Clusane - Clusane

View of the town from Lungolago Capponi
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy
Tourism site

Clusane is a city of Lombardy, in province of Brescia and fraction of the municipality of Iseo.

To know

Geographical notes

Clusane is located in the southern part of Lake Iseo. Neighboring countries are:

When to go

It is advisable to visit the village in spring and summer when the days get longer and it is more likely to find good weather.


Thanks to arrowheads dating back to the Bronze Age and other finds found in the surrounding "razor blade" it was possible to establish that Clusane was already inhabited by pile-dwelling communities. Clusane was also a well-known place in Roman times: from this period, in addition to some tombstones, there are remains of Roman baths on the lakeside, now walled up. Clusane became a hamlet ofIseo in 1927.

How to orient yourself

Clusane is a small town, and the historic center is located between the provincial road and the lake, the only exception is the parish church. Fishermen's Port, then on the lakefront.

How to get

By plane

Landing stage

The closest airports to Clusane are the following:

By car

On boat

Clusane in spring and summer can also be reached by boat thanks to the services of the Navigazione Lago d'Iseo.

For updated timetables and rates consult the website:

By bus

Clusane can be reached by bus from the lines operated by the Brescia Sud Consortium. The lines passing through Iseo are:

For updated timetables consult the website

How to get around

The historic center of the town is very small and can be completely covered on foot in a few minutes. Bus stops are also in the center: close to the Butcher's shop, to Church of Cristo Re and al Sole restaurant.

What see

Old church and square in front
Carmagnola Castle
Church of Cristo Re
Old church square and old cadastre building
Pot to dye the nets
  • 1 Carmagnola Castle, Via Ponta 2, @. Simple icon time.svgAfter the recent restoration, today the castle can be visited by appointment on the first Monday and the third Tuesday of each month. The castle was built around the 14th century AD by the feudal lords of the area, probably the Oldofredi (feudal lords of Franciacorta and Lake Iseo) where a castrum fortified early medieval owned by Hubs, an important Lombard family. The leader Francesco Bussone known as "il Carmagnola" is believed to have lived in this place from 1428 to 1432, when, accused of treason by the Venetians, he was sentenced to death and executed in Venice in Piazza San Marco. His assets were sold. The castle passed to the Room who decided to make structural changes according to Renaissance tastes. A 14-bay loggia was thus opened on the eastern side, still present today, from which you can enjoy an excellent view of the lake, up to Monte Isola. Over the years the castle changed numerous owners, including: Soncini, Maggi, Coradelli, Wool and from time to time it was adapted according to the tastes of the time. Of particular interest are the frescoes on the external external walls east (under the loggia) and south.
  • 2 Parish Church of Christ the King, intersection between Via Risorgimento and Via di Bernardo. The church was built between 1932 and 1935 at the behest of the parish priest, Don Bernardo Guatta, whose tomb is located in the apse of the church. The project was by the Bergamo architect Dante Fornoni. The gabled façade rises above a marble staircase and the entrance is anticipated by a small portico from which it is possible to access two side chapels: the Baptistery and the Chapel of the Madonna of Lourdes. The interior, with a single nave and in Empire style, contains bronze works by Claudio Botta, stained glass windows and frescoes by Vittorio Trainini (presbytery and apse) and Pietro Sarvelli (nave).
  • 3 Ancient Parish Church (dedicated to Saints Gervasio and Protasio), Street of the old church. The construction of the church began in the fourteenth century and in 1410 it was included in the list of churches in the province. The first parish priest of the parish of Santi Gervasio e Protasio di Clusane, Lancellotto Sala, dates back to 1534. The church then underwent changes and extensions: in 1678 the rectory was added and in 1887 the two aisles were added. Starting from 1935, the year in which the new parish church was consecrated, the church was abandoned and used as a lumber yard. In the last decades of the twentieth century the church was renovated and is now used as a theater and auditorium.
  • 4 Church of S. Rocco, Via San Rocco. The small church was built at the behest of one of the owners of the Carmagnola Castle, Orlandino Sala, who in his will asked his heirs to build a small church in honor of S. Rocco "alla ponta di Clusane". The church was built, together with the house for the chaplain, in the first half of the 16th century. Today the church is preserved in excellent condition and contains an altarpiece from the 16th century depicting S. Rocco showing the plague, the dog with bread and an apparition of the Madonna with saints.
  • 5 Pot to dye the nets, Lakeside. Once used by fishermen to dye their nets using the peels of chestnuts, today it is a monument that reminds tourists of the close link between the town and the lake. Even if the number of fishermen has drastically reduced, still today fishing is an activity that characterizes Clusane, where it is also possible to buy freshly caught lake fish.

