Snow head - Schneekopf

Tower duo in the summit area: the transmission tower on the left and the observation tower on the right.
View of the summit during the ascent. The Neue Gehlberger Hütte can be seen in front, directly behind the transmission tower and to the left of it the new Schneekopfturm (observation tower). The little house on the far left is probably an operating station (possibly for electricity).

The Snow head is the second highest mountain in the Thuringian Forest. The mountain peak is one of the most beautiful viewpoints in Thuringia and is accordingly visited a lot. In 2008 the mountain with the new observation tower became the highest point in Thuringia. The glazed viewing platform is at 1001 m. Since 2010, it has been possible to stop in the new Gehlberger Hütte directly at the top of the mountain and spend the night. Politically, the mountain belongs to the municipality Gehlberg.

Incidentally, the highest point of the Thuringian Forest is the nearby Beerberg at 982.9 m. There is a raised bog on the wooded mountain. The nature reserve in the summit area may not be entered. On the Rennsteig, however, there is a lookout point with a view Suhl.


Cornerstones of the mountain history:

  • 1540 - The Schneekopf is mentioned in a document for the first time.
  • September 7, 1780 - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe visits the mountain. At Charlotte von Stein he wrote: "The view from the Schneekopf is beautiful - I am delighted with the wide views that open up to me"
  • 1824 - The first wooden observation tower is built.
  • 1852 - A stone lookout tower is built. It reaches up to an altitude of 1000 m.
  • 1938 - The German armed forces are setting up on the mountain.
  • 1945 - American troops destroy the Wehrmacht's facilities
  • 1960 - Cold War: The mountain becomes a restricted area. The Soviet Army is building radar stations on the mountain. An important listening post of the Eastern Bloc against NATO arises at the summit.
  • 1970 - The Soviet Army blows up the lookout tower from 1852.
  • 1990 - Parts of the mountain will be released to the public again.
  • June 15, 1994 - The Soviet Army is finally withdrawing from the mountain. The extensive renaturation of the mountain top begins.
  • 2007 - Construction of the new lookout tower and a new hostel on the summit.
  • 2008 - With the new lookout tower and the New Gehlberger Hut, which opened in 2010, the mountain was further upgraded. While up to 72,000 people have already visited the mountain each year, they are now hoping for up to 100,000 guests per year at the Schneekopf.
  • 2010 - The Neue Gehlberger Hütte was opened.
Panorama: You can scroll the picture horizontally.
Panoramic view in north direction: Oberhof can be seen in the center of the picture. To the left of this on the horizon lies the Great Island Mountain in the haze layer (around the end of the left third of the image). On the right at the Schneekopf you can enjoy the winter dream.
Image: Pano_schneekopf_nordblick_ds_wv_12_2008.jpg
Panoramic view in north direction: in the center of the picture is Oberhof to see. To the left of it on the horizon lies the in the haze Great Island Mountain (approximately at the end of the left third of the picture). On the right at the Schneekopf you can enjoy the winter dream.

getting there

Location map of Thuringia
Snow head
Snow head

By plane

  • Next airport is Erfurt Located approx. 50 km to the north.

By train

The next train station is Zella Mehlis. In addition to trains of the Südthüringenbahn, regional express trains on the Erfurt - Schweinfurt - Würzburg route also stop here.

From the train station, take the Oberhof local bus to the "Rondell am Rennsteig" stop. Here you get on the Rennsteig bus (Timetable) In the direction of Schmiedefeld. You leave the bus in Schmücke. From here you walk about 2 km to the summit of the Schneekopf.

In order to find the bus stop in Schmücke in the timetable information of the Deutsche Bahn, you have to go to "Schmücke Gasthaus, Gehlberg" enter

If you want, you can leave the Rennsteig bus at the "Suhler Ausspanne" stop and visit the lookout point on the Großer Beerberg on the way to the Schneekopf (route then approx. 3 km one way).

In the street

  • From the north - Leave the Thuringian Forest Autobahn at the Gräfenroda junction. The "Schneekopf" car park is reached via Graefenroda, Gehlberg and Schmücke.
  • From the south - Leave the Thuringian Forest Autobahn at the Oberhof junction. Drive up the former federal highway 247 to the Rennsteig at the roundabout. Turn right here into the road to Schmiedefeld (the Schneekopf is already signposted here with a brown sign).

On foot / by ski

Of course, the Schneekopf is also a popular hiking destination. From the well-known high-altitude hiking trail Rennsteig the detour to the Schneekopf summit is just about 1.5 km long.

If you arrive by train and are in some condition, you can easily start the day hike to the Schneekopf from the Oberhof and Gehlberg train stations. Im freely accessible, under "Mobility" linked hiking map section both stations are still shown. The hiking route given below can also be found on the map.

