Iseo - Iseo

Vista di Iseo dall'elicottero
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Time zone
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Iseo is a city of Lombardy, in province of Brescia (from which it is about 23 km).

To know

Geographical notes

Iseo is located in the southern part of the Lake Iseo. Its territory presents the characteristics of an environment straddling lake and hill, between water and land, particularly evident in the habitat of Torbiere del Sebino nature reserve. The country is also part of the wine region of Franciacorta.

To the east of the inhabited center they are, towards Provaglio d'Iseo the Monte Cognolo, with an altitude of 672 m a.s.l. and further north Punta dell'Orto (1,000 m above sea level). The Pass of the Tre Termini leads to Polaveno, connecting the area of ​​Sebino and Franciacorta with Valtrompia.

Neighboring municipalities are:

When to go

The most touristic seasons are the summer / spring and the Christmas one with the Christmas markets.


Railway landing stage (1914)

The first permanent settlements in the area where Iseo stands today began in prehistoric times, as confirmed by findings dating back to the Bronze Age found between 1999 and 2000 in the vicinity of Via Per Rovato.

Iseo has been an important port since Roman times and in the Middle Ages it was surrounded by walls.

From the medieval period, Iseo still retains traces of some buildings in the historic center such as the Oldofredi Castle and the remains of the city gates. The lakefront was rearranged in the nineteenth century. The monument to Gabriele Rosa, Italian patriot born in Iseo in via Duomo, of the famous sculptor Ettore Ferrari on the lakefront.

Until the 19th century it was the seat of an important silk and wool industry. At the beginning of the twentieth century, with the extension of the railway line, the port of Iseo lost importance. The country then went through a period of crisis from which it was able to rise again by developing activities related to tourism.

How to orient yourself

The town center winds around Garibaldi Square, Piazza Statuto and Largo Zanardelli (practically a single square), where Palazzo Vantini, seat of the municipality of Iseo, and numerous shops are located. From the square they leave Via Campo (later Via per Rovato), lined with shops, bars and restaurants, leading to the southernmost part of the town, e Via Mirolte, also lined with shops, which leads up to Via Roma, once the main artery connecting Camonica Valley is Brescia, today with the construction of the freeway the traffic has been considerably reduced. Via Roma actually marks the beginning of the residential area of ​​the town: continuing towards the mountain you will encounter fewer and fewer shops and more residential areas.

Its fractions are: Clusane is Cremignane south and Pilzone North.

How to get

By plane

The closest airports to Iseo are the following:

Other airports nearby are those of Milan (Linate and Malpensa). To reach Iseo from any of the listed airports (and vice versa) it is also possible to book a taxi or a NCC service. See section by taxi.

Iseo station

On the train

Iseo can be reached by train thanks to the lines Brescia-Iseo-Edolo and Iseo-Rovato Borgo, managed by Trenord. The station is located in via Repubblica 1. For information, fares and timetables consult the Trenord website. All trains on the route stop in Iseo (even the fast ones). The average frequency is one train per hour for the line Brescia-Iseo-Edolo while few trains a day for direct trains to Rovato. As of 2016 trains depart from Brescia at the following times (there are also some other trains such as the school one at 13:24):

Odd hours (from 7 to 19)

  • : 07 - direct train that takes 23 minutes - on working days the 7:07 train makes all stops
  • : 58 - train that makes all stops (30 minutes)

Even hours (from 8 to 20)

  • : 41 - train that makes all stops and takes just over 30 minutes.

The last train leaves from Brescia station at 21:41 and arrives in Iseo at 22.13.

The ticket office at Iseo station is open every morning; when this is closed it is possible to buy tickets at the Diana Bar to the left of the station.

By bus

Iseo can be reached by bus from the lines operated by It arrives and from Ferrovie Nord Milano Autoservizi. The lines passing through Iseo are:

For updated timetables consult:


Tickets can be purchased at numerous tobacconists in the town or directly from the driver with a small surcharge.

By car

On boat

The port of Iseo with a docked boat

Iseo can also be reached by boat thanks to the scheduled services of the Lake Iseo navigation from all the villages of the lake except Paratico. During the winter the time of the boats is considerably reduced and it is possible to arrive only from Monte Isola, Sulzano, Marasino salt, Tavernola Bergamasca is Predor (the latter only on school days in the morning before 8 and around 13 and 14).

Tickets can be purchased at the ticket office located on the pier. When this is closed it is possible to buy them directly on board.

