Livigno - Livigno

Town center
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Livigno is a city of Lombardy, in Upper Valtellina.

To know

Livigno, nestled betweenEngadine and the high Valtellina, is located in an enchanting valley that stretches for 12 km. Between two chains of mountains that gently descend from 3,000 m to 1,800 m of the town, consisting of an uninterrupted series of wooden and stone houses.

Italian town in the province of Sondrio, Lombardy; is the second highest municipality in Italy.

Livigno is also known for being a pleasant tourist center frequented both in winter and in summer, this makes it one of the most important and well-equipped tourist resorts in the Alps which, with more than one hundred welcoming hotels, offers the visitor wonderful holidays in contact with nature and alpine tradition throughout the year, ideal for a holiday or a stay in full contact with nature.

The skiable area includes 115 km of slopes, with also slopes dedicated to snowboarding, and 32 ski lifts.

The locality is called the "Little Tibet" of Italy due to its high altitude and its dry and rigorous climate. It is in fact one of the coldest municipalities in Italy. Snow usually appears there in November and persists until May.

Geographical notes

Livigno is the northernmost municipality of the Lombardy, on the border with Switzerland. The Livigno valley extends for a few kilometers beyond the Alpine watershed.

Livigno is a town in the upper Valtellina located on a plateau at about 1,800 m asl, at the foot of the Livigno Alps. The town winds along the road that runs for over 15 km the entire valley crossed by the Spöl stream (Aqua Granda in Italian) which conveys its waters towards the Eno (Inn) and from this to the Danube. Livigno is therefore one of the Italian municipalities not belonging to Italian catchment areas.

Due to the peculiar situation of having in its national territory territories crossed by tributaries to the Danube basin, theItaly, according to the convention of Belgrade of 1948, has the right to participate in international conferences on the navigation of the Danube and Italian boats do not pay the navigation rights up to and including the Black Sea. The Spöl flows for half of its initial stretch in the Val di Livigno and for the other half it flows in theEngadine, in Switzerland. The dangerous passage of the Spöl in a very narrow, steep and steep valley between the two parts, the upper and the lower course, has historically been a very difficult access to the bottom of the valley for Livigno, explains the relative isolation that the Val di Livigno has suffered. in the past. The other two entrances are high altitude mountain passes.

When to go

The place is called the "Little Tibet" ofItaly due to its high altitude and its dry and rigorous climate. It is in fact one of the coldest municipalities in Italy.

Livigno's climate is typically alpine, with long, harsh winters and short, cool summers. During the most intense cold waves the thermometer can drop down to -28 ° C, during the hottest summer days the temperature generally does not exceed 23/24 ° C. In exceptional cases, 30 ° C was exceeded in Livigno.

Snow appears there in November and persists until May. There are also some exceptional cases in which it can snow in June or October.

Historical centres

In the 8th century the territory passed ownership from the abbey of Sant'Abbondio di Como to the Community of Bormio in exchange for a barrel of wine. Around 1300 the first historical elements of stable and organized residents are identified: they obtain from the neighboring Grisons the permission to sell their agricultural products on their markets, in exchange they obtain the authorization to import black powder and salt, exempt from the duties applied to other neighbors. Social, economic and political relations were prevalent towards the area of ​​the canton of Grisons rather than towards the owners of Bormio, with whom there was a permanent dispute. Geographical isolation conditioned every possibility of progress, well-being and cultural growth. Nonetheless, social relations were maintained with the Engadine valley also due to the greater ease of access: there were exchanges of money, through loans and deposits; health care in Livigno relied mainly on Swiss doctors because they were considered more experienced in the ailments and treatments in use at that time; the exchanges of goods took place between Livigno and the Engadine valley.

