Natural Park of La Breña and Marismas del Barbate - Parque natural de La Breña y Marismas del Barbate

La Brena Natural Park
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The Natural Park of La Breña and Marismas del Barbate is a nature park in the Andalusian province Cadiz on the coast of Costa de la Luz.


The Natural park extends over an area of ​​approx. 5000 ha. along the coast southwest of Vejer de la Frontera and also includes the coastal waters. It depicts five different ecosystems: between Los Canos de Meca and Barbate the sea off the coast, the 100 m steepest and highest cliffs on the Spanish Atlantic coast, the pine forest behind, between Barbate and Vejer the marshland along the Rio Barbate and the dunes in the estuary of the river.

The nature park is relatively easily accessible by the coastal road 2233 between Conil and Zahora de los Atunes on the one hand and the A 314 on the other hand, which connects Vejer with the coast along the Rio Barbate. The terrestrial areas can be easily explored on fixed hiking trails, the clear waters of the maritime sections can be visited on boat tours from Barbate. In the middle of the coastal road leading through the pine forest, there is a recreation area with catering facilities and parking spaces, which can serve as a convenient starting point for further activities.


The area of ​​Barbate has been inhabited since the Phoenicians. The nature park was established in 1989.


Los Canos de Meca

The coastal town offers the gateway to the nature park along the coast from the north. Originally an insider tip among alternative travelers, tourism has now also found its way here. Compared to other coastal locations, however, the development is still moderate and offers a wide range of a quirky-looking mix of styles between sophisticated adaptations of Moorish style elements and the charm of a workers' rest home of the FDJ. The beaches below the cliffs of the nature park on a small headland are still traded as a relatively quiet bathing opportunity even during the Spanish high season.


With its 22,000 inhabitants, Barbate is one of the larger cities along the Costa de la Luz. It is located at the southern end of the part of the nature park, which is located high above the cliffs, in the center of the marshland at the mouth of the river of the same name. The center of the Spanish tuna fishing fleet was located here for a long time, the associated industrial processing of the fish catch ensures the high number of inhabitants to this day. Accordingly, outside of the high season in July and August, apart from the historic town center and the harbor as a starting point for boat tours, the city offers the otherwise unusual image of a working-class city with apartment blocks and faceless, purpose-oriented streets along the coast.


The cliffs below the Torre del Tajo

Flora and fauna

The Pine forest on the cliffs of La Brena, one of the largest in the region, was not recultivated until the late 19th century to protect it from shifting dunes. Blackbirds, forest owls, great tits, blue tits, ravens, goldfinches and crested larks can be found here. Inverted-nosed snakes, lizard snakes, viper snakes, horseshoe snakes, pearl lizards, ore snakes, geckos and chameleons are the reptiles found in the park.

The Cliffs(acantilado) from La Brena rise 100 m above sea level at the highest point. At the watchtower Torre del Tajo (16th century) you can enjoy a wide view, also from the Torre de Meca (19th century). Both can be easily reached from the main road via hiking trails through the Pinar, the latter also from Canos de Meca. Here, the original limestone formations are repeatedly crossed by horizontal mixtures of sand, mud and salt crusts, in which groundwater and saltwater flows have met. The resulting formation of canals (canos) gave the northern town its name. The vegetation is dominated by more resistant plants that can withstand the strong Atlantic winds that strike, such as juniper, various mosses and macchia. Various seabirds nest in the walls, including swifts, rock doves and little egrets.

In the Wet areas the following amphibians can be found: common toads, marble newts, the Mediterranean tree frog and knife feet. Similar to the nature park to the north La Donana They represent an important refuge for migratory birds. In the area of ​​the river mouth, sea bream and eel can be fished, among other things, here are important spawning areas for various fish species and molluscs. Oysters and other mussels are also raised. The mostly abandoned former salt pans for sea salt production are well worth seeing.

The maritime area extends up to 1 nautical mile off the coast and can only be visited by boat, including the hidden bays below the cliffs.


getting there

By plane

The nearest airports are in Jerez de la Frontera (approx. 55 kilometers), Seville (140 kilometers), Málaga (200 kilometers) or Gibraltar.

By train

There is a train station in Cadiz.

By bus

The provincial capital of Cadiz is over various lines Well connected nationally and internationally. The operator Comes Conil drives the places Vejer as well as Barbate, possibly also Los Canos de Meca during the season. In the local dialect are called public buses cochelahora.

In the street

see mobility

By boat

Barbate has a sports and fishing port. The next major ferry and transport ports are Cadiz and Tarifa.

Fees / permits

No entry is required to visit the nature park.


