They pull - Tirano

Bernina Railway to Tirano
Name inhabitants
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Map of Italy
Tourism site
Institutional website

Tirano is a city of Lombardy.

To know

Geographical notes

Town located about 2 km from the border with the Switzerland, is an important tourist center and meeting place for various communication routes.


Monument to Luigi Torelli

The discovery of prehistoric finds made it possible to establish that the area was already inhabited in very ancient times.

After having declared itself a free municipality in the 12th century, Tirano was subjected by the Capitanei, gentlemen of Stazzona.

In 1335 with the conquest by the Visconti, Tirano grew in importance.

Following repeated raids of the Grisons, Ludovico il Moro decided to have the walls and castle of Santa Maria built in 1487.During the 16th century the city grew in importance both for its strategic position and for the apparition of the Madonna to Blessed Mario Omodei who made Tirano a destination of religious pilgrimages. Always in religious dress, in the sixteenth century in the Valtellina town there were harsh clashes between Protestants and Catholics.

Tirano played an important role both during the Italian Risorgimento (we remember patriots such as Luigi Torelli, Ulisse Salis, Giovanni and Emilio Visconti Venosta) and during the first and second world wars.

How to orient yourself

For information on the town, contact:

  • Tourist Information Office, Station Square 18, 39 0342 706066, fax: 39 0342 706066, @. Simple icon time.svg: From 1st September to 31st May: from Monday to Saturday 9.30-12.30; 14.00-17.00; Holidays 10.00-12.30 / From 1 June to 31 August: from Monday to Saturday 9.00-17.00; Holidays 9.00-14.00. Skype: iat.tirano
  • Pro Loco, Piazza Cavour / L.go Pretorio, 39 0342 704630, fax: 39 0342 704630, @.

How to get

Rhaetian railway station

By car

The main thoroughfare in the region is the State Road 38 of the Stelvio.

On the train

The main railway line in the region is:

A map complete of the lines is available on the site

By bus

How to get around

What see

Sanctuary of the Madonna di Tirano
Facade of Palazzo Salis
  • 1 Tiranese Ethnographic Museum, Basilica Square 30, 39 0342 701181, @. Simple icon time.svgOpen on Saturdays from 10.00 to 12.00 and from 14.30 to 17.30.
  • 2 Sanctuary of the Madonna di Tirano, Basilica Square 1, 39 0342 701203, fax: 39 0342 711253, @. Simple icon time.svgEvery day: 07.00-12.15; 14.30-19.00. May: open all day on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. From June to September open all day. The church was built between 1505 and 1513 following a miraculous apparition of the Virgin Mary to the blessed Mario Omodei. The church was designed by Tommaso Rodari. The interior is developed in three naves.
  • 3 Collegiate Church of San Martino. With a three-nave interior, the church is in the Renaissance style.
  • Church of Sant'Agostino. Small church with a single nave located in Palazzo Martinoni which was formerly its convent.
  • Oratory of San Pietro. Place of worship of medieval origin, it is known as oratory of San Pietro because in the past it was the seat of the disciplini. In fact, since the 17th century the oratory has been dedicated to San Filippo Neri. Important is the green stone portal and the altarpiece with San Filippo Neri by Francesco Piatti di Teglio.
  • Xenodochio of Santa Perpetua.
  • Xenodochio of San Romerio.
  • Church of San Rocco (Rasica).
  • 4 Salis Palace, Salis Square 3, 393400640653, @. Historic noble palace dating back to the seventeenth century; it was built at the behest of Giovanni Salis, governor of Valtellina. The building is characterized by a large façade with a late sixteenth-century layout with a splendid ashlar portal that incorporates the stylistic features dear to the Tuscan-Medici architecture, designed by Jacopo Barozzi known as "il Vignola". The interior has been partially transformed into a museum with 11 rooms that can be visited, with the courtyards and the Italian garden, with the aid of audio guides. Since 2018, a wing of the count's apartment, with 4 bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms, has been open to the public ( Giuseppe Garibaldi stayed in this palace.
  • San Michele Palace. Formerly known as hostaria granda, was the place where pilgrims could find rest. The palace also consists of a large garden with its porticoed sides.
  • Visconti Venosta Palace - Quadrio Curzio.
  • Merizzi Palace.
  • Parravicini Palace.
  • 5 Lambertenghi Gold House Museum, via Ligari 7, 39 0342 710262. Ecb copyright.svgfull € 6.00, € 5.00 FAI members. Probably built in the fifteenth century by the Lazzaroni family, the building changed ownership several times. Today inside the museum it is possible to admire evocative environments, the rich furnishings and the artistic collections that the Lambertenghi family has collected over the years.
  • Castle of S. Maria (Castellaccio). Built at the behest of Ludovico il Moro, over the centuries it had a more civil than military function. Its name derives from the fact that during its construction the Church of S. Maria and the adjoining hospital were demolished and / or incorporated.
  • Garden of Palazzo Arcari.
  • Pellegrino Park (Near the church of S. Perpetua, it can be reached from via Elvezia or from Piazza Basilica along a steep and suggestive path).

Events and parties

  • Carneval Vecc (carnival parade), Viale Italy. Simple icon time.svgfrom 2.00 pm. Parade of floats and masked groups.
  • Festival of the Chisciöi. Simple icon time.svg1-3 August 2014. Traditional appointment in which it is possible to taste the typical dish based on black flour and cheese.

What to do

Bernina railway

From Tirano starts the Bernina railway leading up to Sankt Moritz, in Switzerland. The railway, which offers breathtaking views in all seasons, has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

In Tirano it is also possible to practice many sports in the following facilities.


The weekly market is held on Thursday and Saturday from 8.30 to 13.00 near Piazza Unità d'Italia. The Thursday market is combined with the farmers' market.

How to have fun

Cinema theater mignon


In Tirano there is the Cinema theater Mignon, Piazza Marinoni 1, 39 0342 705 454. Simple icon time.svgTo consult the programming of films, cineforums and theatrical performances, visit the page specific site of the municipality.

Where to eat

Where stay

Average prices

High prices


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • Tirano Post Office, Via Bellotti 6, 39 0342 709011, fax: 39 0342 704613. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri: 8.20-13.35, Sat 8.20-12.35 For info

Another post office is located in the hamlet of Madonna of Tirano.


Many tourists pass through Tirano and Poschiavo (in Switzerland) to reach Livigno through the pass of the Forcola.


Useful information

Tourist information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Tirano
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Tirano
  • Collaborate on WikinewsWikinews contains current news on Tirano
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