Baelo Claudia - Baelo Claudia

Baelo Claudia
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Baelo Claudia is a Roman ruined city in the municipal area of ​​the city Tarifa in the Province of Cadiz in the Spanish region Andalusia.


Map of Baelo Claudia

Baelo Claudia is a very well-preserved complete Roman settlement on the Atlantic in the area of ​​the city Tarifa near the district of Bolonia El Lentiscal. The settlement was founded in the 2nd century BC and experienced its heyday during the reign of the Roman emperor Claudius. The city was founded in the 2nd century after Christ largely destroyed by an earthquake and then completely fell into disrepair. Balo Claudia was an important port for Rome's trade with Tangier in North Africa. The Garum fish sauce made in Baelo Claudia was an export hit throughout the Mediterranean, and the ruins of the ancient fish sauce factory are still well preserved. Likewise the temples of the gods Juno, Minerva and Isis, who were revered at the time, as well as an antique shopping street, the forum, the thermal baths and a theater.

Interest in the old town of Baelo Claudia awoke as early as the 17th century. At first it was thought to be near Barbate. In the 18th century, however, the location near Bolonia was verified. However, it was not until the second half of the 19th century that this was generally recognized. Really serious exploration of the complex was carried out by the archaeologist Pierre Paris from 1914 onwards. Between 1917 and 1921 the necropolis, the garum manufacturing facilities, the temples and the theater were explored. Contrary to previous opinion (Jules Furgus; 1907) it was found that it was a theater and not an amphitheater. No further research took place from 1921 to 1965, but there was looting by collectors. The complex was listed as a historical monument as early as 1925. From 1964 the exploration of the complex was started again, since 1966 new excavations have been taking place. The French Institute for Spanish Studies "Casa de Velazquez" is in charge. In the meantime the forum, parts of the Roman baths, shops, the "Decumanus Maximus", the city gate, parts of the aqueduct and much more have been exposed. The excavation site now has a museum with parking spaces, a shop and free guided tours in Spanish. Paths paved with wooden planks or gravel were newly laid out or renovated in 2013. Currently (March 2014) the entire archaeological site can be visited again.

getting there

By plane

There is no airport in the immediate vicinity, the airport of Gibraltar is not served by German airlines, but sometimes by package tour operators. The two closest airports are:

By train

Baelo Claudia does not have a train connection. The nearest train station is in San Fernando, south of the city of Cádiz.

In the street

From Tarifa you drive on the old coastal road N340 towards Cádiz. After 17 km the branches to the left 1 Side road CA 8202 Direction Bolonia El Lentiscal. Shortly before the place it goes right to the 1 Visitor Center 'Sede Institutional y Sala de Exposición' . There is a large parking lot there.

By boat

There are daily connections between Tarifa and Tangier in Morocco through the Strait of Gibraltar. Another seaport is in Cádiz, marinas in Barbate and Conil de la Frontera.


Baelo Claudia seaside town and beach

To visit Baelo Claudia you need your own vehicle or you can book a tourist bus tour there.

Tourist Attractions

The Roman city of Baelo Claudia is probably the best-preserved Roman city ruin in Andalusia. Entry to the museum and the Roman ruined city is free for EU citizens. 34 956106797.
The opening times vary seasonally:

September 16 to March 31: Tue - Sat 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m., April 1 to May 31: Tue - Sat 9 a.m. - 8 p.m., June 1 to September 15: 9 a.m. - 3.30 p.m., Sun and public holidays all year round 10:00 - 5 p.m. The admission closes 45 minutes in advance. You should plan to visit at least 1½ hours! The excavation site is closed on Mondays and on three public holidays (New Year, May 1st; Christmas).


Imposing table mountain along the approach to Baelo Claudia

Baelo Claudia is on the beautiful 1 Bolonia beachwhich also has sections for nude bathing.


  • 1  Las Rejas, Estrada El Lentiscal. Tel.: 34 956688546. is praised for solid, regional cuisine in a family atmosphere.


Place and beach of La Bolonia are off the tourist routes on the Costa de la Luz. The offer is limited here, but there are pensions and holiday apartments.

  • 3  Yurts Tarifa, Cañada de los Matatoros, Suerte Tierra (On the outskirts of Facinas, north of Tarifa). Tel.: 34 626 538 423, Email: . Apartments as replicas of Mongolian yurts in beautiful gardens east of the N-340 in the hilly hinterland. For fans of special forms of living and "green" tourism.

Campsites can be found along the N-340 coastal motorway in the direction of Tarifa

Baelo Claudia belongs to the city of Tarifa. The postcode of Tarifa is 11380


Because of the good transport connections, at least with your own vehicle you can easily make excursions throughout the whole Province of Cadiz, the neighboring Seville, to Ronda or Gibraltar carry out, by bus also after Cadiz or Málaga. A visit to the La Donana Natural Park At best, it is recommended via its southern end near Sanlucar, which can be reached quickly and easily with your own car.

Recommended in the vicinity


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