Ems cycle path - Ems-Radweg

The Ems rises at Hövelhof in the Senne. From here, the cycle route also accompanies the river on its way towards the North Sea.

Route profile

Map of the course of the river Ems
  • Length: 375 km
  • Signposting: available
  • Slopes: almost no
  • Path condition: mostly very good.
  • Traffic load: The route mostly leads over traffic-free roads.
  • Suitable bike: Touring bike
  • Family suitability: yes (few gradients, largely traffic-free tour)
  • Inline suitability:



getting there

Public transportation

By bicycle

In the street

Arriving by car is completely unproblematic. It is crucial at which point on the Ems cycle path the cyclist wants to start. Hövelhof is located on the A33 motorway (Paderborn-Bielefeld), Emden on the A31 motorway.

Route description with sights

The route leads from the source in Hövelhof through East Westphalia to the plain of the Münsterland. Between Warendorf and Rheine, the Ems cycle path leads through the natural area of ​​the Emsauen. The cycle path leads via Papenburg in Emsland to the confluence with the Dollart near Emden. It is worth visiting the NRW riding stud in Warendorf, the old town of Telgte, the Bentlage monastery in Rheine and the Meyer shipyard in Papenburg.

Corner points of the route

Note: If you are familiar with the route, remove the heading "Corner points of the route" and replace this section with a detailed route description with stages. It is best to simply work the place names into the stages. You can find instructions on how to do this here .

An example of a fully developed cycle route with stages is here to find.


References to literature and maps

Web links

Article draftThe main parts of this article are still very short and many parts are still in the drafting phase. If you know anything on the subject be brave and edit and expand it to make a good article. If the article is currently being written to a large extent by other authors, don't be put off and just help.