Torbiere del Sebino nature reserve - Riserva naturale Torbiere del Sebino

Torbiere del Sebino nature reserve
Sebino peat bog south route
Area type
Foundation year
Institutional website

There Torbiere del Sebino nature reserve is a protected area located in Lombardy, in Franciacorta.

To know

A natural area that originated from the peat extraction activity, it is located south of the southern bank of the Iseo lake and constitutes the most important wetland for extension and ecological significance of the province of Brescia.

Geographical notes

The Sebino d'Iseo peat bogs are located in a marshy area south of Lake Iseo and extend over an area of ​​about 350 hectares within the limits of the municipal territories of Iseo, Provaglio d'Iseo is Corte Franca. It is an area mainly composed of reeds and stretches of water surrounded by fields cultivated by local farmers.

When to go

The Reserve is always open, including holidays, from sunrise to sunset.

How to get

View of the peat bog
Central path

By plane

By car

There are several parking lots useful for visiting the reserve, some free and some for a fee.

  • 3 South entrance parking (Parking of the Le Torbiere Shopping Center). Ecb copyright.svgFree.
  • 4 North entrance parking (Iseo stadium parking). Ecb copyright.svgFree. There are others near this car park.
  • 5 Central entrance parking (Parking of the Monastery of S. Pietro in Lamosa). Ecb copyright.svgFor a fee.

On the train

The two useful stations to visit the reserve are those of Iseo is Provaglio-Timoline, reachable with the lines Brescia-Iseo-Edolo and Iseo-Rovato Borgo, managed by Trenord.

Iseo station is connected to Brescia with one / two trains per hour and with Edolo /Breno with one per hour, that of Provaglio is connected with Brescia with one train per hour and with Breno with one train per hour. The Iseo-Rovato line is currently suspended.

By bus

Up to Iseo, reachable by the lines operated by It arrives, from Ferrovie Nord Milano Autoservizi is Brescia transport.

Permits / Rates


For groups of people over 8 it is mandatory to enter accompanied by an authorized guide of the Reserve, who can be contacted here.

Entry to the Reserve takes place via three points:

  • North Entrance - North Route: a Iseo, visitor reception center, in front of the sports field;
  • Central Entrance - Central Path: a Provaglio d'Iseo, Monastery of San Pietro in Lamosa;
  • South Entrance - South Route: a Corte Franca, Infopoint, Via Segaboli, near the parking of the “Le Torbiere” shopping center.

Near each entrance there is an automatic dispenser for the payment of the entrance ticket of € 1 for non-residents, active 24h (only working with € 1 coin).

Inside the reserve it is forbidden to bring dogs or other animals, as they could disturb the local fauna. Reserve regulation.

How to get around

It is possible to visit the reserve only on foot.

The only exception is the section of the southern route which coincides with the cycle / pedestrian path that connects Paratico is Brescia (starting at the South entrance and ending near the Provaglio station). In this stretch, indicated with special signs, it is possible to travel by bicycle.

What see

Monastery of San Pietro in Lamosa
  • 1 Monastery of S. Pietro in Lamosa, Via Monastero 5. Ecb copyright.svgfree offer. Simple icon time.svgCloister and discipline: Sat-Sun 10: 00-12: 00/15: 00-18: 00 (Apr-Oct), 10: 00-12: 00/14: 00-17: 00 (Nov-Mar). Cluniac monastic complex that has undergone numerous extensions and modifications over the years. Built on the remains of places of pagan cults in 1083, it was donated to the monks of Cluny. In the following years, to cope with the growing number of believers, side chapels were first added, then a span and discipline were added. From 1535 to 1783, the monastery was under the control of the regular canons of San Salvatore di Brescia, who thought of building the chapel in front of the entrance in the Baroque style. In the following years the complex was mostly private property and will return under municipal management only in the last decades of the twentieth century. Inside, the church and the discipline still rich in frescoes and the cloister, where however most of the frescoes have been lost, are certainly of interest. Monastery of San Pietro in Lamosa on Wikipedia monastery of San Pietro in Lamosa (Q3860505) on Wikidata

What to do

  • 1 North Route, Via Tangenziale Sud - Iseo (Visitor Reception Center). Maximum length 5 km.
  • 2 Central Path, Provaglio d'Iseo (Monastery of San Pietro in Lamosa). Maximum length 4 km.
  • 3 South Route, Via Segaboli, Corte Franca (Info point).


Where to eat

  • 1 Nonna Nice Restaurant Pizzeria, Via Tangenziale (Stadium Area), Iseo, 39 030 981574. Restaurant on the edge of the reserve, near the North entrance, where from Monday to Friday a business lunch is offered for € 11 (2019) with first, second, drinks and vegetable buffet service. Pizza also for lunch.
  • 2 Trattoria Fontanì, via sebina 115, Provaglio d'Iseo (on the north route, between the north and central entrance.), 39 0309823620. Small restaurant with the possibility of dining outdoors. It offers business lunches with dishes linked to local tradition. Possibility to buy the ticket to enter the reserve.
  • 3 Il Viandante - Franciacorta (c / o Provaglio-Timoline railway station), Via Stazione Nuova, 20, Provaglio d'Iseo, @. Cultural association that has set up a small bar and refreshment point in the Provaglio-Timoline station building. Perfect place for a breakfast or an aperitif, the terrace overlooking the reserve and the railway is wonderful. It sells Trenord tickets and tickets for entry into the reserve.

Where stay


How to keep in touch


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