Sarnico - Sarnico

Sarnico from Paratico
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Sarnico is a city of Lombardy, in Province of Bergamo.

To know

Geographical notes

Sarnico is the southernmost town in the Lake Iseo: it rises at the point where the lake narrows (the distance between the two banks reaches up to 80 m) and becomes the river Oglio. Behind the town you can see the remains of the "Pietra di Sarnico" quarry.


The first human settlements date back to the Neolithic and Bronze Age. In Roman times there were fixed allocations on the lake shores, mainly due to the existence of important connecting roads with the cities of Bergamo is Brescia and with the Camonica Valley. During the period of Venetian domination the town grew in importance becoming the capital of the County of Valcalepio.

How to orient yourself

Fraction of Sarnico is Rudello.

A map of the village is available on the website of the navigation on Lake Iseo

For more information contact Pro-Loco of Sarnico, Via Lantieri 6, 39 035910900, fax: 39 0354261334, @.

How to get

By plane

The closest airports to Sarnico are the following:

By car

Exit theA4 motorway at the toll booth of Palazzolo sull'Oglio and take the provincial road ex State Road 469 Sebina Occidentale, exit at Sarnico.

On boat

Sarnico can be reached by boat from all other towns in the Lake Iseo. For info on rates and timetables:

By bus

Lines passing through Sarnico are:

For information on timetables see: move in Lombardy

How to get around

What see

  • Gianni Bellini Picture Gallery. The civic museum, located in the ancient Palazzo Gervasoni, contains about 150 works including paintings by Palma il Giovane, Alessandro Magnasco, Antonio Cifrondi and Carlo Ceresa.
  • Church of San Paolo. Built in 1428, in Romanesque style, with important frescoes.
  • Parish Church of San Martino da Tours.
  • Church of San Rocco, Piaza Santissimo Redeemer. Adjacent to the parish church.
  • clock tower (o Civic tower).

In the village there are also some villas and other style buildings liberty, built by the will of members of the local family Faccanoni, all works of the architect Sommaruga.

  • 1 Villa Surre (Villa Luigi Faccanoni), Via Predore 59. Designed in 1912 by the Lombard architect Giuseppe Sommaruga at the behest of Luigi Faccanoni, when the villa was built on the current asphalted road that connects the western bank of the Lake Iseo it was nothing more than a dirt road with few cars on the road. The complex consists of the villa, the caretaker's house, a private church, the dock connected to the park of the villa by a bridge that passes over the coastal road and a congress center (built in the second half of the 20th century). In designing the villa, Sommaruga followed the dictates of the liberty style using simple materials such as the local Sarnico stone and concrete. Of interest are the artificial cave in the basement with golden inserts that somehow recall the style of Gaudì. The turret that characterizes the villa was probably added later, but the view from the terrace on its top is simply stunning. In the small church, almost hidden in the park, there are some mosaics representing religious scenes such as the Lamb of God. The external wrought iron gate by Mazzucotelli is also of considerable interest. The villa is now owned by Tamoil Italy and rarely open to the public except for events such as weddings and conferences.
Villa Faccanoni
  • 2 Villa Giuseppe Faccanoni. Built in 1907 by the architect Giuseppe Sommaruga with the title of "bachelor cottage", it is certainly the most beautiful and well-known villa of the three built for the Faccanoni family in Sarnico, located on the shores of Lake Iseo and an example of well-known Art Nouveau architecture. succeeded. Built in different stones: from ashlar to Sarnico stone, to Credaro medolo (both smooth and rough). The main view, the one seen from the lake, is composed of a high basement, stairways, windows and balconies in an asymmetrical perspective decorated with 2 rows of concrete bas-reliefs created by Ernesto Bazzaro and pastel colored ceramics. Also noteworthy are the wrought iron railings and railings of the main entrance of Via Veneto made by Alessandro Mazzucotelli. Equipped with a large garden in Mannerist style, it has several terraces that give the villa the appearance of a ship that stands out on the lake. There is also a dock for boats. Villa Giuseppe Faccanoni on Wikipedia villa Giuseppe Faccanoni (Q4012065) on Wikidata
  • 3 Villa Passeri (Villa Pietro Faccanoni). Commissioned by Pietro Faccanoni at Sommaruga in Pie 'degli Orti, where a spinning mill once stood. In 1943 Luigi Passeri, the current owner, bought the villa which, being private property, can rarely be visited.
  • 4 Mausoleum Faccanoni (cemetery of Sarnico). Art Nouveau monument erected in 1907 by the Faccanoni family as a family tomb. Built with typical local stones worked, treated and assembled in such a way as to give the structure a sense of movement and power, the work gives the Sarnico cemetery its impressive impressive background. The mausoleum is still in fair condition, even if it bears the signs of time especially on the two sandstone staircases of Sarnico, going up the right stairway, about halfway, you can still see the signature with the date of the architect Giuseppe Sommaruga. Mausoleo Faccanoni on Wikipedia Mausoleo Faccanoni (Q3852968) on Wikidata

Events and parties

  • Sarnico Busker Festival (International Street Artists Festival). Simple icon time.svgearly August.
  • Gastronomic Tasting in the Historic Center. Simple icon time.svg25 August.
  • The chestnut in celebration, Piazza XX Settembre. Simple icon time.svg13-15 and 27-29 September.

What to do

It is possible to go hiking on the mountain behind the village. Among the various routes we remember the one that leads to Mount Bronzone. For the map of the trails consult the website of municipality of Sarnico. For more information on the trails, see the page on the Trails and Refuges of Lake Iseo.

  • Ice skating rink, Besenzoni square. Simple icon time.svgwinter period. From 17/11/2013 to 15/01/2014


  • Weekly market. Simple icon time.svgevery Thursday morning.

How to have fun

In the summer season it is possible to swim in the lake at:

  • Lido Cadè or Lido Holiday, Via Predore, 14. Simple icon time.svgEvery day from 9 to 00.00.
  • Lido Fontanì, Via Predore, 2. Simple icon time.svgEvery day from 9 to 21.
  • Lido Fosio. Simple icon time.svgEvery day from 9 to 21.
  • Lido Nettuno, Via Predore. Ecb copyright.svg2€ (2019). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun: 9: 00-23: 00.

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 The Piadineria, Europe Course 4, 39 035 910485. Piadinerie chain with a wide choice of ingredients. Sweet wraps are also available.

Average prices

  • 2 The other Pinch, Matteotti Square 2b, 39 366 654 7327. Pizzas, focaccias and much more
  • 3 The Scarlet Rose, Piazza Venti Settembre, 15, 39 035 910592.

Where stay

Average prices


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • Sarnico Post Office, Via Crodarolo 54, 39 035911065, fax: 39 035913898. Simple icon time.svgJuly-August: Mon-Fri 8.20-13.35 Sat 8.20-12.35 / rest of the year: Mon-Fri 8.20-19 Sat 8.20-12.35. For info



Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Sarnico
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Sarnico
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).