Otterndorf - Otterndorf


Otterndorf is a small town in Land Hadeln in the Elbe-Weser triangle and is located on the western bank of the Elbe, just before its confluence with the North Sea coast.


Otterndorf CoA.svg
Map of Otterndorf
Otter fountain - the heraldic animal of Otterndorf

The small seaside resort Otterndorf is only a few kilometers south of the mouth of the Elbe in the North Sea at the Kugelbake in Cuxhaven in the middle of the rural structure of the Land Hadeln, like the historical region in the eastern tip of the Elbe-Weser triangle was called - until today the name has been preserved in the name of the associated municipality. With the historic half-timbered old town and surrounded by the various water arms, the small town offers a suitable setting for relaxing holidays on and on the water: In addition to the Elbe estuary that dominates the area around the town, the Medem flows into the Elbe near Otterndorf, and the Hadelner Canal as part of the Elbe -Weser-Schiffahrtsweg offers a - today economically as good as unused - connection across the Elbe-Weser triangle to the Geeste, which in turn at Bremerhaven flows into the Weser.


The first written mention of Otterndorf comes from 1261. Otterndorf was the capital of the Land Hadeln. In 1400 it was granted city rights by its sovereign, Duke Erich IV of Saxony-Lauenburg. The first Latin school can be traced back to the 15th century. From 1778 to 1782 Johann Heinrich Voss was the principal of the Latin School. In 1521 the preacher Gerhard first proclaimed the new teaching of Martin Luther in Otterndorf. Between 1970 and 2016 Otterndorf went through several administrative reforms and mergers. Only the name, the coat of arms and the administrative headquarters in Otterndorf remain, and completely new structures have been created. Today the city is the administrative seat of the combined community of Land Hadeln, the largest community unit in the district of Cuxhaven with over 406 square kilometers.

getting there

By plane

  • The closest airports are the 1 Hamburg AirportWebsite of this institutionHamburg Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaHamburg Airport in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsHamburg Airport (Q27706) in the Wikidata database(IATA: HAM) and 2 Bremen AirportWebsite of this institutionBremen Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaBremen Airport in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBremen Airport (Q665365) in the Wikidata database(IATA: BRE), whereby the transport connection to Bremen (via the Autobahn A27) is better than to Hamburg (via the federal highway B73).
  • The one located on the grounds of the Nordholz naval aviation base 3 Sea-Airport Cuxhaven / NordholzSea-Airport Cuxhaven/Nordholz in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaSea-Airport Cuxhaven/Nordholz (Q28196100) in der Datenbank Wikidata(IATA: FCN) does not currently offer regular flight connections. However, the airfield is available for self-pilots.

By train

From / to 4 Otterndorf stationBahnhof Otterndorf (Q21013428) in der Datenbank Wikidata runs once an hour RE 5 (ME81 ...). He connects Otterndorf with Cuxhaven in the north and Hamburg-Harburg as Hamburg Central Station in the south, where there is a connection to the Deutsche Bahn long-distance railway network. The route is from metronome served.

By bus

The regional bus route 528 runs from Bremerhaven via Wanna to Otterndorf.

In the street

Otterndorf is on the B73CuxhavenHamburg

By boat

The small port in Otterndorf
  • in the 5 Otterndorf sailing harbor At the mouth of the Mede, sailors will find a berth near the Sailing Association Otterndorf. During the season, the harbor master can be found in the outer dyke area at the Schlengelanlage north / caravan. He can be reached under 49 (0)160 91380232. Since the port is heavily silted up and cannot be entered at every water level, it is advisable to take a look at the Tide calendar mandatory.
  • The 6 Elbe ferry Glückstadt-WischafenElbfähre Glückstadt-Wischafen in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaElbfähre Glückstadt-Wischafen im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsElbfähre Glückstadt-Wischafen (Q1325301) in der Datenbank Wikidata offers a good connection from Schleswig-Holstein over the Elbe Glückstadt.

By bicycle


The old town center of Otterndorf is easy to explore on foot. The bicycle is the ideal means of transport also for the surrounding area. Also offers a Call shared taxi various possibilities to come to surrounding places.

Bike rental

1  Fredebohm bike rental, Nordteiler Weg 2. Tel.: 49 (0))4751 3891, Fax: (0)4751 911552, Email: .

2  NordWestRad, Am Bahnhof 1, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49(0)4751 9910788. Bike rental, trade, workshop.Open: Mo-Th: 09: 00-13: 00, 14: 30-18: 00 / Fr: 09: 00-13: 00, 14: 30-17: 30 / Sa: 09: 00-13: 00.


Parking is free in the city center, but limited to one hour (with parking disc). There are parking spaces on the side of the inner city streets, larger parking spaces include the 7 Wallstrasse car park, the 8 Rathausplatz car park and the parking lot at 9 Big bacon.

