Conil de la Frontera - Conil de la Frontera

Conil de la Frontera
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Conil de la Frontera is a Spanish city in the province Cadiz on the Costa de la Luz with approx. 21,000 inhabitants. In addition, there are up to 80,000 tourists in the summer months.


Conil is on the one hand one of the "white villages" that are part of the Ruta de los Pueblos Blancos lie, on the other hand busy seaside resort at the Costa de la Luzwhose population grows fourfold due to tourism during the season. In contrast to the large hotel complexes in the area of Novo Sancti Petri South from Cadiz However, the infrastructure here is still largely familiar and often rural, even if apartment complexes are growing on the outskirts, which are rented out individually here. The historical town center is still worth seeing, even if the tourist and gastronomic offer has gained the upper hand.

There are extensive opportunities for rural living in the surrounding area (Rural tourism), especially for horse lovers. The diversity of the beaches in the bay of Conil in a spectrum from lonely bathing bays under stony cliffs to the wide sandy beach set a clear counterpoint to mass tourism and make the place an excellent alternative for individual tourists in view of its good transport connections Cadiz Province.

The remains of a Phoenician necropolis prove that the place has been around since around 1,000 BC. Was settled. Some sources also associate Conil with the later Roman city of Mercablum. In the past, the main occupations were tuna fishing (almadraba) and agriculture, today, as in other places on the Costa de la Luz, tourism. Today fishing is only of minor importance. Agriculture is in the foreground, but there is also some cattle breeding.

getting there

In the alleys of the old town

By plane

The place can be reached via the airports Jerez de la Frontera (approx. 65 kilometers), Seville (140 kilometers), Málaga (200 kilometers) or Gibraltar.

The nearest airport, Jerez, is served by various airlines (Tui, Condor, RyanAir) from Germany from March / April to the end of October. There are direct flights from Berlin, Hamburg, Hanover, Dusseldorf, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Munich, among others. In winter there are only transfer connections with Iberia.

By train

There is a train station in San Fernando.

By bus

The provincial capital of Cadiz is over various lines Well connected nationally and internationally. Unfortunately, Conil is not yet integrated into the emerging transport networks of the metropolitan regions Cadiz / Jerez or Gibraltar / Algeciras. The operator is currently connecting Comes Conil with Cádiz, Seville and Vejer to the north and Algeciras and Barbate to the south.

In the street

The place is about that 1 Accessible from the A-48 (Cádiz-Tarifa) motorway.

By boat

Conil has a sports and fishing port with 90 berths at the northern end of the bay. Nothing is currently known about occupancy options. The next port that can be called is approx. 10 km north of Novo Sancti Petri. Cruise and scheduled services take place via the ports of Cadiz, Tarifa or Algeciras instead of.


Map of Conil de la Frontera

Most of the old town is only accessible for loading and unloading. On the edge of the city beach along the 2 Paseo Atlántico are enough Parking spaces available, from which both the exploration of the old town and the bathing pleasure can be easily reached on foot. Visitors would do well to head for this starting point.

Otherwise, Conil is inland (i.e. coming from the motorway) through one 1 A ring of roads from which the roads to the surrounding hamlets of Fuente del Gallo, Cabo Roche and El Palmar branch off and where the main supermarkets are located. From this ring there are spur roads leading to the center of the village, but they quickly get lost in the maze of alleys of a white village. You should only get lost there if you know where you want to go.

Taxi ranks at the entrance to Ctra. Nacional 340 (Tel .: 34 956 44 50 39), on Calle Pascual Junquera (Tel .: 34 956 44 09 75) and on Calle Carretera (Tel .: 34 956 44 0787). In town and during the day, prices are likely to increase (2014) move around five euros.

Albitana (Avenida de la Musica 17; Tel .: 34-956 456 003/607 084 112) and Europcar (Hipotel Grand Conil) have their own car rental stations on site.

