Fischland-Darß-Zingst - Fischland-Darß-Zingst

The holiday region Fischland-Darß-Zingst consists of a 45 km long peninsula that extends to the north of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania between Rostock and Stralsund can be found. The region is one of the most beautiful and varied coastal landscapes in the Baltic Sea: Miles of white sandy beaches, deep forests, wide meadows and the bodies of water of the Baltic Sea and Bodden offer the visitor a unique experience of nature.

West beach on the Darß


Map of Fischland-Darß-Zingst

The southwest section of the briefly called FDZ designated peninsula, it is only 300 meters wide at its narrowest point Fischland. At Ahrenshoop this goes into the without natural delimitation Darß above. This adjoins - with the Prerower Strom as a natural border - east of the Zingst at. For a short time, the former island of Großer Werder east of Zingst has also been part of the peninsula chain due to siltation. In the far east lies the uninhabited island of Bock. The northernmost point of the Fischland-Darß-Zingst peninsula is called Darßer Ort.


  • Ahrenshoop - The Baltic seaside resort impresses with the unspoilt and beauty of nature between the lagoon and the sea, which already fascinated the painter Paul Müller-Kaempff more than 100 years ago.
  • Prerow - In the north of the Darß peninsula is the Prerow seaside resort. With up to 5 km long and 100 m wide sandy beaches that are stone-free, sheltered from the wind and child-friendly, it is considered one of the most beautiful Baltic Sea locations.
  • Wieck on the Darß - The former fishing village, a state-approved resort, offers the visitor's eye a romantic harbor and cane-covered roofs on the Bodstädter Bodden.
  • Zingst - Zingst is the easternmost municipality between the Baltic Sea and Bodden. The Baltic Sea spa is located in the middle of the national park. Known for its mild, stimulating climate, Zingst developed into a Baltic health resort without losing its village character.
  • Wustrow - The Baltic resort of Wustrow is characterized by its imposing church, visible from afar, the lush cottage gardens and avenues of hundred-year-old linden trees.

Other goals

The Western Pomerania Lagoon Area National Park is characterized by contrasting landscapes: steep banks and flat coasts, headlands and beach lakes, lagoons, dunes, forests, moors, salt marshes and reed belts alternate in a very small space. It extends from the land of Western Pomerania in the area of ​​the Darß-Zingst peninsula to waters to the west of the island of Rügen. The motto of the protected area, "Let nature be nature", allows natural development and thus an insight into the cycle of nature. The visitor is witness to countless species, e.g. hundreds of thousands of migratory birds, that visit this region every year.


Border post in Ahrenshoop, which marks the former border between Mecklenburg-Schwerin and the Prussian province of Pomerania and thus the transition from Fischland to Darß

Contrasts and varied landscapes form the character of the peninsula. It is a crown jewel of nature, which is strictly protected from human influences by the national park "Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft". Above all, painters and poets, scientists and thinkers appreciated the unspoilt nature of this region. With brush and paint, in poems and stories, they try again and again to capture the rough forces of nature on canvas and paper. Since then, great importance has been attached to everything that is original, to the established village structures and the regional building culture. Even new houses are covered with reeds, smoothly plastered, heavily painted and provided with richly decorated doors in order to maintain the typical character. Anyone who has been caught by the irresistible magic of this region will find it difficult to escape it again.

The historical border between the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (or from 1934 to 1945 the State of Mecklenburg) and the Prussian province of Pomerania ran on the peninsula. The Darß and the Zingst therefore belong to Western Pomerania, while Fischland belongs to Mecklenburg. From the Prussian mainland to the Prussian parts of the peninsula, you could only get there by sea across the bay or through other Mecklenburg countries. In the past, many fishermen were also active as smugglers and brought goods that were less taxed in the other country across the Saaler Bodden, which, among other things, took place in the factory De Darßer Smuggler by the local poet Johann Segebarth and the annual Darß Festival. At the present time, however, the differentiation between Mecklenburg and Pomerania no longer has any practical impact; According to the current administrative structure, the entire peninsula belongs to the district of Vorpommern-Rügen. Only a few elderly residents still hoist the blue-yellow-red flag of Mecklenburg with the bull's head in a local patriotic manner in Fischland, while the blue and white griffin banner of Pomerania can be seen on the Darß and Zingst.

getting there

By plane

  • In Barth there is the small "Ostseeflughafen Stralsund-Barth", which mainly offers sightseeing flights offers.
  • The nearest regional airport is Rostock-Laage

By train

As well in Ribnitz-Damgarten (West) as well as in Velgast Intercity trains from Hamburg / Rostock and Stralsund stop every two hours (individual trains also continuously from Stuttgart - Kassel - Hanover or Koblenz - Cologne - Bremen). Coming from Berlin, you have to change trains in Rostock. In Velgast you can change to the Usedomer Bäderbahn after Barth.