Gas stations

10  Score gas station, Stader Str. 48.

11  team gas station, Cuxhavener Str. 31.

Tourist Attractions

The relatively small town of Otterndorf is home to quite a large number Architectural monuments.


Crane house
  • 1  Crane house (Museum of the Land of Hadeln), Marktstrasse 2, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0)4751 91480, Email: . The Kranichhaus-Gesellschaft, founded in 1957, is involved in equipping and using the house as a museum for the state of Hadeln and as an archive for the district. It also supports research and publications on regional studies and monument preservation in cooperation with the various museums in the district. In lectures on the history of the country, local history and on excursions, the Kranichhaus Society tries to bring interested guests and locals closer to the life of the past in the Hadelner Land. Special tours are offered for children. The crane house is considered to be one of the most important architectural monuments on the left of the Lower Elbe, which got its present appearance around 1760. The baroque stone facade and the magnificent stucco ceilings were built by Elisabeth Radiek, née Jacobsen (1714 to 1788). After the death of her husband, she successfully ran the spice, salt and wine trade in the Kranichhaus for over 40 years. She also gave the house its current name when she had the crane set up on the roof ridge. The oldest part of the crane house, the vestibule, dates from 1585; with its baroque facade it is based on the brick buildings in Hamburg. The very large warehouse (rear building) was added around 1735. Today the "Museum of the old country of Hadeln" is housed there, it shows life in the country, the living culture up to around 1850. Scenes and objects of the large-scale and bourgeois "representative life" are mainly exhibited. The crane, namesake of the house, is a symbol of vigilance. “The crane holds the stone to fight off sleep. He who surrenders to sleep never gets good and honorable. ”He stands lofty on the roof and is still watching today. Pieces of the Otterndorf silver To see: Two goldsmiths of the 18th century, Peter Meyer (1697 to 1760) and Peter Nicolaus Meyer (1737 to 1794), produced what are probably the most valuable objects in the country of Hadeln. Their goldsmiths were popular with the rich and not puritanical citizens of Hadeln Appeal. Since 1995, the Museum of the Land Hadeln in the Kranichhaus has collected a large number of rare gold and silver works. The exhibition shows, among other things, silver tumblers, a brandy bowl, which also served as a baptismal bowl, coffee pots, cutlery and other treasures of the food culture in silver and gold from the 17th and 18th centuries.Open: Summer season (until October 31st) Wed - Fri: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., 2.30 p.m. - 4.30 p.m. Sat Sun 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. From 01.11. Sun 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
town hall
  • The 2 town hall was built in 1583 by order of the ducal: "A cellar is to be laid out and a house suitable for the town hall to be built over it". Some objects from Otterndorf's history are on display in the foyer. Oil paintings by Karl Otto Matthaei, Carl Langhein and Karl Krummacher show old city views of Otterndorf. The baroque half-timbered extension from 1685 with its wall and ceiling paintings was professionally restored in 1994/1995. The city council still holds its meetings in the town hall.
Latin school
  • The 3 Latin school, a half-timbered house, was built around 1614 in the frame construction method customary at the time. The house expands upwards in the individual floors. Since taxes had to be paid on the developed land, the usable area could be increased without changing the tax burden. The wooden lattice windows in the block frames are partly still fitted with old glass. Bricks of various sizes were used to fill the framework. A bell originally hung in the roof turret, but unfortunately it was lost. For many years school was the only opportunity for rural youth, Hadler farmers and Otterndorf citizens who could afford to acquire a general education in order to then study at the universities. The poet and translator Johann Heinrich Voss was the rector of the Latin School from 1778 to 1792.
  • The 4 lockSchloss in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaSchloss im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsSchloss (Q480945) in der Datenbank Wikidata, today District Court, dates from 1773 and is located in a small park with old trees. The first castle in Otterndorf existed before 1400, but it was destroyed in the armed conflict around 1400, and another was demolished before 1773 because it was dilapidated.
  • 5  Gatehouse (Local history museum of the Labiau sponsorship group), At the Großer Specken 6. Tel.: 49(0)4751 4466. The gatehouse was built as a brick building in 1641 and served with the castle pond as a protective system for the castle. It was mentioned as part of the old castle complex in the northwest of the Otterndorfer Dorfwurth as early as 1390. The inscription in the archway means: August (married to Catharina) Duke of Saxony, Engern and Westphalia. The museum has been showing interesting objects from East Prussian culture and history, which has become homeless, since 1988. A memorial stone of the Labiau Landsmannschaft in a roundabout not far from the gatehouse is also intended to remember the history.Open: May-Sept. Wed-Sun 2.30 p.m.-5 p.m., Oct-April Sun 2.30 p.m.-5 p.m.Price: Free entry.
Hadler house
  • The 6 Hadler house, in the middle of the village on Marktstrasse, is an impressive brick building. The big red house was built in 1792 as a merchant's house and granary, served as a hotel in the 19th century, then as a tax office. It has been the official building of the Hadeln joint municipality since 1982 and of the Hadeln joint municipality since 2011. In the middle of the house there is a press corridor, which closes on the left to the inner courtyard Town barn from the late 18th century: it was originally used as a coach house and is now a popular and popular venue.
Baroque gabled house
  • The 7 Yellow baroque gabled house was inhabited by the respective court director until 1768. The plastered gable only seems to be in front, as the large-format bricks can be seen in block formation on the long side.
  • 8  Museum of non-representational art, Marktstrasse 10. Tel.: 49(0)4751 979999, Fax: (0)4751 979997, Email: . Museum gegenstandsfreier Kunst in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaMuseum gegenstandsfreier Kunst (Q15122170) in der Datenbank Wikidata.The museum of the district of Cuxhaven has been publicly funded since 1976. Since its inception, art after 1945 has been produced here - initially with a focus on constructive works and the Informal - collected and exhibited. In 1999 it was decided to expand the collection activities, which opened the museum to all non-objective directions of modern art. Four temporary exhibitions are curated annually, most of which are accompanied by a catalog. The international loans from the temporary exhibitions are complemented by selected parts of the collection and presented on the two floors of the building.Open: Tue-Fri 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., Sat and Sun 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.Price: adults € 3, reduced € 1.50.
The house in which Rector Voss lived (right)
  • In the one built from beautiful half-timbering 9 Voss house The rectors of the Latin school once lived in Johann-Heinrich-Voss-Straße No. 8, including the rector Johann Heinrich Voss in the 18th century. The street has only recently been named after him. Today the house houses an exhibition on the life and work of the poet and translator as well as a bookshop with other changing exhibitions.
  • 10  Dollhouse, Marktstrasse 12. Tel.: 49 (0)4751 91 28 91. There is a doll exhibition in Marktstrasse with around 1,300 dolls from 1890 to the present day; In addition to dolls, there are also dollhouses and stuffed animals on display.
  • Bull's memory: In Otterndorf there are many small and large storage facilities with cranes in the roof ridge. Behind the church on the Medem is the Bullsche Speicher, one of the largest brick and half-timbered warehouse buildings. Today most of the warehouses are used as residential and commercial buildings.
  • court House - the brick building erected in 1754 is opposite the town hall. This original merchant's house was used as a district office for a long time and now serves as the archive for the district of Cuxhaven. Because of the widening of the B73, the north gable had to be taken back several times.


