Eating and drinking in the Czech Republic - Essen und Trinken in Tschechien

The traditional cuisine in Czech Republic, it is often also called Bohemian cuisine, is related to the Austrian and southern German kitchens. The cuisine is simple and hearty, often with roasts, sauerkraut, dumplings and a delicious sauce. The multitude of different side dishes, especially the many types of dumplings (knedlíky), attract attention. What also differs from other countries is the precise weight information on the menus.

Appetizers - Předkrmy

Starters are often identical to snacks or snacks with beer - chuťovky

Warm starters - Předkrmy-teplé

  • Grilovaná zelenina s jemným česnekovým přelivem, bylinkový toast - Grilled vegetables with garlic sauce, herb toast
  • Grilovaná anglická slanina s čerstvým křenem - Grilled bacon with fresh horseradish

Cold Appetizers - Předkrmy-studené

  • U nás nakládaný hermelín - Pickled camembert with onion, garlic and hot peppers
  • Pikantní utopenec s cibulí a feferonkou - Spicy pickled sausage with onions and peppers

Soups - polévka

There are many hearty soups that can also be eaten as a main meal.

  • Kapustnica, zelná polévka, zelňačka - Sauerkraut soup
  • Dršťková polévka - Tripe or spot soup
  • Bramborová polévka - Potato soup
  • Česneková polévka - Garlic soup, served with bread croutons and often with cheese
  • Kuřecí polévka s nudlemi - Chicken broth with noodles
  • Hovězí polévka s játrovými knedlíčky - Beef soup with liver dumplings
  • Koprová polévka - Dill soup, is made with sour milk
  • Kulajda is a thick soup made from mushrooms, potatoes and sour cream, which is served with a boiled egg.

Main courses


Pork and beef dominate the main courses, but other types of meat can also be found on the menus.

  • Smažený řízek - Breaded schnitzel, can be pork, veal or chicken, usually served with mashed potatoes or potato salad. Originally not a Czech specialty, but it is very popular.
  • Guláš - Goulash - is now also at home in the Czech Republic and is one of the widespread dishes in restaurants and pubs. It is served with dumplings or bread.

Pig - Vepřové

  • Vepřo-knedlo-zelo (knedlo-vepřo-zelo) - Roast pork dumpling cabbage is the Czech national dish
  • Vepřová pečeně - Roast pork
  • Pečené koleno - Pork
  • Pečená žebrage - grilled ribs

Beef - Hovězí

  • Svíčková na Smetaně - Roast sirloin with cream sauce with a creamy sauce made from strained vegetables that were previously used for pickling meat.
  • Španělští ptáčci (Meat birds) - stuffed beef roulade

Poultry - Drůbeží maso

  • Smažený kuřecí řízek - Breaded chicken schnitzel
  • Pečená kachna - Roast duck served with cabbage and dumplings
  • Pečená husa - Roast goose served with cabbage and dumplings

Venison - Zvěřina

  • Jelení medailonky na jalovci s brusinkovou omáčkou - Deer medallions with juniper cranberry sauce
  • Kančí medailonky se slaninou a bylinkami - Wild boar medallions with bacon and herbs

Fish - Ryby

Fish dishes are eaten less often. The famous carp (capricious) is the traditional food at Christmas, but you can find it occasionally on menus throughout the year.

  • Pstruh - Trout, smažený baked, roštů grilled
  • štiky - pike
  • Treska - Cod
  • Losos - Salmon
  • Plody moře - Seafood is served in better restaurants.
  • Mackerel - Mackerel is often grilled in the fire in summer.

Vegetarian - Bezmasá jídla

  • Smažený sýr - Breaded cheese - breaded, fried hard cheese served with mashed potatoes or French fries and a kind of tartar sauce (tatarska omacka).
  • Smažený květák - Fried cauliflower
  • Smažený žampióny - baked mushroom caps

Salad - Salad

  • Šopský salát - popular salad made from tomatoes, peppers, cucumber and Balkan cheese
  • Zelný salát s křenem - Coleslaw with horseradish

Starters, snacks or snacks with beer - Chuťovky

  • Topinka is a snack between toasted and seasoned bread, often served with tartare.
  • Nakládaný hermelín is Camembert pickled in oil with onions, garlic, paprika and spices.
  • Utopenci (Drowned) are marinated sausages with onions and spices.
  • Olomoucké tvarůžky, or syrečky or tvargle - Olomouc Quargel, a sour milk cheese like Harzer or Handkäse.
  • Obložené chlebíčky are small sandwiches, like sandwiches as a snack between meals
  • Tlačenka - Presswurst (Pressack) with onions and vinegar


Of course you can get doner kebabs, burgers and pizza in the Czech Republic, but there are also special Czech snacks.