The wool produced by the many sheep raised in Livigno was transported to Tubre to sell to the merchants who supplied the wool mills of the Republic of Venice. The route was the Valle del Gallo, the Alpe del Gallo, the Giufplan and down the Val Monastero. Salt, black powder, potatoes and flour arrived from the same road, while cereals and wine arrived from Forcola, Val Poschiavo and Tirano. The transport took place with the "brozz" (two-wheeled wagon with animal traction) and with the "bast" (loading saddle for mules and horses). In 1600-1700 at various times the inhabitants of Livigno managed to obtain and maintain various forms of concessions and de facto autonomy, especially on the trade of goods free of duties, on the paths of travel and on the sources of purchase. Towards the end of the eighteenth century the Empire ofAustria officially recognized the autonomies and franchises of the Community of Livigno. In 1805 the Napoleonic Command of Morbegno officially recognized the Livigno franchises.

This decree was promptly reconfirmed by the Austrian Empire in 1818. From this last date the political activity of the Public Administration of Livigno began to protect its franchises, its import and export quotas free of duties. In the times of the Counter-Reformation Bormio was garrisoned by the Jesuits to defend Catholicism against the infiltration of Protestants and Livigno found itself in the middle, between the Swiss Protestants and the Jesuits of Bormio, with the complications of the case. In 1914 the Italian army built and opened the road connecting Bormio-Livigno. In 1960 a limited tourist movement began, but it was only after 1968, following the construction of the Gallo basin, that the road to the northern markets was made through the Tunnel Munt La Schera which in fact started the tourist development of the locality. . In 1960 it was obtained formal recognition by the EEC. For many decades a dispute went on between the provincial administrative authorities and the Livigno Healthcare Administration: they asked for the appointment of an Italian doctor, they continued to appoint Swiss doctors, not recognized by the Italian authorities. In 1972 there was the institution of VAT and the relative official recognition of its exemption for the duty free area of ​​Livigno. In 1975 it was the seat of the VIII Winter Universiade.

How to orient yourself

The country map is available on tourism site.

How to get

By plane

The closest airports to Livigno are the following:

By car

Livigno can be reached through:

  • The Foscagno pass (State road 301) which connects it to Bormio during the whole year;
  • The Gallo tunnel alternating one-way and toll;
  • Pass of the Forcola, passing through the Switzerland in particular from Canton of Grisons. This road, however, remains closed in the winter period (in the summer, however, it is good to remember that the Swiss Customs Office, located on the border, is open 24 hours a day);
  • Connections with Switzerland also take place via the La Drossa tunnel "Munt La Schera" which is open all year and subject to tolls (14 francs / 15 euros for the purchase of the e-ticket, 2 € / CHF more for the normal ticket. Discounts for the AR ticket - 2020).

For up-to-date information on opening the steps, consult the municipality site.

By bus

The company Silvestri bus manages the bus lines with Livigno terminus:

L'Perego car offers links between Bormio and Livigno.

How to get around

By public transport

In Livigno there are four free bus lines (blue, green, red and yellow) every hour from 7.30 to 20.00.

The blue and green lines are managed by Silvestribus, connecting all the main hotels with the ski lifts and the town center.

Additional rides are available in high season.

By car

In Livigno you can move around easily by parking in over 10 car parks, some free and others for a fee. By car you can visit a part of the center, from the beginning of Via Rin to Via Saroch. In August there may be various changes to the road network, such as a temporary extension of the ZTL.