  • 11  St. Severi Church, Himmelreich 2, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0)4751 39 35, Email: . St. Severi-Kirche in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaSt. Severi-Kirche im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsSt. Severi-Kirche (Q1779014) in der Datenbank Wikidata.The St. Severi Church is one of the so-called peasant cathedrals and the largest church in Hadeln. Its oldest parts probably date from the 2nd half of the 12th century. The current exterior image of the brick-clad church was probably created in 1739. Only the tower was only rebuilt between 1804 and 1807 and the spire was added in 1876. The richly decorated altar dates from 1664. Today's organ, which is in dire need of renovation, was built by the famous organ builder Dietrich Christoph Gloger in 1741/42. The church can be visited free of charge through a small side entrance, the door of which is a bit jammed, in the courtyard of the Latin school. In return for a donation, you can take the information flyer about the church with you.Open: Apr-Oct: Mon-Thu, Sat 10: 00-12: 00 15: 00-17: 00; Fri 10: 00-12: 00.
  • 12  Catholic Holy Cross Church, Wesermünder Strasse 24, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0)4751 35 00, Fax: 49 (0)4751 , Email: . Katholische Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaKatholische Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsKatholische Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche (Q1594967) in der Datenbank Wikidata.The Holy Cross Church in Otterndorf was built in 1952. In 1976 the building was completely renovated. In 1981 the parish was raised to a parish. In 2015 the last local pastor retired.Open: daily 9 am-5pm.
  • 13  New Apostolic Church, Rosenstrasse 11, 21762 Otterndorf. E-mail: .