Tourist Attractions

At the Puerta de la Villa
  • As in all the white villages of Andalusia, here is the 2 Old town Conil to be viewed as an ensemble and easily explored in a walk. The largely gastronomic and tourist use will rather disappoint purists compared to other Moorish quarters of Andalusia, it invites you to go on a leisurely shopping spree.
  • The work to build the city wall was probably commissioned by Duke Juan de Guzmán in 1502. Because of the use of inadequate materials, part of it collapsed again immediately. Therefore, it is essentially just that 3 Puerta de la Villa, formerly Puerta de Vejer, at the upper end of the old town.
  • Remains of a Phoenician necropolis
  • The well-preserved observation tower, which has been restored several times 4 Torre de Guzman is the last remnant of the Castillo built here by Alonso Pérez de Guzmán "El Bueno" in 1295, along with some remains of the wall and the remains of the former basement. The 17.5 m high tower dominates the main square at the parish church of Santa Catalina. You can enjoy a magnificent view through the mighty battlements on the roof (Free entry).
  • Inside is also the one set up on private initiative Museo de Raíces Conileñas, Plaza Sta. Catalina, Nº 9. Tel.: 34 956440501. In four halls, photos and exhibits are used to describe the historical course of life in Conil in a folkloric way.Open: Tue-Sun 11: 00-13: 00, 21: 00-23: 00, Dec-Mar inquire through the tourist office.Price: Donations are welcome.
  • Then the former tuna factory La Chancawhose walls originally date from the 16th century. Behind the massive walls made of shell limestone, it has been rebuilt and restored several times. Its importance is more of an ethnological nature than Conil's center of life was actually to be found here until the middle of the last century.
  • The watchtower Torre Castilnovo at the southern end of the city beach there is little more than a landmark these days. Built in the 16th century, presumably also to monitor the tuna flows, it was severely damaged by a seaquake in 1755 and restored to its present state in 1995.
  • Also the striking lighthouse on the Torre de Roche at the northern end of the bay originally dates from the 16th century and was also part of a warning system that spanned the entire coast against attacks from the sea. Today it is a popular vantage point from which, with favorable constellations, the sunset over the Atlantic and the moonrise over Conil can be observed almost simultaneously.
  • There are still some historical ones in Conil and the surrounding area Wood stoves(Hornos) exist, which were intended for communal use for baking bread, but are difficult to find.


The city beach Los Barteles with a view to the south of El Palmar

Beaches / swimming

  • 1 City beach Playa de los Bateles, directly below the beach promenade is the wide sandy beach in the center of the bay. Public showers and toilets are available, as well as a beach bar. The old town can be reached on foot in 5 minutes. To the south it closes seamlessly 2 Castilnuovo beach towards El Palmar, which is little visited and therefore supposedly popular in the gay scene. In contrast to the actual city beach, sports such as windsurfing or kite surfing are allowed here, but there is no infrastructure. The closes to the north of the city beach 3 Fontanilla Beach with its own infrastructure, umbrella rental and restaurants. Most paragliders start from here over the hills behind. In total, there are several kilometers of sandy beaches with good parking and access options, even for people with disabilities. Everyone can find their place to suit their taste along the wide area.
  • 4 Playa Fuente del Gallo, the narrow bay below the 2 km north bordering district is already nestled under the steep cliffs. Access is via convenient paths from the parking lot in front of the entrance to Fuente del Gallo. There are bars and restaurants at the parking lot, the beach has no infrastructure. The residents and visitors of the district like to use it and the lying area can become narrow when the tide sets in. Further north there are smaller, inaccessible bays that are particularly popular with nudists.
  • 5 Playa Cala Aceite
    Pine forests at Cala Aceite in the evening
    , the wide strip of sand offers good protection under the cliffs at the northern end of the Bay of Conil, especially in northerly winds. A narrow rock ridge separates it from the sports harbor Puerto de Conil, there is a family atmosphere, including bathing customs, there is no infrastructure. Access is from the cliffs above or via sandy paths from the campsite of the same name, in both cases stairs are to be climbed. In good weather there are wide views of Africa from the cliffs as a bonus.
  • Bathing bays 6 Cala de RocheFrom the lighthouse, which marks the northern end of the Bay of Conil above the sports harbor, a road leads over the high bank to the neighboring village of Roche. There are many parking spaces along the road, each providing access to the macchia on the cliff. Steep stone stairs lead to small sandy bays interspersed with rocks and without any infrastructure. Rather few tourists share the places, which are often hidden in rock rondells, with locals, who, however, also set up their fishing rods here, which, in addition to the possible rising tide, can limit the swimming opportunities. The bathing manners are open and range from completely naked to completely.
  • The bathing bay 7 Cala Puntalejos, is the first smaller bay from Conil from the north. Access is via the Urb. Fuente del Gallo. Parking spaces are located near the Fuente del Gallo campsite, from where a 150 m long, sloping footpath leads into the bay. The high rock walls protect the bay from south-east winds.[1]

Those who don't like the sea will find the municipal swimming pool on Ctra. de los Militares

Riding stables

In the hinterland of Conil there are various riding stables that specialize in the accommodation and care of horse enthusiasts and feel obliged to the riding schools of Jerez.