What see

parish church
Gallo Lake
  • 1 Gallo Lake (Livigno lake). Artificial lake on the border with Switzerland, it currently has a capacity of 164 million cubic meters, thanks to the Punt dal Gall dam, built between 1965 and 1968.
  • 2 Parish Church of Santa Maria Nascente. The construction of the first church dates back to around 1300 AD. and is that of Santa Maria Nascente in the north of the country. In the following centuries the churches of S. Antonio, S. Rocco, S. Anna a Trepalle, Addolorata di Florino, Immacolata di Lourdes alla Tresenda, of the Addolorata in Val Federia, Beata Vergine del Caravaggio and Immacolata di Viera. Apart from the first, which was subsequently consecrated as a parish church, all the others are small in size but full of small details that make them unique and curious to visit.
  • 3 Livigno dairy. It is here where small milk producers, united in a cooperative, have created a structure that, alongside the processing of dairy products, offers residents and tourists the opportunity to experience all the goodness of milk firsthand. You can visit the various workshops, taste the products at the White Bar or on a large outdoor terrace, admire the vintage agricultural equipment in the small museum.
  • 4 Mus! Livigno and Trepalle Museum. In this museum, a country that is different from the others surrounding it is exhibited, preserved and studied in terms of environment, language, traditions, cuisine and clothing. This museum wants to testify the spirit of adaptation and the art of getting by, developed to survive in an isolated and resource-poor environment and to represent the "face" of a community that has its origins in farming and agriculture but which has changed almost radically over time, developing and evolving.
  • Private exhibitions. There are several artists including painters, sculptors, writers, musicians and actors present in the area who not infrequently carry out collective exhibitions or personal exhibitions of paintings, photographs, artifacts and various objects. Among them we mention the local artist Lydia Silvestri, whose works appear in important public and private collections all over the world.
  • Monuments. In Livigno there are the "War Memorial" built in 1968 (Piazza del Comune) and the "Ariadne's Thread", where the artist has recreated a real walk in the myth, in which inhabitants and spectators take part as protagonists. The various works are located next to nodal buildings for the life and development of tourist and cultural activities and along the cycle-pedestrian path.
  • Way of the cross. The biblical Via Crucis was inaugurated and blessed by His Excellency Diego Coletti in 2009 in Livigno along the cycle-pedestrian path. Fifteen in total the "stages", whose bas-reliefs were made by the Valtellinese sculptor G. Abram, with the last station dedicated to the resurrection.

Events and parties

Livigno offers a large number of events (available on, both during the winter season and during the summer season, including:

  • Ghibinèt. Simple icon time.svgEpiphany - January 6. The children enter the houses saying: "Bondì, ghibinèt!" and people reciprocate with sweets and small gifts.
  • Carnàl. Simple icon time.svgSunday and Tuesday before the beginning of Lent. The Livigno carnival follows the western tradition, so it is animated by allegorical floats, masks and popular games, such as the pole of the cuccagna and competitive competitions; peculiarity of the carnàl da livìgn is the presence of the sonét, which despite the term have nothing to do with the sonnet, but which are poems in verse of a satirical mold.
  • Palio of the districts (Trophy of the Contrade). Simple icon time.svgAugust. The inhabitants ski through the snow-covered streets of the center defending the Contrada they belong to, equipped with the sports equipment of the past. The districts that compete in this palio are: Centro, Comunin-Pemont, Forcola, Ostaria, Plan da Sora, Saroch, Teola, Trepalle (a hamlet about 6 km from Livigno)
  • Fésc'ta dal Fén. The marchè of venciun it was and still is the closing party of the agricultural year. After the transhumance from the huts (in Livignasco tee) at the stables of the town where the animals were hospitalized from September to June, the end of haymaking was celebrated. The latter lasted from mid-July until the end of August, at the latest in early September. On September 21, day of marchè of venciun, the sample fair of young cattle was held, consisting of calves, heifers, heifers, all of the brown breed. This tradition continues to this day.
  • La Sgambeda. Simple icon time.svgDecember. International cross-country ski marathon which takes place in December. 35 km in classic technique, starting from the cross-country stadium in the town center and climbing along the valley, making the route particularly fascinating. Thousands of amateurs gather for this competition that sees them as protagonists like professional athletes.
  • Stralivigno. Simple icon time.svgJuly. Competitive running event of 21 km on high ground.
  • Black night. Simple icon time.svg10 August. Big party in the streets of Livigno with traveling shows, street artists and music, which takes place in the dark and only illuminated by the lights of the torches, the moon and the stars.
  • Feast of Ferragosto. Simple icon time.svgAugust 15. Along the central areas of the town, there will be the evening opening of the shops, and then conclude the evening with the fireworks show.
  • Christmas markets. Simple icon time.svgDecember. An opportunity to dive into tradition and novelty among the typical stalls.
  • Carnival. Simple icon time.svgFebruary. Great party with animations for children, fun challenges and parades of allegorical floats and masks.
  • Livigno Sky Marathon. Simple icon time.svgJune. Skyrunning race on a track of about 34 km with a positive difference in height of 2,600 m, organized by Asd Valtellina Wine Trail, that is a real alpine marathon with technical sections on the ridge and passages at over 3,000 m of altitude.
  • Alpen Fest. Simple icon time.svgSeptember. Week dedicated to the transhumance of livestock and farmers: Livigno celebrates its peasant roots with the great parade of animals through the streets of the center. Also on the calendar is the Livigno Cheese Exhibition.
  • Livigno Expo. Simple icon time.svgSeptember. Exhibition dedicated to companies from all over Italy linked to the world of hotels, restaurants and tourism in general.
  • European Freeride Festival. Simple icon time.svgJanuary. International festival dedicated to fresh snow.
  • Skieda. Simple icon time.svgApril. International appointment for those who want to rediscover the charm of free heel skiing on the spring snow of Livigno.
  • ICON Xtreme Triathlon. Simple icon time.svgSeptember. With 3.8 km of swimming, 195 km of cycling and 42.2 km of running, it is part of the international scene of the most desired competitions extreme long distance.
  • Bike Transalp. Simple icon time.svgJuly. It is the best known and most difficult mountain bike stage race in the world, 519 km in total length and 18 km of altitude difference distributed in 7 stages between Austria, Switzerland ed Italy.
  • Nationalpark Bike Marathon. Simple icon time.svgAugust. Mountain bike race with a fascinating route around the Swiss National Park, with four different routes, including the Livigno stage.

