Varsi - Varsi

Groppo Rocca - Varsi
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Varsi is a center ofEmilia Romagna.

To know

Geographical notes

It is located in the Ceno Valley, on the Parma hills, near a small lake. It is 48 km away. from Parma, 52 from Fidenza.


Already probably inhabited in Roman times, perhaps at the time of the Emperor Trajan, Varsi experienced a period of great importance with the Lombards. In the eighth century the town was the driving force of the economy of the valley. The parish church of San Pietro has handed down eleven original parchments from the Lombard period now preserved in the Capitular Archive of the Piacenza Cathedral. It was crossed by pilgrim paths and military roads. He had a castle, of which few traces now remain; it was a bishopric until the beginning of the 14th century. The Pallavicino and Landi families built military garrisons in the valley which over time were transformed into stately homes, such as the Golaso ​​castle.


In the locality of Tosca there is the archaeological site City of Umbria (or of Umbria), an ancient castelliere from the 2nd century BC which derives its name from the fact that it was built by the Umbrians with the aim of fighting the Roman militias; according to others, however, they were Ligurian populations. The site, at almost a thousand meters above sea level, was always used for defensive purposes even in later times.

How to orient yourself

In the territory of Varsi there are also the following inhabited centers: Baghetti, Bianchi, Busi, Casa Carnevale, Casa Tron, Contile, Corticella, Ferrè, Franchini, Golaso, Lagadello, Leonardi, Lubbia Sopra, Lubbia Sotto, Manini, Marsaia, Michelotti, Minassi, Peracchi, Peretti, Perotti, Pessola, Pietracavata, Pietrarada, Ponte Vetrioni, Rocca Barborini (Rocca Vecchia), Rocca Nuova, Scaffardi, Scortichiere, Sgui, Tognoni, Tosca, Villora, Volpi.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg Parma airport

By car

On the train

By bus

How to get around

What see

  • Castle. Perhaps dating back to the 10th century, it was an important fortification to defend the valley. The remains remain: two mutile towers and one near the parish church of San Pietro. It was increased in the fourteenth century by the Scotti da Fombio family who in 1303 had obtained Varsi from bishop Ugo di Piacenza, maintaining their possession of the town until 1720. The curtain wall and the castle house of the count were destroyed and transformed between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries with the construction of the new square and the rectory.

In Golaso

Golaso ​​Castle
  • Castle, via Roma 13, 39 052574112. The Golaso ​​castle was built and transformed several times, until it lost its original appearance of fortification, also losing its role, to become over time a noble residence of undeniable charm. There is very little documentary information, so much so that the exact time of the original construction of the complex is not known; even the architectural traces, for one reading of the manor in search of answers on its birth are very difficult, as almost nothing remains of the oldest construction.
With a quadrilateral plan, the monumental complex extends for 5000 square meters and retains four towers at the ends; the two squares look downstream, the two cylindrical ones are towards the mountain. An arched stone door leads into a first square courtyard in which there is an oratory and a well. In the background stands the building called The palace, an imposing construction accompanied on the other sides by other smaller buildings, with the function of both houses and stables.
A hall of the Palace it allows you to pass to a second courtyard which retains a single turret among those that decorated the corners. The most interesting and most elegant part of the whole complex is certainly the Palace, which is striking for its vastness. According to tradition, the castle would have 12 stairways like the months of the year, 30 doors like the days of the month and 365 windows like the days of the year.
The Villa-Maniero-Casa Forte was owned by the Counts Rugarli, from whom it passed to the Corsini family who still own it.

Events and parties

  • Feast of San Pietro. on June 28
  • Flower Festival. in the month of May

What to do

Varsi offers many possibilities for free time: football fields, outdoor tennis, volleyball, lakes for sport fishing, canoeing, hunting, hang gliding, hiking trails. Excursions can be made to the Dosso mountains (1243 m.) And Barigazzo (1284 m.). Varsi is also located along theHorse trail of Val Taro and Val Ceno[1].


Varsi is one of the centers of the association with the aim of promoting food and wine tourism Route of ham and wines of the hills which includes with Varsi the municipalities of Calestano, Corniglio, Feline, Fornovo di Taro, Langhirano, Palanzano, Baganza room, Varano de 'Melegari, Varsi. This membership suggests the purchase of Parma ham and Malvasia delle hills.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • Italian post, Via Roma 7, 39 0525 74502, fax: 39 0525 74618.
  • Italian post, via Chiesa 31 / A (in Pessola), 39 0525 70228, fax: 39 0525 70228.


  • Bar of - Its castle is certainly one of the most spectacular among the numerous manors in the Parma hills; perched on a rocky peak, it had a reputation for impregnability. It is also one of the best preserved and most visited castles by tourists.
  • Fornovo di Taro - Its ancient Pieve was an important stop along the route of the Via Francigena
  • Varano de 'Melegari - It is less known and less cited than the other manors, but the castle of Varano Melegari connotes the ancient part of the town with its towering grandeur, enriching it with charm. It boasts an ancient parish church in the Serravalle hamlet; it is finally known for its racetrack.
  • Compiano - Its well-preserved urban structure around its massive castle has earned the town its inclusion in the ranks of the most beautiful villages in Italy.
  • Berceto - Its imposing Cathedral of ancient Romanesque foundation was one of the most important stops on the Via Francigena; ruins of the Rossi castle remain. The town retains a historic center with ancient prestigious buildings; it is an important service, trade and holiday center on the Cisa Pass road.


  • Castles of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza - Scattered over the Parma and Piacenza Apennines, but also present in the plain to guard the natural border of the Po, the numerous castles of the ancient Duchy of Parma and Piacenza characterize the whole area. Originally military bulwarks, many of them have kept the appearance of an inaccessible fortress, many have gradually transformed their war nature into a refined noble residence; all perpetuate over time the atmosphere of adventure, fairytale and legend that has always been linked to castles, many of which tell of the presence of spirits and ghosts.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Varsi
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Varsi
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).