Pescarolo - Pescarolo

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Pescarolo and United is a center of the Lombardy.

To know

Agricultural center of the Cremonese Po plain, the town is the capital of the municipality of Pescarolo ed Uniti which also includes the hamlets of Pieve Terzagni and Castelnuovo del Vescovo.

Geographical notes

In the Cremona plain to the east of the capital, near the Oglio river, which marks the border between the Cremona and Brescia countryside.


All this fertile plain on the right bank of the Oglio river was the subject of Roman centuriation and saw the birth of numerous agricultural centers where the Roman colonists met to whom these lands were assigned. Numerous archaeological findings testify the existence of settlements also in the territory of Pescarolo, in particular in the Senigola where the site where a Roman rustic villa once stood was the subject of archaeological excavations and studies. A treasure of 450 Roman coins from the Republican age was discovered in Castelnuovo.

The first written records regarding Pescarolo date from the 9th century, when a castle is mentioned which was donated to the Monastery of San Giovanni alla Pippia and which was granted to the community of Pescara in 1249. In almost all the towns on the right bank of the Oglio castles, fortifications, fortresses were erected which had the purpose of securing the control of the river, then navigable and a route of great trade, but also the border between the duchy of Milan and, from time to time, the Republic of Venice, the duchy of Mantua. The forts were used periodically to repel invasion attempts at each war campaign, so frequent for several centuries. In 1428 Pescarolo was mentioned as a strategic fortified center.

The Maggi family obtained it as a fief in 1637, and was still in possession of it in 1751. With the Austrian government the castle was demolished; the fortifications of Castelnuovo del Vescovo and of Pieve Terzagni, documented in the 10th century.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

  • Airport Giuseppe Verdi of Parma
  • Airport Valerio Catullo of Verona
  • Airport Gabriele D'Annunzio of Montichiari (BS)
  • Airport Caravaggio of Orio al Serio (BG)

By car

  • State Road 10 Italia.svg It is not far from the former state road 10 Cremona Mantova

On the train

Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon There are three nearby towns with a railway yard

How to get around

What see

Church of the Virgin Mary called the Lazzaretto
  • Church of the Virgin Mary of Loreto. During the famous Manzoni plague in 1630 the plague victims of Pescarolo found refuge, or perhaps better they were placed in isolation in a small sacred building, a church from which they were taken after death to be buried in mass graves in the rear field.
The Confraternity of the Lazzaretto in 1703 rebuilt, on the site of the unfortunate temple, a new larger church, with a simple interior but with a certain elegance, due to the pilasters with stucco capitals that decorate it. In 1765 an altar in polychrome marble was added as a major ornament.
Parish Church of Sant'Andrea
  • 1 Parish Church of Sant'Andrea. The parish church is a building from the early twentieth century, designed by the architect Rinaldo Mazzolari (a native of Pescarolo) with the engineer Tancredi Venturini. The construction was completed in a few years, from 1909 to 1912. The new building became necessary following the fire that destroyed the old church in 1908.

It re-proposes the Lombard Gothic style, and is imposing in the center of the large ovoid square; the church is raised, with a pronaos at the main entrance as well as at the side entrances, located one for each arm of the transept. Inside, which are illuminated by the polychrome windows, the furnishings that survived the fire of the ancient parish church are preserved. There are also remains of ancient frescoes torn from the Senigola Church.

However, at the inauguration of 1912 the church was not completely finished; the side facades were in fact finished a few decades later, in the 1950s.

The curiosity

A church equal to that of Pescarolo is located at Addis Ababa, in Ethiopia; it is the work of the same architect who designed the Pescara parish church.

Parravicini Palace
Parravicini Palace-
  • 2 Parravicini Palace. On one side of the large square that houses the parish church stands the large Palazzo Parravicini, whose foundation is indicated in the mid-eighteenth century. It had an English garden surrounded by moats in the large back area now serving the oratory. There is still an access to the garden in the corner street, in neoclassical style, but it is not in good condition.

With the end of the Parravicini family, the building passed to various owners; finally it was bequeathed to the church, so that it could be used as a parish house and oratory

  • 3 Oratory of San Rocco, via Giacomo Matteotti.
Complex of Santa Maria alla Senigola-
Complex of Santa Maria alla Senigola
  • 4 Church of Santa Maria alla Senigola. Towards Binanuova is Seniga, the church of Santa Maria alla Senigola is a sacred complex that brings together the small sanctuary with its bell tower, the hermit's house and the sacristy, with a high wall surrounding them that encloses and guards them.

For centuries the object of great devotion, it is also an important place of archaeological discoveries. In fact, in 1980 the remains of a polychrome Roman mosaic were found, which it was ascertained belonged to a rustic house of the first century after Christ. The excavation work that was carried out led to the discovery of the foundations of another building, perhaps another villa, even older as it dates back to the 1st century BC.

The current church was built in its turn in the 16th century over the remains of two previous sacred buildings, the existence of which has been proven during the excavations; remains of tombs have been discovered under the pavement.

The church was adorned with fifteenth and seventeenth-century frescoes, fragments of which were torn and placed in the parish church, as well as the altarpiece of the Annunciation.

TO Pieve Terzagni (you see)

4 km. from Pescarolo ed Uniti, the hamlet offers in the parish church (the ancient Matildic church remodeled in the following centuries) the remains of a large mosaic floor with figures of the Evangelists, animals, and with remains of Sator, the magic square legendarily shrouded in mystery.

Events and parties

  • Pescarolese Carnival. -Pro Loco tel. 39 0372 836305 - Library tel. 39 0372 836193
  • The rites of the bonfire. Simple icon time.svgMonday before Shrove Tuesday. -Cultural Center Tel. 39 0372 836193

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 1 Italian post, via A.Rossi 2/4, 39 0372 936021, fax: 39 0372 836408.


  • Pieve Terzagni
  • Cremona - It has a monumental historic center - the Cathedral, the Baptistery, the Town Hall - one of the most distinguished in Lombardy. It was a Roman city. It was powerful at the time of the Communes and rivaled Milan, which finally subdued it. His violins (Stradivari and Amati), his Torrazzo and even more his torrone, are known everywhere.
  • Sabbioneta - City of foundation, UNESCO World Heritage Site, maintains the walls within which the magic of ideal urban planning by Vespasiano Gonzaga has remained intact; the Teatro all'Antica, the Palazzo Ducale, the Gallery, the Incoronata church are some of its monuments that stand out in a context that has been admirably preserved.
  • * San Lorenzo de 'Picenardi - Its castle, built in the fifteenth century, was enlarged over time to then arrive at its present form, majestic and decidedly castellana, in the nineteenth century, the work of the architect Luigi Voghera. The vast building, in perfect condition, shows numerous crenellated towers which give it the characteristic medieval aspect, however mitigated by the elegant character of a noble castle residence. It is surrounded by a large park.
  • Torre de 'Picenardi - Villa Sommi Picenardi developed from a pre-existing castle nucleus; starting from the sixteenth century it was transformed in the following centuries up to its present appearance. A body of the villa, in neoclassical style, overlooks the town square. A second factory develops inside and is connected to the ancient body of the primitive castle. A large garden surrounds the villa complex, surrounded by a large moat with water.
  • Cicognolo - Exposed terracotta and marble make the impressive and varied appearance of the imposing Manfredi castle, scenographic in the green of the lawn that embellishes the ground in front of the main facade, with a romantic garden and moat behind it.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Pescarolo
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Pescarolo
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