How to get around

In Iseo it is advisable to travel on foot or at most by bike (which can be rented during the summer).

By public transport

Instead, public transport is required to go to the hamlets.

  • For Clusane you can take the buses of the lines LS002, LS003, LS021 or a boat;
  • For Pilzone you can take the train towards Edolo;
  • For Cremignane you can take the buses of the LS021 line.

By taxi

As mentioned, to move around the town it is advisable to walk, but if you are loaded or particularly tired you can call a taxi or book a NCC service (rental with driver).

By car

The center of Iseo is partly a restricted traffic area. During the weekends and on Friday mornings (for the market) the car-free area is extended to part of the lakefront, via Campo and viale Repubblica.

The car parks closest to the center are subject to charges, but if you agree to walk a little, they can also be found free.

What see

Oldofredi Castle
Cannon placed outside the Oldofredi Castle / Museum of the two wars
  • 1 Oldofredi Castle (inside which there is the municipal library and the museum of the two wars), Via Castello Oldofredi. Originally built in the 11th century, after being burned by Barbarossa, it was restored in 1611 by the Oldofredi family, from which it takes its name. In 1454 it was used as a military garrison. In 1454 the castle became the property of the municipality which entrusted it to the Capuchins until the end of the 18th century.
  • 2 Museum of the two wars (c / o Oldofredi Castle), Via Rampa Capuccini (In via Mirolte, coming from Piazza Garibaldi, before the castle turn right.), 39 030 980341, 39 338 8823311 (Lancini Giancarlo), 39 340 3701287 (Mr. Zatti Andrea). Ecb copyright.svgFree admission. Simple icon time.svgSat, Sun and holidays 9: 00-12: 00 and 15: 00-18: 00; for groups at other times by reservation. In two exhibition rooms there are equipment materials used by the armies that faced each other during the First and Second World Wars. Of particular interest are the collections of uniforms, white firearms, helmets, hand grenades, artillery shells, trench shields, wire cutters.
Sanctuary of the Madonna della Neve
Sanctuary of the Madonna del Mercato
  • 3 Sanctuary of the Madonna della Neve, Via Madonna della Neve. The Sanctuary, preceded by a churchyard with secular plane trees, stands on a previous church dedicated to St. Stephen, to whom an altar is still dedicated today. The facade is in Baroque style. Inside the church it is possible to admire a cycle of frescoes by Pietro Brigoli depicting theAnnunciation, the Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple, the wedding at Cana, Jesus found in the temple and the Crucifixion.
  • 4 Sanctuary of the Madonna del Mercato (Maternity of Mary). The church, dating back to the 14th century AD, was donated in 1360 by Giacomino Oldofredi ai Franciscan Minors of the Convent of S. Francesco di Brescia. The interior has a single facade with a barrel vault and contains many 15th and 11th century frescoes by Alessandro Voltolini da Iseo.

