably to take the night train. There are daily trains from the Romania, theUkraine and the Russia via Ukraine.

The train coming from Bucharest leaves at 7:15 p.m. and arrives around 9:00 a.m. A ticket in a 4-berth compartment in 2nd class costs 593 MDL, 685 MDL in 1st class berth with 2 berths. Since flights to Bucharest often cost less than those to Moldova, it is a possible means of transport if you have the time. The trip lasts 14 h For about 450 km.

Tickets can now be purchased online up to two weeks before departure (Romanian / Russian website only). Simply show the printed tickets to the driver when boarding. At the border, the wagons are lifted to change the bogies to fit the Moldovan tracks. Crossing the Ukrainian border is easier, as both countries use the same track gauge.

By bus

Regular buses connect Chișinău at Bucharest, at Kiev and to the main cities Romanian and Ukrainian. There are 5 to 6 buses a day to and from Bucharest. Due to a long wait at the border, the journey takes around 10 hours. There are basic toilets at the border, but most coaches do not make other stops. You can also travel to most European cities by bus with Moldovan bus companies.

  • autogara Logo indicating a link to the website – Bus schedule throughout the country

By car

Moldova is mainly accessible via Romania or Ukraine depending on the place of origin.

The waiting time at customs is very variable, it can last five minutes as well as a few hours (depending on the mood and pressure of customs officers ...).

Every car is listed as soon as it enters Moldovan territory, which clearly means that it is compulsory to leave it with (except special authorization ...).

The European car insurance green card is now valid in Moldova.


Trolleybus in Chișinău

By bus

The most reliable and widely used domestic transport is the bus: you will travel to most parts of the country.

Chișinău is the country's main transportation hub. The three bus stations serve all cities and towns in Moldova. The fastest means of transport are small minibuses which can accommodate around 15 people. Larger buses are also used and are slightly safer, as they travel at lower speeds.

In Chișinău there is a state-run trolleybus system that includes many new vehicles. The price is 2 lei; a conductor collects fares and issues tickets. There is also a bus service which operates with fewer trips.

Minibuses (rutierele in Moldovan Romanian; marshrutki in Russian) are available in most towns. They operate privately and are called by asking the vehicle to stop, but they can often be overloaded. Drivers should be paid upon boarding (MDL in Chișinău), however, some insist that you sit down first and pay on departure. It is possible that other travelers will manipulate the money to pass it to the driver.

By train

Moldovan Railways Map
  • Calea Ferată din Moldova Logo indicating a link to the website – online booking

By car

The driving license of a third state is generally recognized, the possession of an international license is also recommended in order to facilitate routine checks by the authorities.

Beware of the state of the roads which is sometimes more than mediocre, the macadam is sometimes replaced by concrete plates which can sometimes shake the occupants. Only one expressway is in service in the country, east of the capital. The conduct of locals should be viewed with caution, as they often drive under the influence of alcohol despite a strong policy of repression in this area. It is preferable to postpone all night travel by road.

Road signs although meeting international standards are sometimes erratic or nonexistent, the help of a good map and locals will be your most valuable allies.

Fuel is available throughout the country but a little less in the more mountainous areas, some refueling points are open day and night. The octane numbers on the market are 80, 92, 95 and 98, diesel as well as G.P.L. and the G.N.V. are also available in Moldova. Fuel prices are slightly lower than those in Western Europe.

The consumption of alcohol before driving is strictly prohibited and the police officers can easily assess without a ball, whether the driver has consumed or not. A blood test can be taken following this type of check, only at the police station and at any time of the day.

Speed ​​limits:

  • Expressway with central separator: 110 km / h
  • Route: 80 km / h
  • City : 50 km / h


The official language in Moldova is Romanian, but the Russian is at least as much spoken, at least in the big cities, and it happens that people do not speak Romanian, mainly in the region of Transnistria in the east. The presence ofEnglish is very imposing insofar as the country evolves industrially and politically; tourists shouldn't be very embarrassed if they know the English language. It is not too difficult to find people speaking decent French in the capital.


One hundred lei banknote

The leu (plural: lei) is the currency of Moldova (ISO code 4217 MDL). Like the Romanian leu, the Moldovan leu is subdivided into 100 bani (singular: ban). The name of the currency comes from Romania and means "lion".

The banknotes are denominated in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 lei.


Drink / Go out

Moldova is renowned for its long tradition of high quality wine at affordable prices. It is the main tourist attraction in the country. Reds are especially popular across the country. Most Moldovan villagers grow their own grapes and press their own wine, and many rural households will press thousands of liters a year.

  • 1 Milestii Mici Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element, Logo indicating a telephone number  373 22 382 333 – With over 200 km of underground roads, Milestii Mici is listed in the Guinness World Records as the largest collection of wines in the world. It may be easier to book a tour through a travel agency, as you need a car to do the tour.
  • 2 Cricova Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element, Logo indicating a telephone number  373 22-277 378 – Moldova's second wine cellar has more than 120 km of underground roads. 15 minutes by car from Chișinău, it is a favorite place for tourists.
  • Purcari Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – One of the oldest wineries in Moldova, Purcari wine was drunk by Russian Emperor Nicolai II and his first cousin, British King George V.
  • Branesti  – A smaller and reasonably priced wine cellar. It is near the Orheiul Vechi monastery, which makes it ideal to combine a visit to the monastery with a wine tasting.


Housing at Chișinău is surprisingly expensive and the possibilities 100  the night is not lacking. Most hotel prices are quoted in euros but some are in US dollars.

Many small towns will have a relic Soviet-era hotel with frowning service. The prices will be high for what you get. In many places it is possible to pay around 10  to stay with the locals. This is an informal arrangement that can only be organized by talking to people when they arrive, but it is worth considering if you want to go to the countryside.


Although none of the universities in Moldova are internationally accredited, there are universities in Chișinău, Bălți and Cahul.

To work


Travel warningEmergency telephone number:
Police :902
Firefighter :901

The separatist region of Transnistria proclaimed (and largely achieved) independence but lacks diplomatic recognition. As a result, consular support in emergencies is generally lacking. Corrupt police and border guards may try to extort money, but “normal” crime rates are low. The locals are generally very friendly and will do their best to provide hospitality to foreigners. You can expect a long and inevitably boozy meal to be offered to you just in your honor.

Conservative attire should be worn at religious sites. Shorts are prohibited and women must cover their heads in monasteries and churches.

Corruption and in particular police corruption remain problems in Moldova, but the situation is improving. It is always advisable for tourists to know the number of their embassy and the contact details of their place of stay. Foreigners are also required to have their passport with them at all times. However, generally no one should check it out.

Alcohol consumption can also be a problem. It is common to meet drunkards, especially at night. Most are friendly, but they can be more aggressive at times and will invade your personal space. It can be scary the first few times. Politely walking away usually works.

Government travel advice

  • Logo representing the flag of the country BelgiumBelgium (Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country CanadaCanada (Government of Canada) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country FranceFrance (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country of SwitzerlandSwiss (Federal Department of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website


Moldova is a kind of buffer state between the former Soviet space andeuropean area, which is in a precarious balance. The army Russian is still stationed in the east of the republic and the last armed conflict to occur dates back to 1992. Pay attention to the various causes of irritation between the pro-mentalities.Romanian (pro-Western) and prorussian!


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