From Barth and Ribnitz-Damgarten, bus line 210 of the North Western Pomerania Transport Association takes you to the peninsula (bicycle transport is possible). It stops in all places on the peninsula. See driving times Timetable on (Verkehrsgesellschaft Vorpommern-Rügen)]. As of summer 2019, there are only 8 trips per day on line 210 on Sundays and public holidays, despite the high season. At least one hourly service is offered on weekdays.

From Berlin it is a total of just under 5 hours, from Hamburg 3½ to 4 hours.

For the future there are controversial plans to let the Darßbahn run again on the peninsula to Zingst or even to Prerow. The route currently ends in Barth on the mainland. In 2017, there was even a threat of rail traffic on the remaining Barth-Velgast section. For more information (also on reactivation) see Wikipedia article Darßbahn.

By bus

During the summer season (mid-May to mid-September), the OstseeExpress runs every Saturday without changing from Dresden to Wustrow, Ahrenshoop, Born, Prerow and Zingst. The return trip costs € 97. Timetable

In the street

The main road on the peninsula is the L21, which branches off the B 105 (Rostock - Stralsund) at Ribnitz-Damgarten, runs through all the important places on the peninsula and comes back to the mainland via a bridge at Barth. During the holiday periods, there are often long traffic jams, especially on Saturdays (arrival and departure days for most holiday apartments).

  • From Berlin: take the A24 in the direction of Hamburg, at the Wittstock / Dosse junction change to the A19 in the direction of Rostock, at exit 6 / Rostock-Ost change to the B105 in the direction of Ribnitz-Damgarten, after 18 km turn left onto the L21 in the direction of Flischland -Darß-Zingst. Travel time from Berlin approx. 3 hours.
  • From Hamburg: take the A20 in the direction of Rostock, at the Rostock junction change to the A 19 in the direction of Rostock-Überseehafen / Kessin, at exit 6 / Rostock-Ost take the B105 in the direction of Ribnitz-Damgarten, then continue as above. Travel time from Hamburg 2½ to 3 hours.
  • Coming from Stralsund it depends on whether you want to go to Zingst / Darß or to Fischland: for the former it is shorter to leave the B105 at Löbnitz and drive via Barth, for the latter you stay on the B105 to Ribnitz-Damgarten.

By boat

There are harbors and landing stages around the Bodden waters. On the Baltic Sea side, there is only the port at Darßer Ort between Rostock and Rügen, which can only be called in in an emergency. There are regular services from Stralsund to Zingst (2½ hours).

By bicycle

The Baltic Sea Cycle Route also opens up the Fischland-Darß-Zingst peninsula.


By far the greatest number of holidaymakers travel by car. The car is also available for excursions in the region.

A form of mobility that is popular on site is the bicycle. The Baltic Sea Cycle Route connects all places in the region. It leads along the beautiful landscape of the bay. Some of the sights such as the "Darßer Ort" headland in the national park can only be reached by bike or on foot.

By bus

The Verkehrsgemeinschaft Nordvorpommern Rügen (VVR) runs several times a day on line 210 between Ribnitz-Damgarten (end of the railway) - Wustrow - Ahrenshoop - Born - Prerow - Zingst - Barth (end of the railway). However, the summer schedule for line 210 is sometimes quite thin. For example, on Sundays, despite the high season, there are just 8 trips a day in each direction. There is at least one hour day on weekdays. For more see Timetable on (Verkehrsgesellschaft Vorpommern-Rügen).

Single tickets can be purchased or that Tourist ticket North Western Pomerania, which entitles you to use the VGN buses as often as you like on all lines from Saturday to Sunday of the following week. The price is € 25.00 per person or € 15.00 reduced.

Furthermore, various shipping companies offer Tours on the Bodden at. Departure points are, for example, Prerow, Ahrenshoop or Born.

Tourist Attractions

Darßer place with lighthouse and natureum

View of the lighthouse
View from the lighthouse to the northern tip of the Darß

The wild northern tip of the Darßes is a popular destination for the day. The coastline is still subject to major changes here. On the west beach, especially during the autumn and winter storms, sand is removed and re-landed northeast of the headland. The headland is now largely protected by the national park. The deer rut can be observed in autumn.