The 1 narrow coastal road CA 2233 norththat of Conil de la Frontera and 1 Area Recreacion Pinar de la Brena through the nature park and the two places 2 leads to Zahora de los Atunes. The Cádiz-Tarifa motorway (A 48 or N 340) is relatively easy to reach from both endpoints. The fastest way is from 3 Connection A 48 at the end of the expanded part of the A 48 in Vejer de la Frontera via the A 314 to the coast near Barbate.

Radio Taxi Barbate operates two taxi stands there on Plaza del Ancla and on Calle Juan Morillo opposite the bus station.

Tourist Attractions

  • 2  Point of Information (In the fishing port of Barbate). Tel.: 34 956 459780. The interactive exhibition "Un mosaico litoral" explains the flora and fauna of the various sections as well as the battle of Trafalgar. Local handicrafts are also offered in the museum shop.Open: Tue-Sun 9:30 am-2:30pm, April-Oct. also 16: 00-18: 30, closed on public holidays.Price: free entry.
  • El Palomar de la Breña, the pigeon house from the 18th century. Well-preserved finca in which up to 5000 pairs of pigeons were previously kept, listed in the Guinness Book as the world's largest dovecote. Today restaurant and hotel. The old pigeon stable can be visited free of charge (see accommodation below). In the same place is the Ermita de San Ambrosio, a hermitage from pre-Christian times.


Start of the hiking trail to Torre de Meca from the recreation area in the center of the park


There is a well-developed network of signposted routes in the nature park Hiking trails. These are also used by cyclists, and guided riding tours are also offered on these and similar trails in the Pinar of La Brena.

  • 1 (brown line) From Los Canos de Meca there are two ways to hike the park, both of which start around this one 2 Point where the CA 2233 leaves the place and rises into the Pinar. You can first hike north-west on the outskirts below the hill, and then from behind to the 3 Torre de Meca (169 m) above the Mirador de Trafalgar (a little below the tower) ascent (3.5 km, approx. 1 hour).
  • 4 (green line) In the opposite direction (southeast) the leads Sendero del Acantilado on the cliffs for 5 Torre Tajo and on to Barbate, either from the same starting point or from the end of the main road 6 at the beach. Both can also be combined. One leads from the path to the Mirador Trafalgar 7 Junction to Recreation area in the Pinar, from there you can also reach the cliffs again. However, the car has to be parked further down in the village. The Torre Tajo can also be reached via an easy and short (2.1 km) path from one 8 parking spot (Chorro de Alberto) at CA 2233 just before the road descends to Barbate.
  • You can also leave the car in one of the three parking spaces in the Pinar and explore the area on your own. The network of trails is clear and orientation is not difficult. Otherwise, there are hardly any parking spaces along the CA 2233.
  • 9 (blue line) The short hike Sendero Las Quedrabas (2.2 km, approx. 1.5 hours H / R) leads above the village of Ribera de la Oliva on the A-314 Vejer-Barbate through the upper pine forest with little difference in altitude to a vantage point over the marshland of the Rio Barbate. Alternatively, one appears (possibly not signposted) Possibility of access to the Mirador from 10 Vejer Bajo to consist of.
  • 11 Even above this village from a small one 12 Parking at KM 2.2 of the A-314 (near a sewage treatment plant) leads the Sendero Marismas de Barbate in 8.5 km (2 hours) through the marshland and marshland (without shadow!) along the river to Barbate.
Note: GPX data for the hikes drawn as paths in the city map can be found in the Attachment file. They come partly from the first author, partly from the offz. Descriptions of the Andalusian nature conservation authority (see web links).

Here, too, like everywhere along the coast, kitesurfing and paragliding are practiced. A flight school helps here in Vejer.

At the water

  • The wide ones you are used to on the Costa de la Luz Sandy beaches behind dunes can also be found in the area of ​​the nature park. The 13 Playa de los Cortinas on the southern headland of Canos de Meca is still traded as an insider tip even during the high season. These bathing opportunities can also be found at Cape Trafalgar and on the city beaches of Barbate. These are only noticeably populated during the Spanish high season (July / August).
  • Most of the small bays below the cliffs can only be reached from the water. For this purpose, boat tours are started from Barbate, which also offer diving and snorkeling opportunities. Sport fishermen can either find opportunities in the marshland of the Rio Barbate or book boat tours. For whale watching it is Tarifa responsible.
  • There is also surfing in the coastal area off Cape Trafalgar, but the sports center for this is a little north in El Palmar.

Local festivities

Religious festivals such as San Antonio, Semana Santa, Cruces de Mayo and Christmas are celebrated here in the whole of Andalusia. The carnival also has a special meaning here near the famous Carnival in Cadiz.

