Torricella del Pizzo - Torricella del Pizzo

Torricella del Pizzo
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Torricella del Pizzo
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Torricella del Pizzo is a locality of the Lombardy.

To know

Geographical notes

European pond turtle

In the Bassa Lombarda, on the left bank of the Po, in the Casalasco viadanese area - Oglio Po which is located between the Cremona area and the Mantua area. It is 30 kilometers from Cremona, 12 from Casalmaggiore.

The vast floodplain of Torricella del Pizzo constitutes an interesting habitat to be discovered for which it dedicates itself to a tourism aimed at discovering nature. With the floodplain of Motta Baluffi constitutes the natural reserve of Oxbow of Gerole consisting of bodri and basins of still waters, but connected to the movements of the Po, its decline and rise, its overflow beyond the floodplain banks and its retreat to re-enter the main riverbed, leaving behind a natural wealth made up of wetlands where numerous terrestrial animal species proliferate, as well as various species of marsh flora.

A rich fish fauna constitutes the ideal environment for birds such as the kingfisher, the sea swallows, the little tern. Presences of the now very rare marsh tortoise have been reported. This whole floodplain area, which introduces us to the environment and life of the Po as it was in the not very distant past, constitutes the natural continuation of the lancone of Gussola, also declared a nature reserve by the Lombardy Region like the ox Gerole di Motta Baluffi and Torricella del Pizzo. Throughout the area, hunting, earthmoving, the creation of sand extraction quarries, the modification of roads and paths, the construction of houses, warehouses, building structures in general are prohibited, precisely in order to keep an uncontaminated area. precious area of ​​environmental protection.

The introduction of non-indigenous animal and plant species is also very forbidden, as has happened in recent years in almost the entire course of the Po, dangerously distorting the ecological balance.


It takes its name from an ancient watchtower on the river Po, opposed to a similar structure located beyond the river, where Torricella Parmigiana stands. The Lace which constitutes the attribute would be due to the welding to the left bank of the river of an island with a sharp shape, called precisely lace.

The town was once located on the right bank of the Po river, and was part of the Duchy of Parma. The upheavals caused by the floods and the erosion of the banks caused by the river led Torricella to later be an island, or at least a promontory, to finally find itself welded to the left bank following a subsequent change of the main riverbed of the Po, and the silting up of what was gradually transformed from a main branch to a secondary branch, only to be abandoned.

Part of the municipal territory remained under the jurisdiction of the Duchy of Parma until the nineteenth century.

An agricultural center that does not include remarkable historical events, it still lives a secluded life, isolated towards the river bank, away from the main communication routes even at the local level. It is proposed as a destination for lovers of nature, of floodplain environments still not damaged by the pollution of industrialized and cemented areas; for those looking for tourism green.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • Along the main embankment of the river Po (but recently many coastal centers have banned the embankment of interest to their territory to vehicular traffic, making it only cycle and pedestrian traffic).
  • Along the municipal road that detaches from the Provincial Low of CasalmaggioreProvincial Road 85 Italia.svgBassa di CasalmaggioreCremona - Casalmaggiore.

On the train

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg Casalmaggiore - Cremona bus line

How to get around

What see

The remains of the Torrione
Torrione, remnants of the battlements
  • Torricella. Inside the current oratory there are the remains of the ancient tower to which the town owes its name. It is a crowned tower, probably from the 15th century, with a square plan on a shoe base; on the northern side are the last remnants of the ancient battlements. Originally placed as a garrison of the Po which in ancient times lapped the main embankment, it was then used as a dwelling and remained so until the last century, but today it is empty and unused.
  • Fortified farmhouse. The farmhouse, overlooking the town square, is a late eighteenth-century fortified agricultural building. A large quadrangular tower placed at the knight of the entrance hall rises above the rest of the building, giving the whole a strong impression of a fortress. Archivolt and battlements are the result of a romantic intervention dating back to the beginning of the last century.
Parish Church of San Nicola
  • 1 Parish Church of San Nicola. The town's parish church, dedicated to the patron saint San Nicola, has a single nave with side chapels. It rises away from the town, north of the inhabited center. The arched facade is higher than the top of the building, so as to externally create a volume that is actually greater than the internal height of the building. Above the front door of the facade a decorative arch surrounds the door and above this a round window that gives light to the interior; on the external sides two niches, one on each side, create movement in the architectural ensemble.

The simple current architecture is the result of successive extensions and alterations made to a primitive nucleus, consisting of the apse and the presbytery, of a country chapel of the fifteenth century. The initial settlement of fishermen and hunters, which evolved into an agricultural community following the reclamation of the surrounding fertile lands, favored the increase of the population which therefore needed a larger church.

The bell tower is to be considered subsequent to the first nucleus, which for the smallness of the structure certainly did not have a bell tower, which was erected during an eighteenth-century restructuring; in fact, there are no traces of an earlier reconstructed building. The addition of the altar is also from the 18th century. However, the church has remained modest in size and simple furnishings.

Events and parties

  • Painting competition. Simple icon time.svgFirst of May.
  • Fair of San Michele. Simple icon time.svgLast Sunday of September.
  • Patronal feast of San Nicola. Simple icon time.svgDecember 6.
  • Fésta dal Pipén. Simple icon time.svgEnd of January. Pipén or boiled pork foot.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

One of the typical products is the Goatee, salami with fillet born from the encounter between the Cremonese and Parmesan art of pork butchery.

Where stay

Average prices

  • 1 Torretta farmhouse, via Marconi 3, 39 347 2297863, @. Inside the structure there are:
    • a natural History Museum which exhibits a rich collection of fossil minerals and shells from all over the world and the educational laboratory, located in the old restored stable.
    • a Museum of Mechanical Musical Instruments placed in the porches
The two collections are open to the public on Sunday afternoon from 14.00 to 18.00 and during the week by appointment for groups and school groups.


How to keep in touch

Post office

Keep informed

Keep informed


  • Scandolara Ravara - The Old church, of Romanesque origin, isolated at the end of the village near the cemetery, contains a surprising treasure of frescoes and is one of the most important examples of the period in the area ofOglio Po.
  • Sabbioneta - City of foundation, UNESCO World Heritage Site, maintains the walls within which the magic of ideal urban planning by Vespasiano Gonzaga has remained intact; the Teatro all'Antica, the Ducal Palace, the Gallery, the Incoronata church are some of its monuments that stand out in a context that has been admirably preserved.
  • Colorno - Its Palace belonged to the Sanseverino family, then to the Farnese family, to Maria Luigia of Austria, to the Bourbons; it is by far the most important monument of this little Versailles Parma, which also offers a small but beautiful historic center, close to the Lorno stream that gives it its name and Parma, not far from the Po.
  • Casalmaggiore - Capital of Casalasco, protected by mighty embankments, the city develops parallel to the bed of the Po. The wide breath of the main square, the undeniable majesty of the Town Hall and the Cathedral reveal its character as an important center of the Bassa. The Sanctuary of the Madonna della Fontana, the church of Santa Chiara, the church of the Hospital are among its outstanding monuments.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Torricella del Pizzo
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Torricella del Pizzo
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).