  • Bramboráčky - Potato pancakes with sauerkraut
  • Bramborove spiraly - fried potato spirals
  • smažený sýr - baked cheese with fries
  • Parek v Rohlik - Sausages in a croissant

Side dishes - Přílohy

Dumplings - knedlíky

Dumplings are typical, in many variations, yeast dumplings, bread dumplings, potato dumplings or sweet raisin dumplings, often they are also filled with fruit or meat.

  • český knedlík or Houskové knedlíky - Bohemian dumplings, made from a yeast dough with wheat flour, cooked as a loaf in steam or in low-boiling water and cut into slices for serving.
  • Bramborové knedlíky - Sliced ​​potato dumplings
  • Chlupaté knedlíky - Potato dumplings made from raw, grated and boiled potatoes that don't look like German dumplings, but rather from spaetzle to Schupfnudeln
  • Žemlové knedlíky - Dumplings
  • Špekový knedlík - Bacon dumplings
  • Variace knedlíků - dumplings variation


  • Hranolky - French fries
  • Bramborové lupínky - Potato Chips
  • Bramboráčky - Potato pancakes made from grated, raw potatoes, with marjoram and garlic, as an accompaniment to meat or as a separate dish, often as a small meal at the fast food restaurant
  • Pečené brambory ve slupce - Baked potatoes in their skins
  • Vařené brambory - Salt potatoes
  • Šťouchané brambory - Mashed potatoes, mashed potatoes
  • Bramborový salát - Potato salad is available in two versions, the full version with sausage, eggs, pickles, onions, dressed with mayonnaise or as a side dish only with onions and vinegar and oil.


Česká houska se solí a kmínem - Czech rolls with salt and caraway seeds
  • Chléb - Loaf
  • Pečivo - pastries, rolls
  • Rozpečená bageta s bylinkovým máslem - Toasted baguette with herb butter

Further supplements

  • Rýže - rice
  • Grilovaná zelenina - Grilled vegetables
  • Dušené zelí - Stewed cabbage, bílé - white, or červené - red
  • Fazolové lusky s anglickou slaninou - Green beans with bacon
  • Kyselá okurka - cucumber
  • Miska olive - bowl of olives
  • Feferonky - hot peppers

Sauces and dips

  • Tatarská omáčka - Tartare sauce, a kind of tartar sauce
  • Kečup - Ketchup
  • Česnekovým dipem - Garlic dip
  • Křen - horseradish
  • Hořčice - mustard


Typical are desserts made from yeast dough, there are dumplings made from flour, potato or quark dough, filled with different fillings and boiled in salted water. Sweet dishes are not only used as a dessert Dezerty Eaten but also as a main course.

Sweet dumplings - Sladké knedlíky

They are prepared as yeast or potato dumplings and are filled with fruit (strawberries, apricots, plums) or powidl. Served with poppy seeds, grated curd cheese, nuts and with melted butter and often served as a main course.

  • Švestkové knedlíky - Plum dumplings
  • Meruňkové knedlíky - Apricot dumplings
  • Borůvkové knedlíky - blueberry dumplings
  • Povidlové knedlíky - Powidlknödel, dumplings filled with plum jam (Powidl), or Povidlové taštičky - Powidldatschgerl, filled dumplings.

Sweet pastries

  • Buchtičky - Buchteln, filled pieces of dough, e.g. B. Powidl or poppy seed fillings look like steamed noodles, but are baked, not steamed.
  • Koláče - Kolatschen are round pieces of yeast dough, filled with quark, plum jam, poppy seeds or pieces of fruit in the middle and baked on the baking tray.
  • Palačinky - Pancakes are thin pancakes filled with jam džem or strawberries jahody
  • Pardubický perník - Pardubice gingerbread cakes are honey biscuits, similar to gingerbread, and are sold at every fair.
  • Štramberské uši - Stramberger ears are pastries made from gingerbread-like dough. They have been protected across the EU since 2007.
  • Frgál - Golatschen with a thin dough base filled with quark and decorated with plum jam, poppy seeds or jam. They are traditionally baked at Christmas or Easter
  • Jablečný závin - Apple strudel
  • Trdlo will also be Trdelník called and resembles a tree cake. The specialty South bohemia has the shape of a roller as it is baked on sticks. The yeast pastries are often served warm, filled with cinnamon sugar, chocolate sauce, jam, plum jam or with ice cream.


  • Zmrzlinový pohár - Ice cream sundae
  • They are known beyond the city and state borders Karlovy Vary Wafers (Karlovarské oplatky). These are traditionally baked from two round, thin wafers and a filling in the middle. Meanwhile, vanilla, nut and chocolate fillings are no longer the only ones made.

Beverages - nápoje

Motorists should note: In the Czech Republic there is an absolute ban on alcohol at the wheel, zero per mille.