It lends itself z. B. a route hike from Oberhof train station over the Beerberg (Pläckner's view) to the Schneekopf. From here you can descend past the Teufelskanzel (rock cliff with a viewpoint) to Gehlberg train station (suggested route with a total of around 11.5 to 12 km at around 400 meters of altitude, sturdy shoes are necessary):

  • Leisurely ascent from Oberhof train station (640 m) along the raft ditch over the Suhler Ausspanne to Pläckner's view on the Beerberg (970 m): about 4.5 km with 330 meters of altitude
  • Crossing on the Rennsteig from the Großer Beerberg to the Schneekopf (978 m): about 3.3 km with about 50 vertical meters downhill and again 60 vertical meters uphill.
  • Steep descent from Schneekopf (978 m) down to Gehlberg train station (600 m). There are various path connections here. The shortest, but also the steepest, goes over near-natural mountain trails past the Teufelskanzel (rock cliff with a lookout pulpit) and down the Rätherweg to the Gehlberg train station (then about 3.5 km downhill at an altitude of 380 meters). However, this short connection is not suitable for prams. If you like steep climbs, the hike should be done the other way around.

The Schneekopf is open in winter groomed ski trails Also easily accessible in the Rennsteig area. Hiking maps (including a winter sports map) are in the section "Literature" listed. But from Oberhof train station there is no direct trail Direction Schneekopf or Rennsteig. Here you first have to take the Oberhof local bus towards Rondell uphill.


The "Schneekopf" car park is located on the road from Oberhof to Schmiedefeld at an altitude of over 900 m. From here you walk about 1.5 km to the mountain top. On the main day of visiting in winter, the parking lot is chargeable (€ 3 per day, which is paid to a car park attendant). On the main days of the visit, however, the parking facilities can be exhausted.

Alternative parking spaces can be found in Schmücke and on Großer Beerberg (parking fee also € 3 per day).

Quite a detailed one hiking map of the Gehlberg-Schneekopf area can be downloaded here as PDF document download. The Oberhof and Gehlberg train stations are also included at the top of the map. If you would like to have the entire card in paper form, you can order it in advance from Verlag Grünes Herz acquire. Of course, the local tourist information offices also keep the map on site.

Tourist Attractions


The Schneekopfturm with a glazed pulpit and climbing wall on the outside

In June 2008 the newly built lookout tower was opened on the mountain. The opening was made by Thuringia's Prime Minister Dieter Althaus. The tower turns the mountain into a "one-thousand-meter". The glazed viewing platform (without elevator) is located at 1001 m and 12.5 cm above sea level. In the tower, boards provide information about the Vessetal biosphere reserve to which the Schneekopf belongs. A climbing wall was installed on the outside of the tower (Info about the climbing wall).

As a future plan for the tower, there is still the idea of ​​adding a solar crystal to the tower (see also Representation in the film - The film is accompanied by folk music about the Schneekopf).

  • Entry: 3 € During visiting times, you can buy the entrance fee directly from the tower warden. He also sells postcards as well as a Schneekopf T-shirt. Incidentally, you can drop the postcards in the mailbox in the tower foyer. Post posted here will be canceled with a special cancellation from the Schneekopf.
  • Opening hours: MO. closed, TUE. - SO. from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (as of 07/2017)
  • further information: extensive information about the building and the interactive 360-degree HD panorama camera [1] on the tower are under to find. The panorama camera has been on the tower since August 2015.

Panoramic view

View from the Schneekopf to Oberhof.

Even without climbing the observation tower, one has one of the most beautiful panoramic views in the Thuringian Forest from the treeless summit. In the north is Oberhof as well as on the horizon of Great island mountain to recognize. With very good visibility you can even go up to Chunks in the resin watch. In the southwest, with good visibility, is the Rhön to see. Another interesting motif in the northern vicinity is the concrete arch bridge of the Thuringian forest motorway over the Wilde Gera, only about 5.5 kilometers away.


  • hike
  • Enjoy the view - There are benches in the summit area. But wrap yourself up warm, especially on winter days, as there is usually a fresh wind blowing on the free hilltop.
  • Climb - The walls of the new Schneekopfturm were provided with a climbing wall. Climbing courses are offered. Independent climbing for experienced people is also possible by arrangement. further information:

Winter sports

  • Sledding - The steep summit is partly used by visitors for tobogganing.
  • Nordic skiing - Ski hiking trails are groomed around the Schneekopf depending on the snow depth. Those who are in good physical condition can, for example, go on a day ski tour from Oberhof over the Rennsteig to the Schneekopf (distance about 12.5 km easy; a description of the tour is here in the article Oberhof to find).
  • Alpine skiing - There are no winter sports opportunities for alpinists on the mountain. In the near Decorate but there is a small ski slope that particularly attracts families. Larger lifts can be found in Gehlberg. A longer descent with an alpine character and chairlift suggests that Oberhof ready.
There are plans for an alpine ski area on the Schneekopf with up to 12 km of slopes and 6 lifts. [1] In the feasibility study, a monocable gondola in 2 sections is even suggested, which should open up the mountain from the valley in the area of ​​the Gehlberg train station. [2] The project is rejected by nature conservation associations, as nature reserves and drinking water protection zones can be found on the intended area.[3] However, due to the nature conservation problem and funding programs that are about to expire, it has become very unlikely that the plans will be implemented. [4]


You can stop off at the new Gehlberger Hütte. There is a nice dining room with 50 seats, but its capacity can be exhausted when there is a lot of activity on beautiful winter days.