Monuments and sculptures

De Utröper
  • The bronze sculpture 14 De Utröper by Frijo Müller-Belecke shows the Utröper, the “crier”, who was employed in earlier times by city leaders to make news and decisions of the authorities known. In addition, the Otterndorf business people could rent the Utröper to advertise their new goods. The fishermen with fresh fish and crabs, also called “garnets” here, or traveling traders: everyone liked to ring the bell through the city.
Keen nich wants to die, de mutt wieken
  • The 15 Dike monument at the pumping station, another bronze sculpture by Frijo Müller-Belecke, shows a group building a dike with a cart and pulling rope. The group at the original location gives a good impression of the hardship of building the dike in earlier times. The sculpture was set up in 1996 as a donation from the water and soil associations. In 2010 the front figure was sawed off just above the boots and stolen. In April 2012, the original condition was restored with a new cast.
  • 16 Memorial for 14 children (Memorial for the deceased children of the forced laborers): In 1944/45 14 babies of Eastern European forced laborers were "killed" in a shed of the Otterndorf district hospital in Otterndorf. "The 'killing in a roundabout way was through targeted malnutrition, neglected hygiene, lack of medical care." The chairman of the association Future through remembering, Reinhard Krause, states that it was a dark chapter that nobody wanted to hear: “The graves of the 14 children in the Otterndorf cemetery were closed in 1968 and leveled. ... It was only 35 years later that Otterndorf made an attempt to publicly revive the memory. On Memorial Day 2003, after a long political struggle, a memorial stone was inaugurated in the cemetery with the inscription »In memory of all children who lost their lives through war and violence«. "The 14 children remained nameless. Only on May 8, 2009 was a brass -Memorial inaugurated with the names of the dead forced labor children: a sculpture by the artist Rachel Kohn - a dark cloud over a child's bed and below the plate with the 14 names.

Attractions on the water

The port at low tide, it is noticeably silting up

The small 12 port on the Elbe is increasingly threatened by siltation due to the last deepening of the Elbe. The subsoil of the port and the entrance has changed since around 1999. Since the port is hardly used by fishermen any more, the Otterndorfer Seglervereinigung is responsible for the port as a sports boat port. Dredging the driveway to restore the state before 1999 would cost around 1 million euros. However, these funds are not borne by the state of Lower Saxony, nor by those responsible for the Elbe deepening in 1999, the Cuxhaven Waterways and Shipping Authority, or the so-called “Schlickfonds”, which was set up by the Hamburg economic authority and increased in 2007 by the Hanseatic city to 10 million euros.

Pumping station

The Otterndorf pumping station

The 17 Pumping stationSchöpfwerk in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaSchöpfwerk im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsSchöpfwerk (Q2259559) in der Datenbank Wikidata Otterndorf was built in 1928. Before 1850, the entire land of Hadeln, as well as the office Bederkesa only drained by the river Medem. Especially the Hadler Sietland, which is below sea level, had major problems with the water in the rainy months. The drainage canal was built around 1853. Now the water flowed away faster, but since the Sietland was still the deepest point, the other, higher-lying areas had the advantage of rapid natural drainage.

The two beacons

Otterndorf beacon

The lighthouses in Otterndorf are also part of the lighting of the Elbe and the North Sea. In 1917 a beacon was lit for the first time near Otterndorf. In 1936 a new building was built, which was demolished in 1973 as part of the redesign of the leading light line. Today's so-called Leading light line consists of one 18 Otterndorf sub-fireUnterfeuer Otterndorf (Q66475512) in der Datenbank Wikidata, at the same time Unterfeuer Belum, a thin, red and white striped and 25 m high tower with an inverted conical roof. The 19 Oberfeuer OtterndorfOberfeuer Otterndorf (Q66475482) in der Datenbank Wikidata is of the same design, but 52 m high and is 2,660 m away. Both lighthouses can be seen 18 nautical miles away.

Glameyer Stack

Affected area in the event of a "small" storm surge of only 4.50 m when a dike breached on the Glameyer Stack
Otterndorf Glameyer Stack

The 20 Glameyer StackGlameyer Stack in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaGlameyer Stack im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsGlameyer Stack (Q1405010) in der Datenbank Wikidata is a section of the dike on the Elbe (km 713) in the town of Otterndorf, Müggendorf district. It is seen as a neuralgic point in the dike line between Cuxhaven and Otterndorf. If there is a strong storm surge in the southern North Sea, this area is considered to be the area with the highest risk of a possible dike breach. The Glameyer Stack was completed in 1802 with a length of 200 m and is an important part of this bank protection. The name can be traced back to the owner of the adjacent land.

On the big bacon

The name 21 On the big bacon comes from the bank reinforcement. A fascine dam was built from bush and thatch to get dry feet to the landing stage for the ships (formerly flutes = flat-bottomed boats and ewer = gliders). The bank was "peppered". The wooden crane (5 m high, small corrugated wheel harbor crane (6.70 above the Medem), no step wheel crane, shaft with drive wheels on both sides under the roof, driven by two endless ropes, replica from the 2nd half of the 20th century; original from the Time around 1750, broken off in 1942) is still reminiscent of the busy handling of goods in the past. Today the weekly market takes place there every Friday. In addition, the excursion boats MS "Jens" and MS "Onkel Heinz" start their Medem cruises there.