What to do

  • Sport fishing, Dali Schola square, 39 0342 970 177. Sport fishing is subject to limitations on the quantity of the catch and is allowed only on certain days of the week. Information on permits and registration fees can be obtained from the Sporting Club of Livigno.
  • 1 Bowling and Billiards, via Rin, 325 (at the CRONOX game room), 39 0342 970 577.
  • Parks. Thanks to its favorable position, Livigno is surrounded by parks, including the Stelvio National Park and the Swiss National Park, where it is possible to hike in the middle of nature and in full respect of the flora and fauna.
  • 2 Bernina Red Train. Another proposal for a trip out of town is the Bernina Red Train, a heritage site UNESCO, is one of the highest railways in the world, a truly breathtaking spectacle in the Alps. The railway route starts in Tirano, the terminal station of the FS line coming from Milan and ends in Sankt Moritz. The Bernina Express travels 70 ‰ slopes up to an altitude of 2,253 m with a view of the Orteratsch glacier and the Bernina Group (it is possible to go up to the glacier of the same name with the cable car from the "Diavolezza" stop - runs every 20/30 minutes ).
  • Larix Park. In Livigno there is also the Larix Park, 6 long paths suspended between the trees, suitable for everyone to explore, play and learn in a millenary larch forest, along trunks, Nepalese bridges, lianas and wooden walkways you can have fun and arrive in complete safety up to 18 meters high suspended in the air.
  • 3 Livigno lake. Livigno also gives you the opportunity to experience the thrill of SUP and kayaking, or relax with a quiet canoe or rowing boat trip on Lake Livigno.
  • Routes. A quick and easy proposal (36 min / 2.4 km) is the 'Bos'ch dal Réstèl ' with departure from the Dairy for a path without difference in height that leads to Val Alpisella and the Sorgenti dell'Adda. Another slightly more challenging and flat route is the 'Val Federia Cassana Pass' (2h34min / 6.3 km) which winds through a larch forest and as you go up you can see the imposing Ortles-Cevedale and the eternal snows of Bernina in the distance. Along the way, encounters with marmots, chamois, ibex and eagles are possible. For the more adventurous, however, there is the path of 'Val di Campo and Pizzo Paradisino ' (3h42min / 7.2 km), a partially traced path, in the heart of the highest peaks of Livigno, with the view of the Val Nera glacier, the presence of marmots and a flora including gentians, primroses and rhododendrons, and the waterfall of the Campo stream where, along the valley of the stream itself, it is possible to admire animals such as the chamois, the ibex, the partridge and the eagle.
  • Aquagranda, 39 0342 970277. Another possibility offered by Livigno is Aquagranda, one of the largest centers in Europe, where fun, sport, relaxation and good living come together. Acquagranda has various areas, such as the Wellness & Relax area dedicated to wellness, the Fitness & Pool area dedicated to sports training in the gym and in the pool and the Health & Beauty area dedicated to the health and beauty of the person thanks to the help of the experience of doctors and professionals.

