Returned - Tornata

Parish church
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Tourism site
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Back is a center of the Lombardy.

To know

Geographical notes

It is located in the fertile Po Valley of the Bassa Lombardy, in the district Oglio Po Casalasco Viadanese. It is 23 km away. from Casalmaggiore, 28 from Viadana, 28 from Cremona, 32 from Mantua. It is on the former state road 10 Cremona - Mantua


Sporadic finds from prehistoric times indicate a certain human presence before the Roman era, but the stable presence of man is outlined with the centuriation of the territory of the Municipium of Cremona in the first century BC, still easy to read on the maps of the area.

A 15th century document mentions Olza de Tornata, indicating an irrigated area rich in water (olza indicates a land surrounded by water). The town, far from the most important communication routes and isolated among the bush that covered the area, did not have a particular relevance in history, despite being in an area bordering on Bozzolo and the Duchy of Mantua. The role of Romprezzagno, now a hamlet of Tornata, seems to be more thick, which had a castle as an outpost towards the neighboring Gonzaga and which was a fief of the noble Bellotti family.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

Despite being a bit secluded, it is located a short distance from the state road 10 Cremona - Mantua State Road 10 Italia.svg and from the provincial 66 Provincial Road 66 Italia.svgCasalmaggiore - Cocoon

On the train

Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon

How to get around

What see

15th century fresco - Madonna and Child
  • Parish Church of Sant'Antonio Abate and Sant'Ambrogio Vescovo. It was born as an Oratory of the Sommi house, later given to the Ripari. Its function as a parish church began in 1675; the investiture takes place for the convenience of the inhabitants, since the ancient parish of Sant'Ambrogio, of which there is no longer any trace, was located outside the town, on the road to Bathroom breaker.
With a Romanesque taste in the terracotta façade, with a central rose window and a portal worked and surmounted by a round arch, the church is the result of a reconstruction of the early twentieth century, following a catastrophic event. Rebuilt with a single nave, it preserves the presbytery and choir from the previous temple. Previously it had instead the central nave flanked by two side aisles.
Inside it preserves a fresco of the Madonna and Child datable to the fifteenth century, clearly inspired by Byzantine (note the hands in the Madonna fork). The fresco was placed in this building when it was torn from the ancient church of Sant'Ambrogio before its demolition, to save the image which was the object of great veneration. It is said that on 7 May 1521 the Madonna would have revealed herself here to a twelve-year-old child from Tornata.
In the nineteenth century an anonymous artist depicted above the fresco the effigy of another Madonna, who hid the ancient image until 1971. In that year, in fact, with a precious work of recovery, the fifteenth-century fresco was brought back to light, and was returned to the veneration of the population, as well as to the local artistic heritage.
The memory of the nineteenth-century Madonna that hid it remained through a painting displayed above the entrance to the church, the work of a local artist who reproduced it.
The altarpiece, Madonna and Saints, is a work of 1710 by Bernardino Dehò. It was purchased in the nineteenth century by the church of Sant'Antonio Abate in Cremona. It is an early work by the Dehò, an author who is placed in the wake of Massarotti.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch

Keep informed


  • Bathroom breaker - Its cascina-forte, which later became a farm, reveals numerous architectural traces of the Bellotti castle who once held the town. The parish church unveils ancient frescoes.
  • Torre de 'Picenardi - Villa Sommi Picenardi developed from a pre-existing castle nucleus; starting from the sixteenth century it was transformed in the following centuries up to its present appearance. A body of the villa, in neoclassical style, overlooks the town square. A second factory develops inside and is connected to the ancient body of the primitive castle. A large garden surrounds the villa complex, surrounded by a large moat with water.
  • Cocoon - A Gonzaga city, it was the capital of a duchy belonging to a collateral branch of the Gonzagas. Vespasiano worked there urban planning before putting his hand to his masterpiece: Sabbioneta; with Giulio Cesare and Scipione he defines his own elegant urban appearance that responds to sixteenth-century ideals. Of the ancient walls, however, only a short section remains, severely damaged by collapses and neglect.
  • Sabbioneta - City of foundation, UNESCO World Heritage Site, maintains the walls within which the magic of ideal urban planning by Vespasiano Gonzaga has remained intact; the Teatro all'Antica, the Palazzo Ducale, the Gallery, the Incoronata church are some of its monuments that stand out in a context that has been admirably preserved.
  • Mantua - Capital of the Gonzagas, it still exudes its subtle charm as a great city of art for which it appoints it a UNESCO World Heritage Site it was not so much a recognition as a necessary acknowledgment. Its ancient atmospheres are incomparable, the profiles of the palaces and domes that stand out in the Po Valley mist enveloped by the mirror of its lakes, its endless Gonzaga palace that incorporates numerous buildings in the city center.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Back
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Back
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