The "Nothafen Darßer Ort" is located on the east coast of Darßer Ort. The port was built in the 1960s as a military port for the GDR navy. Private yachts are only allowed to enter the port in emergencies. Part of the port is probably threatened with silting up. When the new Baltic Sea port of Prerow is realized (unclear), the port is supposed to be completely closed.

For background see also Wikopedia article "Darßer place.

  • Darßer Ort lighthouse. The structure can be found on the northern tip of the Darß peninsula. The tower is a popular destination for bike tours through the wild Darßwald. The 35.4 m high tower can be climbed via 134 steps. From above you have a beautiful panoramic view of the headland "Darßer Ort", the west beach and the wide Darß forest.Open: Museum opening times.Price: museum admission.
  • 1  Natureum Darßer Ort. At the tower you will find the Natureum, a branch of the German Maritime Museum in Stralsund. The lighthouse can be climbed through the museum. A natural history exhibition can be seen in the museum itself.Open: June to August: daily 10 am-6pm; May, September and October: daily 10 am-5pm; November to April: Wed to Sun 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.Price: € 5, children (4-16 years) € 3.
  • Circular hiking trail Darßer Ort: A 3.7 km long circular hiking trail opens up the wild nature of the region. Beach, dunes and swamp areas can be found on the round.
  • Gastronomy: The museum cafe is only accessible to museum visitors.
  • Public toilets can be found at 1 (Fee).

Getting there: The best way to get to the lighthouse is by bike. The bicycle parking lot with wooden leaning brackets is located directly opposite the tower. It is not possible to arrive by car. The next 1 Bernsteinweg car park (next car park to Darßer Ort. Carriage rides and "Bimmelbahn" train to the lighthouse) can be found in Prerow on the Bernsteinweg. From the Bernsteinweg in Prerow, carriage rides to the tower are also offered (between May and the beginning of November, see for more information

From the "Bernsteinweg" car park in Prerow, the "Darßbahn" tram also runs to the 2 Darßer Ort emergency port (Timetable and prices). There is an attractive hiking trail from the emergency port to the lighthouse (just under 2 km easy).

Darßwald and Weststrand am Darß

Swamp in the Darßwald

The unspoilt Darßwald is bordered to the west towards the Baltic Sea by an approximately 9 km long, quite wild natural sand beach. It is known 1 West beach also for them Wind evacuator. The trees in the beach area have adapted their growth to the prevailing winds inland. This resulted in bizarre tree shapes. On a leisurely bike tour, all the Darßes destinations (Darßwald, Weststrand, Darßer Ort lighthouse with Natureum) can be easily reached in one day.

Directions Darßwald / Weststrand: For example to 3 Three oaks car park (chargeable) on the road between Ahrenshoop and Born. There is also a bus stop for line 210 (name: Born, Drei Eichen) here.

More Attractions

View from the Fischlandkirche towards the Bodden.
  • 2 Fischlandkirche with a viewpoint - The church in Wustrow was built in 1873 with features of the neo-Gothic style. The tower of the church can be climbed (beautiful panoramic view of the place and the lagoon landscape). Opening times see article Wustrow
  • Local museum in Zingst - shows inter alia the Zingster Amber Room.


Otter in sight - keep calm!
In the beach and dune areas of the region, the Adder, a native endangered venomous snake, native. The adder still finds suitable habitats, especially in the wild Darß Forest. It is therefore best for walks on smaller, more natural hiking trails sturdy, closed footwear use. When hiking, the animals usually disappear before they can be seen due to the vibrations of the ground. For more on the topic, see here Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft National Park "Flora and Fauna" section.

Of water sports A wide range of activities opens up for the visitor to animal observation. Schools offer diving, sailing or kite surfing courses, among other things. There is also the possibility to take part in boat trips or canoe trips. Those who prefer not to use a car can explore nature on foot, by bike, on horseback or in a carriage.

An incomparable natural spectacle is offered when the Cranes Every year in spring and autumn glide through the air trumpeting. But also hunters and anglers get their money's worth on Fischland-Darß-Zingst.

Another highlight is the every year Wustrower Zeesenbootregatta on the Saaler Bodden on the 1st Saturday in July. Opened by a harbor festival in the morning, the actual regatta does not begin until noon. A subsequent dance with live music rounds off the evening.


The regional cuisine of the peninsula is made up of a wide variety of local products: more exclusive fish from the bay and the Baltic Sea and fresh Wild from the forests of the Darß and the southern lagoon coast form a component. Herbs of nature, products of Sea buckthorn, Honey, Goat cheese or other dairy products complete the range. Traditional or experimental dishes are created from these ingredients and offer culinary delights at the highest level.

