Su Nuraxi - Su Nuraxi

Su Nuraxi
Institutional website

Su Nuraxi is an archaeological site of the Sardinia.

To know

Internal courtyard of the nuraghe
Covering of the nuraghe

Su Nuraxi is a human settlement dating back to the Nuragic age. Grown around a four-lobed nuraghe (i.e. with a bastion of four corner towers plus a central one) dating back to the 16th-14th century BC, the settlement developed between the 13th and 6th centuries BC. It is one of the largest nuragic villages in Sardinia. It has been declared UNESCO heritage in 1997.

The nuraghe

Structure of the nuraghe

The oldest structure of the nuraghe consists of a central tower with three superimposed chambers (18.60 m high), built between the seventeenth century BC. and the XIII BC, in blocks of basalt. Later, in the late Bronze Age, four towers were built around the central tower joined together by a curtain wall with an upper gallery (now lost), all communicating on an internal courtyard served by a well. In later times, in the Iron Age, the complex was surrounded by a further five-lobed curtain wall. The difference in constructions indicates that there was some social hierarchy. The walls were made of overlapping stone blocks and not from a single monolith. The doors and windows were for the first time usable, and their shoulders slightly tilted in order to reduce the entry of light and decrease the risk of breaking the lintel. The latter were thicker in the center and less on the sides, demonstrating the fact that he understood that the lintels break in the center.

Functions of the nuraghe

Among the main functions of the nuraghe we find that of lookout to allow the surveillance of cultivated fields and herds of animals. The nuraghe could also be part of a fortified complex and therefore have a military and strategic purpose for the nuragic tribes to defend themselves from enemy assaults.

The nuragic village

A nuragic village was built around the nuraghe from the late Bronze Age to house the surrounding population. The village is made up of about fifty huts, built with a circular plan through large dry-walled boulders and covered with conical roofs in wood and branches. According to Giovanni Lilliu, subsequent renovations do not allow to identify the number of houses, the number of which in the final building draft varies from 40 to 200, this suggests a population between 100 and 1000 inhabitants. , in a more recent phase the trend of housing sectorization prevailed. Among the huts found, the most significant were the one reserved for meetings of the chief, larger and more articulated in structure, and the hut reserved for the assemblies of the inhabitants, in which symbols of the worshiped deities were found. Other environments have been recognized as workshops, kitchens and agricultural processing centers.

During the early Iron Age (IX-VIII century BC) sewers and a road system were built.

During the sixth century BC, the palace suffered destruction and was later restored in the Carthaginian era and then occupied by the Romans, before being definitively abandoned.

The nuraghe and the village were strategically connected to a system of other nuraghe and nuragic sites, such as the polylobed one found under the Zapata house, in the inhabited area of ​​Barumini.

Geographical notes

Su Nuraxi is about 1 km from Barumini.

How to get

By plane

From the following airports, thanks to the presence of several car rental companies, you can rent a car to reach Su Nuraxi.

By car

  • From Cagliari and from the north of Sardinia take the SS 131 Carlo Felice and continue until the exit for Theft, then, when you arrive at a roundabout, follow the signs for the SS 197. Arriving at a second roundabout, follow the signs for Barumini and then those for Su Nuraxi in order to reach your destination.
  • From Tortolì take the SS 198. Continue until the junction with the SS 128, then turn right towards Nurallao. Shortly before entering the latter center, immediately turn left onto the SS 197 towards Barumini, then follow the signs for Su Nuraxi to reach your destination.

On boat

From the ports of Cagliari, Tortolì-Arbatax, Porto Torres, Olbia-Isola Bianca e Golfo Aranci.

By bus

Due to the unreliability of suburban buses in Sardinia, the car is better. For tourists arriving in Sardinia by plane, it is recommended to rent a car.

Permits / Rates

Internal staircase
Tholos central tower
  • The entrance fees are as follows: Full: € 12.00; reduced minors between 13 and 17 years, school groups, groups of at least 20 people and Tour Operators: € 9.00; reduced children between 7 and 12 years: € 7.00.
  • The opening hours of the site are as follows: November-February 9: 00-17: 00; March 9: 00-17: 30; April and September 9: 00-19: 30; May-June and August 9: 00-20: 00; July 9: 00-20: 30; October 9: 00-18: 30.

How to get around

Follow the directions for Barumini, then, arrived at the gates of the town, follow the signs for Su Nuraxi. When you arrive at your destination, leave your car in the parking lot and continue on foot.

What see

  • 1 Nuragic village.

What to do


Where to eat

  • 1 Su Nuraxi (Located in front of the Su Nuraxi car park, on the other side of the road.), 39 070 9361039. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 9: 00-20: 00. Bar and grill.
  • 2 Cavallino della Giara, Viale Su Nuraxi 2 (130 meters from the Su Nuraxi car park, on the other side of the road.), 39 070 9368122, fax: 39 070 9368122, @. Restaurant.

Where stay


For safety reasons, the site can be visited only and exclusively accompanied by a guide: In addition, in the event of adverse weather conditions that do not allow the visits to be carried out in total safety, the archaeological area may be temporarily not accessible.

We recommend comfortable and sporty clothing and in particular in the hot season the use of caps, sunscreen and water, while in the cold season the use of raincoats and non-slip shoes.

How to keep in touch

Useful information


Menhir in the Pranu Muttedu complex
Sardinia in Miniature theme park
Las Plassas Castle
Nuraghe Arrubiu

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Su Nuraxi
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Su Nuraxi
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