Franciacorta - Franciacorta

A Franciacorta vine
Franciacorta - Location
Tourism site
Institutional website

Franciacorta is a sub-region belonging to the Lombardy.

To know

Franciacorta is a hilly area located between Brescia and the southern end of the Lake Iseo.

Geographical notes

Franciacorta is bordered on three sides by natural borders: to the north by Lake Iseo, to the south from Monte Orfano, which has a maximum height of 451 m a.s.l. and to the west by the Oglio river.

The territory, mostly hilly, is dotted with woods and numerous vineyards that characterize its peculiarity.

When to go

If you want to attend (or want to participate) in the grape harvest, the best month to visit Franciacorta is September.

N.B .: depending on the temperature and the amount of rain that fell during the summer, the harvest could be anticipated or postponed.


According to an ancient legend, Charlemagne settled in 774 with his camp in Rodengo Saiano and since he had to celebrate the feast of St. Dionysius (which had to be celebrated in France), he called this area "Little France" from which Franciacorta since the appearance of the place reminded him of that of France.

Spoken languages

In addition to the local dialects, the only language spoken is Italian.

Culture and traditions

Free wifi connections are available in the municipalities of Iseo, Coccaglio, Corte Franca, Gussago, Palazzolo sull'Oglio is Rovato.

Territories and tourist destinations

Map divided by regions

Urban centers

The main tourist destinations of Franciacorta are:

  • Bornato - Ancient village in the municipality of Cazzago San Martino which preserves a singular example of a Renaissance palace built within the walls of a medieval castle and surrounded by vineyards.
  • Clusane - a fishing village known as the village of baked tench, it has a fifteenth-century castle (Castello Carmagnola) from which you can have a splendid view of the lake. Of particular interest is the cycle path that connects the town with Brescia passing through the vineyards of Franciacorta.
  • Corte Franca - Divided into small villages surrounded by vineyards, the municipality of Corte Franca is also home to numerous historic villas such as Palazzo Monti della Corte, which hosted the Brescian patriot Tito Speri during the struggles of the Risorgimento, and Palazzo Torri.
  • Gussago - In eastern Franciacorta, Gussago hosts the Most Holy, a disused Dominican convent located on the top of the hill Barbisone. For over forty years, the last Sunday of the month has been held in the country Grape Festival with the parade of allegorical floats.
  • Iseo - small town on Lake Iseo, with a beautiful castle and a square with many historical buildings and monuments such as the first non-equestrian monument dedicated toHero of the two worlds, Giuseppe Garibaldi.
  • Monticelli Brusati - Small town known for the nature trail of the Waterfalls of Gaina.
  • Ome - This medieval village is home to the Terme di Franciacorta, an area that boasts a wealth of water but which binds its fame above all to the wealth of fine wines. In the village there is also a rich botanical garden.
  • Ospitaletto
  • Paderno Franciacorta
  • Palazzolo sull'Oglio - A city that has always been linked to the river Oglio, in the historic center there are numerous historical monuments such as the Torre del Popolo, the Castle, or Rocca Magna, and the Roman bridge with four arches.
  • Paratico - between Franciacorta and Lake Iseo, Paratico has a beautiful and long lakeside promenade that connects the hamlet of Tengattini to Sarnico. Dante Alighieri is said to have stayed in the castle of the town, now private and partly collapsed.
  • They pass - In the middle of Franciacorta, the town retains a beautiful medieval castle, unfortunately today private property.
  • Provaglio d'Iseo - Once penalized by the state road that passed through the town, today, thanks to the opening of the freeway, it cuts off the town, it has managed to discover its tourist streak thanks, above all, to Peat bogs and to the Monastery of S. Pietro in Lamosa.
  • Rodengo Saiano - In the town there are both places of cultural interest such as the Olivetana Abbey of San Nicola and of commercial interest such as the Franciacorta Outlet Village.
  • Rovato - City of Beef in oil, Rovato is an important Franciacortino center with a well-preserved historic center.

Other Franciacorta countries are: Adro, Roe deer, Calino, Cazzago San Martino, Cellatica, Coccaglio, Cologne ed Erbusco. The municipalities of Palazzolo sull'Oglio is Pontoglio they are not part of the Franciacorta consortium, but for tourism purposes they can be considered part of the territory of the region.

Other destinations

  • Torbiere del Sebino nature reserve - A marshy area that has become a natural oasis suitable for reproduction for various bird species. The ecological importance of this environment is such that it is also included in the list of Wetlands of International Importance protected by the Ramsar Convention, to which many European countries have adhered.

How to get

Glass of Franciacorta rosé DOCG

By plane

The closest airports to Iseo are the following:

By car

Outputs of theA4 motorway:

State roads that run through the territory are:

  • State Road 510
  • State Road 469
  • State Road 573

On boat

The boats of the Lake Iseo navigation serve Clusane is Iseo.

On the train

The region can be reached by train thanks to the line operated by Trenord Brescia-Iseo-Edolo. For information, rates and timetables consult the Trenord website. The countries where the stations of the line are located are (from north to south):

Cazzago San Martino is Rovato they are served by the branch Iseo-Rovato, always managed by Trenord.

By bus

For timetables and bus lines in Franciacorta consult The main lines operating in the area have their main terminus Palazzolo sull'Oglio, Clear, Iseo, Paratico is Brescia. The races are mostly school or commuter and are therefore concentrated in the hours of entry and exit from school and in the evening. On holidays and in summer the service is reduced.