Examples: Baltic cod roulade, smoked pomeranian leg of goose, Mecklenburg rib roast According to an old house recipe or a terrine from Daskower goat cheese.

More on the topic of kitchen can be found at: Eating and drinking in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania


Countless concerts, open-air theater, exhibitions and other events attract visitors to the peninsula. A highlight are those Darßer Festivalaiming at the acceptance of Low German. The pieces are played alternately in High German / Missingsch and on flat (Festival site).



Red and yellow flag - bathing allowed
Red, yellow and yellow flags - swimming is prohibited for children and inexperienced swimmers
Red flag - bathing prohibited
The bathing zone marking of the DLRG
  • General bathing rules and notices
    • Never bathe where there is shipping traffic
    • Do not let children play unsupervised on the bank or in the water
    • Air mattresses and swimming aids are not safe
    • The waves of incoming and outgoing ships are bigger
    • Offshore winds make swimming back to shore difficult.
    • Sharp-edged mussels can grow on groynes below the waterline
    • Jumping and bathing at the pier is prohibited due to the high risk of injury
    • Pay attention to the instructions on the rescue towers
    • Do not go into the water with a very full or very empty stomach
  • Rescue phone number 112
  • Meaning of the flags on the beach:
    • A red and yellow flag shows on the mast of a guard station Bathing allowed, the bathing area is secured by lifeguards.
    • A red and yellow flag and a yellow flag signals a bathing ban for children and inexperienced swimmers.
    • A single one red flag shows, bathing forbidden, due to hazards such as currents, high waves or water pollution.
    • If there is one Water sports area on the beach, he's with you black and white flags delimited. Bathing and swimming is not allowed on the beach between the flags.
  • Is on the beach Sun protection Of course, even when it's cool and a constant wind keeps the temperature low, the UV radiation is very intense.
  • One encounters in the entire Baltic Sea Jellyfishwhich are mostly harmless. However, contact with a fire jellyfish can be very uncomfortable. After contact with a fire jellyfish, the affected areas should be treated with vinegar or shaving foam. Carefully scrape off any threads and tentacles, for example with a plastic card or with sand or salt water. Under no circumstances wash off with fresh water or alcohol. Then apply burn ointment or anti-allergic ointment and see a doctor if you feel unwell or have allergic reactions.
  • When collecting Amber there is danger, since amber with the dangerous doppelganger phosphorus can be confused, which comes from sunk ammunition. If the damp phosphorus dries, it will self-ignite, so you shouldn't transport your finds in your trouser or jacket pocket, but in metal containers. It is better to dry the find on a fireproof surface. If the clothing catches fire, take it off immediately, phosphor residues on the skin must be removed quickly. The fire cannot be extinguished with water; it can best be smothered with damp sand.

Practical advice

Almost every coastal town in the region asks holidaymakers and day visitors to pay. The Tourist tax (also referred to as health resort tax, health resort card, health resort contribution or tourism contribution) is used for cleaning and maintaining the beaches, promenades and tourist infrastructure, or for free entertainment, holiday shuttles, bathing railways, beach and bathing safety, etc. The prices are between € 1 and € 3 €. The tourist tax is paid to the landlord, who also hands over the tourist card. Another possibility is the local tourist information. For day visitors, the fee is often collected from machines at the beach entrances. Each coastal town has its own regulation regarding the price and the minimum age from when you have to pay. The services are also different, in some places the toilets are free, in others not. Further information is available from the local tourist information offices.


All of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania offers the due to fresh breezes and low emissions purest and cleanest air in Germanywhich has been below the EU limit values ​​and even below the national average for years. The climate, which is mainly determined by the Baltic Sea, is good for allergy sufferers and especially for people with respiratory diseases. The beneficial effect is determined by that mild stimulating climate, the salty and humid sea air, the low temperature fluctuations, the high air exchange and the long hours of sunshine. Since all Baltic resorts can refer to a coastal forest, the air is also very rich in oxygen.


The Hanseatic cities of Stralsund, Rostock and possibly also offer interesting excursion destinations Greifswald The peninsula is also an ideal starting point for tours of the island to reprimand.

A nice destination, especially for families, is the generous one Marlow Bird Park (Located about 25 km inland near Marlow).

Individual evidence


  • Cycling and hiking map Fischland, Darss, Zingst - M 1: 50,000; ISBN 978-3929993332 (9th edition from May 2009); published by Verlag Grünes Herz for € 4.95

Web links

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