The prices of the meals are in the normal range. An excerpt from the menu can be found here (without prices).

Opening times: MON - FRI 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., SAT, SUN 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. (as of 09-2015)


  • Doesn't exist on the mountain.


View of the "center" of Schmücke
  • In the new Gehlberger hut It is possible to stay overnight directly on the mountain (for up to 30 people spread over three dormitories or in a guest room). The rustic wooden structure has the flair of an alpine mountain hut. · Further information: Side of the hut
  • 1.5 km south of the Schneekopf directly on the Rennsteig is the "Suhler Hütte" hiking hostel. The hut belongs to the Suhl branch of the Thuringian Forest Association. You can spend the night in simple hiking quarters.
  • This is 2 km southeast of the mountain Waldhotel Schmücke, which can also be used for the night (80 beds).
  • The next resort with cheap accommodation is Gehlbergwhich is about 4 km north of the mountain.
  • 8 km to the northwest is the well-known Winter sports center Oberhof, which has about 3500 guest beds ready (higher prices than in Gehlberg, but you can also find cheap offers here if you are looking for something).


Fantastic winter sun - sunglasses and cream are of course a must

Don't forget your sunglasses and sunscreen, especially on clear days in winter. Because of the snow and the sun, everything looks bright white. Sunglasses are of course also useful in summer. Due to the intense radiation, you can quickly get sunburn on a clear day. Therefore it is essential to apply lotion well.

In winter there is often a cold wind whistling over the summit. So wrap up warm.

Practical advice

  • Tourist Office Gehlberg e. V., Hauptstrasse 41, 98559 Gehlberg. Tel.: (0)36845 50500, Fax: (0)36845 50500. Open: Opening times: Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Cell phone reception is possible on the mountain.


Air monitoring station of the Federal Environment Agency. The weather is also monitored here.

The Federal Environment Agency operates an air monitoring station south of the mountain at an altitude of 937 m. The station is on the road towards Schmücke. The weather is also monitored here. The station established in 1991 is the reference measuring point for the German low mountain range in the air measuring network of the Federal Environment Agency (for more information see Station page of the Federal Environment Agency).

Weather forecast

  • Forecast jewelry for up to 6 days in advance on Weather Online The 3-day forecast appears. A trend for up to 6 days in advance can be obtained by clicking on "Trend" in the table below. The current values ​​for jewelry can be obtained by clicking on "current weather" in the 2nd line of the table.
  • Estimation of the new snow depth: On the near one Weather station "Oberhof" from Meteomedia AG, a 4-day forecast with a precise precipitation forecast can be viewed. You can calculate the expected fresh snow from the forecast yourself. Rule of thumb: 1 mm of precipitation results in about 1 cm of cardboard snow (at temperatures around 0 degrees Celsius). Powder snow usually falls at lower temperatures. Here, 1 mm of precipitation results in roughly 1 - 2 cm snow depth.


  • Hike over the Rennsteig to Pläckner's view at the Großer Beerberg (from the Schneekopf car park on the Landstrasse approx. 1.8 km one way).
Panorama: You can scroll the picture horizontally.
Winter dream at the Pläckner view on the Rennsteig. The viewpoint at 970 m on the Großer Beerberg is one of the most famous valley views on the Rennsteig. In winter, the hiking trail serves as a cross-country ski run.
Image: Thueringer_wald_pano_plaeckners_aussicht_wv_ds12_2008.jpg
Winter dream at the Pläckner view on the Rennsteig. The viewpoint at 970 m above sea level on the Großer Beerberg is one of the most famous valley views on the Rennsteig. In winter, the hiking trail serves as a cross-country ski run.


  • Hiking map "Gehlberg - Graefenroda". Scale: 1:30.000. Green heart, ISBN 978-3-929993-05-9 . 4.10 euros
  • Hiking map "WM Ferienregion Oberhof". Scale: 1:35.00. Green heart, ISBN 978-3-86636-002-0 . 4 euros
  • For Nordic skiing: "Winter card WM Ferienregion Oberhof". Scale: 1:35.000. Green heart, ISBN 978-3-935621-26-7 . 3 Euro

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Message "Politicians on the plans for a winter sports center below the Schneekopf" on the Page of the Thuringian General dated 08/28/11 (accessed on 02/08/2012).
  2. Feasibility study "Schneekopfbahnen am Schneekopf in the Thuringian Forest" from 09/30/2010 on the side of the Thuringian Forest Nature Park (accessed on February 8, 2011)
  3. Message from the MDR Thuringia "Ski plans at the Schneekopf continue to cause controversy"of October 10, 2011 (accessed on February 8, 2011).
  4. Report "End for the alpine park around the Schneekopf"on from 02.09.10 (accessed on 08.02.2012).
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