Wrecks off Otterndorf

The stern of the steamer "Kaffraria"

Many ships sank or stranded on the Elbe in front of Otterndorf in the last few centuries. One of these ships is the English steamer Kaffraria. He stranded on January 7, 1891 on the way to Hamburg near Otterndorf at the Glameyer Stack. His cargo consisted of glass and earthenware, household and kitchen utensils, children's toys, wool as well as tools of all kinds and domestic charcoal from Hull / England. The valuable cargo was unloaded quickly, partly legally, but also illegally, by the residents of the stranding site before the ship sank a little later in the Elbe.

In 1984 it was cleared on the instructions of the Cuxhaven Waterways and Shipping Office, as it was a danger to small ships. The stern section with the rudder blade and the screw was set up at the beach area “See aft Diek”. Information about wrecks, which were also exposed again by the last deepening of the Elbe and the associated mudflat removal before Otterndorf, is available in the wreck museum Cuxhaven described.

More Attractions

Süderwall in Otterndorf
  • The Norderwall
  • The Süderwall


Brine thermal baths, beaches and bathing lakes

Sole thermal baths

3  Sole thermal baths, Goethestrasse 12, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0)4751 3668, Email: . Open: core hours Mon-Fri 2 pm-5pm, early swimming Tue-Thu-Fri 6 am-7:30pm, Fri 2 pm-10pm, Sat 10 am-10pm, Sun 8 am-7pm, sauna longer, many different regulations for Swimming pool, see website for details.Price: bathing landscape 1.0 hrs. 5 €, 2.5 hrs. Adults 6.50 €, Ki. 4 €. Sauna area 2.5 hours, adults € 13.50.

Otterndorf also has an extensive leisure facility on the North Sea directly behind the dike, called “aft Diek”. The facility offers several lakes for various water sports, a campsite with around 500 places, a holiday home area, large sunbathing lawns, a tennis facility and the "play & fun barn", in which the children have a large playground in a heated hall even in bad weather find.


4  Play & fun barn (Set & game), Nordteiler Weg 2a (in the Seelandhallen aft Diek). Tel.: 49 (0)4751 919 676. Indoor activities for children: slides, trampoline, electric cars, bungee trampoline, crawling castle with ball pit, etc. Indoor activities for adults: soccer arena, bull riding, giant table football, space training, etc.

Hadler legend trail

The legends from Hadler Land are presented on a cycle path in 32 stations. Central places on the way are next to Otterndorf Wanna, Steinau and Ihlienworth. At each station there is a display board with a QR code that can be scanned with a smartphone and a landline number where you can listen to the legend over the phone. All audio texts can also be found under

Summer camp

The summer camp is located in the Müggendorf district Hinrich Wilhelm Kopf of the state capital Hanover. There are many tented villages directly behind the dike, all of which bear the names of Hanover city districts. During the summer months, up to 700 children live and play here at the same time, who take advantage of the opportunity with their sports clubs, school classes, the youth care measures in their places of residence or as part of international youth exchanges.


Many different music genres are represented in Otterndorf. In addition to various rock, metal and crossover bands, for example at the rock festival Hadeln Rocks or perform at the old town festival, Otterndorf is home to many local musical groups. The gospel choir The Cheerful holds a New Year's concert in St Severi Church every year, which has grown in popularity in recent years. In addition to the Otterndorfer shanty choir, the Spielmannszug Otterndorf also great popularity. With over 60 minstrels, the club is one of the largest musical groups in the region. The marching band is constantly represented at rifle festivals in the area in the summer.

Regular events

The old town festival always takes place on the first weekend in August, it begins on Friday with the “hen party”. For the locals in the area there is a good opportunity to meet friends again who have to work on Saturday, or since many foreigners only come on Saturday, you are more "among yourself". On Saturday morning it starts with a flea market, various events follow throughout the day, and many music groups and artists perform in the evening. The old town festival ends on Sunday at sunrise, when the last song has faded away and the last drinks stand has been successfully ordered to close by the police. Since it is in the neighboring city Cuxhaven There is no historical city center and no comparable old town festival, thousands of Cuxhaven residents make a pilgrimage to Otterndorf every year. The Cuxhaven bus companies use special buses for the "party commuters".

Three times a year, on the 13th of the summer months of June, July and August, there is a night tour in Otterndorf with the “night watchman” Vera Dieckmann. Every time, hundreds of people make the pilgrimage to this event. B. delight the opera singers or the ghosts.

