Crazy - Pazzano

They go crazy from above
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Crazy is a city of Calabria.

To know

It was one of the largest mining centers in all of Southern Italy.

Geographical notes

Pazzano is located between Monte Stella and Monte Consolino and 15km from the Ionian Sea. It is about 150 km from Reggio Calabria and 75 km from Catanzaro. It borders the municipalities of Bivongi is Stylus.


In the Roman period a colony was established between Pazzano and Stilo for the damnata ad metalla, or those sentenced to forced labor in the mines.

The origin of the town is in fact linked to the extraction of iron minerals, mostly limonite and pyrite, an activity that gave rise to a village of miners in the Norman age (as evidenced by a document of 1094). mines is linked to the rise in the area of ​​some rudimentary furnaces for the smelting of iron.According to ancient documents it appears that once Pazzano (or rather the hamlet of Pezzano, as it was called) was part of the County of Stylus together with Guardavalle, Stignano, Fireplaces is Riace.

From 1231, with the promulgation of the Constitutions of Melfi he becomes part of the Giustizierato di Calabria Ulterior administratively.

It is also known that from 1325 there was a priest, who depended on the diocese of Squillace, which was concerned with the care of souls.

In 1783 there was a serious earthquake in the area which drastically lowered the number of the population (to be precise to 857 inhabitants) with damage worth 20,000 ducats, but no deaths.

In 1796, the geographical-historical-physical dictionary of the Kingdom of Naples defined Pazzano as a royal farmhouse of Stilo in the province of Catanzaro of 1015 inhabitants and part of the diocese of Squillace. The presence of a parish and the Church of San Salvatore and the Church of Carmine are noted. The economy was based on fruit growing (prickly pears), wine, oil, mulberries for silk and breeding.

During the Kingdom of Naples and for the entire duration of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, with the law 132 of 1806 passed on 8 August of that year by Giuseppe Bonaparte Pazzano, as a hamlet of Stilo, it is administratively part of the District of Gerace and of the district of Stilo.

Pazzano in 1811, during the French period it became an autonomous municipality by Commissioner Masci who divided the county of Stylus. The first mayor of the town was Giuseppe Certomà. The extraction of the mining material continued until the first decades of the second half of the nineteenth century within the iron and steel center of Mongiana, when the Bourbon dynasty fell and the new government ofItaly, which privileged the industrial activities of the North, prompting the emigration of the inhabitants of Pazzano as well. At the time of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Pazzano was one of the most important mining centers that supplied the whole of the South with 25 mines.

With the Rattazzi Decree, from 1860 to 1927 administratively the town falls within the district of Gerace and in the X district of Stilo. Subsequently with the abolition of the districts it will only be part of the Province of Reggio Calabria (already existing).

On March 8, 1917, the municipality gave the mines under concession for 50 years to Cavaliere Alessandro Casini, who was replaced on April 28, 1921 by the Genoese company Miniera di Pazzano. The latter subcontracted the mines to Montecatini for about a year, but with the expiration of the contract, Montecatini abandoned everything. Later an attempt was made to reopen the mines, but without success.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

The nearest airport is that of Lamezia Terme.

By car

It can be reached from State Road 106, and taking the provincial road 9 (Ex. SS110) at Monasterace marina.

On the train

The city is served by the RFI station Monasterace-Stilo, which is located in Monasterace and is served by regional trains for Reggio Calabria is Catanzaro (Catanzaro Lido) and Intercity for Taranto. From there you have to take a Federico bus.

By bus

The two lines that serve Pazzano are the line Mangiatorella - Locri and the line Reggio Calabria - Catanzaro.

How to get around

Pazzano can be visited on foot but to get around the neighboring countries it is better to have a rental car at Lamezia Terme airport. If you are only going to have a beach holiday, just use the bus to get around.

By public transport

The two autobous lines that serve Pazzano are the line Mangiatorella - Locri and the line Reggio Calabria - Catanzaro.

What see

Religious architectures

Pazzano has in the center of the town the Church of Santa Maria Assunta in Cielo, while on the top of Monte Stella there is the hermitage of Santa Maria della Stella, a cave inhabited by Christian-Orthodox monks since the Middle Ages and in the Byzantine period and from 14th century as a Catholic sanctuary.

  • 1 Church of Santa Maria Assunta in Cielo (Master Church).
  • 2 Hermitage of Santa Maria della Stella (Master Church).

Events and parties

  • Feast of the Holy Savior. Simple icon time.svgAugust.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch



Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Crazy
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Crazy
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Crazy
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