Orroli - Orroli

Nuraghe Arrubiu
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Orroli is a center of the Southern Sardinia, in the province of Southern Sardinia.

To know

It is part of the Authentic Villages of Italy.

Geographical notes

Orroli is located in the historical region of Sarcidano and borders on Escalaplan, Esterzili, Goni, Nurri is Siurgus Donigala.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

By car

  • Those arriving from the north and central Sardinia must take the SS 131 Carlo Felice to the "SS293-SS197" exit, take this exit, then continue towards Theft-Barumini and take the SS 197 to the exit "Villanovafranca-Mandas", then take the SP 36 up to Mandas. Arrived here, turn left towards Isili and take the SS 128 until the exit "Tour dei Nuraghi - Orroli", then turn right and take the SS 198 until the exit "Nurri-Orroli ", here turn right and take the SP 10 to your destination.
  • From Cagliari take the exit "Senorbì-Isili and take the SS 128 to Mandas, after the latter center, take the "Tour dei Nuraghi - Orroli" exit, then turn right and take the SS 198 to the "Nurri-Orroli" exit, then turn right and take the SP 10 to your destination.

On boat

From the ports of Cagliari, Tortolì-Arbatax, Porto Torres, Olbia-Isola Bianca e Golfo Aranci.

On the train

  • 4 Orroli railway station. The station, located along the "Mandas-Arbatax" line, is active only in the summer for tourist services related to Little Green Train. Orroli station on Wikipedia Orroli station (Q28793562) on Wikidata

By bus

Orroli can be reached by bus from Cagliari via the ARST line 9109, or from Nuoro through the ARST line 9138.

How to get around

What see

Nuraghe Arrubiu

Archaeological sites


  • 2 House of the Nuraghe Arrubiu, Via Roma (It is located inside an old manor house), 39 0782 847269, 39 329 7867983. The museum tells the story of a territory inhabited from the 4th millennium BC: the Arrubiu was the stronghold, around which satellite nuraghi gravitated. Here are exhibited finds and relics from the Middle Neolithic to the High Middle Ages.
  • 3 Omu Axiu, Via Roma 46, 39 0782 845023. Ecb copyright.svg3,00 €. House museum


- the church of San Vincenzo Martire
  • 4 Parish Church of San Vincenzo Martire.
  • Church of San Vincenzo Ferreri.
  • 5 Church of San Nicola.
  • 6 Church of Santa Caterina. Country church of the '500.

Natural areas

  • 7 Park on Motti (It is located in the upper part of Orroli). Enclosed by a natural basaltic amphitheater, it is rich in oak groves and characterized by erratic boulders in which domus de janas are excavated. Covered mainly by holm oaks and downy oaks, many of which are centuries old, the park area is characterized by large erratic boulders of compact and porous basalt of obvious volcanic nature. The park develops along a slope in which there are valleys which are framed by luxuriant vegetation. From the top of the "Pizziogu" mountain, long rocky overhangs of intense rust color start which, plunging downstream, contribute to making the surrounding landscape evocative. From the top of the same mountain, and from the belvedere along which the environmental path develops, it is possible to admire the entire territory of the park. From the same points above you can look towards Lake Mulargia, and you can reach the mountain ranges of the "Sette Fratelli" in the heart of Sarrabus, Linas Manganai in Guspinese and even the mountains of Gennargentu. The particular morphological characteristics of the territory mean that the "Su Motti" park is suitable for excursions that are not excessively demanding, for anyone who wants to go there, using paths. The park offers the attentive visitor the opportunity to observe not only the numerous historical and archaeological evidence, but also interesting presences of the plant and animal world. The humid microclimate favors the development of a luxuriant and sometimes wild and impenetrable vegetation, especially in the steepest areas of the park. Holm oaks and downy oaks prevail over other typical species of the Mediterranean flora which is particularly rich here due to the presence of phillyrea, strawberry tree, olive and mastic. The butcher's broom, with bright red berries, the asphodel with its abundant spring blooms, the ferula with the typical yellow umbrella-shaped flowers give the area a particularly colorful appearance. The basalt rock walls, typical of the park, especially in the section on Crast'e Abori are, as well as the large boulders, covered with lichens and showy red carpets of Sedum coeruleum. The meadows are home to orchids, daisies, buttercups and, in the less sunny stretches, cyclamen. The fauna is equally interesting and vast. A considerable number of wild boars, foxes, hares, rabbits, weasels, hedgehogs and wild cats live in the park. Among the birds we can include wood pigeons, partridges, quails, blackbirds, thrushes, robins and woodpeckers (including the very rare red woodpecker) and the royal crow. To represent the diurnal birds of prey we find the peregrine falcon and the buzzard, while the barn owl and the owl dominate uncontested at night. In the park there are two nuragic monuments: the "Is Allonis" nuraghe and the "Su Motti" nuraghe. The first, built on a plateau dominated by an imposing and suggestive rocky wall called "Sa Corona Arrubia" is inserted in an environment characterized mainly by the Mediterranean scrub, is largely affected by collapses. The size of the latter suggest a cyclopean construction, more specifically a polylobed monument. Nuraghe Su Motti From the nuraghe you can hardly see the external and internal perimeter of a circular tower and some sections of the courtyard. The nuraghe is surrounded by many Neolithic tombs. The "Su Motti" nuraghe is the only one in the area built with a corridor plan combined with a courtyard, all protected by a rampart. At its feet there is a small pre-nuragic village. A luxuriant vegetation, mainly downy oak and holm oak, and a particular morphology of the territory, characterized by the presence of suggestive basaltic boulders and Neolithic tombs frame the nuraghe.

Events and parties

What to do

  • 1 Mulargia lake (Shared with the municipalities of Goni, Nurri is Siurgus Donigala). Here it is possible to practice rowing. Lake Mulargia on Wikipedia Mulargia lake (Q3825732) on Wikidata


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 From Pieretto, Via Demuro 7, 39 346 3277153. Trattoria bar pizzeria.
  • 2 The Mediterranean, Via Roma, 39 347 5444644. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 10: 00-22: 30. Restaurant.

Where stay

Moderate prices

Average prices


Useful numbers

  • 5 Carabinieri, Via Cesare Battisti at the corner with Via Mandas, 39 0782 847022.
  • 6 Asl 8, Via Gardens of Childhood, 39 0782 847634, fax: 39 0782 847634. Simple icon time.svgMon, Wed and Fri 7: 30-14: 00; Tue 7: 30-18: 00; Thu 7: 30-19: 30. Outpatient clinic. Present cardiology, neurology, dentistry.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 7 Post Office, Via Cesare Battisti 21, 39 0782 847004, fax: 39 0782 847004. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-13: 45; Sat 8: 20-12: 45.


Su Nuraxi archaeological area - Barumini
Las Plassas Castle
Menhir in the Pranu Muttedu complex

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Orroli
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Orroli
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