Other Events

  • Award of the i.a. Johann Heinrich Voss Prize for Literature donated by the city every three years
  • Schützen- und Volksfest of the Hadler Schützencorps from 1863 e. V.
  • Lock shooting festival
  • The Germanic pentathlon takes place annually on the third weekend in July
  • Otterndorfer soap box race
  • Cuxland Classics
  • Bacon proof
  • Rowing competitions on the Hadelner Canal
  • Otterndorf organ summer from the beginning of June to the end of August
  • Coastal marathon
  • Volksbank Triathlon
The barges MS “Jens” (front) and MS “Onkel Heinz”, on the bank of the wooden crane

In the summer months, trips on the Medem are offered on two former Hamburg port launches. With the MS "Jens" or the MS "Onkel Heinz" trips of different lengths can be undertaken from the pier at Specken or the pier at the Schleuse to Neuenkirchen, Pedingworth or Ihlienworth. Since the banks of the Medem are not paved, you are only allowed to drive at 6 km / h. This crawl speed protects the embankment and leaves plenty of time to observe the various banks and their vegetation. The flora and fauna of the various bank zones are explained, the past of the river from the tidal creek to the important farm road before the construction of paved roads, and it is explained which historical and current companies and historically relevant buildings are located on the bank.


Every Friday from 8 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., the church square takes place in a historical setting, which is very popular with both residents and tourists 1 Otterndorf weekly market instead of.


Witch hazel
  • 1  Witch hazel, Grosse Dammstrasse 56. Cafe with home-baked pies and cakes in an idyllic little house in the center of the village. Terrace in summer.Open: open from 1.30 p.m.
  • 2  Historical Ratskeller, Rathausplatz 1, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0)4751 3811. Regional, home-style cuisine of good quality at reasonable prices.
  • 4  Balkan Stuben Dubrovnik, Marktstrasse 25, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0)4751 4884. Small restaurant, very inconspicuous from the outside, but which can point to being extremely popular with guests.
  • 6  Elbe terraces, Schleuse 18, 21762 Otterndorf (at the lock / at the port). Tel.: 49(0)4751 2213. Restaurant with a view of the Elbe. Fish dishes, average quality.
  • 7  Restaurant "Zur Post Fish restaurant (regional fish specialties including steaks and schnitzel), Cuxhavenerstrasse 32a - 34, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0) 4751 4936, Mobile: (0)1703453458, Email: . seasonal regional fish dishes as well as steaks and schnitzel dishes. Please reserve.
  • 8  In de reason, Am Großer Specken 5, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0)4751 9989533, Email: . Nice traditional restaurant with a beautiful terrace right on the banks of the Medem with regional cuisine in a nice atmosphere in a listed building.Open: Mon, Tue, Thu-Sun: 11: 00-14: 00 17: 00- ?.


  • 1  Kasie's music bar, Am Großer Specken 4, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0)4751 4044302. Open: Tue-Sun 3: 00-04: 00.




  • 4  DJH Youth Hostel Otterndorf, Schleusenstrasse 147, 21762 Otterndorf (The Otterndorf Youth Hostel is located right behind the Elbe dike.). Tel.: 49(0)4751 3165, Fax: 49 (0)4751 4577, Email: . Very popular youth hostel with 195 beds, bed & bike operation.Open: Reception: 07: 00-22: 00 / open all year round except between Christmas and New Years.Check-in: 14: 00-18: 00 and 19: 00-21: 30.Price: Overnight stay with breakfast from € 24.