One thing is still possible

Beer - pivo

The Czechs drank an average of 159 liters of barley juice in 2009. This value is not exceeded in any other country in the world. The opinion of the Czechs about their national drink is correspondingly high. Many believe that they brew the world's best beer, but that is and remains a matter of taste. There are still more than 100 breweries in Bohemia and Moravia. Mainly bottom-fermented dark and light foods are brewed.

When toasting, you first hit the glasses with one Na zdraví (Good luck!) And then briefly touches the glass on the table again before taking the sip.

To Plzen and before Prague is Ceske Budejovice (Ceske Budejovice) when it comes to beer. The state brewery in Budweis has to fight internationally with the brewing giant Anheuser-Busch about who is allowed to sell their beer in which country under the effective advertising name. The US company also owns the rights to the name Budweiser through a Bohemian emigrant.

černé pivo - Dark beer, Světlé pivo - light beer

The degrees that you read on beer relate to the original wort: 10 ° beer has around 4 percent alcohol by volume, 12 ° around five percent.

Types of beer

  • Světlé pivo - light beers, such as Staropramen, Samson, Budvar, Gambrinus, Starobrno
  • černé pivo - dark beer like Krušovice, Regent, Purkmistr
  • Dvanáctka - stronger, spicier beer with 12 degrees
  • Desítka - light draft beer with 10 degrees
  • Nealko (Pivo) - Alcohol-free beer

Beer sizes

If you order one malé pivo, you get a 0.3 liter glass. If you just want a beer, they say jedno pivo or velké pivo and gets half a liter. Seldom in restaurants, but there are at beer festivals zlatavý mok (golden drink) one-liter glasses or beer mugs.


  • Plzěnský prazdroj is the famous Pilsener Urquell
  • Gambrinus from Pilsen
  • Budvar (Budweiser) from the city of Budweis (České Budějovice)
  • Staropramen from Prague
  • Starobrno from Brno
At the brewery festival of the Pilsen brewery, the beer (25 Kc) is served in plastic cups with a high deposit (50 Kc). The festival area is very clean and free of broken glass

Beer festivals


  • Bílá vína - White wine
  • Červená vína - red wine
  • That takes place in mid-November Open Cellar Doors Festival with around 30 winemakers and more than 300 wines in the towns Znojmo Hnanice, Dobšice, Nový Šaldorf, Šatov.

Mixed drinks

  • Bavorák (Bayer) is the herbal liqueur Fernet with tonic
  • concrete consisting of Becherovka and tonic


  • Becherovka is the famous herbal liqueur from Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad),


  • Minerálka - Mineral water
  • Pomerančový džus - orange juice
  • Jablečný džus - Apple juice
  • Čaj - tea with sugar (cukr) and lemon (citrón)
  • Káva - coffee with or without milk (mléko), in the cheapest variant as turek (Turkish) - infused in the cup
  • Kofola - Soft drink from before the fall of the century and local competition (usually also cheaper) to Pepsi and Coca-Cola
  • Vinéa - grape lemonade


Stop off

  • Ins restaurace you go to dinner
  • In a hospoda (Restaurant) there are only smaller dishes
  • In a pivnice (Beer hall) maximum cold appetizers
  • In one vycep There is nothing to eat, only to drink

Restaurant chains

In addition to the fast food chains represented around the world, which of course also exist in the Czech Republic, there are also local chains.


  • It happens that the staff rounds up the tip themselves.
  • In some restaurants the waiter puts a basket with slices of bread on the table. If you take even half a slice, the full price for all bread slices will be charged.
  • Sometimes there is an unfamiliar system of surcharges for food and drink bills. In addition to the bread, ketchup, mayonnaise, the popular tartar sauce and even mustard often cost a small amount extra, which makes it difficult to check the correctness of a bill. On the other hand, there are also restaurants where none of this costs anything extra.
  • In simpler restaurants - often in the country - the main courses are served without side dishes on the menu. Side dishes have to be ordered separately (and of course also to be paid for) if you don't want to be left with a bare main course. When ordering, however, you are usually made aware of this.

Culinary calendar

Culinary delights are often seasonal. Fruits and vegetables are tastier when they are ripe; meat and fish are also subject to seasonal influences. Every season of the year, festivals are celebrated that have a general theme or focus on certain foods. There are also drinking and eating habits throughout the year that arose from religious traditions such as fasting times.






  • In Ivančice the savings festival takes place every year in the second half of May.




  • That’s mid-August Beer festival of the family brewery Chodovar in Chodová Planá
  • In Trebon will be in mid-August Fish festival organized, with carp and other fish specialties
  • That’s the end of August Beer referendum in Vrchlabí






  • Elmar Tannert and Martin Droschke: Pilsen, the land of beer. Breweries and sights in western Bohemia. ars vivendi publisher, 2014, ISBN 978-3869134772 , P. 220 (German).


If you want to enjoy Czech cuisine at home, you will find the appropriate recipes in Koch Wiki under Category: Czech cuisine. Have fun cooking at home.

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