Coesfeld - Coesfeld

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Coesfeld is a city in the western Münsterland.


The first written mention of Coesfeld comes from the early 9th century. On March 26, 809, on the eve of his death, the bishop and founder of the Münster diocese stayed in Coesfeld to hold mass in the Lamberti Church. As early as 1197, the community was granted town charter and was able to achieve a certain level of prosperity. But the city was hit hard by the Thirty Years War. The city was occupied by enemy troops from Hesse for 18 years alone. During the Second World War, the city was badly hit several times by Allied bombing raids. After the war, an economic boom began, mainly through the textile industry. Since 1975 the city has been the seat of the district administration of the district of the same name.

getting there

By plane

The nearest international airport is the 1 Münster / Osnabrück AirportWebsite of this institutionMünster / Osnabrück Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMünster / Osnabrück Airport in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryMünster / Osnabrück Airport (Q673760) in the Wikidata database(IATA: FMO) (59 km). As an option there is the more distant (83 km) 2 Dortmund Airport 21Website of this institutionDortmund Airport 21 in the encyclopedia WikipediaDortmund Airport 21 in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsDortmund Airport 21 (Q313587) in the Wikidata database(IATA: DTM) to disposal.

By train

The 3 Coesfeld train station is via regional railways with the train stations in Muenster, Dortmund, Dorsten, Gronau and Enschede connected.

By bus

There are numerous bus connections within Coesfeld and with the surrounding villages within the Coesfeld district. The connections are via the Verkehrsgemeinschaft Münsterland [1] realized.

In the street

The crosses in Coesfeld B525that of the Netherlands via Coesfeld and Nottuln to A43 runs with the B474that of Dülmen via Coesfeld to A31 runs. Thus, over the A43Muenster and Wuppertal and about the A31Bottrop and Emden quickly accessible.

By boat

By bicycle


Map of Coesfeld

Tourist Attractions

Powder tower in Coesfeld
  • 1 St. Lamberti - The origins of the church go back to the 9th century. Today it is a place of pilgrimage due to the Coesfeld Cross.
  • 2 St. Jakobi - The old church, which can be traced back to the 12th century, stood in Coesfeld until 1945. This was completely destroyed by a bomb attack and a new church was built at the current location. It still contains numerous remains of the old church.
  • 3 Jesuit Church Coesfeld - This church dates from the 17th century and was destroyed in World War II and then rebuilt.
  • 4 synagogue - The building was saved from destruction during the Reichspogromnacht and was restored after the Second World War. The Jewish community has met here since the 17th century. The building itself dates from 1810.
  • 5 Walkenbrückentor - The last surviving city gate of the former six city gates was badly damaged in World War II and rebuilt. Today the gate houses the city museum.
  • The 6 Powder tower is the last remaining structure of the former fortification and dates from the 14th century. Today the tower is the seat of the Heimatverein.
  • The 7 Bischofsmühle probably goes back to the 12th century and once belonged to the bishop of Munster.
  • 8 Ludgerusburg - Defense system and bishop's residence built in the 17th century. This was never really completed and was finally torn down again in the 17th century. Today only the gatehouse and a few scattered remains are reminiscent of the massive structure.
  • 9 Marketplace - In addition to the town hall and the market cross, there are many buildings here that at least show old structures.
  • 10  Anna Katharina Emmerick House, Emmerickweg 20, 48653 Coesfeld. Tel.: 49 2541 4461, Email: . The birthplace of the beatified Anna Katharina Emmerick. She had numerous visions from biblical times leading to the discovery of the house where Mother Mary died, long after her death Selçuk in the Turkey led. The pilgrimage of the same name from the Lamberti Church in Coesfeld to Dülmen also passes here.
  • 11 House Loburg - Aristocratic seat, the establishment of which is said to date back to the 9th century. The property is surrounded by a moat and park.
  • 12 Coesfeld Mountain - This 152 meter high elevation is located on the outskirts of Coesfeld as the foothills of the Baumberge. From the two viewpoints Dreilinden and Ludgerirast you can enjoy wide views of the Münsterland. According to legend, the founder of the diocese of Münster, St. Liudger, is said to have blessed the Münsterland once again on the day before his death.
  • 13  Heimathaus Lette, Bahnhofsallee 10, 48653 Coesfeld. Tel.: 49 2546 234. Cultural assets from the district of Lette are shown here, including the finds from an excavation at the Letter village church, which date back to the 12th century.Open: First Sunday of the month from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • 14  Old Lette train station, Bahnhofsallee 47, 48653 Coesfeld-Lette. Tel.: 49 (0)2541 6986, Email: . The station building was converted into a voluntary museum in 1990. There are some railway remnants from the old days here. The highlight is the very well-preserved lever bench with a block box. The museum includes the entire railway system of the station "Lette (Kr Coesfeld)". The reception building as well as the track systems and all technical facilities have been under monument protection since 1990. Signals and many other historically interesting pieces have been set up in the museum garden.Open: first Sunday of the month from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.Price: € 2.00.
  • 16  Art Association Münsterland e.v., Jakobiwall 1, 48653 Coesfeld. Tel.: 49 2541 880711, Fax: 49 2541 88 07 14, Email: . Changing exhibitions of contemporary art.Open: Tuesday to Friday 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and Sunday 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • 17 Jansburg - The earth walls that can still be seen today belong to a refuge from the 1st century AD. Most of them are overgrown with bushes and trees.







The Christophorus Hospital including an attached emergency practice for adults and children is located in Coesfeld. There are also eight local pharmacies and two other pharmacies in the Coesfeld-Lette district.

Practical advice



Web links

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