Rheinfelden AG - Rheinfelden AG

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Rheinfelden AG is the Swiss part of the city in the formerly part of Upper Austria Northwestern Switzerland in the canton Aargau. The Upper Rhine forms the border between the northern part of Baden and the southern part of Switzerland. Rheinfelden AG is known for its brine bath and the Feldschlösschen brewery.


Between 1330 and 1797 Laufenburg belonged to the Habsburg Front Austria and was a city. After the French occupation, the district south of the Rhine came to Switzerland in 1802, while the northern part came to Baden.

Neighboring communities

In the canton Aargau: The municipalities Kaiseraugst, Olsberg AG, Maids and Möhlin belong to Basel region.

In Baden (region):Rheinfelden (Baden), Schwörstadt

getting there

By train

Rheinfelden has two train stations. The express trains stop at Rheinfelden station Basel-Zurich and the S1 of the Basel S-Bahn. The latter also stops at the Rheinfelden Augarten S-Bahn station.

In the street

There are various options by car, the best is to take the A3 Basel-Zurich and take the Rheinfelden-Ost or Rheinfelden-West motorway exit. Recently, Rheinfelden can also be reached via the German A98 (Hochrheinautobahn).

By bicycle


Two city bus routes run at regular intervals in Rheinfelden. Otherwise you can also get by on foot.

  • Disabled transport service Rheinfelden. Tel.: 41 618 310 731 (Reservation rides), 41 797 220 729 (GSM driver / driver service). Local transport service for wheelchair users.Price: 0.90 CHF / km.

Tourist Attractions

The old town of Rheinfeld is definitely worth seeing, such as the town hall, the Obertorturm, with a clock that is always 7 minutes ahead, or the narrow streets. The Feldschlösschen brewery is also popular with tourists; the factory building looks like a castle.

A small, picturesque place in Rheinfelden
  • 1  Friktaler Museum, Marktgasse 12. Open: beginning of May to mid-December: Tue, Sat Sun 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.


  • A stay in Sole Uno, a brine bath that is fed from natural brine from the Rheinfelden underground. In addition to the brine bath, the bath has a large sauna facility.
  • A tour of the brewery Feldschlösschen
  • A visit to the cigar factory Wuhrmann
  • Take the Basel Passenger Shipping Company via Basel to Because on the Rhine in Germany.


The shopping street in Rheinfeld is Marktgasse. There are various boutiques, as well as many restaurants and cafes.


There are all sorts of restaurants in Rheinfelden. The restaurant of the Hotel Schiff, which has an award-winning fish cuisine, the restaurant Salmen and the restaurant of the Hotel zum Park are particularly well-known. All three restaurants are located directly on the Rhine and have a wonderful view.


There is not much going on in Rheinfelden's nightlife, it has a few bars and "pubs".

The Marktgasse in the old town


  • Hotel Eden. Three-star hotel located on a hill near the train station. A brine swimming pool is available.
  • Park Hotel on the Rhine. The hotel is located directly on the Rhine in a beautiful park. There is direct access to the Rheinfelden Spa Center, which is why it has four stars.
  • Hotel Protect. Four-star seminar and spa hotel near the train station and at the entrance to the old town.
  • Hotel ship on the Rhine. Three-star hotel located on the old Rhine bridge. The hotel restaurant is excellent for its fish cuisine.
  • Hotel ox. An inn, located directly on the main road.



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