Paraglider over the Playa de Fontanilla

The starting point of the omnipresent paragliders is at the northern end of the city outskirts on the bay with its own parking space. A sandy road also leads down from the parking lot of Playa Fuente de Gallo, from where the hustle and bustle is easy to follow for observers.


The neighboring El Palmar is one of the strongholds for surfing along the Costa de la Luz. Surfing is only possible on the more remote beaches, weather permitting. Wind and kite surfers will find a well-attended meeting point in the area of ​​the mouth of the Río Salado because of the easy accessibility.

Hiking and bike tours

Extensive tours can be undertaken in the pine forests directly behind the coast on Cabo Roche or in El Colorado. Local families also meet here for picnics. The steep coast from Cabo Roche to Novo Sancti Petri also invites you to go on scenic hikes. A day trip could also lead south via El Palmar to Cape Trafalgar or east to Medina Sidonia.

The tourist office arranges a half-day, guided bike tour through Conil and the surrounding area every Thursday at 10:00.

Local festivities

Religious festivals such as San Antonio, Semana Santa, Cruces de Mayo and Christmas are also celebrated here accordingly. The carnival also has a special meaning here near the famous Carnival in Cadiz.

Of local peculiarity are special

  • Romería de San Sebastian. A magnificent parade that takes place in January with well-dressed horses, riders and teams from Conil to the fairground in El Colorado.
  • Feria de Primavera de El Colorado. At the beginning of June in the northern part of the city.
  • Ruta del Atun. May June. For many years the arrival of the first schools of red tuna has been celebrated here and in Zahara de los Atunes with a special gastronomic promotion. Competitions are held for the most innovative tuna tapas, and there are tasting portions at limited prices in the bars.
  • Fiesta Virgen del Carmen. In honor of the patron saint of fishermen in mid-July. The figure of the saint is carried in procession to the beach and then lowered into the water.
  • Feria de Conil. In honor of the patron saint Nuestra Señora de las Virtudes, the local festival at the beginning of September.

Language vacation


Here there are everything except food

Self-catering many supermarkets can be found along the eastern bypass at the roundabouts that interrupt them. With the most extensive range currently (2014) the supermarket 1 Mercadona waiting for you, which also offers easy access via an underground car park that has been relocated to the side street. Bulk purchases can also be made in the hypermercados along the motorway to Cádiz in Puerto Real (Poligono Tres Caminos) or San Fernando (CC Bahia Sur).

Fresh goods are also available in the market hall, which was newly built in 1995 in a Moorish style 2  Mercado municipal de abastos, Calle Rosa de Los Vientos (From the northernmost roundabout take Calle Gonzalo Sanchez into town, then straight on at the roundabout at the petrol station). 21 providers of meat, fish, vegetables, etc. at. A private underground car park with parking spaces is available.Open: Mon-Sat 8:00 am-3:00pm.

Fridays at Av. de la Música Weekly market instead of. There are a variety of craft, clothing, and home textile stalls throughout the year.

As a tourist destination, Conil naturally offers all kinds of clothing shopping opportunities. A formerly huge household goods store below Plaza Espana on Calle Ureba offers everything you could otherwise need, including beach items. They are proud of a very long tradition of cane and willow weaving as well as pottery.


In the old town in particular there are numerous restaurants, pizzerias and bars. According to the tourist orientation, these houses are subject to strong fluctuations in terms of seasonal hype, ownership and other current peculiarities. Over the years, for example, are steadfastly well rated

  • Los Hermanos, Calle La Virgen, 2 (at the northern city gate above Plaza Espana). Tel.: 34 956 44 01 96. a tapas bar that has been run by the family for centuries and is very popular with locals and specializes in fish dishes.
  • El Patio de Cádiz, Calle de Cádiz, 22 (at the top of Calle Cádiz). Tel.: 34 956 45 61 86. Under German management with a very solid offer and service.

With a bit of luck, gourmets who are keen to experiment can enjoy a tasting menu from the local Hotel Management School (Res.-Tel. 671565857) take part in the Carretera de las Parcelas (near Urb. Roche). They are usually available on Thursdays at extremely low prices. Menu sequences are mostly updated via the Facebook site Posted by ConilTurismo.


Conil is a touristic place. In the old town there is life late into the night in the local bars, but also in several discos. As always, their current popularity is subject to the prevailing zeitgeist. Young people like to meet on the beach at night, be it to preheat or to rework.


Conil has a rich selection of hotels, campsites, casas rurales and holiday apartments, all of which are operated in a much smaller format than the large castles in Novo Sancti Petri, for example. Apartments and holiday flats are predominantly offered (both as city apartments and mostly in small, family-run facilities in the area). The relevant, German-speaking portals offer a large selection here. Travelers without fear of contact with the national language can find them in the local, commercial portal Conilplaya some hidden pearls and can take advantage of the price competition that is directly present here.