How to get around

By bus

The network of public transport lines that serve the territory is quite widespread, but if you are not lucky enough to have a line that runs exactly the desired route, making changes could be complicated: often the timetables do not match and you could get lost. a coincidence for a few minutes.

By bike

The Franciacorta area is also easily accessible by bicycle. There are numerous marked paths, starting from the one that gives Clusane leads to the gates of Brescia. There are also numerous points where it is possible to rent bicycles, traditional or pedal assisted.

What see

1 Passirano Castle (They pass). Erected in 1100 to guarantee a refuge for the natives in case of attack. The castle has preserved on one side the ancient moat, round and square towers including the tower of the Specola which in the eighteenth century housed an astronomical observatory; the Ghibelline battlements can still be seen. It is private property.
Carmagnola Castle Clusane.JPG
2 Carmagnola Castle, Via Ponta, 2 (Clusane), @. Simple icon time.svgAfter the recent restoration, today the castle can be visited by appointment on the first Monday and the third Tuesday of each month. Dating back to the 14th century, it was built by the Oldofredi, feudal lords of Franciacorta and Lake Iseo. The leader Francesco Bussone known as "il Carmagnola" is believed to have lived in this place from 1428 to 1432.
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3 The Sebino peat bogs. Ecb copyright.svgAdmission fee for non-residents in the municipalities of iseo, Corte Franca is Provaglio d'Iseo. The ticket can be purchased in the parking meters located in the entrances of the reserve.. A natural area that originated from the peat extraction activity, it is located south of the southern bank of the Lake Iseo at 185 m s.l.m and constitutes the most important wetland for extension and ecological significance of the province of Brescia. Throughout the reserve there are marked trails, some of which can also be traveled by mountain bike. In the path that connects Timoline with Provaglio d'Iseo there are also stations where you can perform gymnastics. Fishing is allowed only in some areas of the reserve.
San Pietro in Lamosa entrance 20080803.jpg
4 Monastery of San Pietro in Lamosa, Via Sebina (Provaglio d'Iseo, close to the state road that leads to the lake), @. Simple icon time.svgFrom April to November: Sat, Sun and holidays 10: 00-12: 00 and 15: 00-18: 00; rest of the year: Sat, Sun and holidays 10: 00-12: 00 and 14: 00-17: 00. The first nucleus of the monastery, a small church, was built in the year one thousand and, in 1083, it was donated to the Cluniac order. The church became one of the 1300 monasteries of the order in Europe and remained so until 1535 when by decision of the Pope and the Doge it passed to a Brescia congregation of Canons Regular. During this period it was enriched with a Renaissance loggia. From the monastic complex, where numerous events are organized, you can enjoy a splendid view of the Torbiere del Sebino nature reserve.
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5 Olivetan Abbey of San Nicola, Via Brescia, 83 (Rodengo Saiano). The abbey was built by the Cluniac monks towards the middle of the 11th century. In 1446, at the behest of Pope Eugene IV, the primitive abbey was entrusted to the Olivetans. As early as 1450, the decision was taken to rebuild the abbey complex, starting with the church of San Nicola, entirely rebuilt in the place where the old Cluniac church stood. The project for the expansion of the architectural structures soon also involved the construction of the western cloister and the large cloister, (later rebuilt in 1560-70, with the expansion of the upper floors), and progressively affected the entire monastery. The Olivetan priors immediately showed themselves aware of the importance of the action undertaken and were careful to avail themselves of the collaboration of the most important Brescian artists such as Romanino and Moretto.
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6 Oldofredi Castle (inside which there is the municipal library and the museum of the two wars), Via Castello Oldofredi. Originally built in the 11th century, after being burned by Barbarossa, it was restored in 1611 by the Oldofredi family, from which it takes its name. In 1454 it was used as a military garrison. In 1454 the castle became the property of the municipality which entrusted it to the Capuchins until the end of the 18th century. In the museum of the two wars, equipment materials used by the armies that faced each other during the First and Second World Wars are preserved. Of particular interest are the collections of uniforms, helmets, hand grenades, artillery shells, trench shields and reticulated pliers.

What to do

Bottle and glass of Franciacorta DOCG

It is possible to follow the itineraries of the Franciacorta Wine Route. On the territory there are numerous signs indicating the route of the various itineraries.

For nature lovers, interesting is the 1 Path of the Gaina waterfalls to Monticelli Brusati. The route consists of several paths: one that follows the path of the path and the stream, the other in the woods. Dress in comfortable clothing and take into account that if it has rained recently, there will be mud on the route.

Regarding sports: a Rovato, Corte Franca, Provaglio d'Iseo, Clusane is Iseo there are swimming pools. Those of Iseo and Clusane also have a park by the lake; to Nigoline Bonomelli (Corte Franca) you can play golf at the 2 Franciacorta Golf Club.


In Franciacorta there are a number of events often centered on the wine produced there.

How to have fun


In addition to the cinemas of the shopping centers listed above, in Franciacorta there are also the following cinemas and theaters:

At the table

Baked Tench

Restaurants can be found in all the towns of Franciacorta. Typical dishes are the baked tench to Clusane and the beef in oil to Rovato (both are dedicated to festivals, visit the respective country pages for more information).

Tourist infrastructure

The highest density of accommodation facilities is in the countries of Clusane and of Iseo, but almost every municipality has at least one hotel and / or a bed and breakfast.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Franciacorta
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Franciacorta
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