Siddi - Siddi

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Siddi is a center of the Sardinia in province of Southern Sardinia.

To know

Geographical notes

Siddi is located in Marmilla and borders on Baressa (Oristano), Collinas, Skirt (Oristano), Gonnostramatza (Oristano), Lunamatrona, Pauli Arbarei is Ussaramanna.


Church of the Beata Vergine delle Grazie

The most ancient evidence of human presence in the territory of Siddi is attested by a fragment of a lithic ring found on the surface on the jar of Siddi (near the tomb of giants sa Domu 'e s'Orcu), and referred to the Middle Neolithic. A domus de janas, discovered in 1983 on the outskirts of the town, in a place called Scaba 'e Arriu, dates back to a short time later. It is a vertical burial with entrance corridor, anteroom and hypogeic cell, built by people of the culture of Ozieri (Recent Neolithic). This was then reused in later times also by men of the cultures of Abealzu-Filigosa and Monte Claro (Eneolithic).

But it is above all from the Nuragic period that the countryside of Siddi preserves the greatest testimonies. In fact, in its countryside today the ruins of several nuragic villages are preserved (Bruncu 'e Forru, Pajo Figu, Arroccas de Codinas), the remains of 18 nuraghi (16 of these are located on the basaltic plateau, the others in places called Santa Barbara and Pajo Figu), and also a tomb of giants. Of the nuraghi erected above the jar (all positioned on the overhanging edges), some show a simple plan (eg. Molas, su Pardu, sa Gruxi), others, however, a much more complex plant (eg. Concali, Conca Sa Cresia and the very interesting corridor nuraghe sa Fogaia). However, the most important Siddese Nuragic monument remains the majestic tomb of giants sa Domu 'e s'Orcu, one of the most extraordinary examples of Nuragic funerary architecture on the island for the state of conservation and monumentality of the construction. Also built on the plateau (on the north-west side), it is of the type with a "row" structure and can be dated to the Middle Bronze Age (about 1500-1300 BC).

The Punic presence in the territory of Siddi is instead evidenced by the discovery of settlement remains, ceramic fragments (including a fragment of a bowl with illegible writing in Neo-Punic characters found at the tomb of giants Sa Domu de s'Orcu) and various coins (8 come from a treasure found in the countryside of the town in 1946, in a place called Tradoriu). The findings of some late Republican and Imperial burials (locality Is Arroccas de Codinas, Is Orfanas), some towns (locality Cuccuru Bingias, Sitzamus and Tradoriu), the remaining coins of the treasure just indicated (1 of Republican era, 45 Imperial era), fine tableware ceramics (both republican and imperial). A bronze belt buckle, found in the locality of Is Orfanas, is also from the Byzantine period and can be dated to around the 7th century. It has a complex decoration, in which we can see spiral-shaped motifs, plant elements, a bird and a quadruped.

There is no certain information on the birth of Siddi, who however may have originated in the Roman Age. Its first documentary attestation known to date dates back to the Middle Ages, and precisely to the years 1346-1350. These are documents from the Vatican archives concerning the tithing collections in Sardinia for the years 1346-1350 and 1357-1359. In these documents the town of Siddi is indicated several times with the name Silli. The town reappears among the papers also in 1368, when it was granted as a fief by the Aragonese sovereign Pietro IV the Ceremonious to a citizen of Cagliari, a certain Michele Merlot. However, Merlot will never be able to take possession of it, since during this period the country will always belong to the Giudicato of Arborea. Again, Siddi is mentioned in the famous peace document stipulated on 24 January 1388 between Eleonora d'Arborea (for the Giudicato of Arborea) and Giovanni I il Cacciatore (for the kingdom of Aragon), as one of the countries belonging to the Arborense Giudicato. .

During the Middle Ages Siddi was part of the Giudicato of Arborea, inserted within the curatoria called di Marmilla. In 1409, shortly before the "de facto" fall of the Giudicato of Arborea (which occurred in 1410 with the surrender of Oristano to the Catalan-Aragonese), the territories of Marmilla (and Siddi with them) were transformed by the Aragonese into a barony and granted as a fief ( or perhaps ruled by royal officials until 1419).

Between 1409 and 1419 the situation in Marmilla was quite confused, and its territories coveted by various contenders. In fact, in July 1409, shortly before his death, Martin the Elder King of Aragon granted the Marmilla as a fief to Garcia de Ferrera (except for some villages - Villamar, Gesturi and Tuili - granted to Gherardo Dedoni). At this point Berengario Carroz, count of Quirra, also aspiring to seize these same territories (which he had occupied militarily from the time of the battle of Sanluri, that is from June 1409), taking advantage of the confusion created after the death of King Martin, did not want to hand over the Marmilla to the new feudal lords, also taking advantage of the fact that Garcia de Ferrera died without heirs a few months after receiving the concession. To these circumstances we must add the entry on the scene of Leonardo Cubello, Marquis of Oristano, who in 1416 proposed to the Crown the purchase of the baronies of Marmilla and Monreale for the sum of 25,000 florins. The parties even reached the signing of a contract which, however, did not succeed. After a few years, in 1419 the then Aragonese sovereign, Alfonso V il Magnanimo, once again granted in fief the baronies of Marmilla and Monreale (and for a certain period also the lordship of Bosa) to Guglielmo Raimondo de Moncada (or Montecateno), for repay him for the activities carried out in his favor. In the following decades the barony of Marmilla (united in its destiny to that of Monreale), after being confiscated in 1454 from the son of the deceased Moncada, was immediately sold at auction to Simone Royg, who, in the same 1454, resold it to Pietro Besalù, who, however, in 1464 had not yet managed to pay the agreed sum. The count of Quirra Giacomo, brother-in-law of Besalù, had to intervene to resolve the issue, and indemnified Royg. Subsequently, Giacomo died in 1469, Violante Carroz, her daughter and heir, was forced to marry her cousin Dalmazio Carroz, son of the viceroy of Sardinia Nicolò, who, having thus become count of Quirra, invaded the barony of Marmilla forcing his brother-in-law Besalù to make a transaction (in 1477), according to which the fiefdom became part of the great county of Quirra.