Parish church of Sant'Andrea
  • 5 Parish church of Sant'Andrea, Via Pieve. The church was probably built in the 5th century AD. on the ruins of the Temple of Isis and Hercules at the behest of S. Vigilio, bishop of Brescia and patron saint of Iseo. The church was later enlarged in the 11th and 13th centuries. The facade has a Romanesque pediment with a central Romanesque bell tower and, to the right of it, the mausoleum of Giacomo Oldofredi, feudal lord of Iseo. the interior has three naves with side chapels. The most famous fresco contained in the church depicts St. Michael the Archangel who pierces the dragon painted in 1839 by Francesco Hayez.
  • 6 Church of San Silvestro or dei Disciplini, via Pieve, Churchyard of the Pieve. The church, with a gabled façade with corner pilasters, was built between the 13th and 14th centuries as an oratory of the Lay Brotherhood of the Disciplines of the Holy Cross. Inside there is a Danza Macabra dating back to 1485. The fresco, divided into eight two-tone panels, represents personalities from all social classes (middle class, a king, a patriarch and a bishop). Each person is flanked by a skeleton.
  • 7 Church of S. Giovanni Battista, Via Pieve, Churchyard of the Pieve. The church, which stands in front of the parish church, is currently deconsecrated and used for exhibitions and conferences. The façade is made up of two registers surmounted by a rectangular tympanum. The interior has a single nave and contains, in the apse basin, a fresco of San Giovanni Battista dating back to the 18th century by an unknown artist.
Palazzo Vantini and statue of Giuseppe Garibaldi
  • 8 Garibaldi Square. The square, surrounded by a series of arcades and historic buildings, contains the first non-equestrian statue dedicated to Giuseppe Garibaldi, sculpted by Pietro Bordini and inaugurated in 1883.
  • 9 Vantini Palace, Garibaldi Square. Built in 1833 on a project by the architect Rodolfo Vantini, it housed the Grain bag. Today the building is the seat of the offices of the municipality of Iseo.
  • 10 Nulli-Antonioli Palace, Largo Zanardelli 17. Private property. Originally the palace had a classic closed-plan shape with a central facing courtyard paved with sandstone slabs of Sarnico. Today the building has been divided into several parts.
Arsenale Palace
  • 11 Arsenale Palace, Alley Melancholy, 2, 39 030 981011, @. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 10: 00-12: 00; Sat and holidays 15: 00-19: 00; Santo Stefano (26/12): 10: 00-12: 00 and 15: 00-19: 00. In the building, used from 1800 to 1980 as a prison, temporary exhibitions are set up.
  • 12 Civic collection, 39 3381740447 (Mr. Antonio Mazza director of the Museum). Simple icon time.svgExcept on the occasion of exhibitions open by reservation only. In the museum you can find a collection of period objects: musical instruments, typewriters, cameras, electrical measuring instruments (from the Guerini collection); there is also a railway section.
Torbiere del Sebino - In the background the monastery of San Pietro in Lamosa
  • 13 The peat bogs of Sebino, 39 0309823141, @. A natural area that originated from the peat extraction activity, it is located south of the southern shore of Lake Iseo at 185 m s.l.m and constitutes the most important wetland for extension and ecological significance of the province of Brescia. The main entrance of the "Lame" is located in the locality "the Fontanì". From here starts the central path that crosses the natural reserve of the Torbiere and runs along the southern area passing by the Monastery of S. Pietro in Lamosa returning to the beginning; there is also an alternative route to the one mentioned, which can be taken after entering right for the former peat warehouses along the northern area of ​​the reserve to reach the new path to the west still to be completed, which however does not yet allow you to make a ring road.
Monument to Gabriele Rosa


  • 14 Monument to Gabriele Rosa, Gabriele Rosa Square. Sculpted by the artist Ettore Ferrari, it was inaugurated in 1912 to commemorate Gabriele Rosa, a distinguished Isean patriot. Following vandalism, the monument was renovated in 1955 by Arian Kalari. The bust of the patriot stands on a column with 4 bas-reliefs depicting Victorious Freedom, Faith, Firmness and Study and with an inscription that recalls his imprisonment at the fortress of Spielberg to Brno, in Czech Republic.
  • 15 The Sign of Water, Lido dei Platani. Inaugurated on June 29, 1997, it was designed by Franca Ghitti.
  • 16 The Fountain of Time.

Events and parties

Palazzo Vantini and Christmas markets "Christmas with taste"
Palace in one of the alleys of Iseo
  • Fiva European Market, Old Town. Simple icon time.svgApril. Stalls from all over Europe and beyond offer their typical products, culinary and otherwise, from Friday to Sunday.
  • 5 Iseo diPinta, Garibaldi Square. Simple icon time.svgearly May. Craft beer festival during which various producers set up stands where you can drink the beers they produce. The restaurateurs of Isean (and not) then organize stands where it is also possible to eat.
  • Festival Of The Lakes. Simple icon time.svgstart of June. between May and June stalls representing various Italian and European lakes are set up in the streets of the town. The Italian lakes participating in the fourth edition were the following: Lake Albano, Lake Bidighinzu, Lake di Bolsena, Lake Calcione, Lake Caldonazzo, Lake Caldaro, Lake of Castellaro Lagusello, Lake Cavazzo, Lake Chiusi, Lake Como, Lakes of Conversano, Lakes of Fiorenzuola, Fusine Lakes, Lake Garda, Idro lake, Lake Iseo, Lake Levico, Lake Maggiore, Mantovani Lakes, Lake Mergozzo, Lake of Montepulciano, Lake Moro, Lake Osiglia, Lakes of the Adamello Park, Lake Pusiano, Lakes Revine, Lake Saurius, Lake Sirio, Lake Soprano, Lake Tenno, Trasimeno lake and Lake of Vico. The European ones were instead: Lago di Bled is Bojin, Coniston Water, Lake Drumharlow, Lake of Ohrid, Lake Prebersee and Lake Constance.
  • Feast of Ferragosto. every year on the 15th of August a fireworks display is organized (about 11 pm) preceded by the traditional concert of the town band. Given the large influx of people at this event, it is advisable to arrive in Iseo well in advance in order to be able to find a parking space relatively close to the center.
  • Crossing the lake. Simple icon time.svgAugust. Starting from Predor and arriving in Iseo, born in 1998, it has been a regular appointment in the Isean summer for years.
  • Iseo Dance Festival. Simple icon time.svgbetween August and September.
  • Water marathon. Simple icon time.svgmid September. A marathon from Lovere to Iseo. Each year the places of departure and arrival are reversed.
  • Feast of San Vigilio - Gastronomic week of duck with cabbage. Simple icon time.svgduring the week of September 26th. Religious celebrations for the patron saint and re-enactment of the entry into Iseo of the queen of Cyprus.
  • #IseoSuona, Old Town, @. Simple icon time.svgSeptember. Inside the historic center of Iseo, scattered in several stages, different bands perform for free. Other side events are organized by the YseoYang association and other associations in the country.
  • Gimondibike, 39 035211721. Simple icon time.svgend of September. International mountain bike race passing through Provaglio d'Iseo, They pass is Cazzago San Martino as well as of course Iseo.
  • 6 Iseo StreEat, Courtyard of the Oldofredi Castle. Ecb copyright.svgfree admission, you pay what you eat. Simple icon time.svgDecember. In the unique location of the Castle, stalls are set up where you can buy and taste typical dishes from Street such as hamburger, bread and salamina (strinù), pizza, but also more refined dishes such as sushi, donkey stew with polenta or Arab bread with vegetable caponata. (The dishes shown were present at the 2016 edition)
  • Christmas with Taste. during the weekends before Christmas markets are set up in the streets of the town.

