Nuraghe Arrubiu - Nuraghe Arrubiu

Nuraghe Arrubiu
Nuraghe Arrubiu - Location
Institutional website

Nuraghe Arrubiu is an archaeological site of the Sardinia.

To know

Interior of the nuraghe
Dome of the nuraghe from the inside
Detail of the nuraghe

The site owes its name to the characteristic red color due to the lichens that cover it and is the largest and most complex nuraghe in Sardinia and one of the major protohistoric monuments in all of Western Europe.

The nuraghe

The nuragic complex dates back to 1500 BC. approximately, its collapse was dated to the 9th century BC. for reasons not yet certain and remained uninhabited until 100 BC. when the Romans arrived. It is the only premeditated nuraghe present in Sardinia, as well as one of the largest, consisting of a central tower surrounded by five other towers around which there is a rampart (outer wall), with a further seven towers that make up another defensive wall , which encloses several courtyards around the bastion. There is also a second external curtain wall with five towers and a third curtain with three other towers, not connected with the previous ones. The total number of towers is twenty-one. Altogether it covered an area greater than 5000 m².


During the excavations, a complex drainage and water channeling system was found. The two oenological laboratories, the courtyards and some of the most important towers of this site need to be described.

Oenological laboratory

These two laboratories are located in two places on the site. The first, from the Roman age, is located between towers D and E (see plan at the side), has a non-regular quadrangular plan used purely for an agricultural activity practiced by a Romanized community that has transformed some parts of the nuragic complex into a sort of rustic villa. The second, on the other hand, is located in the central courtyard B, also from the Roman age and used for agricultural activity. What unites these environments is also the presence of overlapping tanks of sandstone used for the pressing of the grapes and the collection of the must.

Courtyard X

The largest courtyard of the nuraghe from which we can see three towers of the five-lobed bastion. Most of the collapses are still visible and the archaeological reliefs have made it possible to highlight the bases of the towers built according to the megalithic technique: overlapping large stones and filling the empty spaces with smaller stones. In this area there is the central keep (Tower A): it reached a size between 25 and 30 m and it is supposed to be the highest known so far: according to the calculations made by entering the data of the stone material excavated (the keep fell all in the courtyard internal, sealing it) and the angle of the still existing part, the software used gave a height of 27 meters. Tower G, on the other hand, appears to be the only one not connected to the courtyard, while Tower F, located at the end of the courtyard, has a large non-original opening: the oblique stone is broken and without a block that supported its weight and assumes that this modification was made in Roman times.

Courtyard K1

Place where one of the two artisan workshops for the production of wine was found and there is also the Capanna delle Riunioni: the largest hut of the Nuragic era inside which there is a seat that runs along the internal perimeter. In the center is the base of a hearth.

Courtyard B

We are talking about the central courtyard where we can find a rainwater channeling system inside a cistern visible on the courtyard. Four towers (C-D-E-F) plus the central one A are connected with this courtyard.

Tower A

Originally, it had three overlapping floors of which today only one remains. Inside there is the Tholos: a circular false dome cover obtained with a progressive narrowing of the circle of each row of stones.

Tower C

Defined by the archeologists as the tower of women as objects of female use have been found: spindles for spinning wool, bone needles and daggers, millstones for cereals. Originally this tower also had a tholos roof.

Geographical notes

Nuraghe Arrubiu is located in the municipality of Orroli, from which it is 6 km.

How to get

By plane

From the following airports, thanks to the presence of several car rental companies, you can rent a car to reach the Arrubiu nuraghe.

By car

  • Those arriving from the north and central Sardinia must take the SS 131 Carlo Felice to the "SS293-SS197" exit, take this exit, then continue towards Furtei-Barumini and take the SS 197. Continue to the exit " Villanovafranca-Mandas ", then turn right and take the SP 36 up to Mandas. Arrived here, turn left towards Isili and take the SS 128. Continue to the "Tour dei Nuraghi - Orroli" exit, then turn right and take the SS 198 to the "Nurri-Orroli" exit, here turn to right and take the SP 10. Arrived a Orroli, follow the signs for Nuraghe Arrubiu, exit the town, then turn left and take a municipal road to reach your destination.
  • From Cagliari take the "Senorbì-Isili" exit and take the SS 128 to Mandas, after the latter center, take the "Tour dei Nuraghi - Orroli" exit, then turn right and take the SS 198 to the "Nurri" exit -Orroli ", here turn right and take the SP 10. Arrived at Orroli, follow the signs for Nuraghe Arrubiu, exit the town, then turn left and take a municipal road to reach your destination.

On boat

From the ports of Cagliari, Tortolì-Arbatax, Porto Torres, Olbia-Isola Bianca e Golfo Aranci.

By bus

Due to the unreliability of suburban buses in Sardinia, the car is better. For tourists arriving in Sardinia by plane, it is recommended to rent a car.

Permits / Rates

  • The entrance fees are as follows: Adults: € 5.00; children aged 6 to 17: € 3.00.
  • The site is open every day from 9:30 until sunset.

How to get around

Get to Orroli, follow the signs for the Nuraghe Arrubiu and exit the town, then turn left and take a municipal road to reach your destination. Leave your car in the parking lot and continue on foot.

Tower C interior

What see

  • 1 Nuraghe Arrubiu.

What to do


Where to eat

  • 1 Sa Sienda, Location Su Pranu (A few hundred meters from the Nuraghe Arrubiu.), 39 328 9372510. Farmhouse.

Where stay


How to keep in touch

Useful information


Su Nuraxi archaeological area - Barumini
Las Plassas Castle
Menhir in the Pranu Muttedu complex

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Nuraghe Arrubiu
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Nuraghe Arrubiu
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