Mountain biking

In 2005 the Mountain Bike Championships were held in Livigno.

  • Bike tour. Obviously, the choice of routes and activities also related to bicycles, and in particular to mountain biking, is very wide. Are present Bike Park, Bike Tour, Flow Trails and so on. The Bike Tours offer two-wheelers bike routes of different degrees of difficulty and suitable for various disciplines, from the simplest, easiest and undemanding ones, to the more technical ones, ideal for sports training.
  • Mottolino Bike Park. In Livigno there is also a bike park, Mottolino Bike Park, also known as “bikers' paradise”. The structure has at its disposal 13 different trails served by the cable car. It is the ideal place to experience exciting freeride days. It is suitable for everyone, from beginner bikers, still at the beginning of their experience, to more experienced ones, in fact the trails differ in difficulty and ability of the biker himself. Once you reach 2400m with the gondola, the fun continues downhill, with the presence of paths full of parabolics, drops and tables, wall rises and much more, until you reach the end of the slopes with a maxi inflatable big air bag.
  • Flow Trail. Also for lovers of two-wheeled pedals, there is the new Flow Trail, easy routes that can be used by all mountain bike enthusiasts. The brand new flow-trails are unique paths in Italy, characterized by small bumps, rhythmic leaps and a series of curves, which can be traveled by both beginners but also by more experienced bikers. the routes measure 6 and 4 km each. Two cable cars will be available for transport at high altitudes that will allow you to access the itineraries and extricate yourself between curves and leaps, passing through the splendid scenery of Lake Livigno, savoring the taste of pure freedom in style flow.
  • Fat Bike. In order not to be stopped even in winter, there are Fat Bikes, or bikes equipped with maxi wheels that will allow you to ride in total tranquility on snow-covered terrain and paths.
  • E-Bike. E-Bikes, on the other hand, are electric bikes with which you can enjoy the air in your hair, the spectacular views and the taste of adventure, but without stress or fatigue.
  • MTB guides. Livigno also offers MTB Guides, with qualified instructors and the possibility, even for the little ones, to become familiar with the bike and improve the technique on pump-tracks, wooden walkways and much more.

Winter sports

During the winter season the resort is frequented by ski and snowboard enthusiasts: thanks to the high altitude the snow cover is preserved for most of the winter season.

In the areas dedicated to winter sports it will be possible to practice disciplines such as alpine skiing, Nordic skiing, freestyle, snowboarding and telemarking.During the winter, however, thanks to the 115 km ski slopes, 6 cable cabins, 13 chairlifts and 11 ski lifts, and the three levels ( blue, red and black slopes), Livigno also presents itself as a paradise for snow lovers, both for those who practice skiing or snowboarding, or any winter discipline. Among the services, there are more than 150 ski instructors trained by the Italian Ski School, including former athletes and national instructors of all disciplines.