  • 5  Hotel land and sea *** Garni, Müggendorfer Str. 2, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0)4751 978350, Fax: (0)4751 9783549, Email: . Quiet, well-kept small hotel in a large park area, very good breakfast buffet.Feature: Garni.
  • 6  Hotel on the Medemufer *** p, Goethestrasse 15, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0)4751 99990, Fax: 49 (0)4751 999944, Email: .Hotel am Medemufer auf FacebookHotel am Medemufer auf Instagram.Check-in: 14:00.Check-out: 11:00.
  • 7  Treehouse Hotel Otterndorf, Westerwischer Weg 1, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0)4752 222 4545, Email: .Baumhaushotel Otterndorf auf FacebookBaumhaushotel Otterndorf auf InstagramBaumhaushotel Otterndorf auf YouTube.If you want to treat yourself to a special holiday time in nature, the tree house hotel, which currently has 5 tree houses, is exactly the right place for you. 30sqm tree houses at a height of four meters including a bathroom and pantry kitchen, sleeping area, couch corner, fireplace and dining area, plus a 10sqm outdoor terrace at a height of 2.50m including a beach chair mean pure relaxation. The tree house hotel is located right next to the three lakes area and close to the dike to the Elbe on a 1.4 hectare park-like area. Canoes and a private jetty are available for guests in the immediate vicinity. breakfast can be ordered as a picnic basket.Check-in: from 15:00.Price: from 195, - € / N (minimum stay: 2 nights).
  • Hotel Zur Post Hotel Restaurant (Hotel and fish restaurant), Cuxhavenerstrasse 32a - 34, 21762 Otterndorf (Close to the center). Tel.: 49(0) 47514936, Mobile: (0)1703453458. Check-in: 4 p.m.Check-out: 10.00 a.m.Price: Double room from € 89 including breakfast.Accepted payment methods: Master Visa EC.
  • 8  Old town hotel Eibsen, Marktstrasse 33, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0)4751 2773, Fax: 49 (0)4751 4179, Email: . Small, nice, fourth-generation owner-managed hotel with 20 modern, quiet rooms. The Altstadthotel Eibsen is located at the entrance to the historic Otterndorf old town, right next to the green ramparts.Price: DR from € 95 BB.
  • 9  Sea pilot house (Guest room), Ahornweg 9, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0)4751 4936, Mobile: 49 (0)170 3453458, Email: . Very quiet guest house near the dike and the Elbe cycle path. Pure relaxation, also ideal for cyclists. Top equipped, air conditioning, minibar, flat screen TV, DVD, separate entrance, parking lot, new building.Check-in: from 4 p.m.Check-out: by 11.00 a.m.Price: DR 99 € BB.


Otterndorf transmission tower

The coastal town of Otterndorf, with its free history of the Land of Hadeln, attached importance to a Latin school for the citizens of the town and the farmers in the area as early as the Middle Ages. The translator of the Odyssey, Johann Heinrich Voss, was the rector of the Latin School from 1778 to 1782.

  • Landwirtschaftsschule
  • Volkshochschule Hadeln, Sophienweg 1



  • 1  Polizeistation Otterndorf, Am Großen Specken 7, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0)4751 909380, Fax: 49 (0)4751 9093845.




In Otterndorf stehen recht viele Ärzte aller Fachrichtungen zur Verfügung. Eine detaillierte Liste bietet die Webseite der Samtgemeinde Hadeln.

  • 4  Medhat Abdallah (General medicine), Große Ortstraße 85a, 21762 Otterndorf (im MVZ am Capio-Krankenhaus Land Hadeln). Tel.: 49 (0)4751 9096990, Fax: 49 (0)4751 90969999, Email: .
  • 5  Dr. med. Stefan Brockmann (General medicine), Cuxhavener Straße 15, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0)4751 3233.
  • 6  Dr. med. Angelika Henke-Holzgrabe, Dr. med. Eckhard Holzgrabe (General medicine), Cuxhavener Straße 17, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0)4751 2185.
  • 7  Dr. Stephanie Wolfen (Allgemeinmedizin, Geriatrie, Palliativmedizin), Müggendorfer Str. 2, 21762 Otterndorf (beim Hotel „Land und Meer“). Tel.: 49 (0)4751 9988100, Fax: 49 (0)4751 9988122, Email: . Hausarztpraxis.
  • 8  Dr. Delia Wirth, Dr. Peter Humbert (Internal Medicine), Cuxhavener Straße 24, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0)4751 3522.


  • 9  Krankenhaus Land Hadeln, Große Ortstraße 85, 21762 Otterndorf. Tel.: 49 (0)4751 9080, Fax: (0)4751 908110, Email: . Klinik der Grundversorgung mit 94 Betten, bei Notfällen jeglicher Art steht die eigene Notaufnahme mit 24-Stunden-Bereitschaft zur Verfügung.

Practical advice

  • The Gästebeitrag (nur für Erw. ab 18 J.) des Nordseebades Otterndorf beträgt 2,00 € in der Nebensaison bzw. 2,50 € in der Hauptsaison (15.06. – 15.09.). Seit Dez. 2014 galt ( zunächst bis Ende 2018}) die gegenseitige Anerkennung der Gästekarte in den Tourismusgemeinden Nordseeheilbad Cuxhaven, Nordseebad Otterndorf, Erholungsort Wingst, Moorheilbad Bad Bederkesa and the Wurster Nordseeküste, so dass man als Gast in Otterndorf z.B. den Strand in Cuxhaven kostenfrei nutzen kann. Diese Regelung gilt weiterhin nach dem Motto Was sich bewährt wird weiter genutzt, auch in den nächsten Jahren! Mit dem zugehörigen Gästepass erhält man Rabatte bei einigen Geschäften und Restaurants.
  • In Otterndorf erscheint die Niederelbe-Zeitung, das Lokalblatt für den Altkreis Hadeln. Der überregionale Teil dieses Blattes wird von der in Bremerhaven erscheinenden Nordsee-Zeitung übernommen.