Of local peculiarity are special

  • The pilgrimage Romería de Fátima at the May 13th. in honor of the Virgen de Fátima. It leads from Barbate to the Pinar de La Brena and ends there with an open-air festival.
  • The patron saint of Barbate, Nuestra Señora del Carmen is celebrated with a four-day feria around July 16. On the morning of Patron's Day, the Madonna is brought to the sea with the Procesión de Abalanzas.

Barbate is home to two highlights of the gastronomic culture along the coast:

  • On the last weekend in May, the Almadraba (traditional tuna fishing) has been taking place since 2008 Semana Gastronómica del Atún instead of. Since 2013, stalls have been set up in the "La Chanca" district at the mouth of the river, dedicated to tasting culinary delights to do with tuna. Here the gastronomy of the coastal region competes for the best and most innovative creations, especially tapas, which has meanwhile also found importance far beyond the municipal boundaries and is also being taken up elsewhere.
  • Since 2012, this event has been supplemented by the at the end of August Semana Dulce y Salada, during which the local gastronomy in particular tries to fathom the connections between desserts and fish and the community and local associations present an accompanying program. Certainly a special challenge for culinary explorers.


The Battle of Trafalgar
1805 took place off the coast of the neighboring Cape Trafalgar one of the most historic Naval battles take place, in which the British fleet under Admiral Nelson defeated the French-Spanish armada. Apart from a memorial at the Trafalgar lighthouse, there is of course nothing left to see, but many places in the area make reference to this event.

The Barbate covered market Plaza de Abastos is located between Avenida de Andalucía and Calle Luis Braille. There is meat, fish, vegetables and the like here every week. to buy.



The offer is manageable, but sufficient with approx. 1400 rooms, not counting providers of holiday apartments, private apartments and campsites. European long-distance tourism is concentrated further north, here are mainly small and medium-sized houses that serve the Spanish summer vacation. The following information therefore only represents a small selection of establishments that have been established over the past few years and have been positively rated in several media (other accommodations can also be found in the nearby seaside resort Zahora approx. 2 km northwest of Los Canos de Meca:

Hotels and hostels

  • 1  Hotel Rural El Palomar de la Breña (**), Pago de la Porquera, San Ambrosio, Apartado 69 (On the high plateau of the Pinars of La Brena, a signposted spur road leads from the CA 2233 north to the hotel in the center). Tel.: 34 956435003, Email: . Quiet country hotel with its own pool in the middle of nature with its own restaurant.
  • 2  Aldiafa Barbate (***), Avenida del Faro, 1 (near the beach). Tel.: 34 956 454 060, Email: . Modern new hotel building by the Aldiafa Group in the immediate vicinity of the city beach of Barbate.


  • 4  Camping Camaleón (Cat 2 FECC (max 5)), C / Camaleón s / n 11159 Caños de Meca (Cádiz) (in the area behind the main street of Los Canos below the hill of Torre Meca). Tel.: 34 956 43 71 54, Email: . In comparison to the higher-class places in Zahora, it does not always do well in visitor opinions. Pure campsite, no bungalows.
  • 5  Camping Faro de Trafalgar (Cat 2 FECC (max 5)), Av. Acacias, 3 11159 Caños de Meca Cádiz (at the northwest entrance to Canos de Meca near the beach). Tel.: 34 956 43 70 17, Fax: 956437380, Email: . Pure campsite, no bungalows.Open: Easter to mid-September.


The European emergency number 112 is also valid in Spain.

The Centro de Salud (Tel. 956 43 46 07) is located in Avenida del Mar. The nearest hospitals in Novo Sancti Petri (also in German; private), Military Hospital San Fernando and University Hospital Puerto Real.

There are 6 pharmacies in Barbate, one in Los Canos de Meca and one in Zahara de los Atunes.


Because of the good transport connections, at least with your own vehicle you can easily make excursions throughout the entire area Province of Cadiz, the neighboring Seville, to Ronda or Gibraltar carry out, by bus also after Cadiz or Tarifa. A visit to the La Donana Natural Park At most, it is recommended via its southern end near Sanlucar, which can be reached quickly and easily with your own car.

Recommended in the vicinity

  • the white village Vejer de la Frontera
  • Conil de la Frontera
  • the old town of Medina Sidonia
  • the lighthouse of Cape Trafalgar, where the sea battle of Trafalgar of 1805 between the English under Lord Nelson on one side and the French and Spanish on the other is documented. The beaches at Zahara de los Atunes are also a good surfing area.


Web links

  1. information of the Andalusian nature conservation authority (en / sp) with download options (Publicaciones) further information.
  2. Tourism portal (German) of the municipality of Barbate
  3. Travel report of the first author
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