Iberian Peninsula - Penisola iberica

Iberian Peninsula
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Iberian Peninsula - Location

Iberian Peninsula it is the westernmost region of the continent European, and is washed by both the Mediterranean and the Atlantic oceans. It is separated from the France from the Pyrenees.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Map divided by regions
      Andorra - A patch of land perched in the Pyrenees.
      Portugal - Beautiful country, located between the picturesque Atlantic Ocean and the Spain.
      Spain - One of the best destinations in Europe, much loved by tourists. Spain is the country that occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula, as well as the most visited. Spanish culture, nightlife, beaches and history manage to enrich this country with artificial beauties, as well as natural ones.
      Gibraltar - British fortress, located on the coast south of the Spain, since the time of Napoleon.

Urban centers

  • Barcelona - Gaudí's house and capital of the most independent region of the Spain, the Catalonia.
  • Bilbao - On the northern coast of Spain, a region with 4 well-defined seasons.
  • Braga - In Portugal northern.
  • Lisbon - The capital of Portugal, as well as the most popular city in the country. Located in a natural harbor, it is perfect for a break from the excessively city life.
  • Madrid - The imperialist capital of Spain, located almost in the center of the country. Madrid is full of attractions for visitors, without any risk of boredom.
  • Port - Located on the northern coast of Portugal, it was from here that travelers set sail for theAfrica andIndia.
  • Zaragoza - It is the capital of the Spanish province of Aragon.
  • Seville - One of the southernmost Spanish cities, Seville is the home of the explorers who discovered the Americas.
  • Valencia - Culturally fascinating, Valencia is a dynamic city with beautiful beaches.

Other destinations

How to get

By plane

Madrid-Barajas Airport is an important European airport for people coming from Latin America is Africa.

On the train

From France it is possible to arrive both at Madrid that a Lisbon. FromItaly trains are available for Barcelona from Milan, even if slow-moving (for a duration of about 10-12 hours of travel)

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table

There Paella is one of the most typical dishes of Spain. Another traditional Spanish dish is le tapas, appetizers.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Iberian Peninsula
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Iberian Peninsula
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