What to do

Race of Naét, typical boat of Lake Iseo

During the summer season it is possible to swim in the lake at the public beach located in via Per Rovato or at the two beaches also equipped with swimming pools.

  • 1 Sassabanek Lido (in the southern part of the country). Ecb copyright.svgPrices vary depending on the day and period, the minimum price for a single entry is € 8, the maximum price is 14. There are carnet with 10 entries or season tickets.. Simple icon time.svgFrom Monday to Saturday open from 9 to 18, Sunday and public holidays from 8 to 20. Open only in summer.. The beach has three outdoor swimming pools, two of which are heated, a large park on the lake, a basketball court, tennis courts (open all year), a beach volleyball court and one for beach football. Pedal boats and canoes can also be hired. Inside the lido there is a bar / restaurant and a bazaar.
  • 2 Lido Belvedere, via for Rovato 28, 39 030980970, @. Ecb copyright.svgPrices vary depending on the day and period, the minimum price for a single entry is € 10, the maximum price is € 14.. Simple icon time.svgFrom Monday to Saturday open from 9 to 18, Sunday and public holidays from 8 to 20. Open only in summer.. Large swimming pool with a slide, park by the lake. The lido has a bar. In summer, events such as open-air cinema are organized.
  • 3 The beach (Public beach), Via per Rovato loc. Pianoni. The only public beach in Iseo. a grassy lawn by the lake with a bar. Deckchairs can be hired.

Sports lovers can go to one of the two sports centers:

From Iseo it is possible to go hiking on the mountain located to the east of the town. For information see the page on the Trails and Refuges of Lake Iseo.


Nulli Antonioli Palace

Most of the shops are located in the historic center: Via Campo, Piazza Garibaldi, Largo Zanardelli, Piazza Statuto and Via Mirolte.

  • 1 Exhibition of modern art and antiques (Nulli-Antonioli Palace). A permanent art exhibition is set up on the ground floor of the Nulli-Antonioli building. Most of the objects and works of art on display are purchasable.
  • 2 Ecia stuff, Piazza Statuto 2, 39 030980258. As perhaps you can guess from the dialect name, it is a small antique shop located on the ground floor of the municipal building.
  • 3 Bonardi cheeses, via Mirolte, 16 / b, 39 030 980204, @. Shop with a huge selection of local cheeses and other typical products such as salami di Monte Isola and the sardines and rudds in salt typical especially of Monte Isola e Clusane.
  • 4 CISSVA (Social dairy of Valle Camonica and Sebino), Via Roma, 92, 39 030 9822508. Shop where you can buy cured meats and cheeses produced in Val Camonica, honey and other local products.
  • 5 Barbers, Largo Zanardelli, 7, 39 030 98 03 08, @. Simple icon time.svgMon 15: 00-19: 30, Tue-Sat: 9: 00-12: 30-15: 00-19: 30. Sun: 9: 30-12: 30/15: 30-19: 30. Since 1935, historic clothing store under the harbors near Piazza Garibaldi.