The barony of Marmilla (and consequently also Siddi) thus remained within the county of Quirra (which became a marquisate in 1603), through various passages, until 14 December 1839 when, like all the other island fiefs in those years, also the Marquisate of Quirra was redeemed by the Savoy State for the sum of 18,215 Sardinian lire. After the redemption Siddi was included in the province of Isili from 1848, then from 1859 in that of Cagliari, within the Lunamatrona district. The town remained an autonomous municipality until 1927, when it was aggregated to the municipality of Lunamatrona. Remained linked to this municipality for almost 20 years, Siddi returned to an autonomous municipality at the end of 1945 (D.L.L. 22 December, n.876).

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

From the following airports it is possible, thanks to several car rental companies present, to rent a car to reach Siddi.

By car

Take the SS 131 Carlo Felice and continue to the "Ales-Collinas" exit, then exit here. At the first roundabout you will meet, continue straight, while at the second roundabout, continue right to Siddi.

On boat

From the ports of Cagliari, Porto Torres, Olbia-Isola Bianca e Golfo Aranci.

By bus

How to get around

What see


  • 1 Church of San Michele Arcangelo. Church of San Michele (Siddi) on Wikipedia church of San Michele (Q3671247) on Wikidata
  • 2 Church of the Beata Vergine delle Grazie.


Archaeological sites

Tomb of the giants of Sa Domu 'e S'Orcu
Nuraghe Sa Fogaia
  • 5 Tomb of the giants of Sa Domu 'e S'Orcu. Tomb of the giants of Sa Domu 'e S'Orcu on Wikipedia tomb of the giants of Sa Domu 'e S'Orcu (Q1801594) on Wikidata
  • 6 Nuraghe Sa Fogaia. nuraghe Sa Fogaia (Q15841096) on Wikidata

Places of naturalistic interest

  • 7 Sa Fogaia Park, 39 070 939888, 39 347 5116787, fax: 39 070 939888, @. Ecb copyright.svgFull: € 2.00; Reduced (children aged 6 to 12, groups and school groups of at least 20 people and over 65): € 1.00; Guided tours for 20 people: € 20.00; Guided tours over 20 people; € 1.00 per person; Free for children up to 5 years, accompanying persons of groups and school groups and disabled people.. Simple icon time.svgMarch-September: Tue-Fri 10: 00-16: 00, Sat-Sun and holidays 10: 00-18: 00; October-February: Sat-Sun and holidays 10: 00-16: 00,. Naturalistic-archaeological area.

Events and parties

Our Lady of Grace "Sa Gloriosa"
  • Saint Anthony of Padua. Simple icon time.svgJune 13.
  • Our Lady of Grace "Sa Gloriosa". Simple icon time.svg2nd of July. Patronal feast.
  • Appetizingly. Simple icon time.svgBetween late July and early August. Regional food festival.
  • Archangel Michael. Simple icon time.svgSeptember 29.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Moderate prices


How to keep in touch

Post office


Nuraghe Genna Maria
Giovanni Pusceddu naturalistic museum (aerial photo)
  • 5 Sardara
  • 6 Nuraghe Genna Maria (TO Villanovaforru). Ecb copyright.svgFull: € 3.00; reduced € 2.50 (compulsory students, groups of at least 20 people, people over 65); cumulative ticket for the entire museum and archaeological park: € 6.00; reduced cumulative ticket museum and archaeological park: € 5.00 (compulsory students, groups of at least 20 people, people over 65); free for children under 6 years, 1 companion for groups of at least 20 people.. Simple icon time.svgNov-Jan: Tue-Sun 14: 30-17: 00; Feb, Mar and Oct: Tue-Sun 15: 30-18: 00; Apr-Sep: Tue-Sun 15: 30-19: 00. Nuraghe Genna Maria on Wikipedia nuraghe Genna Maria (Q994358) on Wikidata
  • 7 Sa Corona Arrubia Territory Museum (Giovanni Pusceddu naturalistic museum), Spinarba locality, Lunamatrona - Collinas road (In the municipal area of Lunamatrona), 39 070 9341009, fax: 39 070 9341135, @. Ecb copyright.svgFull: € 6.00; reduced € 4.00 (children between 6 and 12 years, over 65, booked groups of min. 20 people); family ticket: € 15.00 (two parents with two children or one parent with three children); free for children under 6, the handicapped and their companion.. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 9: 00-19: 00. Naturalistic Museum.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Siddi
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Siddi
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