  • 22  Zoo in the Wingst, Am Olymp 1, 21789 Wingst. Tel.: 49 (0)4778 255, Email: . Zoo in the Wingst in the encyclopedia WikipediaZoo in the Wingst in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsZoo in der Wingst (Q220127) in the Wikidata databaseZoo in the Wingst on Facebook.The zoo in Wingst is a small, cute zoo with an eventful past, which is constantly changing in terms of species-appropriate animal husbandry with wolf and bear forests, accessible marmoset and kangaroo enclosures, as well as rare and exotic animal species. Lions, tigers and co. Are not missing either. There is a family-friendly environment with playgrounds, petting zoo, handcart rental, cheap snacks and free parking spaces.Merkmale: kostenloser Parkplatz, Hunde verboten.Geöffnet: ganzjährig: Ende Okt.-Mitte Feb.: 10:00–16:00, Mitte Feb.–Ende März: 10:00–17:00, Ende März–Ende Okt.: 10:00–18:00.Preis: Erw. 8,00 € / Kinder (3-17 J.) 5,00 €, Fam. (2 2) 24,- €.
  • 13  Osten-Hemmoor transporter bridge. Tel.: 49 (0)172 661 84 67, Email: . Osten-Hemmoor transporter bridge in the Wikipedia encyclopediaOsten-Hemmoor transporter bridge in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsOsten-Hemmoor transporter bridge (Q429344) in the Wikidata databaseOsten-Hemmoor transporter on Facebook.Osten has the oldest transporter ferry in Germany, which has been a connection across the Oste River since 1909. Their construction, with a clearance height of 21 m above sea level, enables even larger sailing ships to pass through. At the time of its construction, the Oste was still an important trade route with heavy shipping traffic. Today it is only used for tourist purposes. The 30 m high, green-painted construction, which is protected as a technical monument, towers over the small town East Visible from afar, while the ferry itself is trundling close to the surface of the water. Pedestrians, cyclists and vintage cars are allowed to use the ferry.Open: April Oct .: 12: 00-16: 00; May Sept .: 11: 00-17: 00 every hour on the hour. June-Aug. 10: 00-18: 00 every half hour. From November to March crossings only on request.Preis: Erw. 2,00 €, Kinder (6-16 J). 1.50 €. Bicycle € 0.50.
  • 23  Rusch brickworks, Ritscher Außenendeich 2, 21706 Drochtersen. Tel.: 49 (0)4148 61 01 30, Fax: 49 (0)4148 61 01 33, Email: . Klinkerwerk Rusch in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsKlinkerwerk Rusch (Q47507757) in the Wikidata database.Klinkerwerk Rusch is a brick factory with a hand-fired coal furnace. Last brick factory still in production in Kehdinger Land (sightseeing only by appointment).
  • 5  Natureum, Neuenhof 8, 21730 Balje. Tel.: 49 (0)4753 84 21 10, Fax: 49 (0)4753 84 21 84, Email: . Natureum in the encyclopedia WikipediaNatureum in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNatureum (Q1970276) in the Wikidata databaseNatureum on FacebookNatureum on YouTube.Das Natureum Niederelbe ist nicht nur ein Museum mit einer Vogelbeobachtungsstation, sondern es bietet mit der KüstenWelle, dem Elbe-Küstenpark und dem KüstenZoo viel Abwechslung. Visitors will find a paradise here to explore, understand and preserve this unique coastal nature with its typical flora and fauna. Small and large special exhibitions take place regularly. Das Natureum Niederelbe ist eine gemeinnützige Stiftung.Geöffnet: Di-So: 10:00 - 17:00 (Juli Aug. auch montags).


  • Männer vom Morgenstern (Hrsg.): Hake Betken siene Duven. Das große Sagenbuch aus dem Land an Elb- und Wesermündung; Bremerhaven 1988, ISBN 3-931771-16-4 .
  • Die Kunstdenkmale des Kreises Land Hadeln und der Stadt Cuxhaven. Deutscher Kunstverlag, München und Berlin 1956, S. 300 (Otterndorf).
  • Rudolf Lembcke: Otterndorf, Hamburg 1978.
  • Axel Behne (Hrsg.): Otterndorf. 600 Jahre Stadtgeschichte, Cuxhaven 2000.
  • Rudolf Lembcke (Hrsg.): Kreis Land Hadeln - Geschichte und Gegenwart. Otterndorf 1976.

Myths and legends

  • Das Kranichhaus
  • Das Schwert zu Otterndorf
  • Die verzauberte Gouvernante
  • Die Wurstmühle
  • Der Schinkenhof
  • Der Totentanz
  • Das Geisterschiff
  • Das kupferne Siel

Web links

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