In its territory an excellent olive oil is produced; Iseo is part ofNational Association City of oil. Such oil can for example be purchased for example at 6 Cascina Clarabella, Via delle Polle n. 1800, 39 030 9821041, @.


  • The weekly market is held every Tuesday and Friday (the one on Friday is bigger);
  • Vanita's Market is held in Viale Repubblica every first Sunday of the month;
  • Every second Sunday of the month the farmers' market is held in Viale Repubblica;
  • Every third Sunday of the month the antiques market is held in Viale Repubblica;

How to have fun

Lametta, part of the Sebino Torbiere reserve overlooking Lake Iseo


A series of concerts are organized annually in various areas of the country as part of the events IseoJazz is Musical Waves Festival . Also there Town Band of Iseo organizes real concerts (as well as services on the occasion of religious and civil holidays). Fixed appointments of the band are the concert of S. Stefano (December 26) and the concert of August.

Night clubs

Bars and night clubs can be found along the lakefront.

  • 1 Bull cafe, Via Duomo 11. Simple icon time.svgOpen Tuesday to Sunday from 6pm to 2am.
  • 2 Opera - slow drink & food emotion, Via Campo 32, 39 030 981507.
  • 3 Point Zero Iseo, Via Lungolago Marconi.
  • 4 Green Pepper, Via Lungolago Marconi 14.

Where to eat

Lakeside with flowering plants

Moderate prices

Average prices

View of the landing stage from the lake
  • 11 Trattoria ai Ciliegi, Via S. Bonomelli 39, 39 030 980554. On the hill of Iseo, sometimes in summer it organizes musical events.
  • 12 Osteria ai Nidrì, Via Colombera 2 (Outside the Sassabanek campsite), 39 030 980860.
  • 13 Melone antique restaurant, Vicolo Portelle 14, 39 030 9840038.
  • 14 Cascina Doss restaurant, Via Colombera 15, 39 030 981111. Restaurant with some special menus: for example on Mondays non-stop risotto for € 18.5 (2014).
  • 15 Trattoria da Rocco, Via Sambuco 20 (Among the alleys of Iseo), 39 030 980297.
  • 16 Ginepro restaurant, Via S. Bonomelli 73, 39 030 9840047. On Mount Iseo, from the restaurant you can enjoy a beautiful view of the lake (weather permitting).
  • 17 Il Cantuccio Restaurant, Via Duomo 36, 39 030 980719.
  • 18 Il Gattopardo Grill, Via Mier, 39 030 9821762. Specialized in grilled meat.
  • 19 Il Paiolo restaurant, Mazzini Square 9, 39 030 9821074. present in the Michelin guide.
  • 20 Laguna Restaurant, Via for Rovato, 39 030 9868853. Good Neapolitan style pizza. Restaurant specializing in seafood dishes.
  • 21 Antica Trattoria La Milanta, Via S. Bonomelli 98 (On Mount Iseo), 39 030 9822970.
  • 22 Trattoria La Tana Dell’orso, Vicolo Borni 21, 39 030 9821616.

High prices

  • 23 Il Volto Restaurant, Via Mirolte 33, 39 030 981462. Ecb copyright.svg30-45€. One of the most renowned and expensive restaurants in Iseo, present in the Michelin guide.
  • 24 Leon d’oro Pizzeria Restaurant, Largo D. Alighieri 2, 39 030 981233. As soon as you disembark from the boat, it is the first restaurant / pizzeria you will come across. It offers excellent fish dishes and during the main tourist season (July-August) queues may form.
  • 25 San Martino Restaurant Pizzeria, Via Porto Oldofredi 8, 39 030 9822032. Excellent pizza, especially for the ingredients used, but a bit expensive.

In addition to the restaurants and pizzerias listed above, in Iseo there are also the restaurants of the hotels and farmhouses listed below.