  • 4 Livigno Alpine Guides, Via Ostaria, 64, 39 0342 970 845, fax: 39 0342 970 845. The Livigno Alpine Guides offer various services (Ice climbing, snowshoeing, off-piste skiing, etc.).
  • Dog sledding (20 km from Livigno, a hamlet of Valdidentro Arnoga), 39 0342 927 072. Excursions in sleds pulled by a pack of dogs are organized by Husky Village.
  • Snowboard. In Livigno there is a park dedicated to snowboarding in the Mottolino area.
  • Cross country skiing, Via Isola, 5, 39 0342 996367, fax: 39 0342 996367. Beginners can learn at the Italian Cross Country Ski School Livigno 2000
  • Freeride (Off the track). You can also do freeride experiences, that is a total fusion with the snow, serpentines visible for days along steep slopes, bumps and gullies to be faced in absolute freedom. There is also the possibility of snowshoeing routes, ski mountaineering routes and panoramic flights. Livigno has also introduced a freeride program, which allows you to practice freeride without running risks, you have to be prepared, respect the rules and know the mountain well, safety first of all! Before leaving, remember to always check the Local Avalanche Bulletin and remember to bring all the necessary material with you for your safety.

Ski schools


There is the possibility to relax with an afternoon or a full day of shopping, in fact, Livigno offers its tourists more than 250 shops by creating a real large outdoor Shopping Mall, or a large open-air gallery, far away. from traffic and surrounded by the picturesque and majestic surrounding mountains.

In the village there are also many restaurants, clubs, delicatessens and shops where it is possible to taste and buy the typical products of the place and of the Valtellina area.

Since the municipality of Livigno enjoys the status of a non-customs area, it is convenient to buy alcohol, spirits, perfumes, sugar, cigarettes and many other goods in the many shops in the town. It is also convenient to buy petrol and diesel.N.B.: On the tourism website you can consult the table with the maximum quantities of products that each tourist can bring out of the ordinary.

Historically, the extra-customs benefits were granted as early as the early nineteenth century by Napoleon, later confirmed by the Empire Austrian-Hungarian and fromItaly, and finally recognized by the European Community in 1960.

How to have fun

Livigno offers a myriad of bars, pubs and discos. Fun is guaranteed and prices are low.


Night clubs


  • 2 The Heaven Music Club, Via Freita 22, 39 329 1858382.


Where to eat

Moderate prices

Average prices

High prices

Where stay

Average prices

High prices


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 4 Livigno post office, Plaza from comun 71, 39 0342 996049, fax: 39 0342 997587. Simple icon time.svgOpen Monday to Friday from 8.20am to 1.45pm, Saturdays from 8.20am to 12.45pm. For more information visit the website

Keep informed

TeleMonteNeve (ch. 190 - 612 - 660).

TSN Tele Sondrio News (TV: ch. 172, 186, 602, 609, 610 and 695 in HD, FM: Livigno, 96.10 and ch. 880 of the DTT)


  • Trepalle - Fraction of Livigno about 6 km. From Trepalle you can admire Livigno through many panoramic points. To visit the highest church in Europe at over 2000 m a.s.l.
  • Val Federia
  • Bormio (about 40 km) - At the mouth of the Valfurva, where the Frodolfo that descends from its mountains merges with the Adda, Bormio was an ancient center of trade between Milanese, Veneto and Germanic nations. To this he now adds the tourist activity, summer and winter, which makes it a center of solid economy and even more solid reputation.
  • Valdidentro (about 20 km)
  • Santa Caterina Valfurva (about 50 km)
  • Valdisotto (about 45 km) - In Cepina, a hamlet, there is the headquarters of the Levissima.
  • Valle di Fraele - Crossing the Alpisella pass you will find the lake of the same name and the sources of the Adda. A little further on, the two large artificial lakes of Cancano and San Giacomo are located between conifer woods. Interesting excursions to the Fraele valley with dog sleds are organized by the Husky Village which is based in the nearby town of Arnoga
  • Forcola alpine lakes -
  • Val Nera waterfall -
  • Stelvio Pass (about 60 km) - At 2.758 m a.s.l. The Stelvio Pass is on the border between Lombardy is Trentino Alto Adige.
  • Sankt Moritz (about 40 km). Swiss mountain town, a day visit is recommended.


Useful information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Livigno
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Livigno
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).