  • 1  Hotel Fuerte Conil-Costa Luz, Playa de la Fontanilla s / n. 11140. Conil de la Frontera, Cadiz. Spain. Tel.: 34 956 443 344. The 4-star hotel is surrounded by almost 25,000 square meters of gardens. The Fuerte Conil-Costa Luz complex has 469 spacious and light-flooded rooms, which are equipped with air conditioning, balcony, WiFi, satellite TV and comfortable bathrooms.
  • 2  Hostal Torre de Guzman, Calle Hospital, 5 11140 Conil de la Frontera, Cadiz. Spain. Tel.: 34 956 44 30 61. The hostel is 150 meters from Los Bateles Beach and the historic center.
  • Hipotels Gran Conil (****), C / Pleamar 2 (at the north end of the city beach). Large house with its own pool and swimming area on the cliffs above the city beach.
  • 3  Hotel Almadraba (***), C / Senores Curas, 4th (in the lively part of the old town). E-mail: . With a nice patio to relax.
  • 4  Hotel Andalussia (***), C / 8 de Marzo s / n Urb. Cañada Honda (On the inland outskirts of Conil). Tel.: 34 956 456 179, Fax: 34 956 452 498, Email: . The newly built family hotel compensates for the distance from the beach with its own pool.
  • 5  Hotel Oasis (*), C / Carril de la Fuente 3, (right on the beach). Tel.: 34 956443014, Fax: 34 956442159, Email: . Simple but inexpensive family hotel with the "Atalaya" dependance above the old town and rental of several apartments.
  • 6  Venta Cabo Roche (*), Carretera del Puerto Pesquero, S / N (outside halfway to the port and Cabo Roche). Tel.: 34 956 23 20 89, Email: . Well-tended gastronomy offers some rooms with beautiful panoramic balconies to the Pinar as well as apartments and a private pool. The author recommends Apartment No.5 for 4px.
  • Garbi Conil
  • Conil Park
  • Costa Conil
  • Hipotels Flamenco
  • Calas de Conil


  • Centro Salud. Tel.: 34 956 44 27 47, 34 956 44 29 46. The local health center is located at C / Gonzalo Sánchez Fuentes, 1. There are 6 pharmacies in the village.
  • hospital, in Novo Sancti Petri. Tel.: 34 956 495 000. Private hospital. Public clinics in San Fernando, Puerto Real and Cádiz.

Practical advice

Tourist information and public facilities

  • Ofic. Municipal de Turismo, C / Carretera, 1st. Tel.: 34 956 44 05 01, Fax: 34 956 44 05 00, Email: . Open: Mon - Sun 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
  • Policia Local. Tel.: 34 956 44 01 25. The local police are based at the Plaza de Santa Catalina (Tel) in the center of the old town.
  • Guardia Civil, at the C / Carretera. Tel.: 34 956 44 00 50.

Bike rental

  • Conil Rent, C / Gonzalo Sánchez Fuentes. Tel.: 34 956 44 15 36, Fax: 34 956 44 15 53.


  • WiFi hotspots are located at the library, the Bienestar Social, Calle Cadiz 5, and the Casa de la JuventudAvenida del Río, 1.
  • Post Office (Correos), in the C / Toneleros.


Rare moment of happiness at Cabo Roche
A ship will come on the Atlantic ...

Because of the good transport connections, at least with your own vehicle you can easily make excursions throughout the whole Province of Cadiz, the neighboring Seville, to Ronda or Gibraltar carry out, by bus also after Cadiz or Tarifa. A visit to the La Donana Natural Park At most, it is recommended to use the southern end at Sanlucar, which can be reached quickly and easily with your own car. Tui and Neckermann offer excursions in large buses through the tour guides. Smaller tour operators like

  • Goto Tours SL; Viajes Humberto (CC Novo Center; Local D16). Tel.: 34-663 410 325 (German and English).Goto Tours SL; Viajes Humberto on Facebook.
  • or Bosqueluz (Spanish only; 34-659 319 327) offer excursions in small groups of up to 8 people and also pick you up at holiday apartments.

Recommended in the vicinity

  • Yeguada de la Cartuja. Karthauser Stud near Jerez.
  • A Campo Abierto. Bull farm near Medina Sidonia.
  • El Palmar. For surfers.
  • Natural park. From Los Canos de Meca.
  • Cabo Roche lighthouse. With bathing bays and pine forests.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Beaches in Conil, accessed October 21, 2017.
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