Where stay

Moderate prices

  • 4 Sunshine camping, Via per Rovato 26, 39 030 980288, fax: 39 030 9821721, @. The second largest campsite in Iseo, it has a mini market and two outdoor swimming pools. Here you can play tennis, table tennis, football and volleyball.
  • 5 Camping Iseo, Via Antonioli 21, 39 030 980213, fax: 39 030 980213, @. Not very big, it has a small shop and a beach. Wi-Fi connection available.
  • 6 Golden tip, Via Antonioli 51/53, 39 030 980084, fax: 39 030 980084, @. Not very big, it has a small shop and a beach. Wi-Fi connection available.
  • 7 Quai, Via Antonioli 73, 39 030 9821610, 39 347 8116004, fax: 39 030 981161, @. Last campsite in Iseo (if coming from the South), it has a bar / restaurant.
  • 8 Sassabanek, Via Colombera 2, 39 030 980300, fax: 39 030 9821360, @. Connected with the beach of the same name, it is the largest and best equipped campsite in Iseo. Open from April to September, it is equipped with wifi internet connection.
  • 9 Covelo, Via Covelo 18 - Covelo location, 39 030 9821305, fax: 39 030 9821305, @. Between Iseo and Pilzone, it is not very big, it has a small shop, a bar / restaurant and a beach. Wi-Fi connection available.

Average prices

Lakefront from the pier

High prices


On the municipal territory there are offices of the local police, the carabinieri and the traffic police.

  • Carabinieri station, Via Roma, 53, 39 030 980109.
  • 7 Iseo Hospital (Mellino Mellini Hospital), Via Giardini Garibaldi 7 (At the northern end of the lakefront), 39 030 98871. With first aid service always active.
  • 8 Continuity care service (former medical guard), ASL Presidium Via Giardini Garibaldi n ° 2 / B, 39 030 8377143. Simple icon time.svgOn days before holidays and holidays: from 08.00 to 20.00, every day: from 20.00 to 08.00.

How to keep in touch

Inner courtyard of the Castle and entrance to the library

Post office

  • 9 Iseo Post Office, Street Search 14, 39 030 980320, fax: 39 030 9822028. Simple icon time.svgOpen every day except Sunday from 8.20 to 13.35 (on Saturdays it closes at 12.35) For info


From spring 2013 it is possible to connect to wifi internet in Piazza Garibaldi, in the Library and at the G. Rosa port.

Many bars and restaurants offer their customers a WiFi internet connection.

  • 10 Library of Iseo "Fulgenzio Rinaldi", Via Rampa Cappuccini 3 (in the Oldofredi Castle), 39 030980035, @. Simple icon time.svgMon 14: 00-18: 30, Tue, Fri and Sat 9: 00-12: 00 and 14: 00-19: 00, Thu 14: 00-18: 30 and 19: 30-21: 00. Inside the library, in addition to the aforementioned WiFi connection, there are some fixed computers.

Keep informed

The following monthly, distributed free of charge, concern Iseo and the lake of the same name:


Pyramids of Zone

Interesting day trip destinations are:

  • Monte Isola, the largest lake island in Italy and the highest in Europe. On one of the highest points of the island is the sanctuary of the Madonna della Ceriola with a beautiful view of the lake; (Reachable by boat)
  • Zones, famous for the stone pyramids and from which you can walk to the Mount Guglielmo; (Accessible by train bus)
  • Capo di Ponte, famous for the rock carvings heritage ofUNESCO; (Reachable by train)
  • Darfo Boario Terme, spa town; (Reachable by train)
  • Brescia, heritage UNESCO for Lombard finds, including the Cross of Desire, kept in the S. Giulia museum and for Capitolium, Roman temple. (Reachable by train)
  • Torbiere del Sebino nature reserve


Franciacorta vineyard near Provaglio d'Iseo

Useful information

  • 11 Iat Lake Iseo and Franciacorta (Information Tourist Reception of Iseo), Marconi lakefront, 39 030 3748733, fax: 39 030 981361, @. Simple icon time.svgSummer opening hours (from April to September): Monday - Sunday (including holidays) 10.00-12.30 and 15.30-18.30.
  • 12 Public bathrooms.
Roads that pass through Iseo
SS 42Sulzano No. Strada Statale 510 Italia.svg S. Provaglio d'IseoBrescia
SP XI IS Strada Provinciale 12 Italia.svg OR ClusaneParatico
SS 510 No. Strada Provinciale XI Italia.svg S. Corte FrancaRovato
SS 510 OR Strada Provinciale 48 Italia.svg IS Polaveno
EdoloPilzone No. Logomi r.svg S. Provaglio d'IseoBrescia

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Iseo
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Iseo
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Iseo
  • Collaborate on WikinewsWikinews contains current news on Iseo
3-4 star.svgGuide : the article respects the characteristics of a usable article but in addition it contains a lot of information and allows a visit to the city without problems. The article contains an adequate number of images, a fair number of listings. There are no style errors.