Events and parties

Dinner on the lakefront (2015)
View of Clusane from the landing stage
  • Cross of the bogs (5th edition). Simple icon time.svg26-01-2014. MtB race
  • Clusane Carnival. Simple icon time.svgCarnival Sunday. Parade of allegorical floats and masks through the streets of the town. The departure takes place at 2.30 pm from Piazzale Refidim, while the arrival is on Lungolago C. Capponi. The festival, after a 5-year break, reached its XXIX edition in 2015.
  • 4 Fried fish festival. Simple icon time.svgbeginning of May. Sale of fried lake fish on the lakeside.
  • 5 ClusaGnarinFest, Via Marshal Luigi Di Bernardo (c / o the oratory of San Giovanni Bosco). Simple icon time.svgend of June. Village festival organized by the oratory with food stands, concerts and live shows.
  • 6 At the water's edge (on the lakefront). Simple icon time.svgWeekend in spring-summer.. Vintage and artistic crafts markets on the lakefront. There is also a play area for the little ones.
  • 7 Dinner on the lakefront. Ecb copyright.svg30€. Simple icon time.svgJune. The restaurants belonging to the OTC (Clusanesi Tourist Operators) organize a dinner by the lake (Sul Lungolago Capponi) based on lake fish. Reservation is mandatory.
  • Baked tench week. Simple icon time.svgThird week of July. Every year during the third week of July the restaurants participating in theOTC they offer a menu having as a main course baked tench with polenta (typical dish of the country).
  • 8 Musical evening. Simple icon time.svgAugust 15. Every year in August it is possible to wait for the fireworks (of Iseo, but also visible from Clusane) on the lakeside accompanied by live shows.
  • Naecc Championship - Remo del Sebino. Simple icon time.svgJuly. race of Naecc, typical boats of Lake Iseo.
  • Clusane Culture Week. Simple icon time.svgSeptember. Markets, art exhibitions and theatrical performances at the lakefront and the old church.
  • 9 The Castagnata. Simple icon time.svgOctober. During this event it is possible to taste excellent roasted chestnuts (chestnuts cooked on the fire) on the lakefront.
  • Show nativity scenes, c / o old church. Ecb copyright.svgFree Entrance. Simple icon time.svgEvery year over the Christmas period.


The weekly market is held every Saturday morning in the car park in front of the UBI Bank.

What to do

View from the Belvedere on Lake Iseo

During the summer it is possible to swim in the lake or at the establishment 1 Origami, Via Risorgimento 136, 39 0309829100, @. Ecb copyright.svg7 € during the week, 9 € at the weekend. The price includes a deck chair until exhaustion. Simple icon time.svgOpen from 9. The beach also has a restaurant;

From Clusane it is possible to reach Roe deer on foot passing through Monte Alto. The route is slightly uphill in the first part and after three quarters of an hour (even less if you have a good pace) you reach the 3 meadows of Belvedere. where today the vineyards of the winery are located Ca 'Del Bosco. Once in the meadows, turning right, it is possible to reach in less than 10 minutes some beautiful panoramic points: both on the Lake Iseo than on Franciacorta (from the 4 Horn. it is said that on clearer days it is possible to see up to Milan). For info visit the page on the Paths of Lake Iseo.


In Clusane there are not many shops, the main and most suggestive are:

  • 1 Lake Iseo Fishermen Cooperative, Via Porto. Where you can buy freshly caught fish from the lake.
  • 2 Stefini butcher, Via Risorgimento 12, 39 030989036. Butcher shop where it is also possible to buy meat from the owners' farm located on the mountain of Clusane. The butcher also sells pickles and products in oil.
  • 3 Fratelli Bosio bakery, Via Risorgimento 42, 39 030 98 90 76. Bakery where you can buy fresh bread every day, but also food and fresh products.
  • 4 Monte Alto Franciacorta farm, Via Luigi di Bernardo, 98 (in front of the cemetery), 39 340 9862516 (David), 39 347 8693294 (Alberto), @. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8-18; other times by appointment. Agricultural company that produces red wines, such as Barbera IGT Sebino, white wines, such as Curtefranca DOC and sparkling wines such as Franciacorta DOCG. At the cellar you can buy the wines produced on site.

How to have fun

Old church - front view


Concerts or shows are periodically organized in the auditorium of the old church of Clusane music wave festival also includes concerts in Clusane.

Night clubs

In Clusane there is only one real nightclub:5 Origami, Via Risorgimento 136, 39 0309829100, @. Ecb copyright.svgA swimming pool during the day, a night club at night. In winter it is possible to stay in the two internal rooms, in summer also in the park by the lake..

Where to eat

Moderate prices

Baked Tench
Dried sardines on the landing stage

Average prices

High prices

In addition to the restaurants and pizzerias listed above, in Clusane there are also the restaurants of the hotels listed below.

Where stay

Moderate prices

Glimpse of the lake
Carmagnola Castle

Average prices

High prices


The nearest police station and hospital are those ofIseo.

General practitioners' clinics are located on the lakefront.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 10 Clusane Post Office, Via Giovanni Pascoli 52, 39 0309829126, fax: 39 0309898045. Simple icon time.svgopen every day except Sunday from 8.20 to 13.45 (on Saturdays it closes at 12.45). In the months of July and August the office will remain open (with the same hours) only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. (The week of August 15th is an exception) For info



Clusane is located on the cycling route Paratico-Brescia about 30 km long. You can then reach Brescia in about 2 and a half hours. Other towns connected by the route are:

Roads that pass through Clusane
IseoCremignane IS Provincial Road 12 Italia.svg OR Paratico

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Clusane
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Clusane
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).